Raffaele Pisano
Responsabilités & Activities

[2012-2015] 2016- Recent Organized Events at the Lille University - Summer School, International Colloquium, Workshop, Bilateral Project France-Belgium, etc. on History of Physics, Science, Applied Sciences & Technology, Nature of Science | Teaching
Recently [International and at the University of Lille]
International [recently]
- [2017-2023] President of the IDTC Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (related to: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group/Division of History of Science and Technology
- [2020-] International ERC Expert EX2020D375122 | European Research Council https://erc.europa.eu
- [2020-] Membre du EuroScitizen COST CA17127 EU Project: Building on scientific literacy in evolution towards scientifically responsible Europeans | dans le groupe WG5 Scientist et son sub–groupe 1b: "Assessment at the European level through a survey and academic paper of factors influencing researcher’s engagement in outreach activities in general." Mon côté: History of Applied Sciences & Technology, Impact in Society at the European level through, a survey and academic paper of factors influencing researcher’s engagement in outreach activities, en cours.
- [2019-] International Expert COST Project | European Cooperation in Science & Technology | https://www.cost.eu
- [2019-] Member (Elected, Krakow, Poland) Member of the History of Mechanism and Machine Science International Committee/IFTOMM
- [2021-2022] Vice-President (Elected, Prague, CZ) IDTC Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (related to: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group/Division of History of Science and Technology)
- [2017-2021] President (Elected, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) IDTC Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (related to: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group/Division of History of Science and Technology)
- [2017–2019] Co–réfèrent pour Université de Lille de MARIANNE EU Erasmus+ Project : Manières d'Apprendre et de Réussir l'Initiative et l'Autonomie Novatrices et Non-discriminantes en Europe. Keys: Strategic Partnerships for school education Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Partners: Rectorat, Académie de Lille (France), Université de Lille (France), Ecole Boufflers Lille (France), KGS Thomas–Schule (Düsseldorf (Allemagne), Universitaet Zu Koeln (Cologne, Allemagne), Stichting Confessioneel Onderwijs Leiden (Pays–Bas)
- [2011-2017] Vice President (Elected, Nancy, France) IDTC Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (related to: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group/Division of History of Science and Technology)https://www.idtc-iuhps.com/
- [2016-] Member of NUMTA Committee and Young Researcher Prize Expert
- [2015-] Lille Summer School Director 2nd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences, Technology & Science Education http://summerschoollille2017.historyofscience.it/en/
- [2006-2012] Officer & Member de ESHS–Euroepan Society for the History of Science Council under/avec 3 présidents : Eberhard Knobloch (D), Helge Kgrah (DK) et Sona Strbanova (CZ) ; et Robert Fox (UK) comme past President.
- [2005-2008] Officer & Member de AIF–Italian Association for Physics Teaching National Council
- [2005-2019] Responsable of the AIF Latina of the Association for Physics Teaching National Council
- Et al.
At the Lille University, France
- [2022-] Elected Steering Board Member as Representative of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the ''Council Libraries & Learning Center'', Lille University.
- [2022-] Elected Steering Board Elected member of the Physics Department, FST, Lille University.
- [2019-2022] Elected Member of the COREI - International Commission of the Lille University, France.
- [2020-] Head of the History of Physics Applied Science & Technologies (HOPAST) international team at the IEMN, Lille University, France https://www.iemn.fr/la-recherche/les-groupes/physique/hopast
- [2016-2018] Elected* Member of the CIREL Conseil, Lille University, France
- [2016-] Elected Member of the Science of Education Department Conseil, Lille University, France
- [2016-2018] Elected* Member of the CIREL-théodile Bureau, Lille University, France
- [2016-2017] Co-responsable for DENFA parcours, Lille University, France
- [2013-] Tutor Master / PhD Supervisor: memoires (4), theses (3)
- Co-supervisor theses (2)
- Jury Member, many.
- et al.
