Raffaele Pisano
Research, Boards & Projects
Field of research [interdisciplinary and transversal] History of Science and Nature of Science (NoS)
EB, Referee and book reviewer
- Annals of Science
- Metascience
- Endeavour
- Tranversal
- American Mathematical Review
- Centaurus
- Metascience
- Foundations of Science
- Foundations of Chemistry
- British Journal for the History of science
- ESHS–Centaurus
- Science & Education
- Problems of education in the 21st Century
- Journal Baltic Science Education
- Philosophia Scientiæ
- Substantia
- ESERA-congresses
- et al.
Member of more than twenty societies and associations
- [1998-] Organisation des workshops, seminaries, international congresses, summer schools et al.
Main topics of Research in History of Science/Teaching Science, epistemology/philosophy of science
- Relationship between mathematical and physics in history and philosophy of science
- Logical structure of physical theories (classical logic and non-classical logic)
- Mechanics (and the technique of science, fortifications of engineers and architects) XV-XX centuries
- Theory of heat and thermodynamics, XIX-XX centuries
- Electricity and electromagnetism, XIX centuries
- From steam engines to steam engines in western civilization
- Historical Epistemology of Science
- Nature of Science: Teaching / Didactics & History of Science / Comparative
- Analysing students and teachers activities
- Multidisciplinary teaching of physics and maths. Integrated with epistemology and logic / Nature of Science: Teaching & History of Science / Comparative
- Interdisciplinary teaching, teaching in French, English and Italian
Particular Topics of Interest
- Sadi and Lazare Carnot: mechanics and thermodynamics – filiation
- Tartaglia, Galileo and Torricelli, static and mechanical, education and society
- Geneva Newtonian edition
- Abacus Schools and Fibonacci: Science, Education and Society
- Mechanical and technical sciences, fortifications, engineers and architects
- Theories on astronomy / cosmology of Kepler, Leibniz and Newton
- Theory of heat and thermodynamics, XIX-XX centuries
- Electricity and electromagnetism: Faraday and Maxwell, the role of Lagrangian
- History and philosophy of the birth of quantum mechanics / relativity
- Teaching physics and mathematics and its political contextualization / European ministerial programs
- Spherical geometry in relativity
Interdisciplinary and scientific disciplines and its didactic dimensions at Lycée / Université
- Science & Society
- Physics, Mathematics (and Logic), Physics-Mathematics
- Teaching physics and mathematics and its political contextualization / European ministerial programs
- Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture: "The Breaking of a Paradigm: Mechanics to Thermodynamics" 2017, March 2nd, ISEPP, Portland, USA
- http://www.isepp.org/Pages/16-17%20Pages/Pisano.html
Recent Projects, EU Projects & Related Organizing Events, Invitations | History of Science & Nature of Science (NoS)
- (Invited Talk). "On Fibonacci and mathematical conceptual streams in context around the 12th to 14th centuries in Italy". In: A History of the Mathematics of Populationns. Oxford University, UK, 22nd June
- (Keynote lecturer). "On the Black Body Radiation & the Birth of Quantum Mechanics. An Interplay between Physics and Mathematics". IISHPSE 2019, Lille University, France, 5th June.
