




National and international visibility (jury, commission, and scientific boards)


Since 2024     (Elected) Council member, International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA).

2024                Member of the international jury of the doctoral thesis of Josep García Coll (University of Córdoba, Spain).

2024                Member of the selection committee, Associate professor position in Work and Organisational Psychology, University of Lille.

Since 2023     Expert for French Ministère de lʼEnseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de lʼInnovation, dispositif Jeune Entreprise Innovante (JEI)/ Young Innovative Company program.

Since 2023     Expert for the Haute Autorité de Santé (French National Authority for Heath) on the topic of evidence-based practices to prevent domestic violences.

Since 2023     Scientific Board member, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et la Société (MESHS) / European Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Since 2023     Expert panel member of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA).

2023                Member of the selection committee, Associate professor position in Health Psychology, Université Savoie Mont Blanc.

2023                Member of the international jury of the master thesis of Manon Duval (University of Montreal).

2022                Member of the Sponsoring Committee for Sophie Saint-Louis' doctoral thesis (University of Montreal).

2022                Member of the international jury of the doctoral thesis of Lotte De Schrijver (Ghent University, Belgium)

Since 2022     Member of the interdisciplinarity group for the evaluation of dangerousness in the field of terrorism, Court of Appeal of Paris.

Since 2021     Member of the Scientific Council in charge of the new victimization survey for the French public statistics office, French Department of Public Safety.

2021                Member of the selection committee, Associate professor position in Criminology, organized crime, criminal finance, Conservatoire National Des Arts et Métiers.

2021-2023      Member of the steering committee of the Criminology Pole project of the National Correctional Administration Academy/ École Nationale d'Administration Pénitentiaire.

2020                Member of the selection committee, Associate professor position in Criminal Law, University of Reims.

2020                Member of the selection committee, Associate professor position in Psychology, University of Reims.

Since 2018     Head or member of several scientific committees for conferences or congresses

  • 2023    Journées Francophones de Sexologies et de Santé Sexuelle, Lille, France. [Member]
  • 2023    Journée d’études « Gestion des risques de violence terroriste et transformations du policing », Toulouse, France. [Member]
  • 2023    Journées Valorisation de la Recherche de l'École Nationale de la Protection Judiciaire, Roubaix, France. [Member]
  • 2023    Journée d’étude et d’échange entre la communauté scientifique et les professionnels sur la prévention des violences conjugales, Douai, France. [Head].
  • 2022    Journée d’étude « Du milieu fermé au milieu ouvert : la réintégration sociale des personnes condamnées pour terrorisme », Lille, France. [Head]
  • 2021    Journée d’étude « Réintégration sociale des personnes condamnées pour terrorisme : enjeux et perspectives », Strasbourg, France. [Member]
  • 2021    Colloque international « Pratiques et recherches en psycho-criminologie et victimologie : évolutions, innovations, perspectives », Rennes, France. [Member]
  • 2019    Colloque international et interdisciplinaire sur les violences sexuelles à l’Université : Comprendre pour mieux prévenir, Lille, France. [Head]
  • 2015    Colloque « Psychiatrie, Violence et Réalité virtuelle : de la recherche à la clinique », Montréal, Canada. [Member]