* : Elected for both responsability
Responsabilités /management
Recently at the University of Lille, France
2023- Elected Member of the French National CNU Sect. 72 (Epistemology, History of Science and Techniques)
2023- Elected Member of the Steering Board of the Institut Eric Weil, University of Lille
2023- Digital Library Expert Committee Member, Lillonum-Lilliad, University of Lille
2022.- Elected Steering Board Member as Representative of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Council Libraries & Learning Center, University of Lille
2022-. Elected Steering Board Member of the Physics Department, FST, University of Lille
2020- Head of the History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies (HOPAST) international team at the IEMN, Lille University, France https://www.iemn.fr/la-recherche/les-groupes/physique/hopast
2019-2022. Elected Member of the COREI - International Commission of the Lille University, France.
- (Organiser & Chairperson). Colloquium Celebration Dante Alighieri. Ambasciata DItalia a Paris. Conférenciers : Mme Danièle ROBERT (SD, France, Paris, France). Letterata & Scrittrice fl. 1300–. La Commedia di Dante. Charles ALUNNI (École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France). 1584–1587. Il contesto storico Galileiano. Jean–Marc LÉVY–LEBLOND (Université côte d'azur, Nice, France). 1587–1588. Les leçons de Galilée sur l’Enfer de Dante. Raffaele PISANO (Université de Lille, France). 1587–1594. Dalle lezioni sull'Inferno a quelle sulle Fortificazioni. Octobre 29th
- (Organizer and Chairperson). Symposium: Interactions between Physical and Algebraic Conceptions and Methods, C.1830–1920. 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson). International Symposium: IDTC Symposium: Designing Curricula as an Interdisciplinary Programmed Framework in the History of Science & Scientific–Technical Teaching. (With Gianna Katsiampoura and Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- [Invited talk] Historical Details on Borri’s Alchemy (with Francesca Ricci, Pisa University, Italy). Symposium: Applied Arts of Alchemy Symposium. Science History Institute, USA, May 20th
- [Invited Talk] School od Advanced Studies – PhD School. The Concept of Cycle as Dynamic Relationship Physics-Mathematics into the History. Camerino University, Italy. Feb. 25
- Review on invitation of the teaching system aby Wim Webders Gymn. Dusseldorf, July. https://soundcloud.com/buonasera-duesseldorf/erasmus-am-wim-wenders-gymnasium-in-dusseldorf
- Director and Organizer of the International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, American Institute of Physics, et al. 3-6 June
- Co–Chairperson et goverance pour International Seminars, Programme Professpr Invité : IDTC-STL-Lille University, Cycle of Seminars on History of Science/Nature of Science, Prof. Mohammed Abattouy (Morocco). Lille University, 2018 May 9th-18th, France
- Co-chairperson et governance. RPM 2018. IDTC Project/2 days event. Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written. Argumentation, Reasoning and Interplays from Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, Mechanics, Nature of Science. 20-22 Sept.
- Co-chairperson et governance. RMW.I 2018. IDTC International & Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Reading Minor Works "Bordering" on Exact Scienes: Historical and Nature of Science Perspectives, Lille, 2018, May 17th
- 2018-2019[] CRC-2018. Cognition, Reasoning & Changes: Symmetry, Invariance, Analogy and Metaphors in the History and Epistemology of Science & Education [Bilateral Project supported by: Lille University, France & Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve [By Raffaele Pisano (Lille University) Shahid Rahman (Lille University),Patricia Radelet de Grave (Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Baudouin Van den Abeele (Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Antonella Mastrorilli (ENS, Lille) ]
- Special Issue on HPS–&–Education : IDTC Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education [Expected, dec. 2018]. Guest Editor: Raffaele Pisano. Transversal, pre-print
- 2nd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, École Dostorale SHS Lille 3 et MESHS, 11-12 October
- Arguments par parallélisme et ressemblance. Exemplification, symétrie et analogie : Approches conceptuelles et didactiques. ADA Meeting, 12 mai, MESHS, Lille, France
- Journée d’étude École doctorale SHS. Une vision d’ensemble sur les didactiques, pédagogies et professionnalisations. International Workshop. 31 Mars, Lille, France
