Raffaele Pisano
Publications, Covers & Referee Activities
253 Publications | Recent Books | Below Full List of Publ. | Full Works via HAL database: 430+ | Update: 2025, 18th February
Recent from Springer Books:
- 2024. Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P. Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024. Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights, Springer https://link.springer.com/book/9783031069628
- 2024. Pisano R (ed). A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas and Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino, Springer https://link.springer.com/book/9783031261732
- 2021. Pisano R, Cooppersmith J, Peacke M. Essay on Machines in General (1786). Monograph. Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics – Vol. 1. Springer https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030443849#aboutBook
- 2017. Pisano R, Agassi J, Drozdova D. (eds) Hypotheses and Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Science. Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1892-1964. Springer.
- 2016. Pisano R, Capecchi D. Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in the Sixteenth Century. Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse: Books VII–VIII. Springer.
- 2015. Pisano R (ed). A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks. Sciences, Society and Technology Studies. Springer.
- 2014. Gillispie CC, Pisano R. Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship. 2nd ed. Springer.
- 2013. Barbin E, Pisano R. The Dialectic Relation between Physics and Mathematics in the XIXth Century. Springer.
Recent from London College Publications Books
- 2017. Pisano R, Fichant M, Bussotti P, Oliveira A.(eds) The Dialogue between Sciences, Philosophy and Engineering. New Historical and Epistemological Insights. Homage to Gottfried W. Leibniz 1646-1716. London College Publications http://www.collegepublications.co.uk/dialogues/?00005 [Please see a recent book review by Guillermo Ranea (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina) ] https://elibrary.steiner-verlag.de/article/99.105010/stl201802025001
Recent from Oxford University Press/Aracne
- 2017. (Translation) Un racconto di sette elementi [A Tale of Seven Eelements by Eric Scerri, Oxford Univrsity Press, Oxford]. Traduzione di Raffaele Pisano and Paolo Bussotti. Aracne, Roma. http://www.aracneeditrice.it/index.php/pubblicazione.html?item=9788825504248
- Raffaele Pisano (Book review): The Mystery of the Majorana affair [Book: Erasmo Recami (2020) The Majorana case: letters, documents, testimonies. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing] http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11016-021-00690-9
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Raffaele_Pisano
- http://univ-lille1.academia.edu/RaffaelePisano
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8040-5088
- https://fr.linkedin.com/in/raffaele-pisano-hdr-habil-a61a116
- http://summerschoollille2017.historyofscience.it
- http://poincare.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/membre-associe/raffaele-pisano
- http://www.cnfhps.org/annuaire/chercheurs/raffaele-pisano
- https://philpapers.org/s/Raffaele%20Pisano
- https://idtc-intercommission.com
Some Journals and Institutions where I am Referee | Book reviewer | Peer–blind–review–international journals/publishers | Associate Editors | Author, Co-Author | Guest Editor, Co-Guest Editor, etc.:
- Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
- Almagest
- Annals of Science (Taylor & Francis)
- British Journal for the History of Mathematics
- British Journal for the History of Science
- British Journal of Education Society & BS
- Centaurus (ESHS)
- Compte-rendu de l’Académie des sciences–Lincei Sez. History of Mathematics (Springer)
- Endevaour
- Entropy (MDPI)
- Philosophies (MDPI)
- Quantum Reports (MDPI)
- Simmetries (MDPI)
- Mathematics (MDPI)
- Book Series Duhemiana (Aracne Roma)
- ESERA-Conferences
- ESHS-Congresses [some editions]
- European Journal of Analytic Philosophy
- Foundations of Chemistry (Springer)
- Foundations of Sciences (Springer)
- University Texts in the Mathematical Sciences (Springer)
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (University of California Press)
- History of Mechanics and Mechanism (Springer)
- HMM (Springer)
- International Lettera Pristem (Springer)
- Isonomia
- Journal of Baltic Science Education
- London College Publicaton (UK)
- Mathematical Review–American Mathematical Society
- Medical Humanities & Medicina Narrativa
- Numta Committee [programme scientific committee et referee]
- Numta Committee Expert for Young Researcher Springer Prize
- Organon (Polish Academy of Science)
- Oxford University Press (NY-Oxford) [forthcoming book]
- Pedagojika
- Philosophia Scientiae
- Physical Review & RI
- Physical Science International Journal
- Problems of Education in the 21st Century
- Studia Historia Scientiarum
- Science & Education (Springer)
- Science & Education Advisor Board (Springer)
- Substantia
- Symmetry
- The Mathematical Intelligencer (Springer)
- Transversal Historiography Journal (Minas Gerais (Brazil) University Accounted)
- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Springer)
- Computer Science (Springer)
- Éducation & Didactique
et al.
