Raffaele Pisano
Ante Litteram
"Thought does not respect national frontiers. Yet scientific ideas are far from stateless citizens". (Thackray, A. 1970. Atoms and Powers. Cambridge MA. The Harvard Univ. Press, p. 4, line 4)
"Audentes fortuna iuvat" (Vergilius, Æneis, X, 284)
"Per aspera ad astra" (Cicero, De natura deorum III, 40; Vergilius, Æneis, IX, 641; Seneca, Hercules furens, II, 437-441)
A Concise Overview [update 2025, 27 March]
RAFFAELE PISANO (Italy, 1970) is a full physicist in Physics/Mathematics and its History. He studied at the Federico II Napoli University (Italy) and PhD at the La Sapienza Roma University (Italy). He awarded his Habilis (HDR–Accreditation to Supervise Research) at Philosophy, history of sciences Poincaré centre, Lorraine University, France. He is currently Full Professor (1st Cl.) Lille University, France (& additional responsibility as faculty member) and Linus Pauling Memorial Lecturer (ISEPP, Portland State University, USA). I served (2011-2023) as elected Vice President and President of the Interdivision Teaching Commission (DLMPST/DHST)
- 2024.- Elected Steering Board Member (Council) of the British Society for the History of Matematics (BSHM)
- 2024-. Collaboration with Vice-President University of Lille, Valorisation and science-society link/History of Science, within the framework of the Science With and For Society label-Awarded by the MESR
- 2023-2024 Member of University Evaluation Committee for HCERES
- 2023.- Elected Member of the French National CNU Sect. 72 (Epistemology, History of Science and Techniques)
- 2023.- Elected Member of the Steering Board of the Institut Eric Weil, University of Lille
- 2023- Digital Library Expert Committee Member, Lillonum-Lilliad, University of Lille
- 2022.- Elected Steering Board Member as Representative of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Council Libraries & Learning Center, University of Lille
- 2022-. Elected Steering Board Member of the Physics Department, FST, University of Lille
- 2011-2023 Elected V-President and President of the Interdivision Teaching Commission (DLMPST/DHST) | History of Science & Nature of Science Teaching (NoS)
- 2020- Head of the History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies (HOPAST) international team at the IEMN, Lille University, France https://www.iemn.fr/la-recherche/les-groupes/physique/hopast
- 2019-2022. Elected Member of the COREI - International Commission of the Lille University, France.
Interview & Video provided by University of Lille Prof. Raffaele Pisano - University of Lille, Video
Former head (2011-2013) of the Research Centre for the Theory and History of Science (West Bohemia–Plzen University, Czech Republic); elected ESHS–officer (2006–2012). Affiliated at HPS Unit, Sydney University, Australia (2015-2019). University qualifications (CNU [72, 17], MIUR [MCF B2/02–FIS/08; 11/C2; 02/A2]): History–epistemology of science and technique, Philosophy, History of physics–Didactics of physics, Logics–History/Mathematics and Philosophy of Science, Theoretical physics and fundamental interactions.
After a post-lauream School of Specialisation for theory and Physics/Mathematics Teaching (SICSI, Federico II University, a.y. 2001/02-2002/03) and related 4 Lyceum School Teaching Qualifications (cert-agr.) at the MIUR & SICSI, Federico II University [A038, A049, A047, A048) Physics, Mathematics and Physics, Mathematics, Applied mathematics, I got my Ph.D. (La Sapienza Roma University, Italy) in History of mechanics and epistemology–architecture, teaching topics. I am known for my international research, organizing (i.e. Lille International Summer Schools for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences, Technology & Science Education).