- Science into History and Education International Colloquium Paul de St Robert (1815–1888). Changes of the Scientific Knowledge in the Eighteenth—Nineteenth Century HPS and Educational Insights. 2016, 30 Sept. Plenetario Infinito, Osservatorio, Torino, Italie
- 1st International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, MESHS, University of Lille, 22-26 June, France
- Project ancient instruments « Sciences et Histoires », Lille 1 University and Lycée de l’Escaut (BTS PEA), avec Vangelis Antzoulatos (lycée de l’Escaut, Valenciennes), Oct 2014–Mai 2015, France
- Workshop. Scienze e Didattica delle Scienze. Pisano R (Lille 1/AIF Latina), Bonacci E (AIF Latina), Altamore A (Roma TRE) 11 Mars, latina, Italie
- International Congress of Italian Association for the History of Engeenering, 19-20 Mai, Napoli, Italy
- 1964–2014. Homage to Alexandre Koyré. Hypotheses, Perspectives & Popularization within History of Science. Pisano R (University of Lille 1, France), Drozdova D (National State University Moscow, Russian Federation), 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Lisbon (Lisbon, 4–6 Sept.r 2014), Portugal
- Spaces and modes of Communication : Popularization Scientific Concepts within History of Science, Education & Society. 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. (Lisbon 4–6 Sept)
- 1644–2014. 370° Anniversary of Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica. Dhombres J (CAK–CNRS, France), Radelet de–Grave P (Louvain University, Belique), Pisano R (University of Lille 1, France). 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Lisbon (Lisbon, 4–6 Sept. 2014)
- Interview–Workshop CERN on Line. Aleandro Nisati: On Higgs’ Boson at Atlas Experiment. (University of Lille 1) & ATALS (Cern). 12 Dec.
- International Congrés. Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. By Danilo Capecchi (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy), Raffaele Pisano et al. XXXII Italian Congress of the Historians of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) (Roma, Itay 27–29 Septembre)
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Symposium. History and Historical Epistemology Of Science. Conceptual Streams and Mathematical Physical Objects in the Emergency Of Newton’s Science, by Jean Jacques Szczeciniarz (REHSEIS, Paris7, FRANCE), Marco Panza (IHPST/CNRS, Paris1, FRANCE), Raffaele Pisano (CIRPHLES–ENS, F/RCTHS University W. Bohemia, CZ). 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, (Athens (GR) 1–3 Novembre 2012).
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Symposium. History and Philosophy Of Science in EU Secondary Curricula? New Proposals Wanted, by N. Efthymios (GR), P. Heering (D), M. Matthews (AUS), R. Pisano (F/CZ), K. Skordoulis (GR), IDTC. 5th ESHS, (Athens (GR) 1–3 Novembre 2012).
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Workshop. Science Studies And Science Education : How Science Works – And How To Teach It. International Workshop on Science Teaching and History&Philosophy of Science. Avec Helge Kragh (Aarhus University), Keld Nielsen (Aarhus University), Ilaria Gaudiello (Université Paris 8), Lars B. Krogh (Aarhus University), 23–25 Juin 2011, Aarhus University, Århus, Denmark
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Symposium. The different historiographies of science. Their advantages and shortcomings. Michal Kokowski (Académie polonaise des sciences, Kracow), Hayo Siemsen (Universitè de Emden, Germany). 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, « The Circulation of Science and Technology » (Barcelona, 16–18 Nov. 2010).
- Co–organisateur et conférencier International Symposium. The Dialectic Relation between Physics And Mathematics In The XIXth Century, avec Evelyne Barbin (Université de Nantes), Raffaele Pisano (Université de Nantes) In : 4th International Conférence of the European Society for the History of Science–The Circulation of Science and Technology (Barcelona, 16–18 Novembre 2010)
- Co–organisateur et conférencier start up au projet EPEDA : Éditions fin XIXe siècle–XXe siècle, dans le contexte historique, des grands scientifiques et penseurs des XVI–XVIIIe siècles.
- Co–organisateur (avec prof. Danilo Capecchi, La sapienza, Roma), séminaires portant sur le cours d'histoire des sciences et techniques, Faculté de Architecture « Valle Guilia », Università « La Sapienza », Roma
- Direction et auteur (d’un propose) du Project « EPHEESO E–European Project On History Education And Epistemology of Science Objectives. The role played by the history of science : The Image Of A New Perspective For Science Education ? », 13 EU–partners. (2007 : Projet pas activé).
- Et al.