Full List of Publications [253 Publications. Update: 2025, 18th February] | Full Works via HAL database: 430+
Peer review (comité de lecture) dans des revues internationales ACL* / ACLN**
- *2025. Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739-1742]1822) Phil. Trans. A Special Issue & The State-of-the Art (with Paolo Bussotti and Elisa Belotti). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Special Issue Newton, Principia, Newton Geneva Edition (17th –19th) and Modern Newtonian Mechanics: Heritage, Past–&–Present, in press
- *2025. The Physics–Mathematics Interplay in Newton Principia Geneva Edition (1822): A New Case Study on the Three–body Problem (with Paolo Bussotti, University of Udine). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Special Issue Newton, Principia, Newton Geneva Edition (17th –19th) and Modern Newtonian Mechanics: Heritage, Past–&–Present, in press
- *2025. Conceptual Frameworks from Newton's Principia and Newton’s Principia Geneva Edition: Analysis of the Problem of Isochronism, Propositions XLVIII-LIII (with Paolo Bussotti, University of Udine). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Special Issue Newton, Principia, Newton Geneva Edition (17th –19th) and Modern Newtonian Mechanics: Heritage, Past–&–Present, in press
- *2024. Report of the International Symposium Newton & Newton Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Geneva Edition ([1739–1742]1822) University of Oxford, United Kingdom, September 22–23, 2023 (with Belotti E and Bussotti P). British Journal for the History of Mathematics 39/2:162-165 https://doi.org/10.1080/26375451.2024.2381374
- *2024. Briefs on Symmetries in the History of Physics–Mathematics: Maxwell (1865–1873), Noether (1915–1918) and Einstein (1905–1926). Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP Oxford: 2877 012101 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2877/1/012101
- *2022. Conceptual Frameworks on the Relationship between Physics–Mathematics in the Newton Principia Geneva Edition (1822). Foundations of Sciences (Springer) 27/3:1127-1182 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10699-021-09820-2
- *2021. Pisano R, Pellegrino EM, Anakkar A, Nagels M. Conceptual polymorphism of entropy into the history: extensions of the second law of thermodynamics towards statistical physics and chemistry during nineteenth–twentieth centuriesFoundations of Chemistry (Springer) 23:337-378 link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10698-021-09401-y
- *2020. Pisano R, Sozzo S. A Unified Theory of Human Judgements and Decision-making under Uncertainty. Entropy. Special Issue Andrei Khrennikov A, Bagarello F (eds). Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision-Making 22/7:1-34 https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/22/7/738
- *2020. Historical Foundations of Physics & Applied Technology as Dynamic Frameworksin Pre-Service STEM. (with Philippe Vincent, PhD Student, Lille University, France, Kosta Dolenc University of Maribor, Slovenia, Mateja Ploj-Virtič University of Maribor, Slovenia). Foundations of Science (Springer) 26:727–756 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10699-020-09662-4
- *2020. Introduction. Joule’s Bicentenary: History of Science, Foundations and Nature of Science. (with Paulo Mauricio, Lisbon School of Education, Lisbon Polytechnic Institution, Portugal and Philippe Vincent and Philippe Vincent, PhD Student, Lille University, France). Foundations of Science (Springer) 26: 531–551 doi.org/10.1007/s10699-020-09680-2
- *2020. Historical and Foundational Details on the Method of Infinite Descent: Every Prime Number of the Form 4n+1 is the Sum of Two Squares (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine University, Italy). Foundations of Science (Springer), 25/4:671–702 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10699-019-09642-3
- *2020. A Tale of Tartaglia’s Libro Sesto & Gionta in Quesiti et Inventioni diverse (1546-1554). Exploring the Historical and Cultural Foundations. Foundations of Science (Springer) 25/2:477–505 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-019-09635-2
- *2019. Thermodynamic Foundations of Physical Chemistry. Reversible Processes and Thermal Equilibrium into History (avec Abdelkader Anakkar, Lille University, France. Emilio Pellegrino, ISEPP, Portland University, USA. Mazime Nagels, Lille University, France) Foundations of Chemistry (Springer) 21:297–323 https://link.springer.com/journal/10698
- *2018. Introduction. In Pisano R (ed) Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education Special Issue Transversal Historiography of Science 5:3-9 (with Philippe Vincent)
- *2017. Reading Science, Technology and Education: A Tradition Dating back to Science into the History and Historiography Transversal 3:77-97
- *2017. A Development of the Principle of Virtual Laws and its Framework in Lazare Carnot’s Mechanics as Manifest Relationship between Physics and Mathematics. International Journal for Historiography of science 2:166-203.
- *2017. Introduction. 1564–2014. Homage to Galileo Galilei. In: Pisano R, Bussotti P (eds). Homage to Galileo Galilei 1564–2014. Reading Iuvenilia Galilean Works within History and Historical Epistemology of Science. Special Issue Philosophia Scientiae, 21/1:5–13
- *2017. The Fiction of the Infinitesimals in Newton’s Works: A note on the Metaphoric use of Infinitesimals in Newton (with Paolo Bussotti). Special Issue Isonomia 9:141-160
- *2016. A Newtonian Tale Details on Notes and Proofs in Geneva Edition of Newton’s Principia (with Paolo Bussotti). Bulletin–Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 31/3: 160-178
- *2016. Details on the mathematical interplay between Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli. Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 31:104–111
- *2015. Historical and Philosophical Reflections on the Culture of Machines around the Renaissance: Machines, Machineries and Perpetual Motion. Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum 3/1:69–87 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2015. The Geometrical Foundation of Federigo Enriques’ Gnoseology and Epistemology (with Bussotti). Sp. Issue: Ad. in Historical Studies 4:118–145
- *2015. Introduction. Exploring Changes in How the Histories of the Exact Sciences Have Been Written: Interpreting the Dynamics of Change in These Sciences and Interrelations amongst Them—Past Problems, Future Cures? Advances in Historical Studies Special Issue 4/2:65–67 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2015. Galileo in Padua: architecture, fortifications, mathematics and « practical » science, Lettera Matematica Pristem International – Springer, pp. 209–221 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2015. Fibonacci and the Abacus Schools in Italy. Mathematical Conceptual Streams, Science Education and its Changing Relationship with Society, Almagest 6/2:126–165 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2014. Galileo a Padova: un itinerario tra architettura, fortificazioni, matematica e scienza « pratica », Lettera Matematica 91:48–58 (with Paolo Bussotti).
