Michael Baudoin
A. Publications dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
(*auteur correspondant)
[A45] S. Almohamad, G.K. Modler, R. Chutani, U. Ghosh, S. Cleve, H. Bruus and M. Baudoin*, Miscible fluids patterning and micro-manipulation with vortex-based single-beam acoustical tweezers, submitted (2024)
[A44] L. Guerassimoff, S. De Smedt, F. Sauvage, M. Baudoin*, Acoustic tweezers for targeted drug delivery, submitted (2024)
[A43] J.P. Martishang, A. Roux, M. Baudoin*, Acoustic dipole surfing on its own acoustic field: toward acoustic quantum analogues, submitted (2023)
[A42] R. Al Sahely, J.C. Gerbedoen, N. Smagin, R. Chutani, O. Bou Matar, M. Baudoin*, Ultra-High frequency vortex-based tweezers for microparticles manipulation with high spatial selectivity, submitted (2022)
[A41] V. Daru*, M. Baudoin*, High speed and acceleration micrometric jets induced by GHz streaming: a numerical study with direct numerical simulations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155, 2470-2481 (2024) (pdf), Link to the paper.
[A40] A. Goerlinger, M. Baudoin, F. Zoueshtiagh, A. Duchesne, Oscillations and cavity modes in the circular hydraulic jump, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. , 131: 194001(2023) (pdf), Link to the paper, Highlighted in APS Physics and selected among the Editors' suggestion
[A39] N. Chastrette, M. Baudoin, P. Brunet, L. Royon, R. Wunenburger*, Elucidating the oscillation instability of sessile drops triggered by surface acoustic waves, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7: 124201 (2022) (pdf), Link to the paper
[A38] A. Roux, J.P. Martishang, M. Baudoin*, Self radiation force on a moving monopolar source, J. Fluid Mech., 952, A22 (2022) (pdf), Link to the paper
[A37] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Single beam acoustical tweezers based on focused beams: A numerical analysis of 2D and 3D trapping capabilities, Phys. Rev. Appl., 18: 044033 (2022) (pdf), Link to the paper
[A36] A. Roux, A. Duchesne, M. Baudoin*, Everlasting bubbles and liquid films resisting drainage, evaporation and nuclei-induced bursting, Phys. Rev. Fluid (Letter), 7: L011601 (2022), highlighted in NATURE and APS Physics and selected among the Editors’ suggestion, (pdf), Link to the paper
[A35] P. Brunet*, M. Baudoin, Unstationary dynamics of drops subjected to MHz surface acoustic waves modulated at low frequency, accepted in Exp. Fluids., 63:34 (2022) (pdf), Link to the paper
[A34] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Equivalence between angular spectrum-based and multipole expansion-based formulas of the acoustic radiation force and torque, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 149: 3469-3482 (2021), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A33] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Three-dimensional trapping and dynamic axial manipulation with frequency-tuned spiraling acoustical tweezers: A theoretical study, Phys. Rev. Appl., 16: 024034 (2021, (pdf), Link to the paper
[A32] A. Riaud*, Q. Wang, Z. Gong J. Zhou and M. Baudoin*, Acoustic radiation force on small spheres due to transient acoustic fields, Phys. Rev. Appl., 15: 044034 (2021), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A31] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Three-dimensional trapping and assembly of small particles with synchronized spherical acoustical vortices, Phys. Rev. Appl., 14: 064002 (2020), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A30] Z. Gong*, M. Baudoin, Acoustic radiation torque on a particle in a fluid: an angular spectrum based compact expression, accepted for publication in J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(5): 3131-3140 (2020), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A29] P. Favreau, A. Duchesne, F. Zoueshtiagh, M. Baudoin*, The motion of long levitating drops in tubes in an anti-Bretherton configuration, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125: 194501 (2020), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A28] M. Baudoin*, J.-L. Thomas, R.A. Sahely, J.C. Gerbedoen, Z. Gong, A. Sivery, O. Bou Matar, N. Smagin, A. Vlandas*, Spatialy selective manipulation of cells with single beam acoustical tweezers, Nature Commu., 11: 4244 (2020), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A27] A. Bussonnière, A. Antkowiak, F.Ollivier, M. Baudoin, R. Wunenburger*, Acoustic sensing of forces driving fast capillary flows, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124: 084502 (2020), Editor’s suggestion, Highlighted in APS Physics, (pdf), Link to the paper
[A26] M. Baudoin*, J.-L. Thomas*, Acoustic tweezers for particle and fluid micromanipulation, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 52: 205-234 (2020), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A25] M. Baudoin*, J.-C. Gerbedoen, A. Riaud, O. Bou Matar, N. Smagin, J.-L. Thomas, Folding a focalized acoustical vortex on a flat holographic transducer: miniaturized selective acoustical tweezer, Science Advances, 5: eaav1967 (2019), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A24] Z. Gong, M. Baudoin*, Particle assembly with synchronized acoustical tweezers, Phys. Rev. Appl., 12: 024045 (2019), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A23] S. Signé Mamba, F. Zoueshtiagh, M. Baudoin*, Pressure-driven dynamics of liquid plugs in rectangular micro-channels: influence of the transition between static and dynamic film deposition regimes, Int. J. Multiph. Flow, 113: 343-357 (2019), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A22] S. Signé Mamba, J.C. Magniez, F. Zoueshtiagh, M. Baudoin*, Dynamics of a liquid plug in a capillary tube under cyclic forcing: memory effects and airway reopening, J. Fluid. Mech.: 838: 165-191 (2018), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A21] G. Prabhudesai, I. Bihi, F. Zoueshtiagh, J. Jose, M. Baudoin*, Nonspherical armoured bubbles vibration, Soft Matter, 13: 3879 (2017), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A20] A. Riaud, M. Baudoin*, O. Bou Matar, L. Becera, J.-L. Thomas*, Selective manipulation of microscopic particles with precursor swirling Rayleigh waves, Phys. Rev. Appl., 7: 024007 (2017), highlighted in Physics Buzz of APS Central, (pdf), Link to the paper