254 publications (plus pre-print) in History of Physics (physics/mathematics), History of Quantum Physics, Logic and epistemology of science, NoS, Foundations of Science, Historical reflection on the science impact in the society. Springer co–author: Lazare and Sadi Carnot (2014 with Charles Gillispie, Princeton, USA). Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in Sixteenth–Century (2016). Springer Editor: A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies (2015). Galileo’s Iuvenilia works (Phil. Scientae, special issue, with Paolo Bussotti, 2017). Homage to Koyré (Springer, with Joseph Agassi and Draria Drozdova, 2017). Homage to Leibniz (with Michel Fichant, Agamenon Oliveira and Paolo Bussotti, London College Publications, 2017). Lazare Carnot's Mechanics. Vol. 1. Essay on Machines in General (Springer, 2021). Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights (Springer, 2024, with Dhombres, Radelet de Grave and Bussotti). Pre-print: on Geneva Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (5 vols. Oxford University Press, with Paolo Bussotti); Galileo Galilei: The Two Manuscripts On Mechanics. Translations, Text and Commentaries (Springer, 2023); English Critical Translation of Lazare Carnot's main Mechanical Works (Vol. 2 and Vol. 3: 1803, 1803; Springer 2019-2025).
- Full Faculty Professor 1st Cl. (CNU 72) of History of Physics, Intellectual History of Science, History of Science, Electricity, Mechanics et al.
- 254 publications: History of Physics, History of physics-mathematics, History and Historical Epistemology of Sciences, Foundations of Science, NoS, Science & Society, Intellectual History/Ideas, Comparative History.
- L2 Responsible History of Science Teaching Unit
- L3 Responsible History of Physics and Chemistry Teaching Unit
- L3 Responsible Intellectual History of Science (Phys-Chem) Teaching Unit
- L1 Responsible Electrokinetics Teaching Unit - Universitity de Lille
- L1 Responsible Electrokinetics Teaching Unit - Catholic University of Lille
- L1 Responsible TP-Fluid Mechanics Teaching Unit
- L1 Responsible TP-Optic Teaching Unit
- L1 Responsible International Bachelor Electrokinetics Teaching Unit, Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métier/Catholic University Lille.
- PhD Doctoral School ENGSYS Teaching/Seminars in History of Physics / Physics-Mathematics into History of Science & Technology
- M1-2. Transv. Cours. Polythec Lille, History of Mathematics and Physics, 17th-21st
- Teaching (L3, M1, M2), Topics: History of Science | History of Physics and Chemistry | History and Epistemology of Modern Physics | Intellectual History of Science | Mechanics | Electricity | Science & Society | History of Science and Scentific Teaching Activities/education | Historical Contextualization-NoS | Analyses Activities | Docimology | Mechanics, et al.
- Current List of the PhD doctoral activities:
- 2024 (a.a 2024-2025)-. Submitted Candidature | Supervised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Ph.D. Candidate : Mlle Elisa Belotti (Bergamo, Italie). Scientific–Historical Analysis of Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739-1742] 1822), Third Book: Text, Translation and Commentaries within its Intellectual, Cultural & Conceptual Frameworks A History of Physics and cotutelle with University of Udine, Italiy.
- [2025. - In am in contact with other Ph.D. Candidats in potential]
- 2022. Supervised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Mr. Durlo, 1950-2022. A History of Nanothecnologies within Physics-Mathematics Relationship (850pp) | 16th June.2022.
- 2022. Supervised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Mr. Dr. Cioci, Galileo's Falling Bodies into the History of Physics and the Nature of Science as a Case Study (374pp) | 6th Dec.2022.
- Co-Supervised PhD thesis, Univ. Bari, Italy: Mr. Dr. Lusito, Un marxista galileiano: Scienza e società in Lucio Lombardo Radice (576pp) | 28th June.2020.
- 2020. Supervised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Mr. Dr. Vincent, A History of Gravitational Waves between Discoveries & Nature of Science (846pp.) | 27th Nov. 2020.
- 2020. Welcome PhD Student/Expert, Univ. Camerino, Italy: Mr. Dr. Brasili, PhD Student, 2nd year, Italy Jan.-March 2020
- Supervisor theses et al. in the past: several
- 2016-: Several L3 Stage/Memoires Tutor/Supervisor
- 2019-2020. Supervisor LIC. 3 + Stage 1) Bonamis Florance, Sur le manuscrits d'Alchimie-Chimie et la naissance de la science moderne. Département de Physique. Licence Physique. Mémoire et stage, IEMN-CNRS, Université de Lille.