- *2014. Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica « Jesuit » Edition: The Tenor of a Huge Work. Atti Accademia Nazionale Lincei Rendiconti Lincei Matematica e Applicazioni 25:413–444 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2014. Notes on mechanics and mathematics in Torricelli as physics mathematics relationships in the history of science. Problems of Education In The 21st Century International Journal. Special Issue 61/61:88–97 (with Bussotti)
- *2014. Historical and Philosophical Reflections on the Culture of Machines around the Renaissance. How Science and Technique Work? Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum 2/2:20–42 (with Bussotti)
- *2014. Reflections on the Relationship between Cybernetic Pedagogy, Cognitive Science & Language. Pedagogika 115/3:70–87 (with Aberšek, Dolenc, Kordigel)
- *2014. On the Jesuit Edition of Newton’s Principia. Science and Advanced Researches in the Western Civilization. Newton Sp. Issue: History and Historical Epistemology of Science. Advances in Historical Studies 3/1:33–55 (with Bussotti)
- **2014. Introduction to Advances Historical Studies—Newton Special Issue. History and Historical Epistemology of Science. Advances in Historical Studies Newton Special Issue 3/1:1
- *2013. Conceptual and Mathematical Structures of Mechanical Science in the Western Civilization around 18th Century. Almagest 4/2:86–121 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- **2013. On the Conceptual Frames in René Descartes’ Physical Works. Advances in Historical Studies 2/3:106–125 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- **2013. On Popularization of Scientific Education In Italy Between 12th And 16th Centuries. Problems of Education in the 21st Century 57:90–101 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- **2013. Reflections on the Scientific Conceptual Streams in Leonardo da Vinci and his Relationship with Luca Pacioli. Advances in Historical Studies 2/2:32–45
- **2013. On the New Boson Higgs’s Studies at the CERN–ATLAS Experiment. The Emergency of a Historical Discovery. Advances in Historical Studies 2/1:3–5
- **2013. Open problems in mathematical modelling and physical experiments: exploring exponential function. Problems of education in the 21st century 50/50.56–69 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- **2012. Learning Mathematics In Physics Phenomenology and Historical Conceptual Streams. Problems of Education in The 21st Century 46:93–100 (with Maria Mellone)
- **2012. Galileo and Kepler. On Theoremata Circa Centrum Gravitatis Solidorum and Mysterium Cosmographicum. History Research 2/2:110–145 (with Bussotti)
- **2012. An Historical Inquiry On Geometry In Relativity. Reflections on Late Relationship Geometry–Physics (Part II). History Research 2/1:56–64 (with Ferdinando Casolaro).
- *2012. Il ruolo della scienza e della tecnologia nelle fortificazioni rinascimentali. Quaderni di Storia della Fisica-Giornale di Fisica 53:269-286 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- **2011. An Historical Inquiry On Geometry In Relativity. Reflections on Early Relationship Geometry–Physics (Part I). History Research 1/1:47-60 (with Ferdinando Casolaro).
- *2010. On Principles In Sadi Carnot’s Theory (1824). Epistemological reflkections. Almagest 2/1:128–179
- *2010. Reflections on Torricelli’s principle in mechanics. Organon 42:81–98 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- *2009. Continuity and discontinuity. An epistemological inquiry based on the use of categories in history of science. Polish Academy of Sciences. Organon 41:245–265 (with Ilaria Gaudiello)
- *2009. Continuity and discontinuity. On method in Leonardo da Vinci’ mechanics. Organon 41:165–182
- **2008. The history of science and scientific education. Problems and perspectives. Problems of education in the 21st century 6:145–158 (with Ada Guerriero)
- *2008. A history of chemistry à la Koyré? Introduction and setting of an epistemological problem. Khimiya Journal 2/17:143–161
- *2007. La teoria dei baricentri di Torricelli come fondamento della static. Physis – Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza XLIV/1: 1–29 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- *2007. La novità del rapporto fisica–matematica nelle Réflexions di Sadi Carnot, Fondazione Ronchi LXII/4:497–525 (with Antonino Drago)
- *2006. Mathematics of Logic and Logic of Mathematics. Critical problems in History of Science. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12/2:358
- *2005. La nota matematica nelle "Rèflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu" di Sadi Carnot: interpretazione del calcolo con il metodo sintetico, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica–Giornale di Fisica 13, 37–58 (with Antonino Drago)
- *2004. Interpretation and reconstruction of Sadi Carnot’s Réflexions through original sentences belonging to non–classical logic. Fond. Ronchi, LIX/5:615–644 (with Antonino Drago)
- *2002. S. Carnot’s Réflexions: a theory based on non–classical Logic. The Bulletin Symbolic Logic 8:131-132 (with Antonino Drago)
- *2000. Interpretazione e ricostruzione delle Réflexions di Sadi Carnot mediante la logica non–classica, Giornale di Fisica, XLI/4, 195–217 (with Antonino Drago)
Editorials, Books Review, Book’s Prefaces, et al. Peer review (comité de lecture) dans des revues internationales ACL* / ACLN**
- *2025. (Review) On Theories. Logical Empiricism and the Methodology of Modern Physics. Isis, forthcoming
- *2023. (Preface). Preface. Bussotti P, Lotti B. Cosmology in the Early Modern Age: A Web of Ideas. Springer, pp. v-vii.
