Raffaele Pisano
[2016-] Full Professor at the Lille University, France
[2016-] Linus Pauling Memorial Lecturer (ISEPP, Portland State University, OR, USA) http://www.isepp.org/index.html
[2017-2023] President (Elected, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- IDTC Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (related to: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group/Division of History of Science and Technology)
[2011-2017; 2022] Vice President (Elected, Nancy, France)
- IDTC Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (related to: Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group/Division of History of Science and Technology)
[2015] Accreditation to Supervise Research
- HDR–Habilitation à diriger des recherches [Habilis] in: History, epistemology of science and technique. University of Lorraine, France. Parrain Scientifique: Prof. Gerhard Heinzmann, Lorraine University Nancy, France. Archives Poincaré, UMR 7117, CNRS & Lorraine University Nancy, France.
Qualifications as Full Professor (PU)
- History, epistemology of science and technique (France)
- Philosophy (France)
Qualifications as Associate Professor (MCF)
- History, epistemology of science and technique (France)
- Philosophy (France)
- History of physics-Didactics of physics (Italy)
- Logics, History and Philosophy of Science (Italy)
- Theoretical physics and fundamental interactions (Italy)
[a.a. 2011-2013] Head of a Research HPS Unit
- Research Centre for Theory and History of Science, Department of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, Czech Republic
[2000-2016] Main Research Post-Doc Fellowship/Collaborations*, Temporary Teaching & Research**
- Department of Physics, Lille 1 University, France**
- Cirphles, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France* (Ref.: Prof. Debru).
- CFV, Nantes University de Nantes, France* (Ref. Profs. Tirard/Barbin).
- Department of Physics, Udine University, Italy**
- Varia, Teaching & Research (High schools, Universities, Projects, et al.)
Ph.D , University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy/Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany.
- Thesis in History of science (Physics, Mathematics, Education). The role played by mechanical science in the architects and engineers design in the Renaissance.
Teaching Higher School Qualifications/Agrégation (MIUR, Italy)
- Physics (Italy)
- Mathematics and Physics (Italy)
- Mathematics (Italy)
- Applied Mathematics (Italy)
Post–Lauream School for Physics and Mathematics Specializations, SICSI, University Federico II of Naples, Italy
- Two Dissertations: Physics: Experience on Teaching Thermodynamics & New Technologies, (NoS); Mathematics and Physics: Experimental/Modeling Exponential Function Teaching & New Technologies, (NoS)
Full Lauream in Physics, University of Naples Federico II, Italy. Two Dissertations:
- Sadi Carnot’s Thermodynamics: a New Interpretation based on Logics and Mathematics.
- Quantum Optics–Electronics: Revelation and Generation of Twin Bundles by a KTP – state solid Laser Nd/YAG
Associate Affiliations
- Research Associate [elected] | Centre for History of Science and Philosophy - Archives Poincaré CNRS | University of Lorraine.
- Research Associate [elected] | Centre François Viète, University of Nantes.
- Research Associate [elected] | Centre Sciences, Texts, Language, University of Lille.
