





Inter-professional collaboration and collaboration with families to ensure inclusive education and success for all (Coll Inclu)

Leader of the "Coll Inclu" collaborative research-action project (Inter-professional collaboration and collaboration with families for school inclusion and success for all), funded by the INSPE de Lille HdF for 2022-2024, with Sabine Thorel-Hallez (MCF HDR, in education and training sciences), Ornela Mato (MCF in Education and Training), Sophie Necker (MCF in Sociology) and Johanne Masclet (MCF in Psychology and Ergonomics).

How are "pupils with special educational needs" identified and labelled as such, how do school teachers deal with them in their classrooms, what are the real possibilities for taking care of them outside the school, particularly in the medical-social environment, with what exchanges between school, family and medical-social services, in a context of very strong social inequalities in health and lack of resources in public care institutions ? The practical difficulties and training needs of school teachers in terms of welcoming and supporting pupils with special educational needs, lead us to formulate the hypothesis that inter-professional cooperation and with families could enable knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills to be pooled and new ones created, for the benefit of pupils, their parents and the professionals who work with them. The originality of this collaborative research-action project lies in the fact that it brings together the whole chain of players involved in the day-to-day life of pupils with special educational needs educated in an "ordinary" environment. It aims not only to advance scientific knowledge on the subject of inclusive education, but also to produce educational resources for teaching teams and parents. Ultimately, the aim is to create more satisfactory working conditions for these professionals, and more comfortable and effective reception and learning conditions for those pupils.

"Reinventing the school form for the success of all children in the city X".

Participation in a research project led by Maria Pagoni-Andreani (PU in education and training sciences, University of Lille) "Reinventing the school form for the success of all children in the city X". Funding of €256,000 from the city X, which asked CIREL to evaluate the implementation of the "Reinventing the school form for the success of all children in X" project, financed as part of the 4th Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir "Innovation in the school form" by the Caisse des Dépôts.


PaViPEEIRI questionnaire survey "Student Life Course and Perceptions of INSPE Teaching Related to Inequalities »

Carrier, with Emilie Saunier (MCF in Education and Training Sciences, Université de Franche-Comté), of the PaViPEEIRI questionnaire survey "Parcours de Vie et Perceptions Etudiantes des Enseignements en INSPE Relatifs aux Inégalités", which aims to find out about the academic and professional backgrounds of students enrolled in Master MEEF and DIU programs, as well as their perception of the cross-disciplinary training they receive.

This questionnaire survey (Lime Survey) was sent to DIU and Master MEEF 1st degree, 2nd degree and educational management students from various INSPEs (Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation) in France (including DROMs), and attracted almost 1,320 respondents. The survey, which was carried out between March and June 2023, sought to objectivize the share and modalities of sociology and/or gender and social inequality teaching in their training and, above all, the reception and possible uses they have made of it, in relation to their educational, professional and social trajectories, as well as their relationship to politics.


LABEP: laboratory for special needs education

Participation in a research project led by Abdelkarim Zaid (PU in education and training sciences, Université de Lille) to set up an inclusive excellence laboratory in a middle school.


"PCDE " Taking into account student diversity

Participation in the research project led by Dalila Moussi (MCF in education and training, Université de Nice) "PCDE" Taking into account student diversity, funded by €4800 from INSPE Lille HdF and €13,000 from PIA3 100% IDT, with Agathe Leyssens (MCF in history, Université de Lille) and Ornela Mato (MCF in education and training, Université de Lille).



Summary of my researches

My research has focused on the study of teaching professions, their learners and the way in which their respective specificities influence the pedagogical practices implemented, in terms of both content and teaching methods. By taking an interest in different disciplines such as philosophy, history, sociology and political science, they are part of the history of human and social sciences. Begun as part of a thesis on the Centre Universitaire Expérimental de Vincennes, which opened its doors in the summer of 1968 to a large number of students with no baccalaureate (around 20%), this research is being carried out with the aim of contributing to our knowledge of teaching practices likely to contribute to the democratization of academic success and improved access to learning, knowledge, culture and the arts. I began by studying and comparing teaching practices in the departments of various higher education establishments during the 1970s (the universities of Vincennes, Nanterre, Paris 1, Dauphine and "Science Po" Paris), looking at them from the angle of the specificity of their discipline, as well as the social and academic properties of their teachers and students.

As part of an ESPE recruitment program, I studied school teachers, their social and academic recruitment and their training. Tasked with evaluating the effects of an experimental training scheme set up at the Antony site of the ESPE of the Versailles academy, I conducted a quantitative survey of the entire class of M2 MEEF 1 students at the Antony site of the ESPE of the Versailles academy. 241 trainee teachers were questioned by questionnaire about their social, educational and professional background, their current working conditions and their perceptions of their professional skills, as well as the training they receive (they are part of two separate schemes, one of which is "experimental", and the aim of my research is to assess its relevance). The results of the questionnaire show that the specific features of the experimental training scheme for trainee schoolteachers, which include a specific alternation between in-service training and university training (3 weeks/3 weeks, instead of 2 days/2 days), closer collaboration between university trainers and with "field trainers", and a cross-disciplinary, skills-based approach that places less emphasis on a disciplinary approach, seem to be more conducive to the acquisition of professional knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills than the "classic" scheme. In addition to evaluating this experimental training program, the aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of this student population, so that we can better meet their expectations, both in initial and continuing training, by promoting greater individualization of courses, particularly through remedial teaching. Its aim is therefore both heuristic and practical.