- *2021. (Review) The Mystery of the Majorana Affair. Metascience 30:421–424 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11016-021-00690-9
- *2021. (Review) Seventeen lectures in the history of physics. Metascience 30(2):207-210 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11016-021-00621-8
- *2020. (Review) Reflections on the History of Science and the Modern University. Metascience 1-3 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11016-020-00516-0
- *2019. (Review) Pathological illustrations between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Metascience: 29/1:99-101
- *2019. (Review) Measured Words: Computation and Writing in Renaissance Italy by Arielle Saiber. The Mathematical Intelligencer:1-5
- *2019. (Report) ISSHPSE-2017 Reporting. Viewpoint 118:3
- *2017 (Preface). Prefazione all'edizione italiana. Quando la storia diventa scienza. In: Un racconto di sette elementi [A Tale of Seven Eelements by Eric Scerri, Oxford Univrsity Press, Oxford]. Traduzione di Raffaele Pisano and Paolo Bussotti. Aracne, Roma, pp. 13-14 http://www.aracneeditrice.it/index.php/pubblicazione.html?item=9788825504248
- *2017 (Review) Science without Frontiers. Cosmopolitanism and National Interests in the World of Learning, 1870–1940. British Journal for the History of Science 50/4 :735-736
- *2016 (Report) ISSHPSE-2015 Reporting. Viewpoint 110:13
- *2016 (Editorial) Running Details on the Two Movements in the Intellectual History of Science and Ideas. Journal Baltic for Science Education 15/6:660–661
- *2016. (Interview). Interview to Joseph Agassi (with Mauro Condé and Michael Segre), International Journal for Historiography of Science 1/1:116–119
- *2016 (Review) The Natural and the Human: Science and the Shaping of Modernity 1739–1841. British Journal of History of Science 49/3:488–490
- *2016 (Review) Tunnel Visions: The Rise and Fall of the Superconducting Super Collider. Centaurus 57/4: 271–273
- *2016 (Review). Taming the Unknown: History of Algebra from Antiquity to the Early Twentieth Century. Metascience 25:237–241
- *2015 (Review). Editing Newton In Geneva And Rome : The Annotated Edition Of The Principia By Calandrini, Le Seur And Jacquier. The American mathematical Society–Mathematical Review : MR3345755 01A45 01A50
- *2013. (Editorial) Science, Society and Civilization in the History of Science. Problems of Education in the 21st Century 55:4–10
- *2013. (Preface). The Evolution of Work Concept in the Machines Context (A Brief History of a Concept) by Agamenon Oliveira. Springer Dordrecht, pp. v–vi
- *2013. (Review) Review Ph.D. Thesis : Psyco–Education Factors of Applying Visualisation in Science Education. Siauliai University, Lithuania. Advances in Historical Studies 2/1:17–18
- *2012. (Editorial) European Society for the History of Science and New Incoming Institutions Members, Centaurus 54/4:330–331
- *2012. (Review) History of Virtual Works Laws. A History of Mechanics Prospective, Annals of Science 71/3:441-442
- *2012. (Editorial) European Society for the History of Science and 2010 Aarhus event Centaurus, 54:202–203
- *2012. (Editorial) Curricula, History of science Science education. Problems of education in the 21st century 40:5–6
- *2012. (Review) Honorè Fabri and the Concept of Impetus: A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Annals of Science 71/2:276–277
- *2011. (Review) The English Galileo: Thomas Harriot’s Work on Motion as an Example of Preclassical Mechanics. 2 vols. Annals of Science:1/3–iFirstDOI:10.1080/00033790.2011.614011
- *2011. (Editorial) European Society for the History of Science and e–Map. Centaurus 53/4:346–347
- *2011. (Editorial) European Society for the History of Science. Centaurus 53/3: 253–254. August 2011 (with M. Rosa Massa–Esteve)
- **2011. (Editorial) Textbooks, Foundations, History of Science and Science education. Problems of education in the 21st century 35:5–10
- **2009. (Editorial). Towards High Qualification for Science Education. The Loss of Certainty. International Journal of Baltic Science Education 8/2:64–68.
Peer review (comité de lecture) publications en tant qu’éditeur en Chef d’une revue internationale ISSN Print: 2327-0438 | ISSN Online: 2327-0446
- 2024. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 13/4
- 2024. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 13/3
- 2024. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 13/2
- (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March. 13/1
- 2023. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 12/4
- 2023. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 12/3
- 2023. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 12/2
- 2023 (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Jan-Mar 12/1
- 2022. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 11/4
- 2022. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 11/3
- 2022. 2022. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June. 11/2
- 2022. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March. 11/1
- 2021. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 10/4
- 2021. (Editor-in-chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 10/3
- 2021 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Juin. 10/2
- 2021 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Jan. 10/1
- 2020 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 9/3
- 2020 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Jun. 9/2
- 2020 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Jan. 9/1
- 2019 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 8/5
- 2019 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 8/4
- 2019 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 8/3
- 2019 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 8/2
- 2019 (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 8/1
- 2018. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 7/3
- 2018. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 7/2
- 2018. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 7/1
- 2017. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 6/4
- 2017. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 6/3
- 2017. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June. 6/2
- 2017. (Editor-in-Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March. 6/1
- 2016. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 5/5
- 2016. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 5/4
- 2016. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 5/3
- 2016. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sp. Issue, April 5/2
- 2016. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 5/1
- 2015. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 4/5
- 2015. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 4/4
- 2015. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 4/3.
- 2015. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sp. Issue, April 4/2
- 2015. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 4/1
- 2014. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 3/5
- 2014. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 3/4
- 2014. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 3/3
- 2014. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 3/2
- 2014. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sp. Issue Feb. 3/1
- 2013. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. 2/4 December
- 2013. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Sept. 2/3
- 2013. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. June 2/2
- 2013. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. March 2/1
- 2012. (Editor–in–Chief) Advances in Historical Studies. Dec. 1/1
Peer review (comité de lecture) dans des revues Italiennes de niveau internationale ACL* / ACLN**
- 2006**. La Science et l'Hypothèse di J–H. Poincaré. Note epistemologiche, Rivista di Epistemologia Didattica I/1, 279–300
- 2006**. Meccanica ed architettura nel Rinascimento. Note su Leonardo da Vinci, Rivista di Epistemologia Didattica I/2:197–219 (with Federica di Pietrantonio)
- 2005*. Si può insegnare la pluralità delle logiche?, Periodico di Matematiche, (1), pp. 41–58)
Peer review (comité de lecture) dans des ouvrages collectifs internationaux ACL* / ACLN**
- 2025*. Introducing the Essays in Cultural, Fundamental and Technological Frameworks. In: Pisano R (ed). An Intellectual History of Science in the Renaissance. Cultural, Fundamental and Technological Frameworks. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025*. Renaissance Architecture: The Rise of the City. In: Pisano R (ed) An Intellectual History of Science in the Renaissance. Cultural, Fundamental and Frameworks. Vol. 1, Springer, Cham, (with Luciano Boschiero, Australia), forthcoming
- 2025*. An Intellectual Review: History and Historiography of Science & Technology in the Renaissance. In: Pisano R (ed). An Intellectual History of Science in the Renaissance. Cultural and Technological Frameworks. Vol. 2 Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025*. Presenting the Essays. In Pisano R (ed). Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives, forthcoming