- Honorary Associate [elected] | Unit for History & Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney
Main organisations [recently. See also "Axes de Recherche]
- (Organizer and Chairperson & Keynote Speaker). Sadi Carnot 1824-2024, University of Lille, France www.carnotlille2024.com
- (Keynote Speaker) CaLISTA Workshop Geometry-Informed Machine Learning | 2-4 September 2024, École des Mines de Paris, France
- (Keynote Speaker) Sadi Carnot's Legacy Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics | 16-18 September 2024, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- (Keynote Speaker) 4th International Workshop on Carnot Batteries | 23-25 September 2024, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- (Keynote Speaker) Carnot Workshop on Quantum Thermodynamics and Open Quantum Systems | 25-27 November 2024 University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France
- (Keynote Speaker) Sadi Carnot Anniversary 1824-2024 Workshop | 4 December 2024, Maison Française d'Oxford, The United Kingdom
- 2023 : (Co-Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Newton Geneva Edition 1822-2022, University of Oxford, UK https://newtongenevaedition.sciencesconf.org
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Symposium: Interactions between Physical and Algebraic Conceptions and Methods, C.1830–1920 (With Isobel Falconer and Daniel Mitchell). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson). International Symposium: IDTC Symposium: Designing Curricula as an Interdisciplinary Programmed Framework in the History of Science & Scientific–Technical Teaching. (With Gianna Katsiampoura and Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- 3rd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, American Institute of Physics, et al. 3-6 June
- Validation des acquis buissonniers (VAB). Vers une meilleure reconnaissance de l’expérience des étudiants à l’université. Lille University, 14 June
- CRC-2018. Cognition, Reasoning & Changes: Symmetry, Invariance, Analogy and Metaphors in the History and Epistemology of Science & Education [Bilateral Project supported by: Lille University, France & Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve [By Raffaele Pisano (Lille University) Shahid Rahman (Lille University),Patricia Radelet de Grave (Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Baudouin Van den Abeele (Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Antonella Mastrorilli (ENS, Lille) ]
- CRM 2018 – Conceptual Frameworks, Reasoning & Modelling in the History and Epistemology of Science & Teaching Sciences/Nature of Sciences [Raffaele Pisano and Shahid Rahman, Lille University]
- 2nd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, École Dostorale SHS Lille 3 et MESHS, 11-12 October
- Arguments par parallélisme et ressemblance. Exemplification, symétrie et analogie : Approches conceptuelles et didactiques. ADA Meeting, 12 mai, MESHS, Lille, France
- Journée d’étude École doctorale SHS. Une vision d’ensemble sur les didactiques, pédagogies et professionnalisations. International Workshop. 31 Mars, Lille, France
- Science into History and Education International Colloquium Paul de St Robert (1815–1888). Changes of the Scientific Knowledge in the Eighteenth—Nineteenth Century HPS and Educational Insights. 2016, 30 Sept. Plenetario Infinito, Osservatorio, Torino, Italie
- 1st International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, MESHS, University of Lille, 22-26 June, France
- Project ancient instruments « Sciences et Histoires », Lille 1 University and Lycée de l’Escaut (BTS PEA), avec Vangelis Antzoulatos (lycée de l’Escaut, Valenciennes), Oct 2014–Mai 2015, France
- Workshop. Scienze e Didattica delle Scienze. Pisano R (Lille 1/AIF Latina), Bonacci E (AIF Latina), Altamore A (Roma TRE) 11 Mars, latina, Italie
- International Congress of Italian Association for the History of Engeenering, 19-20 Mai, Napoli, Italy
- 1964–2014. Homage to Alexandre Koyré. Hypotheses, Perspectives & Popularization within History of Science. Pisano R (University of Lille 1, France), Drozdova D (National State University Moscow, Russian Federation), 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Lisbon (Lisbon, 4–6 Sept.r 2014), Portugal
- Spaces and modes of Communication : Popularization Scientific Concepts within History of Science, Education & Society. 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. (Lisbon 4–6 Sept)
- 1644–2014. 370° Anniversary of Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica. Dhombres J (CAK–CNRS, France), Radelet de–Grave P (Louvain University, Belique), Pisano R (University of Lille 1, France). 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Lisbon (Lisbon, 4–6 Sept. 2014)
- Interview–Workshop CERN on Line. Aleandro Nisati: On Higgs’ Boson at Atlas Experiment. (University of Lille 1) & ATALS (Cern). 12 Dec.
- International Congrés. Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. By Danilo Capecchi (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy), Raffaele Pisano et al. XXXII Italian Congress of the Historians of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) (Roma, Itay 27–29 Septembre)
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Symposium. History and Historical Epistemology Of Science. Conceptual Streams and Mathematical Physical Objects in the Emergency Of Newton’s Science, by Jean Jacques Szczeciniarz (REHSEIS, Paris7, FRANCE), Marco Panza (IHPST/CNRS, Paris1, FRANCE), Raffaele Pisano (CIRPHLES–ENS, F/RCTHS University W. Bohemia, CZ). 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, (Athens (GR) 1–3 Novembre 2012).