- 2018-2019 Supervisor M2 dissertations: 1) El Fazazi, Les schémas en sciences et enseignement des sciences : cas de deux séquences (Dissertation: 2019 26th June); 2) Kopf (La conceptualisation de l’espace et du temps en géométrie : construction de la capacité d’abstraction (Dissertation: 2019 26th June); 3) Delagrange, Étude sur l’enseignement–apprentissage de l’arithmétique : conceptualisation des nombres et symbolismes (Dissertation: 2019 26th June)
- Referee/Expert/Evaluator: applications from several countriesReferee, Book reviewer for several international journals and publishers.
- Submitted (2023) ERC Project on Newton GE (1822) ; Region-Nord, Etc.
Un aperçu concis [update 2025, 27 Mars]
RAFFAELE PISANO (1970, Italie) – physicien complet de formation et s'occupe de physique/mathématiques et son histoire (Federico II, Napoli, Italie), spécialisation post–Lauream en physique–mathématiques (SICSI, 2001/02-2002/03 Federico II, Napoli, Italie), « Ph.D » (La Sapienza, Roma, Italie), habilis (HDR, Lorraine, France), « Linus Pauling Memorial Lecturer » (ISEEP, Portland, USA), 2011-2023: élu « Vice-président IDTC » et élu President de la IDTC-Interdivision Teaching Commission (DLMPST/DHST). Élu membre du CNU 72.
- 2024.- Élu Membre du Conseil de la British Society for thé History or Mathematics (BSHM)
- 2024-. Collaboration avec Vice-Président Université de Lille - Valorisation et lien science-société histoire des sciences, Science-Society dans le cadre du label Science Avec et Pour la Société / MESR
- 2023-2024 Membre comité d'évaluation de l'université pour HCERES
- 2023-. Élu Membre du CNU Section 72 (Épistémologie, Histoire des Sciences et Techniques)
- 2023-. Élu Membre du conseil de gestion de l’Institut Eric Weil, Université de Lille
- 2023-. Membre du Comité Experts Bibliothèque Numérique, Lillonum-Lilliad, Université de Lille
- 2022-. Élu Membre-Représentant de la Faculté des Sciences et Technologies au sein du Conseil ''Service Commun de la Documentation/Learning Center'', Université de Lille.
- 2022-. Élu Membre du Conseil du Département de Physique, FST, Universite de Lille.
- 2011-2023 Élu V-President et President de la IDTC-Interdivision Teaching Commission (DLMPST/DHST) | History of Science & Nature of Science Teaching (NoS)
- 2019-2022. Élu Membre de la commission COREI - Commission internationale de l'Université de Lille.
- 2020-. Directeur of the History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies (HOPAST) international team at the IEMN, Lille University, France https://www.iemn.fr/la-recherche/les-groupes/physique/hop
Interview & Video provided by University of Lille Prof. Raffaele Pisano - University of Lille, Video
Il est Professeur des Universités 1er Cl. (Université de Lille, France). Qualifications Universitaires (CNU [MCF et PU 72, 17], MIUR [MCF B2/02–FIS/08; 11/C2; 02/A2]) : Épistémologie, histoire des sciences et des techniques | Philosophie ; Histoire et didactique de la physique | Physique théorique et interactions fondamentales | Logique, histoire et philosophie des sciences ; Qualifications (Cert.-agr.) dans l'enseignement secondaire/Lycée [MIUR [A038, A047, A049; A047]) : Physique | Mathématique | Mathématique et Physique | Mathématiques appliqués.
