
Pierre Debes
Pierre Dèbes / Publications
7- Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory. MFO-RIMS Tandem workshop held 24 September - 29 September 2023, Oberwolfach Rep. 20 no. 3, File PDF, (2023), 2377-2488 (112 pages). [organized by B. Collas, P. Dèbes, Y. Hoshi and A. Mézard].
6- Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory. MFO workshop held 7 March - 13 March 2021, Oberwolfach Rep. 18 no. 1, File PDF, (2022), 663-744 (78 pages). [organized by B. Collas, P. Dèbes, H. Nakamura and J. Stix].
5- Arithmetic geometry and symmetries around Galois and fundamental groups. MFO mini-workshop held April 15-21, 2018, Oberwolfach Rep. 15 no. 2, File PDF, (2019), 60 pages. [organized by B. Collas, P. Dèbes and M. D. Fried].
4- Geometry and Arithmetic around Galois Theory. Proceedings of the 2008-2009 GTEM/Tubitak Summer Schools in Istanbul, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 304, Birkhauser, 2013, 385 pages. [co-editor with M. Emsalem, M. Romagny, M. Uludag].
3- Groupes de Galois géométriques et différentiels. Proceedings of the 2010 Luminy meeting, 29 Mars-3 Avril 2010, Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 27, SMF, 2012. [co-éditeur avec D. Bertrand, P. Boalch, J.-M. Couveignes]
2- Arithmétique des revêtements de la droite. Notes de cours DEA/Master, chapitres 1-10, 300 pages, 2024 (en chantier). File PDF.
1- Groupes de Galois arithmétiques et différentiels. Proceedings of the 2004 Luminy meeting, March 8-13, Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 13, SMF, 392 pages, 2006. [co-editor with D. Bertrand]
66- Improvements on dimension growth results and effective Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, preprint (2024), 37 pages. [with R. Cluckers, Y. Hendel, K. Nguyen and F. Vermeulen]. File PDF.
65- Coprime values of polynomials in several variables. Israel J. Math., 257/1 (2023), 25-54. [with A. Bodin]. File PDF.
64- The Hilbert-Schinzel specialization property. J. fur die reine und angew. Math., 785 (2022), 55–79 [with A. Bodin, J. Koenig and S. Najib]. File PDF.
63- On parametric and generic polynomials with one parameter. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225 (2021). [with J. Koenig, F. Legrand and D. Neftin]. File PDF.
62- Rational pullbacks of Galois covers. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 299(3), (2021), 1507-1531. (first version at arXiv:1807.01937). [with J. Koenig, F. Legrand and D. Neftin]. File PDF.
61- Prime and coprime values of polynomials. L'Enseignement Mathématique (2) 66 (2020), 169-182. arxiv.org/abs/2002.02292 [with A. Bodin and S. Najib] File PDF.
60- The Schinzel hypothesis for polynomials. Transactions A.M.S., 373/12 (2020), 8339 - 8364. arxiv.org/abs/1902.08155 [with A. Bodin and S. Najib]. File PDF.
59- Pre-Galois theory. Osaka J. Math., 58/1, (2021). [with D. Harbater]. File PDF.
58- Groups with no parametric Galois realizations. Annales Sci. E.N.S., vol. 51, (2018), 143-179. File PDF.
57- Specialization and Localization in Inverse Galois Theory. Oberwolfach Reports, vol. 15/2, (2018). File PDF. See also MFO slides. File PDF. And Advances in Inverse Galois Theory. 2018 Research Project. File PDF.
56- Families of polynomials and their specializations. J. Number Theory, vol. 170 (2017), 390-408. File PDF. [with A. Bodin and S. Najib]
55- On the Malle conjecture and the self-twisted cover. Israel J. Math., vol. 218 (2017), 101-131. File PDF.
54- Reduction and Specialization of Polynomials. Acta Arithmetica, vol. 172/2, (2016), 175-197. File PDF.
53- Function field extensions and the Tchebotarev property. J. Algebra, vol. 446, (2016), 346--372, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.algebra.2015.08.020. [with S. Checcoli]. File PDF.
52- Specialization results in Galois theory. Transactions A. M. S., vol. 365, no 10, 2013, 5259-5275. [with F. Legrand]. File PDF.
51- Twisted covers and specializations. in Galois-Teichmueller theory and Arithmetic Geometry, Proceedings for Conferences in Kyoto (October 2010), H. Nakamura, F. Pop, L. Schneps, A. Tamagawa eds., Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics [with F. Legrand]. File PDF.