- EPS, European Phyisical Society
- SPS, Société française de Philosophie des sciences
- SFP, Société Française de Physique
- SMF, Société Mathématique de France
- SFHST, Société Française d’Histoire des sciences et des techniques
- APS, The American Phyisical Society, USA | American Institute of Physics
- AIF (2004–2020) Associazione per L'insegnamento della Fisica
- ESHS, European Society for the History of Science
- SHOT, Society of History of Technology
- HSS, American History of Science Society
- BSHS, British Society for the History of Science
- APMP, Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
- BSHM, British Society for the History of Mathematics
- IFTOMM/Board, International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science
- IUHPST, International Union for History and Philosophy of Science
- HOPOS, International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
- AMS, American mathematical society
- IHPST, International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group
- SILFS, Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia della Scienze
- SISFA, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia
- MATHESIS, Società Italiana delle Science Matematiche e Fisiche
- SISM, Società Italiana di Storia della Matematiche
- SISS, Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza
- SIF, Società Italiana di Fisica
- CE&HPC, Bulgarian Soc. Chemistry education and HPS chemistry
- ARDM, Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des mathématiques
- ESERA, Euroepan Science Education Reearch Association
- IHSTG, International History of science Teaching Group
- IHPST-Science & Education Springer Journal advisory board
- et al.
Principales responsabilités/jurys et thèses
1. Several L3 Stage/Memoires-Tutor/Supervisor
1. Member Recruitment Jury ATER, FST, Lille University, May-June
2. Reviewer (Rapporteur) MCF to Prof. FST, Department of Physics, May
1. Invited Research Training and Seminars courses, SPI Doctoral School, Lille University. Several courses/training/seminars
2. Invited Research Seminars/Talk at the School of Adavenced Studies, Camerino University, Italy
1. Member & President PhD jury: M. Jury Hervé Grau “L’enseignement des sciences physiques et l’expérimentation de 1750 à 1830”. CAK-CNR Paris. Supervisors: Jean Dhombres and Giovanna Cifoletti. Soutenance: 2020-Dec 11th
2. Co-Supervisor PhD thesis, Mr. Lusito, Bari University, Soutenance: 2022, 28 Juin, Italy
- L2 Responsable Unité d'Enseignement Histoire des Sciences
- L3 Responsable Unité d'Enseignement Histoire de la Physique et Chimie
- (2018-2019) Supervisor three (3) Master 2 DEA Memoires, Cirel, Lille University.
- Supervisor three (3) Master 2 DEA Memoires, Cirel, Lille University.
- Member of the Master/License Committee, Lille University, a.y. 2018-2019, May 30 2018.
- Member of the Comité de Suivi. Thesis: A Dialogical Framework for Analogy in Legal Reasoning - The Ratio Legis and Precedent Case Model. PhD Student: Mr. Hans Christian Nordtveit Kvernenes (Supervisor Prof. Shahid Rahman, STL, Lille University).
- 12-12-2017.: Invitation pour l’école doctorale ENS Paris pour PhD soutenance. Candidate Mme Morfouli Meropi
- 27-11-2017. Membre-rapporteur de jury "Mention Recherche", Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture, Lille (de l'Université de Lille, France)
- 06-07-2017 : Directeur de mémoire / Soutenance / jury M2-DENFA (Mme Emmanuelle Dobois), Université de Lille 3, France
- 28-04-2017 : Participation Projet Xperium-3, Université de Lille/Lilliade
- 01-09-2017 : Tuteur du conférencier invité de Mme Dr. Cristina Blanco Sío-López.
- Examinateur / Jury. Ph.D. Thèse. Évolutions de quelques concepts de thermodynamique classique dans l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur en France au cours du 20ème siècle. Domaines : Science Éducation, HS, Physique. Candidate : Nagels, Université de Lille 1, France : 4 Mai.
- Supervisor Ph.D. Thése. Enseignement et didactique de la physique au lycée : le rôle de l'histoire de la physique. Hypothèses et perspectives de développement. Domaines : Science Éducation, Histoire et Épistémologie des sciences, Physique. Candidate : Vincenzo Cioci, Université de Lille 3, France.
- Enseignement de la didactique des disciplines scientifiques, théories d’apprentissage, évaluations, didactique des sciences avec une approche historique, et al. (LIC 3, M1, M2, Mémoires, Thèses).