Ses publications (254 publications parmi livres/revues internationales) concernent : histoire de la physics, (physique-mathématiques), Histoire de la physique quantique, NoS, Épistémologie/Logique des sciences, Histoire comparative, Modélisations dans l’histoire des science, Relation physique–mathématiques en histoire des science, exhibits, enseignement scientifique (Lycée, Université), la réflexion historique sur l'impact de sciences dans la société. Springer co–author: Lazare and Sadi Carnot (2014 avec Charles Gillispie, Princeton, USA). Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in Sixteenth–Century (2016). Springer Editor: A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies (2015). Galileo’s Iuvenilia works (Phil. Scientae, special issue, avec Paolo Bussotti, 2017). Homage to Koyré (Springer, avec Joseph Agassi and Draria Drozdova, 2017). Homage to Leibniz (with Michel Fichant, Agamenon Oliveira et Paolo Bussotti, London College Publications, 2017). Lazare Carnot's Mechanics. Vol. 1. Essay on Machines in General (Springer, 2021). Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights (Springer, 2024, avec Dhombres, Radelet de Grave and Bussotti). Pre-print: on Geneva Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (5 vols. Oxford University Press, avec Paolo Bussotti); Galileo Galilei: The Two Manuscripts On Mechanics. Translations, Text and Commentaries (Springer, 2023); English Critical Translation of Lazare Carnot's main Mechanical Works (Vol. 2 and Vol. 3: 1803, 1803; Springer 2019-2025).
- Professeur des universités titulaire 1er Cl. (CNU 72) d'Histoire de la physique, Histoire et épistémologie des sciences et activités/analyse/enseignements scientifiques
- 254 publications sur : Histoire de la physique, Histoire de la physique-mathématiques, Histoire, logique et épistémologie des sciences, historique des sciences, NoS, Science et société, Histoire intellectuelle / Idées, Histoire comparée.
- L2 Responsable Enseignement, Unité d'Enseignement Histoire des Sciences
- L3 Responsable Enseignement, Unité d'Enseignement Histoire de la Physique et Chimie
- L3 Responsable Enseignement, Unité d'Enseignement Histoire intellectuelles des sciences (Phys-Chim)
- L1 Responsable Enseignement, Unité d'Enseignement Électricitkinetics
- L1 Responsable Enseignement TP-Unité d'Enseignement Mécanique des Fluides
- L1 Responsable Enseignement TP-Unité d'Enseignement Optique
- L1 Responsable Enseignement International Bachelor, Electrokinetics, Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métier, Université Catholique de Lille.
- PhD Ecole Doctorale ENGSYS : Enseignements/Séminaires en History of Physics / Physics-Mathematics into History of Science & Technology
- M1-2. Transv. Cours. Polythec Lille, History of Mathematics and Physics, 17th-21st
- Enseignement (L3, M1, M2), sujets : Histoire des sciences | Histoire intellectuel des sciences | Histoire de la physique et de la chimie | Mécanique | Électricité | Histoire et épistémologie de la physique moderne | Histoire des sciences et activités d'enseignement scientifique/education | Contextualisation historique-NoS | Activités d'analyse | Docimologie | Mécanique | et al.
- Liste actuelle des activités doctorales PhD : https://www.theses.fr/156851342
- 2024-2025 (a.a. 2024-2025). Candidature soumis. Ph.D. Candidate : Mme Elis Belotti (Bergamo, Italie). Scientific–Historical Analysis of Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739-1742] 1822), Third Book: Text, Translation and Commentaries within its Intellectual, Cultural & Conceptual Frameworks A History of Physics. Cotutelle avec l’Université de Udine, Italie.
- [2025-. Je suis contact avec des autres candidats-es potentiels-les, sujet et al.]
- 2023. Supevised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Mr. Durlo, 1950-2022. A History of Nanothecnologies within Physics-Mathematics Relationship (850pp) | 16th June.
- 2022. Supervised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Mr. Dr. Cioci, Galileo's Falling Bodies into the History of Physics and the Nature of Science as a Case Study (374pp) | 6th Dec.
- 2022. Co-Supervised PhD thesis, Univ. Bari, Italy: Mr. Dr. Lusito, Un marxista galileiano: Scienza e società in Lucio Lombardo Radice (576pp) | 28th June.