50- Specializations of indecomposable polynomials. Manuscripta Math., vol. 139, Numbers 3-4, 2012, 391-403. [with A. Bodin and G. Chèze]. File PDF.
49- Galois covers and the Hilbert-Grunwald property. Ann. Inst. Fourier, vol. 62, no 3, 2012, 989-1013. [with N. Ghazi]. File PDF.
48- Specializations of Galois covers of the line. Alexandru Myller Mathematical Seminar, Proceedings of the Centennial Conference, V. Barbu and O. Carja, dds, American Institute of Physics, vol. 1329, 2011, 98-108, [with N. Ghazi]. File PDF.
47- On indecomposable polynomials and their spectrum. Acta Arithmetica, vol. 139, 2009, 79-100 [with A. Bodin and S. Najib]. File PDF.
46- Irreducibility of hypersurfaces. Comm. in Alg., vol. 37, no 6, 2009, 1884-1900. [with A. Bodin and S. Najib]. File PDF.
45- Abelian constraints in inverse Galois theory. Manuscripta Math., vol. 128, no 3, 2009, 329-341. [with A. Cadoret]. File PDF.
44- Bounds for Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem. Pure & Applied Math. Quarterly, vol. 4, no 4, 2008, 1059-1083, [with Y. Walkowiak]. File PDF.
43- An introduction to the modular tower program. in Groupes de Galois arithmétiques et différentiels (Luminy 2004),
eds. D. Bertrand and P. Dèbes, Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 13, SMF, 2006, 127-144. File PDF. voir aussi Modular Towers. Lecture Notes, GTEM Summer School, 09-20 June, 2008, Istanbul, Geometry and Arithmetic
of Moduli Spaces of Covers. File PDF. -
42- Harbater-Mumford Components and Towers of Moduli Spaces. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, vol. 5, no 3, 2006, 351-371. [with M. Emsalem]. File PDF.
41- Corps psi-libres et théorie inverse de Galois infinie. J. fur die reine und angew. Math., vol. 574, 2004, 197-218. [with B. Deschamps]. File PDF.
40- Descent varieties for algebraic covers. J. fur die reine und angew. Math., vol. 574, 2004, 51-78. [with J.-C. Douai and L. Moret-Bailly]. File PDF.
39- Finiteness results in descent theory. J. London Math. Soc. (2), vol. 68, 2003, 52-64. [with G. Derome]. File PDF.
38- Descent theory for algebraic covers. Proceedings of the Von Neumann Symposium on Arithmetic Fundamental Groups and Noncommutative Algebra (MSRI 1999), Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, vol. 70, AMS,
ed. by M. Fried and Y. Ihara, (2002), 3-25. File PDF. -
37- Revêtements topologiques. annexe du volume Arithmétique des revêtements algébriques, Proceedings des Journées ``Revêtements'' (St-Etienne 2000), Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 5, SMF, 2001, 163-214. File PDF.
36- Méthodes topologiques et analytiques en théorie inverse de Galois -- théorème d'existence de Riemann. dans Arithmétique des revêtements algébriques, Proceedings des Journées ``Revêtements'' (St-Etienne 2000), Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 5, SMF, 2001, 27-41. File PDF.
35- Théorie inverse de Galois et géométrie - une introduction. dans Arithmétique des revêtements algébriques, Proceedings des Journées ``Revêtements'' (St-Etienne 2000), Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 5, SMF, 2001, 1-26. File PDF.
34- Familles de Hurwitz et cohomologie non-abélienne. Ann. Inst. Fourier, vol. 50, no 1, 2000, 113-149. [with J.-C. Douai and M. Emsalem]. File PDF.
33- Regular realization of abelian groups with controlled ramification. in Applications of Curves over Finite Fields, Contemporary Math., vol. 245, M. D. Fried ed., 1999, 109-115. File PDF.
32- Galois covers with prescribed fibers: the Beckmann-Black problem. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, Cl. Sci. 4, vol. 28, 1999, 273-286. File PDF.
31- Integral specialization of families of rational functions. Pacific J. Math., vol. 190, no 1, 1999, 45-85. [with M. Fried]. File PDF.
30- Some arithmetic properties of algebraic covers. in Aspects of Galois Theory, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, vol. 256, H. Voelklein, P. Mueller, D. Harbater and J. G. Thompson ed., Cambridge University Press, 1999, 66-84. File PDF.
29- Arithmétique et espaces de modules de revêtements. in Number Theory in Progress, Proceedings of the Number Theory conference in Zakopane, (K. Gyory, H. Iwaniec and J. Urbanowicz ed.), Walter de Gruyter, 1999, 75-102. File PDF (english version: File PDF)
28- Almost hilbertian fields. Acta Arithmetica, vol. 88, no 3, 1999, 269-287. [with D. Haran]. File PDF.
