




Scientific leadership

Research team and consortium

Since 2024     (Elected) Co-Head of the Justice and Work Axis, PSITEC Lab, University of Lille.

Since 2023     Scientific coordinator of the ADERES evaluative research program (a program dedicated to reducing general recidivism)– 9 researchers, 2 postdocs, 3 research assistants.

Since 2023     Head of the Research Group on Domestic Violence for the European Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences (MESHS).

Since 2023     Scientific coordinator of the International Network on the Evaluation of Criminal Policies for the Prevention of Recidivism and Social Reintegration. 43 members (researchers, practitioners, and political stakeholders) from 7 countries (France, Canada, England, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan and Israel).

Since 2021     Scientific coordinator of the transversal study group on sexual and gender-based violence10 researchers from three different universities (University of Lille, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Université d'Artois).

Since 2021     Team leader of the Lille team for the Erasmus+ PREVEX project (Training platform on the prevention of emotional and sexual abuse among youth) – 3 researchers.

Since 2021     Team leader of the Lille Team for ANR TROC project (Terrorists Reintegration in Open Custody)– 4 researchers.

Since 2019     Scientific coordinator of the international PERCEPT project (perception of consent from college to University). Countries involved: France, Canada - 4 researchers from France & Canada.


Postdoctoral fellow

2021-2023      Caroline Da Silva on the ANR TROC project (Terrorists Reintegration in Open Custody) – 18 months – Completed.

Ph.D Students

Since 2024      Jessica Herraiz. Cognitive functioning in victims of sexual violence: An interventional research study. Co-supervision with Elodie Barat (École de Psychologues Praticiens, 50%). [50%]

Since 2021      Leni Linthout (International Joint Ph.D). A silenced reality on the way to the United Kingdom: Sexual violence in male migrants in transit in Belgium and France. Co-supervision with Inès Keygnaert (Ghent University, 40%) and Caroline Desombre (University of Lille, 20%). [40%]

Since 2021     Sarah Tibbels. The role of alcohol and theory of mind in sexual violence. [100%]

2018-2023      Maxime Escarguel. The role of emotion regulation in sexual violence: A social information processing perspective – Completed. Co-supervision with Nathalie Przygodzki-Lionet (University of Lille, 30%). [70%]

Medical Thesis

Since 2024     Anna Thinot, Social rehabilitation and recidivism prevention in forensic psychiatry: An integrated perspective. Co-supervision with Thomas Fovet (University of Lille, 50%). [50%]

Master students

Ongoing supervisions: 4.

30 supervisions completed since 2018.

Undergraduate students

42 undergraduate students’ supervision completed since 2018.

Research assistants

2023                Camille Guirouard (Master student, Department of Sociology, University of Lille). Project: “Prevention intimate partner violence: A synthesis of interventions dedicated to perpetrators, victims and children as co-victims”. (6 months, half-time). [100%]

2018                Hassan Ramadan (Undergraduate student, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University). Project: “Biofeedback of heart rate       variability in gambling disorder: A pilot study” (5 months, full time). [100%]

2018                Jacqueline Poncedeleon (Undergraduate student, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University). Project: “Biofeedback of heart rate variability in gambling disorder: A pilot study” (5 months, full time). [100%]

2018                Afaaf Nassif (Undergraduate student, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University). Project: “Biofeedback of heart rate   variability in gambling disorder: A pilot study” (3 months, full time). [100%]

2017- 2018     Danielle Swantek (Master student, School of Social Work, Wayne State University). Project: “Biofeedback of heart rate   variability in gambling disorder: A pilot study” (12 months, half-time). [100%]

2017                Marie-France Paquette (Undergraduate student, School of Criminology, University of Montreal). Project: “Alcohol, sexual arousal and sexual coercion: a psychophysiological approach to self-regulation processes” (3 month, full-time). [100%]

2017                Nisrine Tazi (Undergraduate student, School of Criminology, University of Montreal). Project: “Alcohol, sexual arousal and sexual coercion: a psychophysiological approach to self-regulation processes” (3 month, full-time). [100%]