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Symposium. History and Philosophy Of Science in EU Secondary Curricula? New Proposals Wanted, by N. Efthymios (GR), P. Heering (D), M. Matthews (AUS), R. Pisano (F/CZ), K. Skordoulis (GR), IDTC. 5th ESHS, (Athens (GR) 1–3 Novembre 2012).
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Workshop. Science Studies And Science Education : How Science Works – And How To Teach It. International Workshop on Science Teaching and History&Philosophy of Science. Avec Helge Kragh (Aarhus University), Keld Nielsen (Aarhus University), Ilaria Gaudiello (Université Paris 8), Lars B. Krogh (Aarhus University), 23–25 Juin 2011, Aarhus University, Århus, Denmark
- Co–organisateur et conférencier : International Symposium. The different historiographies of science. Their advantages and shortcomings. Michal Kokowski (Académie polonaise des sciences, Kracow), Hayo Siemsen (Universitè de Emden, Germany). 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, « The Circulation of Science and Technology » (Barcelona, 16–18 Nov. 2010).
- Co–organisateur et conférencier International Symposium. The Dialectic Relation between Physics And Mathematics In The XIXth Century, avec Evelyne Barbin (Université de Nantes), Raffaele Pisano (Université de Nantes) In : 4th International Conférence of the European Society for the History of Science–The Circulation of Science and Technology (Barcelona, 16–18 Novembre 2010)
- Co–organisateur et conférencier start up au projet EPEDA : Éditions fin XIXe siècle–XXe siècle, dans le contexte historique, des grands scientifiques et penseurs des XVI–XVIIIe siècles.
- Co–organisateur (avec prof. Danilo Capecchi, La sapienza, Roma), séminaires portant sur le cours d'histoire des sciences et techniques, Faculté de Architecture « Valle Guilia », Università « La Sapienza », Roma
- Direction et auteur (d’un propose) du Project « EPHEESO E–European Project On History Education And Epistemology of Science Objectives. The role played by the history of science : The Image Of A New Perspective For Science Education ? », 13 EU–partners. (2007 : Projet pas activé).
Et al.
Chairperson [recently]
- 2023 : (Co-Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Newton Geneva Edition 1822-2022, University of Oxford, UK https://newtongenevaedition.sciencesconf.org
- 2024 : (Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Sadi Carnot 1824-2024, University of Lille, France www.carnotlille2024.com
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Symposium: Interactions between Physical and Algebraic Conceptions and Methods, C.1830–1920 (With Isobel Falconer and Daniel Mitchell). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson). International Symposium: IDTC Symposium: Designing Curricula as an Interdisciplinary Programmed Framework in the History of Science & Scientific–Technical Teaching. (With Gianna Katsiampoura and Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- Director of the 3rd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, American Institute of Physics, et al. 3-6 June
- Epilogue at the Validation des acquis buissonniers (VAB). Vers une meilleure reconnaissance de l’expérience des étudiants à l’université. Lille University, 14 June
- Co-Chairperson in International Colloquium : RMW.I 2018. IDTC International & Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Reading Minor Works "Bordering" on Exact Scienes: Historical and Nature of Science Perspectives, Lille, 2018, May 17th.o–Chair
- Co-Chairperson in International Seminars, Programme Professpr Invité : IDTC-STL-Lille University, Cycle of Seminars on History of Science/Nature of Science, Prof. Mohammed Abattouy (Morocco). Lille University, 2018 May 9th-18th, France
- Co–Chairperson in International Colloquium : Arguments par parallélisme et ressemblance. Exemplification, symétrie et analogie. Approches conceptuelles et didactiques. ADA–MEETINGS/MESHS, 12 mai, Lille, France
- Chairperson THEOPROF.I.2017 Séminaires de Spécialité. Une vision d’ensemble sur les didactiques, pédagogies et professionnalisations. International workshop. THEODILE-PROFEOR, CIREL, 31 Mars, Lille, France
- Chairperson in International Colloquium : Torino Science into History and Education International Colloquium Paul de St Robert (1815–1888). Changes of the Scientific Knowledge in the Eighteenth—Nineteenth Century HPS and Educational Insights. 2016, 30 Sept. Plenetario Infinito, Osservatorio, Torino, Italie
- Co–Chairperson Summer School: 1st International Summer School For Sciences, History And Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, MESHS/Lille 1 Univ., 22nd–26th, Lille, France
- Chairperson in symposium: 1964–2014. Hommage to Alexandre Koyré. Hypotheses, Perspectives & Popularization within History of Science. 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, 4th–6th September, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
- Chairperson in symposium: Spaces and modes Of Communication: Popularization Scientific Concepts within History of Science, Education & Society. 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Lisbon, Portugal
- Chairperson in symposium: 1644–2014. 370° Anniversary of Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica. 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Lisbon, Portugal
- Chairsession in 5° Convegno Internanazionale di Storia dell’ingegneria, 19th–20th, May, Napoli, Italie
- Chairperson in symposium: Historical Development, Contemporary Investigations and Perspectives of the Logical and Philosophical Foundations of Science, Technology and Medicine, 24th International Congress for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, July, 22nd–28th, Manchester, U.K.