- 2025*. Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies: A Scientific–Historical Introductory Review. In: Pisano R (ed). Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025*. Physics Scanning Devices & Nanoscale Techniques: An Historical Perspective. In: Pisano R (ed). Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives. Springer, Cham, forthcoming (with Durlo), forthcoming
- 2025*. Nano World: Its Scientific-Intellectual & Historical Context. In: Pisano R (ed). Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025*. Historical Foundations of Nanotechnology: Emergences, Inventions & Discoveries. In: Pisano R (ed). Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025*. Nanoparticles: An Historical & Science In Society Review. In: Pisano R (ed). Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- *2025. Homage to Salvo D'Agostino (1921–2020). In Pisano R (Ed): A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer, pp. 3-18
- *2025. Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms: Introducing the Essays in History of Physics and Mathematics. In Pisano R (ed): A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine Uniersity, Italy), pp. 19-28
- *2025. Salvo D'Agostino's Publications from 1964 to 2019–[posthumous 2022]: 237 Works. In Pisano R (Ed): A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer, pp. 751-772
- *2025. Details in Galileo’s Mechanism of Inertia as New Intellectual Historical Insights. In Pisano R (ed): A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine Uniersity, Italy), pp. 503-560
- *2025. Lagrange’s Three Methods and Langrangean in Maxwell’s A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873) In Pisano R (ed): A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer (with Marmottini, Campus, Cist.-Latina, Italy and Durlo, PhD Student, Lille University) pp. 185-264
- *2025. Clausius' Laws, Boltzmann’s H-Theorem & Entropy: Mathematical Frameworks into a Kinetic Mechanism (1850–1901) In Pisano R (ed): A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Springer (with Pellegrino, ICEEP, USA), pp. 265-330
- *2024. Briefs on Buonaiuto Lorini's Fortificationi (1609): Geometry, Machines & Mechanics into Engineering during the Renaissance. (with Julie Robarts, University of Melbourne, Australia). In: Ceccarelli M et al. (eds). Springer, Cham, pp. 257-270 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-54876-5_18
- *2024. Celebrating Evangelista Torricelli's Opera Geometrica (1644–2024). Details in History and Historiography of Physics, Geometry and Mathematics. In: Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P (eds). Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights. Springer (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine Uniersity, Italy), pp. 3-92
- *2024. Introducing Selected Papers on Opera Geometrica Details in History and Historiography of Physics, Geometry and Mathematics. In: Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P (eds). Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights. Springer (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine Uniersity, Italy), pp. 95-97
- *2024. Historical and Methodological Details on the De motu gravium naturaliter descendentium in Torricelli’s Opera Gometrica (1644). In: Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P (eds). Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights. Springer (with Paolo Bussotti, Udine Uniersity, Italy), pp. 189-224
- *2024. Opera Geometrica's Transcription: General Considerations. In: Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P. Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights. Springer, pp. 281-282
- *2024. Opera Geometrica (1644) Transcription: Image–Text Side by Side (with Paolo Bussotti and Patricia Radelet de Grave) In: Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P. Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights. Springer, pp. 283-1088
- *2024. Bibliography: Evangelista Torricelli, Main Sources. In: Pisano R, Dhombres J, Radelet de Grave P, Bussotti P. Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights. Springer, p. 1089
- *2023. Feynman’s Frameworks on Nanotechnology in a Historiographical Debate. In: Conde M, Solomon M (eds). Handbook of the Historiography of Science. Springer (with Andrea Durlo, PhD Student, University of Lille), Springer, pp. 471-478 https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-030-99498-3
- *2022. A Short Comparative Historiography of Science & Technology of Mechanics into Engineering––and––Architecture Literatures during the Renaissance (with Julie Robarts, Australian National University, Australia). In: Ceccarelli M, López-García R (eds). Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms. Springer, pp. 227–240
- *2022. Historical Details on Coulomb's Torsional Forces by Metal Wires (with Oliveira Agamenon, Polytechnic School of UFRJ, Brazil). In: Ceccarelli M, López-García R (eds). Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms. Vol. 40. Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 241-254
- *2019. Historical and Scientific note of Color Duplex Doppler Ultrasound and Imaging. In: Bock von Wülfingen B (ed). SCIENCE IN COLOR. Visualizing Achromatic Knowledge. De Gruyter, Berlin. (avec Jean-François Moreau (Paris 4, France) and Jean Michel Corréas (Necker University Paris Hospital, France), pp. 181-194
- *2017. On the Conceptualization of Force in Johannes Kepler’s Corpus: an Interplay between Physics/Mathematics and Metaphysics. In: Pisano R, Agassi J and Drozdova D (eds). Hypothesis and Perspective in HPS. Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1892-1964. Springer, pp. 295-346
- *2017. Introduction. Homage to Alexandre Koyré. In: Pisano R, Agassi J and Drozdova D (eds). Hypothesis and Perspective in History and Philosophy of Science. Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1892-1964. Springer, pp. xix-xviii
- *2017. Historical and Philosophical Details on Leibniz’s Planetary Movements as Physical-Structural Model. In: Pisano R, Fichant M, Bussotti P, Oliveira ARE (eds). College Publications, London, pp. 49-92
- *2017. Introduction. 1646-1716. An Interdisciplinary Tribute to Leibniz’ Anniversary. In: Pisano R, Fichant M, Bussotti P, Oliveira ARE (eds). College Publications, London, pp. xi-xvi (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2015. Introduction to Science and technology studies. In: Pisano R (ed). A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies. Springer, pp. xxxix–xlvi
- *2015. The Emergencies of Mechanics and Thermodynamics in the Western Society during 18th–19th Century (with Paolo Bussotti). In: Pisano R (ed). A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies. Springer Dordrecht, pp. 399–436
- *2013. Historical Reflections on Physics Mathematics Relationship In Electromagnetic Theory In: Barbin E., Pisano R., (eds). The Dialectic Relation between Physics And Mathematics In The XIXth Century. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 31–57
Actes Peer review (comité de lecture) dans des workshops et des Congrès internationaux ACL* / ACLN**
- *2020. Nature of Science Experiments: Exploring Galilean Physics of the Motion (with Vincenzo Coci, PhD Student, Lille University, France). In: La Rana A, Rossi P (eds): International 39th Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (Pisa/VIRGO 2019, 9-12 Sept.). Pavia University Press, pp. 117-124
- *2020. Newton’s Geneva Edition: the Notes on Integral Calculus (with Paolo Bussotti Udine University, Italy). In: La Rana A, Rossi P (eds): International 39th Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (Pisa/VIRGO 2019, 9-12 Sept.). Pavia University Press, pp. 127-134
- *2020. Reading the Discoveries of Gravitational Waves as New History of Physics Research Programme (with Philippe Vincent, PhD Student, Lille University, France). In: La Rana A, Rossi P (eds): International 39th Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (Pisa/VIRGO 2019, 9-12 Sept.). Pavia University Press, pp. 359-366
- *2020. Galileo's Free fall into History Physics and Nature of Science Teaching (avec Vincenzo Cioci, PhD Student, Lille University, France). In: International 38th Congress for The SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. Messina 3-6, October, Italy, Pavia University Press, pp. 271-278
- *2020. Notes on Discoveries of Gravitational Waves as New History of Physics Frontier Research Programme (with Philippe Vincent, PhD Student, Lille University, France). In: Esposito S (ed) International 38th Congress for The SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. Messina 2018, 3-6, October, Italy, Pavia University Press, pp. 279-283
- *2017. Newton’s Principia Geneva edition: the action-and-reaction law. Historical and Nature of Science reflexions. Pavia. Pavia University Press, pp. 269-276 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- **2017.Nature-of-Science Teaching: notes on the Lagrangian Methods in Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Theory. Pavia. Pavia University Press, pp. 263-268 (with Donatella Marmottini).