- (Invited Talk). « Kepler’s Mysterium Cosmographicum Revisited: Some New Intellectual History Perspectives on the Interplay of Metaphysics, Physics and Mathematics ». Rita Palmerino Workshop On early modern natural philosophy, 4-5 February. Organized by Peter Anstey, Sydney University, Austalia
- (Invited Talk). « New Light on the Background to Galileo’s Science of the Strength of Materials: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives on Machines, Fortifications and the Scientia de ponderibus in the 15th–16th centuries ». The Scientific Revolution. ANZAMENS, 5-8 February. Organized by Peter Anstey. Sydeny University, Australia
- (Invited Talk) On History of Black Body Theory and the Birth of Quantum Mechanics. Bilateral Project Lille University/ENSAP Lille (France) and LLN University, Belgium. Research seminaries, October-April 2018-2019
- Understanding Physics as Newton’s Principia Geneva Edition ([1739-1742] 1822): The Interplay Physics–Mathematics–Geometry into History of Physics. 3rd International Conference on the History of Physics under the auspices of the European Physical Society, 17-21 October 2018
- (Invited Talk). On the Historical Categories of Inquiring into the History of Physics–Mathematics & Nature of Science (NoS). IDTC International and Interdisciplinary Colloquium. RPM.I 2018 The Relationship between Physics and Mathematics in the History of Science & Nature of Science: How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written?, 2018, 3rd Dec. Lille University, France
- (Invited Talk) Tartaglia, Galileo and Archimedes Heritage. PERUGIA 2019. Galileo nel contesto. International Colloquium Homage to Lino Conti. Philosophy Department, Perugia University. October 25
- Communication: Reading the Discoveries of Gravitational Waves as New History of Physics Research Programme. XXXVIII SISFA Congress (Avec PhD student Philippe Vincent), Messina, Italy, 3-6 Octobre
- Communication: Galileo's Free fall into History Physics and Nature of Science Teaching. XXXVIII SISFA Congress (Avec PhD Student Vincenzo Cioci), Messina, Italy, 3-6 Octobre
- History of Mechanics: Lazare Carnot Selected Works. In collaboration with Jennifer Coopersmith (Honorary Research Associate, Latrobe University, Melbourne Australia) Murray Peake (Senior Consultant, Melbourne, Australia). Shahid Rahman, Editor Springer Book series (Lille University, France). Vol. 1. Essay upon Machines in General ([1793] 1796), Springer. Vol. 2 Fundamental Principles of Equilibrium and Motion (1803), Springer. Vol. 3 Geometry of Position (1803), pre-print
- Validation des acquis buissonniers (VAB). Vers une meilleure reconnaissance de l’expérience des étudiants à l’université. Collection BooK by Groupe VAB. Co-editor with Corinne Baujard (Cirel, Lille University). Contributions: Fransis Danvers, Rémi Casanova, Valérie Melin, et al. by Cirel Research Unit, pre-print
- 2017-. Member of the Marianne European Project managed by Lille University/Academy-Rectorat Lille, France. Consortium: France, Germany and The Netherlands.
- 2018. HOPDSS. International Colloquium History of Physics, san Sebastien, 18-21 October, 2018. Communication : Understanding Physics as Newton’s Principia Geneva Edition ([1739-1742] 1822): The Interplay Physics–Mathematics–Geometry–into History of Physics.
- 2018. Reading Tartaglia’s and Beeckman Geometrical and Mathematical Modelling Applied to Natural Phenomena. International Colloquium, Middelburg, The Netherlands, 27-28 September 2018. In collaboration with Antonella mastrorilli (ENSAP-Lacht, Lille University, France)
- RPM 2018. IDTC Project/2 days event. Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written. Argumentation, Reasoning and Interplays from Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, Mechanics, Nature of Science. 20-22 Sept.
- ESHS 2018, London, Sept. 14-17. Invited Talk: From Vesale to Pourcelot via Harvey and Pulsed Color Doppler Ultrasound; with Jean-François Morea (Paris, France), and Jean Michel Corréas (Paris, France). In: Symposium, Meaningful Colour: Epistemology of Colour in the Sciences - early modernity to today.
- ESHS 2018, London, Sept. 14-17. Invited Talk: Lagrangian Method (1788) in Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory (1864/65-1873) as Physics Mathematics Modelling. In Symposium, History and Foundations of Mathematics and Physics.
- RMW.I 2018. IDTC International & Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Reading Minor Works "Bordering" on Exact Scienes: Historical and Nature of Science Perspectives, Lille, 2018, May 17th
- 2018-2019[] CRC-2018. Cognition, Reasoning & Changes: Symmetry, Invariance, Analogy and Metaphors in the History and Epistemology of Science & Education [Bilateral Project supported by: Lille University, France & Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve [By Raffaele Pisano (Lille University) Shahid Rahman (Lille University),Patricia Radelet de Grave (Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Baudouin Van den Abeele (Catholic Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Antonella Mastrorilli (ENS, Lille) ]
- At the Xperium 3: Méthodes Interdisciplinaires de recherche en histoire–épistémologie des Sciences & Nature of Science : Exemplifications, Symétries et Analogies [as part of: 2018-2019 XPerium-3, Université de Lille, France; by Raffaele Pisano, Shahid Rahman, Steephen Rossy]
- Special Issue on HPS–&–Education : IDTC Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education [Expected, dec. 2018]. Guest Editor: Raffaele Pisano. Transversal, pre-print
- Project LAI - Lille University. Ref.: Prof. Shahid Rahman.