- Chairperson in: Interview–Workshop Cern on Line. Aleandro Nisati: On Higgs’ Boson at Atlas Experiment. CHSE (University of Lille 1) & ATALS (Cern).
- Co–Chairerson in: Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. A bridge between sciences and conceptual frameworks. In XXXII Italian Congress of teh Historians of Physics and Astronomy, Sept. 27th–29th, Roma, Italie
- Co–Chair, Legacy and influence in Mathematics, session in The genius of Archimedes 23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Syracuse (Sicily), Italie 8–10 juin, (avec prof. Teun Koetsier, Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Chairperson, table–ronde. Qual è il ruolo culturale e interdisciplinare del linguaggio matematico delle scienze fisiche ? 7 Mai, IIS G. Marconi, Latina, Italie
- Chairperson, 1° workshop Interdivision AIF Latina/Calitri/Napoli1Napoli2– N. Jommelli. 19, Mai, Ist. N. Jommelli, Aversa, (Ce), Italie
- Co–Chairperson XXVI National Congress of History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA 2006), Roma, 15–17 Juin, Italie
- Chairperson, Workshop, L’insegnamento delle scienze. Ipotesi e prospettive, ITIS–LST G. Marconi, Latina, Italie
Et al.
International Invitations [recently]
- Forthcoming 2023 : (Co-Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Newton Geneva Edition 1822-2022, Oxford, UK
- (Invited Keynote Speaker) Symmetries in Physics, HAPP ONE-DAY CONFERENCE. St Cross College, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Saturday, 19 November. My talk: The Symmetries in the History of Physics: Phenomena and Ideas in Maxwell, Noether and Einstein www.stx.ox.ac.uk/event/symmetries-in-physics
- (Keynote Speaker & Scientic Committee Mmeber) My Talk: The Historiographical Problem of the History of Astronomy. XX International Scientific Conference: The Multidimensionality of the Education in the 21st Century, 07-09 June. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, Poland.
- Keynote Speakers & Scientic Committee Member) My talk: History of Science in Curricula Designing. 2nd International Scientific Professional Conference: Stream Educational Stream, 18-22 March. Vilnius University, Lithuania.
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson & Speaker). Symposium: Interactions between Physical and Algebraic Conceptions and Methods, C.1830–1920 (With Isobel Falconer and Daniel Mitchell). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- (Co-Organizer and Chairperson). International Symposium: IDTC Symposium: Designing Curricula as an Interdisciplinary Programmed Framework in the History of Science & Scientific–Technical Teaching. (With Gianna Katsiampoura and Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha). 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 25-31 July 2021, Prague
- (Invited Talk). « Kepler’s Mysterium Cosmographicum Revisited: Some New Intellectual History Perspectives on the Interplay of Metaphysics, Physics and Mathematics ». Rita Palmerino Workshop On early modern natural philosophy, 4-5 February. Organized by Peter Anstey, Sydney University, Austalia
- (Invited Talk). « New Light on the Background to Galileo’s Science of the Strength of Materials: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives on Machines, Fortifications and the Scientia de ponderibus in the 15th–16th centuries ». The Scientific Revolution. ANZAMENS, 5-8 February. Organized by Peter Anstey, Sydeny University, Australia
- (Invited talk) 2018. Exploring Changes and Methods in How Inquiring Histories and Philosophies of Sciences/Nature of Sciences have been Written. In SISFA International Workshop: Perspective in the History of Extact Sciences, between Physics, Philosophy and Nature of Sciences. La sapienza University, Roma, Italy, 20-21 April.