- **2015. Newton Geneva Edition as Research Programme concerning the Relationship Physics––Mathematics in the History and Philosophy of Science. In Tucci P (ed). Proceedings of XXXIV SISFA Congress 2014–Firenze, The Pavia University Press, Pavia, pp. 149–158 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- **2014. Note su Scienza e tecnica. In: Giannetto E, Ricciardo S et al. (eds.), Cielo e Terra: Fisica e Astronomia, un antico legame. Atti del Congresso XXVII Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia, Guaraldi, Rimini, pp. 115–124 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- **2014. Note storiche sul carattere fisico del Trattato di Fortificazione di Galilei. In: Giannetto E, Ricciardo S et al. (eds.), Cielo e Terra: Fisica e Astronomia, un antico legame. Atti del XXIX Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2009, Firenze, Guaraldi, 67–76
- *2014. Lavoisier and Sadi Carnot. Chemical–and–Physical Sciences as Dating Back to Two Survived Scientific Revolutions: 1789 And 1824. Bilek M (ed). Proceedings of the 9th International Organizing Science Technology Education – IOSTE symposium for Central and Eastern Europe. Hradec University, IX, Gaudeamus Králové, pp. 42–54
- **2014. Note sulle Fortificazioni nei Quesiti di Tartaglia. Libro Sesto e sua Gionta. In: D'Agostino S and Fabricatore G (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference in History of Engineering. Cuzzolin, Napoli, Vol. II, pp. 815–825
- *2013. On Lagrangian in Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. Scientiatum VI. The Federate University of Rio de Janeiro Press, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 44–59
- *2013. Notes on the Historical Conceptual Streams for Mathematics and Physics Teaching. International Proceedings of the 53° mathematical Society Congress. Series A. The Vilnius University Press, Vilnius A/54:iv–xvii
- *2013. Historical Reflections on Newton’s First Law and Carnot’s Première Hypothèse. In: 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science. Athens (GR) 1–3 November 2012. National Hellenic Research Foundation/Institute of Historical Research/ Section of Neohellenic Research/ Programme of History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science and Technology, Athens, pp. 214–220.
- **2013. Introduction to the International 32nd Congress SISFA. In: Pisano R, Capecchi D, Lukešová A (eds). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. International 32nd Congress for The SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis UAB & Scientific Methodical Centre Scientia Educologica Press, Šiauliai University, Lithuania, pp. xi–xxi
- **2013. Notes on the Concept of Force in Kepler. In: Raffaele Pisano, Danilo Capecchi, Anna Lukešová (eds). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science. International 32nd Congress for The SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis UAB & Scientific Methodical Centre Scientia Educologica Press, Šiauliai University, Lithuania, pp. 337–344 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- **2013. The Modern Thermodynamics as based on the Principle of Virtual Laws. In: Raffaele Pisano, Danilo Capecchi, Anna Lukešová (eds). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science. International 32nd Congress for The SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis UAB & Scientific Methodical Centre Scientia Educologica Press, Šiauliai University, Lithuania, pp. 345–352 (with Antonino Drago)
- **2012. On Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A synthetic view of a historical epistemological research program. In Mantovani R (ed), Atti del XXX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia, Argalia, Urbino, pp. 147–153
- *2012. Historical Reflections on Scale Ratio in Galilean Tratattto di Fortificazione. In: Ceccarelli M (ed) Proceedings of HMM2012: International Symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms, Springer, pp. 463–473 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- *2011. Physics–Mathematics Relationship. Historical and Epistemological notes. In Barbin E, Kronfellner M and Tzanakis C, (eds.), Proceedings of the ESU 6 European Summer University History And Epistemology In Mathematics, Verlag Holzhausen GmbH–Holzhausen Publishing Ltd., Vienna, pp. 457–472
- *2010. On Archimedean Roots in Torricelli Mechanics. In Ceccarelli M, Paipetis S (eds.) Proceedings of The Genius of Archimedes, Springer, pp. 17–28, (with Danilo Capecchi)
- **2010. Galileo Galilei: Notes on Trattato di Fortificazione. In Altamore A, Antonini G (eds), Galileo and the renaissance scientific discourse, Roma Edizioni nuova cultura, pp. 28–41 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- *2009. On categories and scientific approach in historical discourse, Proceedings of ESHS 3rd Conference, Vienne, pp. 187–197 (with Ilaria Gaudiello)
- *2009. On method in Galileo Galilei’ mechanicsProceedings of 3rd Conférence European Society for the history of science, Vienna, pp. 174–186
- *2009. La Théorie Analytique de La Chaleur. Notes On Fourier And Lamé. In Barbin (ed.). Gabriel Lamé, les pérégrinations d'un ingénieur du XIXe siècle. Bulletin de la Sabix, 44, septembre 2009, pp. 83–90. (with Danilo Capecchi)
- *2007. Évariste Galois’ algebraic theory, epistemological reflections and educational elements. In: 5 European Summer University History And Epistemology In Mathematics, Eds, Barbin, E., Kronfellner, M., Tzanakis, C., Plzeň: Vydavatelsky servis, pp. 147–148.