- International Colloquium Project. Exploring Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written. Argumentation, Reasoning and Interplays from Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Nature of Science. With Shahid Rahman et al. Submitted to Lille University.
- Editorial Project. History of Mechanics: Lazare Carnot Selected Works. Submitted to Lille University. With Jennifer Coopersmith (Honorary Research Associate, Latrobe University, Melbourne Australia) Murray Peake (Senior Consultant, Melbourne, Australia). Submitted to Lille University.
- VAB 2018 - Décrochage scolaire et universitaire : la VAB outil de valorisation d’expérience des acquis buissonniers [submitted to: MESHS ÉDITION 2017 - 2018 SOUTIEN À L’ÉMERGENCE DE PROJETS. Waiting for eventual approval; by Corinne Baujard, Raffaele Pisano, Valérie Melin, Rémi Casanova;Lille University, France.
- 2020. Rethinking Science & Changes. A Combined Research in History and Teaching Science for a New Cultural Education. Guest Editors Raffaele Pisano (Lille University, France) and Catherine Milne (New York University, USA), Cultural Studies of Science Education
- 2nd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, École Dostorale SHS Lille et MESHS, 11-12 October
- Arguments par parallélisme et ressemblance. Exemplification, symétrie et analogie : Approches conceptuelles et didactiques. ADA Meeting, 12 mai, MESHS, Lille, France
- Journée d’étude École doctorale SHS. Une vision d’ensemble sur les didactiques, pédagogies et professionnalisations. International Workshop under ED-SHS Lille University. 31 Mars, Lille, France [By Raffaele Pisano, Corinne Baujard, Rémi Casanova, Lille University]
- et al.
Domaine de recherche [interdisciplinaire et transversal] | Histoire des Sciences & Nature of Science (NoS)
EB, Referee et reviewer/éditorialiste
- Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
- Advances in Historical Studies Journal
- Almagest
- Annals of Science (Taylor & Francis)
- British Journal for the History of Mathematics-Bulettin
- British Journal for the History of Science
- British Journal of Education Society & BS
- Compte-rendu de l’Académie des sciences–Lincei (Springer)
- Centaurus (ESHS)
- Endevaour
- Foundations of Chemistry (Springer)
- Foundations of Sciences (Springer)
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (University of California Press)
- History of Mechanics and Mechanism (Springer)
- History of Mechanism and Machine Science International Committee (IFtoMM)
- International Lettera Pristem (Springer)
- Isonomia
- Journal of Baltic Science Education
- Mathematical Review–American Mathematical Society
- Organon (Polish Academy of Science)
- Pedagojika
- Philosophia Scientiae
- Physical Review & RI
- Physical Science International Journal
- Problems of Education in the 21st Century
- Studia Historia Scientiarum
- Substantia
- ESERA conferences/
- ESHS Congresses
et al.
Membre de plus de vingt sociétés et associations des savants
- [1998-] Organisation des workshops, séminaires, congrès internationaux, summer schools et al.
Thèmes de recherche et/pour l’enseignement en histoire, épistémologie/philosophie des sciences
- Relation entre la physique et les mathématiques en histoire et philosophie des sciences
- Structure logique des théories physiques (logique classique et logique non classique)
- Mécanique (et la technique des sciences, fortifications de les ingénieurs et architectes) XV–XX siècles
- Théorie de la chaleur et de la thermodynamique, XIX–XX siècles.
- Électricité et électromagnétisme, XIX siècles
- Des machines thermiques aux moteurs à vapeur au sein de la civilisation occidentale
- Épistémologie historique des sciences
- Nature of Science : Enseignement/Didactique & Histoire des sciences / Comparative
- Enseignement multidisciplinaire de la physique et des math. intégrés avec l’épistémologie et la logique /Nature of Science : Enseignement & Histoire des sciences / Comparative
- Enseignement interdisciplinaire, enseignement en français, anglais et italien.