- (Invited Talk) The Interplay between Physics and Mathematics within History and Philosophy of Science & Science Education ». In : Médiation et diffusion des savoirs dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales : enjeux, réalisations, perspectives, en France et à l’international Workshop by GERICO, CIREL ET EDSHS. Université de Lille, 21 novembre
- (Keynote Speaker) On the epistemic interplay between physics and mathematics such as a dynamical framework within nos–research teaching science. 2nd international Baltic Symposium On Science And Technology Education (Balticste2017). Sscience and technology education: engaging the new generation. University of Šiauliai, Lituanie
- (Invited Talk) On Mechanics and Thermodynamics Analogies in History of Physics-Mathematics and Teaching Science. In : Arguments par parallélisme et ressemblance. Exemplification, symétrie et analogie. Approches conceptuelles et didactiques. ADA–MEETINGS/STL-CIREL MESHS, 12/05, Lille.
- (Invited Talk) Reading History of Science as a Physics and Mathematics Framework for Newton Geneva Edition (1822). Symposium 27 « Structure complexe et fondements de la physique du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours ». Congres SFHST 2017, Strasbourg, 19-21 Avril
- (Invited Talk) Teaching Physics-and-Mathematics: Lagrangian Method (1788) in Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory (1864/65-1873). In : Médiation et diffusion des savoirs dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales : enjeux, réalisations, perspectives, en France et à l’international Workshop by GERICO, CIREL ET EDSHS. Université de Lille, 24 Avril
- (Invited Talk) Cas–études en didactique & histoire de la physique–mathématiques. Une vision d’ensemble sur les didactiques, pédagogies et professionnalisations. International Workshop. Ecoled Doctorale SHS Lille 3, 31 Mars, Lille, France
- (Invited Talk) The Cycle Conceptualization in the History of Physics. Sadi Carnot’s Thermodynamics and Volta’s Pile. In : Physics seminaires. Physics department, Catholic Louvain University, March 27th, Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium
- (Lectio Magistralis) The Breaking of a Paradigm: from Mechanics to Thermodynamics In : Institute of Science, Engineering and Public Policy Program, Portland State University, March 2nd, Portland, U.S.A.
- (Invited Talk) Le Réflexions (1824) de Sadi Carnot et le Principes di Paolo Ballada Conte di Saint Robert. In : History of Physics and Physics Teaching. Seminaires. Department of Physics/AIF sezione di Torino, Torino University, Feb. 14th, Torino, Italy
- (Invited Talk) Paul de Saint-Robert—Principes de Thermodynamique (1865): A b ook between Research & Teaching. In: Torino Science into History and Education International Colloquium Paul de St Robert (1815–1888). Changes of the Scientific Knowledge in the Eighteenth—Nineteenth Century HPS and Educational Insights. 2016, 30 Sept. Plenetario Infinito, Osservatorio, Torino, Italie
- (Invited Talk) Unpublished Galilean Works on Fortifications. Reflection in History and Epistemology of Science. In : Seminario di Storia delle idee, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Roma TRE, Italy, 12nd January, Roma, Italy
- (Invited Talk) The Architecture of science : physics, mathematics and logic. Case studies in the history of science. In : The Architectonic of Science workshop of the ADA–MEETINGS/MESHS, Lille, May 20th, France
- (Invite Talk) Roundtable: Symposium on the History and Philosophy of science Islam and Science: a Living Heritage Achievements in classical Islam and contemporary challenges of world science. In : Department of Languages and Cultures Unity of Arab and Islamic Studies, Ghent University, 8 May, Ghent, Belgium
- (Invited Talk) The Culture of Machines in the16th–17th Centuries: A bridge Between Machineries and Conceptual Frameworks in Physics Mathematics Relationship. Sciences and Technologies Department, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Dec. 16th, Nice, France
