Christelle Dormoy-Rajramanan
My teaching experience spans sociology, political science, AES (economic and social administration) and educational science, both in lectures and seminars. I have taught a wide range of subjects, from Licence 1 to Master 2, at universities of Paris 1, Paris 8, Paris 10 Nanterre and at the ÉSPÉ (école supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation) of the Académie de Versailles on the Antony site.
Since I was recruited to the INSPE (Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation) in Lille Hauts-de-France in September 2019, a large part of my time has been devoted to introducing M1 and M2 MEEF 1er degré students to and through research, and to supervising professional research dissertations.
- M1 and M2 MEEF 1er degré, 18h of CM and research seminar: At the beginning of the M1 year, in CM, I present the sociological approach to socio-school and gender inequalities, learning difficulties, and the contexts in which the profession of school teacher is practiced, also indicating bibliographical, institutional and professional sources on these themes. Students who wish to do so then join my seminar, during which their two-year dissertation will be developed. Here, I offer both common methodological lessons - relating to the construction of the object in sociological research, the semi-structured interview, the questionnaire and its statistical processing, ethnographic observation - and advice on a case-by-case basis, tailored to each student's research interests. These courses have enabled me to supervise around 60 M2 MEEF 1er degré dissertations (and 18 M1 MEEF 1er degré dissertations are currently under my supervision, with defenses scheduled for May 2025). Of the sixty or so dissertations I have supervised since 2019 and which have already been defended, 13 have obtained more than 16/20 (by a jury made up of another trainer and myself) and have been proposed for deposit on the Dumas platform. On average, I supervise 18 students per year for their Master 1 dissertation and the same number for their Master 2 dissertation, i.e. 36 students each year.
- M1 MEEF 1er degré, 18h de TD, "Mettre en relation les exigences scolaires, l'activité enseignante et les acquisitions", 9 sessions of 2h each presenting two or three scientific texts on family socialization, inequalities in the construction of school dispositions and the effects of teaching practices on socio-school inequalities.
- M1 MEEF 1er degré, 2 h de CM, " Défis et ressources de l'Inclusion scolaire " : inclusion scolaire, its sociological dimensions and the professional difficulties they pose for primary school teachers. I mobilized the article by Katz, S. et al. (2021). Ce que font les " besoins éducatifs particuliers " aux Professeurs des écoles. L'extension du domaine du handicap comme remise en cause de la professionnalité enseignante, Agora débats/jeunesses, 87, 95-111, as well as statistical data on the most widespread disorders and disabilities among primary school pupils, and their social roots in particular. We have also studied the different ways in which pupils with special educational needs are catered for, putting institutional injunctions into perspective with certain realities in the field (such as the ratio of pupils per national education psychologist).
- M1 MEEF 1er degré, 5 h de TD, " Vie de l'école et participation à un collectif de travail, relation aux parents", which focuses on the difficulties teachers face in implementing (inter-)professional partnerships. I mobilize a corpus of scientific texts and videos, extracts from interviews with school teachers from my own and my students' surveys, and extracts from the corpus of the "gestion en professionnel les situations" database GPS Educ’
- M2 MEEF 1er degré, 8 h de TD, "Vie de l'école et participation à un collectif de travail, relation aux parents", which addresses the issue of inequalities in parental supervision of school work, while challenging the myth of the "resignation" of working-class parents. In addition to a corpus of scientific texts and videos, I also mobilized pedagogical resources gleaned from field visits to school teachers and institutional websites.
- M1 MEEF 1st and 2nd degree, between 12h and 16h of TD depending on the year, "inter-degree module, Rights and duties of civil servants". I combine scientific texts, institutional and professional documents, as well as references to current events on the issue of secularism, teamwork and the professional ethics of teachers. These courses alternate theoretical content, debate and analysis of practical cases.
- DIU 1er degré, 3h module "Laïcité": a three-hour summary of the 12 or 16-hour courses given in M1 as part of the "module inter-degré, Droits et devoirs du fonctionnaire" for those students who took the CRPE (competitive examination for school teachers) without having passed a Master MEEF.
- DIU 1er degré, 3h module "Veiller à l'égalité filles-garçons": presentation of a synthesis of work on gender inequalities upstream, in parallel and at school.
- M2 MEEF 1er degré, 6h de TD (2x3h), " L'Egalite des chances et l'équité scolaire. Lutte contre les discriminations ". I chose to read one of three texts in class, for each session, so that the students could then evaluate each other's readings collectively, with my intervention at the pooling stage. At the end of the semester, I sent written reports on each of the texts to the students taking the course.
- M2 MEEF 1er degré, TD de 3h, " Prendre en charge l'hétérogénéité (classes multi-niveaux, parcours d'élèves) - Evaluer les élèves ". I reported on the observations and analyses of S. Bonnéry (2009) and C. Joigneaux (2009), and the students were then invited to discuss their internship experience and ways of improving pedagogical practices that exacerbate socio-school inequalities. I only had to teach this course for one year.
- M1 MEEF 1er degré, 12h TD, "Rapports aux savoirs et inégalités d'apprentissage". For each session, students undertook to read at least the first text on the program for each session, and to choose extracts from this text; to look for an institutional document (extract from an official text, a document relating to the implementation of the law on the refoundation of the school, etc.), as well as a professional document (teaching aid, student production, elements of description, etc.). ), as well as a professional document (pedagogical support, student production, elements of description and analysis of a situation, team tool...) which could feed their portfolio/compose their evaluation file serving as support for an oral.
- M1 MEEF 1er degré, TD 3 h "Organisation du système d'enseignement", addressed to L3 students at ULCO (Université du littoral Côte d'Opale) enrolled in the "Option préprofessionnalisante", aimed to present the main features of the architecture of the current education system in France, from nursery school to high school. The specificity of cycles was addressed. The presentation of school operations focused on the various councils and the roles of the various members of the educational community (school councils, administrative councils, teaching councils, etc.). The course also introduced the notion of school and establishment projects. I built it using textbooks, institutional websites and statistical data relating to our academy. I taught this course in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
On several occasions, I experimented with anonymous student evaluation of these lessons, with a view to improving them and confronting students with the difficulties of evaluation (they themselves had to find the criteria and scale).
I provide all my students with a link to an ENT cloud where they can access thematic folders containing scientific articles and scans of book chapters.
Since I joined INSPE Lille HdF, I have been university tutor to 13 students, for whom I have carried out half-day advisory visits in the classroom, with formative feedback, after discussing their difficulties in advance and offering them theoretical and professional resources to remedy them. (on average, I tutor 3 students each year, with half-day classroom visits).