Massil Benbouriche
Social Psychology
Criminology and victimology: psycho-social and clinical perspectives
Professional and Clinical Seminar in Psychology and Justice
Research Seminar in Psychology and Justice
Advanced statistics and mixed methods
Principles of assessment and prevention in psychology & justice
Clinical management of persons placed in custody
Continuing Education
Evidence-based interventions to prevent recidivism
Evaluative research and program evaluation applied to criminal policies
Criminal and forensic psychology
MOOC and E-learning
2022-2024 Co-Head of the PREVEX e-learning platform dedicated to the prevention of sexual violence among adolescents and young adults.
2019 MOOC on sexual and gender-based violence in the workplace (funded by le Secrétariat d'État français à l'Égalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes). Two video clips.
« Les violences sexuelles : « Mythes » et réalités »
« Les violences sexuelles : L’importance du soutien ‘informel’ »