- 2020. Supervised PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille: Mr. Dr. Vincent, A History of Gravitational Waves between Discoveries & Nature of Science (846pp.) | 27th Nov.
- 2020. Welcome PhD Student/Expert, Univ. Camerino, Italy: Mr. Dr. Brasili, PhD Student, 2nd year, Italy Jan.-March 2020
- Supervisor theses et al. in the past: several
- 2016-: Several L3 Stage/Memoires Tutor/Supervisor
- 2019-2020 Direction Memoire + stage LIC. 3. 1) Bonamis Florance, Sur le manuscrits d'Alchimie-Chimie et la naissance de la science moderne. Département de Physique. Licence Physique. Mémoire et stage, IEMN-CNRS, Université de Lille.
- 2018-2019 Direction mémoire M2 : 1) El Fazazi, Les schémas en sciences et enseignement des sciences : cas de deux séquences (Soutenance: 2019 26th June); 2) Kopf (La conceptualisation de l’espace et du temps en géométrie : construction de la capacité d’abstraction (Soutenance: 2019 26th June); 3) Delagrange, Étude sur l’enseignement–apprentissage de l’arithmétique : conceptualisation des nombres et symbolismes (Soutenance: 2019 26th June);
- Referee / Expert / Evaluateur: dossier depuis plusieurs pays
- Referee, Book reviewer pour plusieurs revues internationales et éditeurs.
- Soumis (2023) ERC Project on Newton GE (1822) ; Region-Nord, Etc
- et al.
International Colloquium Carnot Lille 2024 | Raffaele Pisano Organiser, Chairperson & Key-note Speaker
Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024
Hosted by History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies Team (HOPAST) at IEMN, France
Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), CNRS-University of Lille, France
LILLIAD Learning Center Innovation, University of Lille, France
University of Lille, France
Granted by
Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), CNRS-University of Lille, France
Fondation Carnot
Patronage by
French Académie des Sciences
11-13 September 2024, LILLIAD, University of Lille, France
Official Website URL: www.carnotlille2024.com
Workshops & Symposia on Carnot 2024
- CaLISTA Workshop Geometry-Informed Machine Learning | 2-4 September 2024, École des Mines de Paris, France [Prof. Pisano is Invited Speaker]
- Sadi Carnot's Legacy Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics | 16-18 September 2024, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France [Prof. Pisano is Keynote Invited Speaker]
- 4th International Workshop on Carnot Batteries | 23-25 September 2024, University of Stuttgart, Germany [Prof. Pisano is Keynote Invited Speaker]
- Carnot Workshop on Quantum Thermodynamics and Open Quantum Systems | 25-27 November 2024 University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France [Prof. Pisano is Keynote Invited Speaker]
- Energy, Power, Environment. A Symposium on the Occasion of the Bicentenary of the Publication of Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu | 4 December 2024, Maison Française d'Oxford, The United Kingdom [Prof. Pisano is Keynote Invited Speaker]
- 1824-2024: Reading Sadi Carnot, Thermodynamics’ Genesis & its Heritage | 10 December 2024, University of Bordeaux, France [Prof. Pisano is Kenote Invited Speaker]
- Carnot 2024 : Belgian Symposium of Thermodynamics | 16-18 December 2024, University of Liege, Belgium [Prof. Pisano is Keynote Invited Speaker]
International Symposium | Raffaele Pisano Co-Organiser, Chairperson & Key-note Speaker
Newton & Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition (1822) Hosted by History of Physics and Applied Science & Technologies Team (HOPAST), IEMN, CNRS-University of Lille France, Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Centre (IEMN), CNRS-University of Lille, France, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (DIUM), University of Udine, Italy
Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics (HAPP), University of Oxford, UK
The British Society for the History of Mathematics, UK
22nd-23rd of September 2023. Centenary Room, University of Oxford | 56 Banbury Road, OX2 6PA, Oxford, UK
Official Website URL: https://newtongenevaedition.sciencesconf.org
Symmetries in Physics, HAPP ONE-DAY CONFERENCE. St Cross College, Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road, University of Oxford, Saturday, 19 November 2022. Raffaele Pisano key-note speaker: The Symmetries in the History of Physics: Phenomena and Ideas in Maxwell, Noether and Einstein https://www.stx.ox.ac.uk/event/symmetries-in-physics
- The Tenth Confer ence of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) will take place in Brussels (Belgium), from 7 to 10 September 2022 https://eshsbrussels2022.com
- SOC2 2022-16ème Colloque National, France. Communication: NiFe2O4 Nanoferrites: a Case–Study into History of Nanotechnology. Strasbourg, France, June, 27-29, (with Andrea Durlo, PhD Student, Lille, et al.)