- (Invited Lectuter). On the Electromagnetic Thoery. Lagrangian Mathematical Conceptual Streams in Maxwell’s Physics Mathematics Relationship. Master Engineering Sciences and Sustainable Development, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 17th Dec., Nice, France
- (Invited Lectuter) On unpublished Galilean Works on Fortifications. Details on Physics, Mathematics and Geometry in History and Historical Epistemology of Science. Master Engineering Sciences and Sustainable Development, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 17th Dec., Nice, France
- (Plenary Speaker) Paul de Saint Robert bridge between physics and culture. Associazione Culturale Torre del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert, Castagnole delle lanze, Asti, Oct., 26th–29th, Asti, Italy
- (Invited talk) Lavoisier And Sadi Carnot. Chemical–And–Physical Sciences Dating Back To Two Scientific Revolutions: 1789 And 1824.In: Research, Theory and Practice on Chemistry Didactics conference. IOSTE. Hradec Králové University, Sept 15th–17th., Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
- (Invited talk) Sulle Fortificazioni di Niccolò Tartaglia: Analisi del Libro VI e della Sua Gionta (1554). 5° Convegno Internanazionale di Storia dell’ingegneria, May 19th–20th, Napoli, Italy
- (Plenary Speaker) Mechanics, Science & Society in the Renaissance: What Tradition? In: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in Education, Department of Science Technical Education, Maribor University, May 26th–28th, Maribor, Slovenia
- (Invited Talk) A Historical Analysis of Torricelli’s Principle in Mechanics (1644). In: 1644–2014. 370° Anniversary of Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica Symposium, 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Communication, 4th–6th Sept., Lisbon, Portugal
- (Invited Talk) Kepler’s Physical Astronomy: A Scholarly Tradition Dating Back to Alexandre Koyré. In: 6th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Symposium: 1964–2014 Homage to Alexandre Koyré. Hypotheses, Perspectives & Popularization within History of Science Symposium Lisbon 4th–6th Sept., Lisbon, Portugal (avec Paolo Bussotti)
- (Invited talk) The Lagrangian methods and equations within Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. In: Journée d'étude en Histoire des sciences, Université de Lille 1, 20th Déc, Lille, France
- (Invited talk) Les sens de la collaboration père–fils: Lazare et Sadi Carnot. In: Le collectif et l'individuel dans la pratique des sciences exactes. Centre Alexandre Koyré/EHESS, 5th Déc., Paris, France
- (Invited Talk) Tartaglia, Galileo and Torricelli: Scientific Roots. In : XI ENBOGRET. The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 26th octobre, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- (Plenary Speaker) On the Electromagnetic Theory. Lagrangian Mathematical Conceptual Streams in Maxwell’s Physics Mathematics Relationship. In: Scientiarum Historia VI Congresso de História das Ciências e das Técnicas e Epistemologia. The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Riuo de Janeiro, Oct. 23rd–25th, Brazil
- (Plenary Speaker) Notes on the Historical Conceptual Streams for Mathematics and Physics Teaching. International Proceedings of the 53° mathematical Society Congress, Lithuanian Vilnius University, The Lithuanian Vilnius University Press, 19th–20th Juin, Vilnius, Lithuania
- (invited Talk) The culture of machines in the 16th–17th centuries. A bridge between Machineries and Conceptual Frameworks. In: Symposium S003 Historical Development, Contemporary Investigations and Perspectives of the Logical and Philosophical Foundations of Science, Technology and Medicine, 24th International Congress for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Manchester, U.K., July 22nd–28th, Manchester, U.K.