- *2007. Brief history of centre of gravity theory. Epistemological notes. In Kokowski M (ed). Proceedings of 2nd Proceedings of 3rd Conference of European Society for the history of science, Krakow, Krakow University Press, pp. 934–941.
Actes Peer review (comité de lecture) dans des workshops et des Congrès nationaux (italian) de niveau international ACLN
- 2013. Termodinamica, Definizioni e Principi. In: Viaggio alla scoperta della vita e delle opera del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert. ASC Torre del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert – onlus, Castagnole delle Lanze, pp. 13–14
- 2013. Termodinamica, Principes de Thermodynamique, In: Viaggio alla scoperta della vita e delle opera del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert. ASC Torre del Conte Paolo Ballada di Saint Robert – onlus. Castagnole delle Lanze, pp. 15–20
- 2012. Il Trattato di Fortificazione di Galileo Galilei, Atti del 4° Convegno Nazionale di Storia dell’ingegneria, Cuzzolin, Napoli, Atti del 4° Convegno Nazionale di Storia dell’ingegneria, Cuzzolin, Napoli, Vol. I, pp. 77–90 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- 2012. On Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A synthetic view of a historical epistemological research program. In Mantovani R (ed), Atti del XXX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia, Argalia, Urbino, pp. 147–153
- 2011. Galileo Galilei. Riflessioni epistemologiche sulla resistenza dei corpi. In Guannetto E, Giannini G, Tosano M (eds). Atti del XXVIII Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2008. Intorno a Galileo. La Storia della Fisica e il Punto di Svolta alileiano. Guaradli, Rimini, pp. 81–90
- 2010. Introduzione. In Pisano R. (ed.) Qual è il ruolo culturale ed interdisciplinare delle scienze fisiche e matematiche ? Ipotesi e prospettive. Special Issue. Rivista di Epistemologia Didattica III/5-6:19–32
- 2010. Galileo Galilei. Riflessioni epistemologiche sulla resistenza dei corpi », In Giannetto E, Giannini G, Toscano M (eds). Relatività, Quanti Chaos e altre Rivoluzioni della Fisica. Atti del XXVII Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia SISFA 2007, Guaraldi, Rimini, pp. 61–72
- 2009. Il ruolo della meccanica ne Le Fortificazioni di Buonaiuto Lorini. Atti del 3°. Convegno di Storia dell’ingegneria, Cuzzolin, Napoli, pp. 797–808 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- 2009. Il ruolo della scienza archimedea nei lavori di meccanica di Galilei e di Torricelli. Atti del XXVI Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2006, Guaraldi, Rimini, pp. 65–74
- 2009. Riflessioni sulla geometria nella teoria della relatività. Atti del XXVI Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2006 Guaraldi Editore Rimini (with Ferdinando Casolaro), 221–231
- 2008. Si può formalizzare la relazione scienze religioni ? Scienze e Religioni. Ipotesi di studio e prospettive, Uniservice, Trento, pp. 207–220.
- 2008. Note storiche sul superamento della teoria del calorico in Sadi Carnot. Atti del XXV Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2005, C22.1–C22.6 (with Antonino Drago)
- 2008. La meccanica in Italia nei primi anni del Cinquecento. Il contributo di Niccolò Tartaglia. Atti del XXV Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2005, C17.1–C17.6 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- 2008. Leonardo da Vinci. Recenti riflessioni storico–epistemologiche sulla deformabilità dei corpi. Atti del XLVI Congresso AIF 2007–La fisica nella scuola XLI/3:120–129 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- 2007. Creativa Mente : un progetto interdisciplinare di scrittura creativa per una nuova immagine della didattica tra scienza e letteratura. Atti del XLV Congresso AIF 2006–La fisica nella scuola XL/3, 250–252 (with Ada Guerriero)
- 2007. Il principio di Torricelli prima di Torricelli. Atti del XXIV Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2004, Bibliopolis, Napoli, pp. 107–112, (with Danilo Capecchi)
- 2007. Una indagine epistemologica tra XVIII e XIX sec. Breve introduzione e posizione del problema. Atti del XLV Congresso AIF 2006–La fisica nella scuola XL/3:103–114
- 2007. Scienza e Cultura a scuola… Una nuova prospettiva(?) Note di riflessione, In: Robutti O., Mosca M., Curriculum e successo formativo in matematica e fisica : proposte, esperienze, problemi, Grafiche Ambert, Torino, 370–389.
- 2007. Note sui Principes de Thérmodynamique di P. de Saint Robert. Atti del XXIV Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2004, Bibliopolis, Napoli, pp. 129–134
- 2005. « Quanti sono i principi della termodinamica ? Atti del XLIII Congresso nazionale A.I.F 2004–La fisica nella scuola XXXVIII/3, 203–211
- 2005. Il rapporto fisica–matematica. Problemi critici. In Bruno G, Trotta A (eds). Atti del Congresso Nazionale della Mathesis, Nettuno 2004 (Roma), pp. 399–420
- 2004. Il ciclo di S. Carnot e la Pila di A. Volta. Atti del XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2003, Progedit, Bari, 327–348
- 2001. L’interpretazione della nota matematica nelle Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu, (1824) di S. Carnot. Atti del XX Congresso Nazionale di Storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia 2000, Cuen, Napoli, pp. 205–230
Abstracts Peer review (comité de lecture) d’actes internationaux ACL* / ACLN**
- **2014. (Abstract) Mechanics, Science & Society in the Renaissance: What Tradition? Aberske B (ed). 2nd International Scientific Conference on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in Education. Maribor University Press, Maribor, pp. 9–12 (with Paolo Bussotti)
- *2012. (Abstract & Symposium) On the birth of Electromagnetic theory. Faraday and Maxwell. In : Roca–Rosell, A. (ed.), The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS, Barcelona, 18–20 November 2010. SCHCT–IEC–The University of barcelona Press, Barcelona, pp. 514–515.