27- Density results for Hilbert subsets. Indian J. Pure and Applied Math., vol. 30, no 1, 1999, 109-127. File PDF.
26- Gerbes and covers. Comm. in Algebra, vol. 27, no 2, 1999, 577-594. [with J.-C. Douai]. File PDF.
25- On fields of moduli of curves. J. Algebra, vol. 211, 1999, 42-56. [with M. Emsalem]. File PDF.
24- Fields of definition of p-adic covers. J. fur die reine und angew. Math., vol. 498, 1998, 223-236. [with D. Harbater]. File PDF.
23- Universal Hilbert subsets. Math. Proc. Cambridge Phi. Soc., vol. 124, 1998, 127-134. [with U. Zannier]. File PDF.
22- Local-global principles for algebraic covers. Israel J. Math., vol. 103, 1998, 237-257. [with J.-C. Douai]. File PDF.
21- Hilbert's irreducibility theorem and G-functions. Math. Annalen, vol. 309, no 3, 1997, 491-503. [with U. Zannier]. File PDF.
20- The Regular Inverse Galois problem over large fields. in Geometric Galois Action, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, vol. 243, L. Schneps and P. Lochak ed., Cambridge University Press, 1997, 119-138. [with B. Deschamps]. File PDF.
19- Algebraic covers: field of moduli versus field of definition. Annales Sci. E.N.S., vol. 30, 1997, 303-338. [with J.-C. Douai]. File PDF.
18- Hilbert subsets and s-integral points. Manuscripta Mathematica, vol. 89, 1996, 107-137. File PDF.
17- Compte rendu sur le livre Topics in Galois Theory de J.P.-Serre. Gazette des mathématiciens, vol. 66, SMF, 10/95, [traduction d'une ``Book review'' de M.~Fried, Bull. A.M.S., vol. 30, (01/94)]. File PDF.
16- On a problem of Dvornicich and Zannier. Acta Arithmetica, vol. 73, no 4, 1995, 379-387. File PDF.
15- Covers of P1 over the p-adics. in Recent Developments in the Inverse Galois Problem, Contemporary Math., vol. 186, M. D. Fried ed., 1995, 217-238. File PDF.
14- Nonrigid constructions in Galois theory. Pacific J. Math., vol. 163, no 1, 1994, 81-122. [with M. Fried]. File PDF.
13- Critères de descente pour le corps de définition des G-revêtements de P1. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série I, t. 315, 1992, 863-868. File PDF.
12- On the irreducibility of the polynomials P(t^m,Y). J. Number Theory, vol. 42, no 2, 1992, 141-157. File PDF.
11- Groupes de Galois sur K(T). Sém. Th. Nombres de Bordeaux, vol. 2, 1990, 229-243. File PDF.
10- Etude arithmétique des revêtements de P1. mémoire HDR, Publications Univ. Paris 10 et Publications Univ. Paris 6 (``Problèmes diophantiens''), 1991. File PDF.
9- Rigidity and real residue class fields. Acta Arithmetica, vol. 56, no 4, 1990, 291-323. [with M. Fried]. File PDF.
8- Arithmetic variation of fibers in algebraic families of curves. J. fur die reine und angew. Math., vol. 409, 1990, 106-137. [with M. Fried]. File PDF.
7- Résultats récents liés au théorème d'irréductibilité de Hilbert. Sém. Th. Nombres Paris 85/86, 27ème année, 1987, 19-37. File PDF.
6- Parties hilbertiennes et progressions géométriques. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série I, t. 302, no 3, 1986, 87-90. File PDF.
5- G-fonctions et théorème d'irréductibilité de Hilbert. Acta Arithmetica, vol. 47, no 4, 1986, 371-402. File PDF.
4- Quelques remarques sur un article de Bombieri concernant le théorème de décomposition de Weil. Amer. J. Math., 107, 1985, 39-44. File PDF.
3- Valeurs algébriques de fonctions algébriques et théorème d'irréductibilité de Hilbert. Thèse de doctorat, Publications Univ. Paris 6, 1984. File PDF.
2- Spécialisations de polynômes. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci., Royal Soc. Canada, vol. 5, no 6, 1983, 247-252. File PDF.
1- Une version effective du théorème d'irréductibilité de Hilbert. Sém. Anal. Ultramétrique Amice-Christol-Robba, 10ème année, 1982/83, no 10. File PDF.