- (Invited Talk) On the Historical Foundations of Physical and Mathematical Sciences within Science Education. Conference. University of Lille 1 (France)–University of Alger (Algery). 30th May, Lille 1 University, Lille, France
- (Invited Talk) On the Emergency of Electromagnetic Theory. A bridge Between Physics and Physics Mathematics In: International Colloque: Europe & sciences modernes 2. Histoire d’un engendrement mutual. Caphi&CFV, Université de Nantes, France, 21st–23rd Feb., Nantes, France
- On Archimedean Roots in Tartaglia, Galileo and Torricelli. Lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy, Pontificai Lateran University (Vatican City) within af our History of Scientific lectures series. 12th February, Roma, Italy
- (Plenary speaker). Popularizing Lazare and Sadi Carnot’s Filial Sciences. Physics Mathematics Relationship. 3rd History of Mathematics Winter school. Institute for Contemporary History, Academy of the Sciences of Czech Republic, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno, Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry of the Technical University in Ostrava, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists (Brno branch). Czech Society for History of Science and Technology (Brno branch), République Tchèque, Jan. 24th–27th, Brno, Czech Republic
- (Invited Talk) Mechanics and Machines. How science Worked and How Techniques Worked? Conference, Université de Lille 1–Université d’Alger, France, 10th Janvier, Lille 1 University, Lille, France
- (Invited Talk) On the electromagnetism in the history. The Galilean Tratatto di Fortificatione, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Nov. 18th, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- (Invited Talk) Open problems in mathematical modelling and physical experiments: exploring exponential function. In: International Conference in Natural Science Education, Université de Šiauliai, Nov. 7th–10th Šiauliai, Lithuania (avec Paolo Bussotti)
- (Invited Talk) On mechanics and architecture during the Renaissance. The Galilean Tratatto di Fortificatione, Université de West Bohemia in Pilsen, Jan. 26th, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- (Invited Talk) Culture of Machines in 17th century. Dipartimento di Meccanica, Strutture, Ambiente e Territorio, University of Cassino, Apr. 30 Avril, Cassino, Italie
- (Invited Talk) On mechanics and architecture during the Renaissance. The Galilean Tratatto di Fortificatione, Université de West Bohémia in Pilsen, République Tchèque, Janvier
- (invited talk) On Mechanics and Thermodynamics Carnotian science. Université de West Bohémia in Pilsen, République Tchèque
- (Invited talk) Histories, Epistemologies, and Teachings. Information & communication Technology International Conference in Natural Science Education, Université de Šiauliai, Faculté de Éducation–Natural Science Education Research Centre, 9–13 novembre, Lithuanie
- (Invited talk) On the hystoriographical problem of the astronomy. Modern physics, Université de West Bohémia in Pilsen, République tchèque, 29–30 sept
- (Invited talk) On the birth of electromagnetic theory. The dialectic relation between mathematics and physics. Symposium : The Dialectic Relation between Physics And Mathematics In The XIXth Century, by Evelyne Barbin (Université de Nantes), Raffaele Pisano (Université de Nantes) in 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, The Circulation of Science and Technology (Barcelona, 16–18 Novembre 2010), Esapana
- (Plenary Speaker) « What Is The Cultural And Interdisciplinary Role Played By Physical And Mathematics Sciences? Epistemological Reflection » in ESU–6, 19–23 July, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
- « On Lazare and Sadi Carnot Scientific Approach To The Science », in Réseaux scientifiques et circulation des savoirs : mathématiques et sciences physiques au XIX siècle – Citè des Congress – Université de Nantes 7 june, France
- (Invited talk) « On the éditions of Quesiti et inventioni diverse », EPEDA – International projet pour l’Éditions fin XIXe siècle XXe siècle, dans le contexte historique, des grands scientifiques et penseurs des XVI–XVIIIe siècles. 22–23 jan., Italie
- (Invited talk) Sadi Carnot’s heath theory. An Interpretation based on Logics and Mathematics. Réseaux scientifiques et circulation des savoirs : mathématiques et sciences physiques au XIX siècle – Centre François Viète – Université de Nantes, 20 oct., Italie
- (Invited talk) A history of physics. Galileo Galilei’s Trattato di Fortificazione », Centre François Viète – Université de Nantes, 24 nov., Italie
- (Invited talk) Scienze e Religioni. Il ruolo delle scienze naturali, ipotesi di studio e prospettive, ITC Bianchini, Terracina, (Lt), 03 oct, Italie.
