




National and international funding

Under review

  1. Benbouriche, M. (Co-Principal Investigator), Longpré, N. (Co-Principal Investigator), & Guay, J.P. (Co-Principal Investigator) (under review). The Roots of Sexual Violence in a Post #MeToo Era: An in situ exploded-view, process-oriented and inclusive approach. Open Research Area 8 (ANR, SSHRC & ESRC), 1 324 423 EUR.
  2. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Benazeth, V., Mathys, C., Bugnon, G., Fernando R., & El Guendi, S. (under review). Interpersonal Relations in Desistance Processes (IRDP): A comparative approach. Institut des Études et de la Recherche sur le Droit et la Justice, 43 427 EUR.

Extramural Research Grants

  1. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Amadio, A., François, S., & Meszaros, T. (2024-2026). (Non-)Violent Extremism in Radical Ecology in France: Issues and Perspectives. Institut des Hautes Études du Ministère de l'Intérieur (Institute of Advanced Studies of the French Department of Public Safety), 44 668,5 EUR.
  2. Liem, M. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), Langlade, A., Krüsselmann, K., Markwalder, N., & Walser, S. (2024-2026). Drug-related homicide in France: An international comparison. Institut des Hautes Études du Ministère de l'Intérieur (Institute of Advanced Studies of the French Department of Public Safety), 40 000 EUR.
  3. Le Lec, F. (Principal Investigator), Makki, S. (Co- Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator; WorkPackage Co-Leader), Charabidze, D., Faure, J., Haute, T., Herbert, M., Hyard, A., Majolino, C., Prével, A., Toti, J. F., et al. (2024-2028). Decision-making Processes under Extreme Radical Uncertainties. Soumis à l’Université de Lille dans le cadre de l’AAP à Cross Disciplinary Project, 3 190 000 EUR.
  4. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Amadio, N., Moulin, V., Monnery, B., Teuma, C., Guarnaccia, C., Testé, B., Collin, P., & Cliquennois, G. (2023-2026). Evaluation of the implementation and the effects of the ADERES program on recidivism in France. Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire (French Department of Justice), 274 738 EUR
  5. Guarnaccia, C. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), Testé, B., Moulin, V., & Gruev-Vintila, A. (2023-2026). Evaluative research of a virtual reality program to prevent domestic violence. Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire (French Department of Justice), 139 990 EUR.
  6. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator) & Guay, J.P. (2023-2024). Evaluative research of the alternative to domestic violence program in France (PAV-F). Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire (French Department of Justice), 30 000 EUR.
  7. Amadio, N. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Principal Investigator), Domingo, B., Sarg. R., Herzog-Evans, M., Ferret, J., François, S., Sakhi, M., Hüet, R., Bartoli, J., & Guivarch, J. (2023-2025). Protection and Resistance against Violent Extremismt (ProREV). French National Centre for Scientific Research, 29 595 EUR.
  8. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Aebi, M., Amadio, N., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Charette, Y., Chopin, J., Crocker, A. et al. (2023-2026). International Network on the Evaluation of Criminal Policies for the Prevention of Recidivism and Social Reintegration (EVA-3PR). Foundation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH), 29 317 EUR.
  9. Fovet, T. (Principal Investigator), Thomas, P., Amad, A., Eck, M., Wathelet, M., Chantraine, G., Lancelevée, C., Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), D’Hondt, F., Martignène, N., & Duhem, S. (2022-2025). Research on the mental health of prisoners in French: Prevalence of mental disorders and evolution during detention (EPSYLON). Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire (French Department of Justice), 567 600 EUR.
  10. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Guay, J.P, & Louan, E. (2022-2024). Research on the implementation and effects of the LS/CMI on probation offices practices in Nevers, Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire (French Department of Justice), 13 500 EUR
  11. Alava, S. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), Costabile, A., Bermejo, R., Bravo-Villasante, A., Liberado, P., Mocevic, N., & Palermiti, A. (2021-2024). PREVEX (Training platform on the prevention of emotional and sexual abuse among youth). ERAMUS + Project, 352 114 EUR.
  12. Amadio, N. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co- Investigator), Domingo, B., & Sarg, R. (2021-2026). Terrorists Reintegration in Open Custody. French National Agency for Research, 371 000 EUR.
  13. Guay, J.P. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), Crocker, A., Lafortune, D., Zouaq. A., Ozell, B., Karsenti, T. (2019-2023). Training Probation Officers with Autonomous Virtual Agents (AVA). Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 199 961 CAD (≈ 144 000 EUR).
  14. Guay, J.P. (Principal Investigator), Crocker, A., Lafortune, D., & Benbouriche, M. (Collaborator) (2019-2023). Making the virtual a reality: exploring the utility of autonomous virtual agents in a young offender assessment training context. Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 74 999 CAD (≈ 54 000 EUR).
  15. Guarnaccia, C. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), Testé, B., Moulin, V., & Gruev-Vintila, A. (2021-2022). Virtual reality as a new tool for the treatment of perpetrators of domestic violence: An evaluative research. Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire (French Department of Justice), 60 000 EUR.

Internal Research Grants

  1. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Amadio, N., Le Clainche, C., Oddone, C., Minet-Letalle, C., & Amant, S. (2024-2026). SERENITY: Evaluating a treatment program for perpetrators of domestic violence. MESHS / European Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 22 817 EUR.
  2. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Desombre, C., Gimenes, G., & Trottier, D. (2020-2022). PERCEPT Project- The perception of consent from college to University: Explanatory and developmental factors. INSPE of Lille/University of Lille, 3 000 EUR.
  3. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Le Doujet, F., Duffuler, H., Le Clainche, C., De Bosscher, S., Desnoyer, C., Leborgne-Ingelaere, C., Rousseau, S., & Coulon, N. (2019-2021). PIVIO - Interdisciplinary Perspective on Sexual Violence: Understanding, treating and preventing sexual violence. MESHS / European Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 544 EUR.
  4. Desombre, C. (Principal Investigator), Benbouriche, M. (Co-Investigator), & Guimenes, G. (2019-2020). Addressing gender stereotypes in schools. INSPE of Lille/University of Lille, 2 500 EUR.
  5. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), Lister, J., Gothe, N., Ledgerwood, D., Bouchard, S. (2017-2019). Biofeedback of heart rate variability in gambling disorder: A pilot study. Wayne State University Office of the Vice President for Research, 22 500 USD.
  6. Benbouriche, M. (Principal Investigator), & Abbey, A. (2017-20219). Study of Men’s Dating and Sexual Experiences with Women. Wayne State University, Department of Psychology, 3 000 USD.