- 2. IEEE 12th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties, September 11-16, Poland. Communication: A History of Nanoscience–Nanotechnology: from Electron Microscopy to Manufacturing Techniques at the Nanoscale. Krakow, Poland (with Andrea Durlo, PhD Student, Lille)
- 3. XLII SISFA 2022 International colloquium. Communication: 1950s–1990s: Carbon Nanotubes Studies into Historiography of Nanoscience–Nanotechnology. Perugia, Italy, 26-29 September (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine University, Italy)
- 4. XLII SISFA 2022 International colloquium. Communication: The concept of centre of gravity in Newton’s Principia Geneva Edition. Perugia, Italy, 26-29 September (with Andrea Durlo, PhD Student, Lille)
7th International HMM 2022 Symposium
History of Machines and Mechanisms
Granada/Jaén (Spain)
Scheduling & my Talks
Papers are published by Springer. Mine are:
Pisano R, Robarts J (2022) A Short Comparative Historiography of Science & Technology of Mechanics into Engineering––and––Architecture Literatures During the Renaissance. In: Ceccarelli M, López-García R (eds). Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms. Vol. 40. Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 227–240
Oliveira ARE, Pisano R, (2022) Historical Details of Coulomb’s Torsional Forces in Metal Wires In: Ceccarelli M, López-García R (eds). Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms. Vol. 40. Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 242-254
DANTE 700 - Colloquium Dante & Galileo
Dante Alighieri World Celebration
Institut Culturel Italien de Paris, France,
Ambassade d’Italie à Paris, France,
History of Physics and Applied Science and Technology Team (HOPAST), IEMN, Université de Lille, France
Dante's Comedìa in a Galilean Retrospective
2021, November, Monday 22nd, 18h-20h15
50, Rue de Varenne, 75007, Paris, France
Entrée libre | Free Entry
Reservation is mandatory - web site
Welcome Registration & Help Desk
Greetings & Opening Works
Prof. Dr. Luca BIFERALE (Attaché Scientifique de l'Ambassade d'Italie à Paris et de l'Institut Culturel Italien de Paris, France)
Dr. Diego MARANI (Directeur de l'Institut Culturel Italien de Paris, France)
Prof. Dr. Raffaele PISANO (HOPAST Team, IEMN, Université de Lille, France)
Dr. Danièle ROBERT (Société Dantesque de France, Paris, France).
fl. 1300–.Le voyage dantesque : andante con moto
Prof. Dr. Jean–Marc LÉVY–LEBLOND (Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France).
1587–1588. Les leçons de Galilée sur l’Enfer de Dante
Prof. Dr. Raffaele PISANO (Université de Lille, France).
1587–1594. Le contexte historique et les manuscrits Galiléens sur les fortifications
Closing Works
Raffaele Pisano (Book review): The Mystery of the Majorana affair [Book: Erasmo Recami (2020) The Majorana case: letters, documents, testimonies. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing] http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11016-021-00690-9
26th International Congress
of History of Science and Technology
2021, July 25-31 Prague, CZ
People, Places, Practices
Joint BSHM - CSHPM/SCHPM Conference
Online, coordinated through the University of St Andrews, Scotland
12-15 July 2021
A History of the Mathematics of Population
University of Oxford, UK
History of Physics, Theory and Nature of Science & People without Frontiers
3rd IDTC International Summer School for Sciences | History, Philosophy and Foundations of Sciences | Applied Sciences & Technology | Education
2019, June 3rd-6th | LILLIAD LEARNING CENTER INNOVATION, Lille University, France
IDTC International and Interdisciplinary Colloquium
RPM.I 2018
The Relationship between Physics and Mathematics in the History of Science & Nature of Science: How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written?