- (Invited talk) L’astronomia nel suo sviluppo storico–critico Facoltà di Architettura, Valle
- Giulia, Université of Roma La Sapienza, 29 Mai, Italie
- (Invited talk) Quale paradigma per la storia dell’astronomia? Mathesis Gioia – Politecnico di Bari, 09 Mai, Bari, Italie
- (Invited talk) Galileo Galilei : Trattato di Fortificazione, First Roma Workshop on Past and Present Perceptions of Science Galileo and the Renaissance Scientific Discourse, 6 Mai, Roma, Italie
- (Invited talk) Niccolò Tartaglia e le matematiche disfide nell’architettura del ‘500, Seminario didActeco, Facoltà di Architettura, Valle Giulia, Université de Roma « La Sapienza », 27 Mars, Italie
- (Invited talk) Scienza e letteratura: le narrazioni della scienza, Liceo scientifico Labriola–AIF Ostiense–Collegio didActeco, Université de Roma TRE, Communication : Sulla storia dell’astronomia. Riflessioni epistemologiche, 9–10 Février, Roma, Italie
- (Invited talk) Colloque International Gabrie Lamé 2009, Tours 1795 – Paris 1870. Communication : Lamé : Leçons sur la théorie analytique de la chaleur. Epistemological reflexions. Centre François Viète – Université de Nantes et Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Nantes, 15–16–17 Janvier, France
- (Invited talk) « La geometria del XIX secolo : da Monge a Poncelet ». 03 Oct., ITIS « G. Ferraris », Napoli
- (Invited talk) Chair et table–ronde, « Qual è il ruolo culturale e interdisciplinare del linguaggio matematico delle scienze fisiche ? », 7 Mai, « IIS G. Marconi », Latina, Italie
- Speaker et Chair. 1° Workshop Interdivision AIF Latina/Calitri/Napoli1Napoli2– N. Jommelli. Communication : Qual è la matrice culturale della scienza che insegniamo ? 19, Mai, N. Jommelli, Aversa, (Ce), Italie
- (Invited talk) The role played by Mechanical Science during the Architect and Engineers design in the Renaissance. Prof. Dr. Eberhard Knobloch Reserach colloquies, Institut für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschafts–und Technikgeschichte, Technische Universität, 23 Jan., Berlin, Allemande
- (Invited talk) « Riflessioni epistemologiche sulla nascita della fiisca moderna. Il caso del corpo nero. Prof. Aldo Altamore séminaires : l’apprendimento significativo della fisica Quantistica : prospettive e proposte per un percorso didActeco interdisciplinare » 18 Mar., Università « Roma TRE », Roma, Italie
- (Invited talk) L’immagine di una nuova prospettiva(?). ITAS E. di Savoia. 12 Juin, Napoli, Italie
- (Invited talk) Chair at Workshop. L’insegnamento delle scienze. Ipotesi e prospettive, 18 Mars Latina, Italie
- (Invited talk) Sul ruolo epistemologico dei principi nella fisica di Poincaré. 6 Dec., LS G.B. Grassi, Latina
- (Invited talk) L’origine del ciclo di Carnot e la Pila di Volta. 19 Mai. ITG A. Sani, Latina, Italie.
- (Invited talk) Quanti principi ha la termodinamica? 06 Avril, ITG A. Sani, Latina, Italie.
- (Invited talk) Riflessioni sul principio di Torricelli, 21 Mars, ITG A. Sani, Latina, Italie.
- (Invited talk) WYP 2005…, Storia della Fisica e cultura scuola, 19 Février, ITG A. Sani, Latina, Italie
- (Invited talk) Linguaggio comune e linguaggio matematico?, ASPASIA centre – Mathesis Latina, 14, Italie
Et al.
- plus, ca. 90 more communications