[A19] A. Riaud, M. Baudoin*, O. Bou Matar, J.-L. Thomas, P. Brunet, On the influence of viscosity and caustics on acoustic streaming in sessile droplets: an experimental and a numerical study with a cost-effective method, J. Fluid Mech., 81: 384-420 (2017) , highlighted in “Focus on Fluids”, (pdf), Link to the paper
[A18] I. Bihi, M. Baudoin*, J.E. Butler, C.Faille F. Zoueshtiagh*, Inverse Saffman-Taylor experiments with particles lead to capillary driven fingering instabilities, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117: 034501 (2016), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A17] J.C. Magniez, M. Baudoin*, C. Liu, F. Zoueshtiagh, Dynamics of liquid plugs in prewetted capillary tubes: from acceleration and rupture to deceleration and airway obstruction, Soft Matter, 12: 8710-8717(2016), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A16] A. Bussonière, M. Baudoin*, P. Brunet and O. Bou Matar, Dynamics of sessile and pendant drop excited by surface acoustic waves: gravity effects and correlation between oscillatory and translational motions, Phys. Rev. E, 93: 053106 (2016), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A15] C. Faille*, I. Bihi, A. Ronse, G. Ronse, M. Baudoin and F. Zoueshtiagh, Drying conditions of a contaminated surface and the subsequent resistance to detachment of adherent microspheres and Bacilius spores, Coll. Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 143: 293-300 (2016), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A14] A. Riaud, M. Baudoin*, J.-L. Thomas, O. Bou Matar, SAW synthesis with inverse filter and IDTs array: toward a versatile platform for microfluidics and biological applications, IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr., 63(10): 1601-1607 (2016), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A13] A. Riaud, J.L. Thomas, M. Baudoin* and O. Bou Matar, Taming the degeneracy of Bessel beams at anisotropic-isotropic interface: toward three dimensional control of confined vortical waves, Phys. Rev. E, 92: 063201 (2015), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A12] A. Riaud, J.L. Thomas, E. Charron, A. Bussonière, O. Bou Matar and M. Baudoin*, Anisotropic swirling surface acoustic waves synthesis by inverse filter for on-chip generation of acoustical vortices, Phys. Rev. Appl., 4: 034004 (2015), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A11] F. Zoueshtiagh*, M. Baudoin*, D. Guerrin, Capillary tube wetting induced by particles: towards armoured bubbles tailoring, Soft Matter, 10(47): 9403-9412 (2014). Front cover of the journal and selected as one of the hot papers of the year, (pdf), Link to the paper
[A10] A. Bussonière, Y. Miron, M. Baudoin*, O. Bou-Matar, M. Grandbois, P. Charette*, and A. Renaudin*, Cell detachment and label-free cell sorting using modulated surface acoustic waves in droplet-based microfluidics, Lab on a chip, 14: 3556 (2014), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A9] A. Riaud, M. Baudoin*, J.-L. Thomas, O. Bou-Matar, Cyclones and attractive streaming generated by acoustical vortices, Phys. Rev. E, 90: 013008 (2014), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A8] M. Baudoin, Y. Song, P. Manneville, C.N. Baroud*, Airways reopening through catastrophic events in a hierarchical network, Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci., 110: 859-864 (2013), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A7] M. Baudoin*, P. Brunet, O. Bou-Matar, E. Herth, Low power sessile droplet actuation via modulated surface acoustic waves, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100: 154102 (2012), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A6] M. Baudoin, F. Coulouvrat*, J.-L. Thomas, Sound, infrasound and sonic boom absorption by atmospheric clouds, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130: 1142-1153 (2011), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A5] M. Baudoin*, J.-L. Thomas, F. Coulouvrat, C. Chanéac, Scattering of ultrasonic shock wave in suspensions of rigid particles, J. Acoust Soc. Am., 129: 1209-1220 (2011), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A4] Y.Song, M. Baudoin, P. Manneville and C.N. Baroud*, The air-liquid flow in a microfluidic airway tree, Med. Eng. & Phys., 33: 849-456 (2011), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A3] P. Brunet*, M. Baudoin, O. Bou Matar, F. Zoueshtiagh, Droplet displacement and oscillations induced by ultrasonic surface acoustic waves: a quantitative study, Phys. Rev. E, 81: 026315 (2010), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A2] M. Baudoin*, J.L. Thomas, F. Coulouvrat, On the influence of spatial correlations on sound propagation in concentrated solutions of rigid particles, J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 123: 4127-4139 (2008), (pdf), Link to the paper
[A1] M. Baudoin*, J.L. Thomas, F. Coulouvrat and D. Lhuillier, An extended coupled phase theory for the sound propagation in polydisperse concentrated suspensions of rigid particles, J. Acoust. Soc. A., 121: 3386-3397 (2007), (pdf)