- Co-superviseur Ph.D. Thése. Epistemological insights on some foundational chemical concepts examined under a systemic and complex perspective of chemistry. Domaines : Philosophie, Histoire et Épistémologie des sciences, Physique, Chimie. Candidate : Emilio M. Pellegrino. University of Torino, Italy. [Tutor : Luigi Cerruti]. Discussion : 15/02/2017.
- Lecturer/Chercheur of Histoire de la Physique, Université de Lille 1, UFR de Physique, France (L1, L3, M1, M2)
- Tuteur de stage de fin d’année (histoire de la physique, L3/S6). Candidats : Alexandre Saffre. Archive history research on Leibniz-Arnaud-Carnot. Domaine : Histoire des Sciences in Context.
- Tuteur de stage de fin d’année (histoire de la physique, L3/S6). Candidat : Amine Taouss. Archive history research on Leibniz-Arnaud-Carnot. Domaine : Histoire des Science in Context.
- Membre de Jury - Mémoire pour l’obtention du Master 2 Histoire et philosophie des sciences. Candidat : Clément Baert. La nature du Feu dans l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert et dans l’Encyclopédie Méthodique Domaines : Histoire, Enseignement, Histoire de la Physique-Chimie. 29 Mai.
- Membre de jury – thèse ; Review: Candidat: Candidate: Renata Bilbokaitė, Psycho–Educational Factors of Applying Visualisation in Science Education. Subjects : Social Science, Education (07 S). supervisor : Prof. Dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas, Šiauliai University, May 25th, Lithuania. November
- Review dossier for Development of Mathematical Education in Lithuania : the Second Half of the 19th Century. Language : Lithuanian/English. Editor : Edukologija, Vilnius, Lithuania. Publisher : Education, Lithuania. Year: 2012. pp. 88. ISBN : 978–9955–20–744–3. Application-job-position full professor. Candidat : Jouzas Banionis, Lithuanian University of Educational Science in Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Consultant pour les thèmes de recherche en histoire et épistémologie des sciences pour Ph.D. doctorant du Research Centre for Theory and History of Science, Université de West Bohémia in Pilsen, République tchèque.
- Validation des cours (équivalent d'ATER en France) en histoire de la physique, SSIS, Ecole Universitaire Post–Master, Université de Udine, Italie
Responsabilités/comités de lecture et expériences éditoriales
Rédacteur en Chef
Depuis 2012
- AHS Peer-Review Journal (inclus Science de l’éducation & histoire des sciences)
Associate Editor/ Advisory Editors
Depuis 2016
- Transversal - International Journal for Historiography of Science
- Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Membre de comités de rédaction et Activités (Editorial Board) de comité de lecture
- Foundations of Chemistry
- Studia Historiae Scientiarum
- Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
- Physical Review & Research International Journal
- Physical Science International Journal
- British Journal of Education Society & Behavioural Science
- Advances in Historical Studies Journal
- History Research, Philosophy Studies
- Problems of Education in the 21st Century
- Science & Education
- International Journal of Baltic Science Education
- Organon
- Transversal
- Foundations of Sciences
- Endeavour
Et al.
Activités (officiellement et sur invitation) book/paper review pour journaux internationaux
- Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
- Advances in Historical Studies Journal
- Almagest
- Annals of Science (Taylor & Francis)
- British Journal for the History of Mathematics-Bulettin
- British Journal for the History of Science
- British Journal of Education Society & BS
- Compte-rendu de l’Académie des sciences–Lincei (Springer)
- Endevaour
- Foundations of Chemistry (Springer)
- Foundations of Sciences (Springer)
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (University of California Press)
- History of Mechanics and Mechanism (Springer)
- International Lettera Pristem (Springer)
- Isonomia
- Journal of Baltic Science Education
- Medical Humanities & Medicina Narrativa
- Mathematical Review–American Mathematical Society
- Organon (Polish Academy of Science)
- Pedagojika
- Philosophia Scientiae
- Physical Review & RI
- Physical Science International Journal
- Problems of Education in the 21st Century
- Studia Historia Scientiarum
- Substantia
- Transversal Historiography Journal
- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
et al.
Éditorial sur invitation
- 2011–2012 Éditorialiste pour ESHS–Centaurus
- Depuis 2010 Éditorialiste pour Problems of Education in the 21st Century
- Depuis 2010 Éditorialiste pour Journal Baltic Science Education
Et al.