Hosted by IDTC and LSCHT/ENSAP-Lille University | in collaboration with Lille University, France
Organizing and Scientific Committes
Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France)
Antonella Mastrorilli (ENSAP-Lille University, France)
[et al. see weblink below]
2018, December 3rd, Ecole Doctorale, F1.07, Lille(3) University, France
Main Topics
Thinking Science, Foundations, Argumentation, Reasoning and Interplays among Sciences, Logics and Nature of Teaching Science, Education, Pedagogy, Learning-Teaching, Architecture/Mechanics, Museum/Exhibits & Management
Cognition, Reasoning and Changes 2018-2019
Lille University and UCLouvain Bilateral Project - with IDTC Participating -
Organizing and Scientific Committes
Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France)
Shahid Rahman (Lille University, France)
Antonella Mastrorilli (ENSAP-Lille University, France)
Patricia Radelet de Grave (LLN University, Belgium)
Baudouin Van den Abeele (LLN University, Belgium)
CRC 2018 is an international and interdisciplinary project focused on the development of jointly innovative research initiatives – hypothesis & perspectives into History of sciences and Nature of scince taching – between Lille University (France), Catholic University Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and in collaboration of the IDTC–Interdivisional Teaching Commission. It is financed by Lille and LLN Bilateral Project 2018-2019. The events dates of seminars and workhops will be both at LLN and Lille Universities sites.
Recent Direction Special Issues History of Science & Nos (Physics, Mathematics, Foundations, Nature of Scence-Education):
2019. Foundations of Science (Springer) [co-guest editor]
- James Joule’s Bicentenary: Foundations and Nature of Science Teaching. IDTC Special Issue. Foundations of Science, pre-print
2018. Transversal [guest editor/co-author]
- Pisano R (ed) Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education IDTC Special Issue Transversal Historiography of Science 5
2017. Philosophia Scientiae [co-guest editor/co-author]
- Pisano R, Bussotti P (eds). Homage to Galileo Galilei 1564–2014. Reading Iuvenilia Galilean Works within History and Historical Epistemology of Science. Special Issue Philosophia Scientiae, 21/1
Current Associate Affiliations /Visiting Professor-Researcher/Erasmus
- 2022-. Invited Member, University of Roma La Sapienza Academic International Network
- 2015-. Research Associate [elected] | Centre for History of Science and Philosophy - Archives Poincaré CNRS | University of Lorraine.
- 2015-2019. Honorary Associate [elected] | School of History & Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney | Visiting Professor February 2019.
- 2016-. Linus Pauling Memorial Lecturer [titled] | ISEPP, Portland State University, OR, USA http://www.isepp.org/index.html
- 2018-. Visiting Professor-Researcher [appointed by CPNSS Visitor Selection Committee] | Ref.: Dir. Prof. Dr. Roman Frigg | Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science | London School of Economics and Political Science, June 2018
- http://www.lse.ac.uk/cpnss
- http://www.lse.ac.uk/cpnss/visit/current-visitors
- http://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy
- 2017-. Research Associate [elected] of the International Research Area on Foundation of the Sciences, History of Science Group, Lateran University http://www.irafs.org/res_hist_sc.html
- 2019. Erasmus+ for Teaching. January, one week. Activity: Nature of Science Teaching Lectures (8h) at the Department of Technical Education, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor University, Slovenia http://tehnika.fnm.uni-mb.si
- 2020–2021 Visiting Professor, Research & Teaching at distance. Department of Physics, Department of Mathematics, Department of Technical Education. Maribor University, Slovenia. [Nov-Feb.].