- *2009. (Abstract) On mechanical science: Leonardo, Tartaglia, Galilei and Lorini, Book of abstracts, XXIII International Congress of history of science 2009, Budapest, p. 687 (with Danilo Capecchi)
- *2005. (Abstract) Aggregati e congiunti. Quaderno del Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica 2005, pp. 45–
Books Peer review (comité de lecture) comme Auteur OS / ACL
- 2024. Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2022 Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights (with Dhombres, Radelet de Grave and Bussotti), Cham, Springer
- 2021. Essay on Machines in General (1786). Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics – Vol. 1. (With Jennifer Cooppersmith, Australia, Murray Peake, Brittany), Springer
- 2016. Tartaglia’s science weights. Mechanics in XVI century. Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse Springer, Dordrecht, 513 pp. (with Danilo Capecchi)
- 2014. Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship 2nd Edition. Springer Dordrecht, 495 pp. (with Charles C. Gillispie, Princeton University)
- 2013. Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship 1st Edition. Springer Dordrecht, 495 pp. (with Charles C. Gillispie, Princeton University)
- 2010. Scienza e tecnica nell’architettura del Rinascimento (with Danilo Capecchi), CISU editore, Roma
Books / Editor Peer review (comité de lecture) ACL / DO
- 2025. An Intellectual History of Science in the Renaissance. Cultural and Fundamental Frameworks. Vol. 1. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025. An Intellectual History of Science in the Renaissance. Cultural Technological Frameworks. Vol. 2. Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025. Pisano R (ed) Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies. Critical Problems, Science in Society, Historical Perspectives, Springer, Cham, forthcoming
- 2025. A History of Physics: Phenomena, Ideas & Mechanisms. Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino. Cham, Springer
- 2017. (Co-Editor) The Dialogue between Sciences, Philosophy and Engineering. New Historical and Epistemological Insights. Homage to Gottfried W. Leibniz 1646-1716 (with Michel Fichant, Agamenon Oliveira, Paolo Bussotti), London King’s College Publication
- 2017. (co-Editor) Hypothesis and Perspective in History and Philosophy of Science. Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1964-2014. Springer, Dordrecht (with Agassi J, Drozdova D)
- 2015. (Editor) A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies. Pisano R (ed), Springer, Dordrecht
- 2013. (Co-Editor). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. International 32nd Congress for The SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. Raffaele Pisano, Danilo Capecchi, Anna Lukešová (eds). The Scientia Socialis UAB & Scientific Methodical Centre Scientia Edu. Press, Šiauliai University, Lithuania
- 2013. The Dialectic Relation between Physics And Mathematics In The XIXth Century, (with Barbin, Univ. Nantes). Springer.
- 2010. Qual è il ruolo culturale ed interdisciplinare delle scienze fisiche e matematiche ? Ipotesi e prospettive, ISSN : 1974–1162, Laveglia, Salerno
- 2009. Da Archimede a Majorana: La fisica nel suo divenire. Atti del XXVI Congresso SISFA, ISBN : 978–888–049–349–5, Guaraldi Editore, Rimini (with Giannetto E, Giannini G, Capecchi D)
- 2008. Scienze e Religioni. Il ruolo delle scienze naturali, ipotesi di studio e prospettive, Uniservice, Trento (with Rafael Pascual)
Special Issue / Guest Edior Peer review (comité de lecture) ACL / DO
- 2025. (co-editor–Special issue) Issue. Newton’s Principia Geneva Edition ([1739-1742]1822): Foundations, Popularization and Nature of Science (With Paolo Bussotti Udine University and Gustavo Rocha), Foundation of Science, forthcoming
- 2025. (co-editor–Special issue) Newton, Principia, Newton Geneva Edition (17th –19th) and Modern Newtonian Mechanics: Heritage, Past–&–Present Special Issue Philosophical Transaction A Royal Society (with Paolo Bussotti, University of Udine, Italy), forthcoming
- 2020. James Joule’s Bicentenary: Foundations and Nature of Science Teaching. IDTC Special Issue. (with Paulo Mauricio, Lisbon School of Education, Lisbon Polytechnic Institution, Portugal and Philippe Vincent and Philippe Vincent, PhD Student, Lille University, France). [1 introduction, 1 Foreword, 8 articles]. Foundations of Science
- 2018. (Editor) Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education. Transversal 5/2018.
- 2017. (co-editor–special issue) Homage to Galileo Galilei 1564-2014. Reading Iuvenilia Galilean Works within History and Historical Epistemology of Science. (with P. Bussotti), Philosophiae Scientiae 21(1)
- 2010. Qual è il ruolo culturale ed interdisciplinare delle scienze fisiche e matematiche? Ipotesi prospettive. Special Issue. (Contributors: Cini, Pisano, Ferriello, Kragh, Capecchi, Capuozzo, Casolaro & Pisano, Di Liberto, Drago). Rivista di Epistemologia Didattica III(5/6)
Books, Translations ACL / OS
- 2017. (Translation) Un racconto di sette elementi [A Tale of Seven Eelements by Eric Scerri, Oxford Univrsity Press, Oxford]. Traduzione di Raffaele Pisano and Paolo Bussotti. Aracne, Roma. http://www.aracneeditrice.it/index.php/pubblicazione.html?item=9788825504248
Submitted / Pre–print / Proofreading-Forthcoming 10 Submitted / Pre–print / Submitted / Proofreading-Forthcoming / UNDER CONTRACT |
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Books as main co-Author
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