Intérêts particuliers
- Sadi et Lazare Carnot : filiation mécanique - thermodynamique
- Tartaglia, Galileo et Torricelli, statique et mécanique, éducation et société
- Geneva Newtonian edition
- Abacus écoles et Fibonacci : science, éducation et société
- Mécanique et technique des sciences, fortifications, ingénieurs et architectes
- Les théories sur l’astronomie/cosmologie de Kepler, Leibniz et Newton
- Théorie de la chaleur et de la thermodynamique, XIX–XX siècles.
- Électricité et électromagnétisme : Faraday et Maxwell, le rôle de la mécanique Lagrangien
- Histoire et philosophie de la naissance de la mécanique quantique / relativité
- Enseignement de la physique et des mathématiques et sa contextualisation politique/programmes/curricula ministérielles européennes
- La géométrie sphérique dans la relativité
Interdisciplinarité et disciplines scientifiques et ses dimensions didactiques au Lycée / Université
- Enseignement de la physique et des mathématiques et sa contextualisation politique/programmes ministérielles européennes
- Science & Société
o Physique, Mathématiques (et Logiques), Physique-Mathématiques
- Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture: "The Breaking of a Paradigm: Mechanics to Thermodynamics" 2017, March 2nd, ISEPP, Portland, USA
Recent and Main Awards & Achievements Financial Support Organizing Scientific Activites

- Cycles of International and interdisciplinary Seminars/Events in History of Physics and Applied Sciences & Technology. IEMN, Lille University-CNRS, France
- American Institute of Physics, IDTC for: 3rd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education, Lille University, France
- Bilaterla project France-Belgium by Lille university & LLN University for CRC-2018-2019. Cognition, Reasoning & Changes: Symmetry, Invariance, Analogy and Metaphors in the History and Epistemology of Science & Education
- et al.
- International Programme Professor Invité by Lille University | IDTC for: Cycle of Seminars on History of Science/Nature of Science, Prof. Mohammed Abattouy (Morocco). Lille University, 2018 May 9th-18th, France
- IDTC (DHST/DLMPST), LATCH-ENSAP, LIlle University for: RPM 2018. IDTC International & Interdisciplinary Colloquium. The Relationship between Physics and Mathematics in the History of Science & Nature of Science: How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been Written? 2018, 3rd dec. https://www.idtc-iuhps.com/idtc-international-colloquium-2018-december.html
- IDTC (DHST/DLMPST), DECCID, for: RMW.I 2018. IDTC International & Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Reading Minor Works "Bordering" on Exact Scienes: Historical and Nature of Science Perspectives, Lille, 2018, May 17th https://www.idtc-iuhps.com/idtc-international-colloquium.html
- et al.
- IDTC (DHST/DLMPST), MESHS, Lille 1 University for: 2nd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education. Inter Divisional Teaching Commission, École Dostorale SHS Lille 3 et MESHS, 2017, 11-12 October
- MESHS for: Arguments par parallélisme et ressemblance. Exemplification, symétrie et analogie : Approches conceptuelles et didactiques. ADA Meeting, 12 mai, MESHS, Lille, France
- EDSHS, IDTC for: Journée d’étude École doctorale SHS. Une vision d’ensemble sur les didactiques, pédagogies et professionnalisations. International Workshop. 31 Mars, 2017, Lille, France
- International Programme Professor Invité by Lille University | IDTC for: Cycle of Seminars on Comparative History of Science/Nature of Science, A/Prof. Cristina Blanco Sío-López. (Spain), Lille University.
- et al.
- UFI Université Franco-Italienne, IDTC, Planetarium Torino for: Science into History and Education Intern. Colloquium Paul de St Robert (1815–1888). Changes of the Scientific Knowledge in the Eighteenth—Nineteenth Century HPS and Educational Insights. 30/09. Plenetario, Oss., Torino, Italie. See the UFI label
- et al.
- IDTC (DHST/DLMPST), MESHS, Lille 1 University et al. for: 2nd International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education, MESHS, 2015, 22-26 June http://summerschoollille2015.historyofscience.it/index.php/en
- et al.