Responsabilités/Collaborations scientifiques
Depuis 2020
Collaboration with HAPP center, Uniuversity of Oxford, UK
Depuis 2014
Collaboration scientifique en Histoire et épistémologie des science/Histoire et didactique des sciences avec M. le Prof. Shahid Rahman, STL Université de Lille 3, Lille, France
Depuis 2012
- Collaboration et consultant pour Memorial Park historical and scientific Exhibition Paul Ballada Savant (10 Juin 2012) Hotel de la Ville de Castagnole delle Lanze et Association Culturale Paul Ballada Count de Saint Robert, Castagnaole delle Lanze (Asti), Italie
- Collaboration pour Springer (The Netherlenads) History of Mechanism and Machine Science ISSN : 1875–3442 (HMM) (Series Editeur : Prof. Marco Ceccarelli, Université de Cassino, Italie).
- Animations Historiques–philosophiques et scientifiques pour l’Association Culturale Paul Ballada Count de Saint Robert, Castagnole delle Lanze (Asti), Italy (Ref. : Cultural Association Count Paul Ballada de Saint Robert, Italie
- Et al.
- Collaboration scientifique, Cirphles, École Normale Supérieure Paris (Ref. : Emeritus Prof. C. Debru, ENS Paris, France)
Depuis 2011
- Collaborations scientifiques avec Scientia Educologica – Scientific Methodical Center, Šiauliai Université, Lituanie (Dir.: Prof. Vincentas Lamanauskas, Faculté de la formation, Šiauliai Université, Lituanie)
- Collaboration/séminaires d’histoire et d’épistémologie d’histoire des sciences et techniques, Département d’Ingénierie Structurelle et Géotechnique, Université « La Sapienza », with prof. Danilo Capecchi, Roma, Italie
- Et al.
- Collaborations historiques et scientifiques avec la section didactique de l’Academia Nazionale delle Science detta dei XL, Roma, Italie (Ref. : Prof. Antonio di Meo, Université de Roma La Sapienza, Italie)
- Et al.
The Inter–divisional Teaching Commission

2017-2023: President: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France)
2021-2022: President: Prof. Gustavo Rodrigeus Rocha (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil)
2021-2022 : Vice-President: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France)
2017-2021: President: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France)
2011-2017: Vice-President: Prof. Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France)
The Inter–divisional Teaching Commission website wants to offer a platform for open discussions, news and publications relevant to the History and Philosophy of Science & Education.
The Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC) aims to:
- Provide a high–level interdisciplinary World forum for research in the topics.
- Provide a high-level standard of education/research participating in study programs, namely lecturing, workshops, supervising, as far as possible.
- Assist in the better and more informed teaching of the topics as a subject in universities and secondary schools where, particularly, increasingly Nature of science is a component of national science curricula.
- Promote the utilization of topics in the university and school science courses, in programs for the preparation of science teachers, and in museums and other informal institutions and locations.
- Show how the topics can contribute positively to a better understanding, and hopefully resolution, of some of the major social, cultural and ideological issues with which people around the world are engaged.
- Combine the approaches of the natural sciences & humanities in the investigation of the topics.
- Establish and promote co-operation between teaching/educators specialist, historians and philosophers of science, either individually, or as members of institutions and societies dedicated to the topics.
Article II, IDTC STATUS, approved 2017, December
Principales activités pédagogiques, participations à des jurys relatifs à l’enseignement interdisciplinaire au lycée
- Enseignement et Validation, cours (PON Programma Operativo Nazionale) Histoire des sciences en géométrie, Institute « G. Ferraris », Octobre 2008, Napoli.
- Formation en didactique des mathématiques destinée aux formateurs, « Direction Formation » Arienzo (Ce) Avr–Juin
- Formation en didactique de mathématiques/physique destinée aux formateurs, Histoire des sciences–physique, « G. Ferraris », Mai –Juin, Napoli
- Enseignement, jury, examens d’état au Lycée. Enseignements : Physique et mesures, Mathématiques et physique, Mesures de physique et chimie, Mathématiques, Sciences Physiques intégrées, Histoire des sciences (PON).
- Et al.