In addition to this research, which I was able to carry out directly, I undertook to get all M1 MEEF 1 students at the Antony site of the ESPE de l'académie de Versailles, for whom I teach "Introduction to research", to work on problematic professional situations. By interviewing school teachers on this theme, they were led to produce research reports combining the mobilization of scientific works and the testimonies of the interviewees. The 92 interviews conducted by these students give an idea of the professional difficulties that school teachers may encounter on a daily basis, in terms of managing their pupils' behaviour and learning, as well as their relations with parents, partners, superiors and colleagues. 

My research methods combine qualitative approaches (interviews, archives, observations, analysis of documentation) and quantitative ones (questionnaires, statistical analyses).


Doctoral research : Sociogenèse d'une invention institutionnelle : Le Centre Universitaire Expérimental de Vincennes, 949 p., thesis for the doctorate in political science, Université Paris Nanterre, defended December 4, 2014, with very honorable mention with unanimous congratulations from the jury.


  • Ms Brigitte Gaïti, University Professor, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, (Chairman)
  • Mr Laurent Jeanpierre, University Professor, Paris 8 Vincennes-St-Denis, (rapporteur)
  • Mr Bernard Pudal, Professor Emeritus, Paris 10 Nanterre, (thesis supervisor)
  • André Robert, University Professor, Lyon 2, (rapporteur)
  • Mr Charles Soulié, Senior Lecturer, Paris 8 Vincennes-St-Denis (examiner)

Building on social history renewed interest for the “long 1968” period, this work seeks to understand both the conditions of possibility of an institution such as the “Experimental University of Vincennes” (Centre universitaire expérimental de Vincennes) and the way it was initially shaped by the practical concerns and projections of its planners, creators and first actors. Between a sociology of education policies and a social history of intellectual fields, the history of this university experiment adds to our knowledge of the symbolic crisis of May 1968, and paves the way for a history of ideas which simultaneously takes into account the mobilized and mobilizable actors that are students and professors, and their negotiation with the political power.On a macrosociological scale, this research aims to shed light on the logics that led to the morphological and symbolic development of the University since the 1950s and adds to our knowledge of the functionning of the state and policial power in a context of crisis. On a microsociological scale, it focuses on the logics of action of social actors and seeks to understand how and why, according to which representations, dispositions and interests, actors (both individual and collective) assume their roles and “professions” (of high-civil servants, political leaders, “intellectuals”, professors, students), without underestimating the constraints that are imposed on them. This work is based on complementary materials (archives, interviews, biographies, and statistics) which put in perspective “quantitative data” and “qualitative data”, combining two scales of analysis.

  • Discussion, en présence des auteurs, de l’ouvrage Dubet, F. & Duru-Bellat, M. (2020). L’école peut-elle sauver la démocratie ? Paris, Seuil, 222 p., MESHS de Lille, 31 mars
  • Présentation, avec Boris Gobille, de l’ouvrage « Mai 68 par celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu » aux archives départementales du Val de Marne, Créteil, le 24 mars 2018.
    Youtube Video: Mai 68 par celles et ceux qui l'ont vécu
  • Communication « La sociologie à Nanterre en 1968 et après », colloque « Sur les traces du 22 mars », 23 mars 2018, université Paris Nanterre ( à partir de 41:00)
    Youtube Video: «Sur les traces du Mvt du 22 mars» (23-24/3/2018), 3/6
  • Présentation, avec Erik Neveu, de l’ouvrage « Mai 68 par celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu », colloque « Sur les traces du mouvement du 22 mars », 23 mars, université Paris Nanterre.
    Youtube Video: MAI 68 par celles et ceux qui l'ont vécu
  • Présentation, avec Boris Gobille, de l’ouvrage « Mai 68 par celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu » au « Live » de Mediapart, animé par Edwy Plenel, le 21 mars 2018 :
    Youtube Video: Mai-68 : entretien avec celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu (1/2)
    Youtube Video: Mai 68 par celles et ceux qui l’ont vécu (2/2)
  •  « L’entreprise réformatrice de l’Association d’Etude pour l’Expansion de la recherche Scientifique (AEERS) de 1956 à 1968 », colloque « Le colloque d’Amiens, mars 1968 », 8-9 mars 2018, université de Picardie Jules Vernes, Amiens.
  • Interview radio, émission spéciale en direct « Mai 68 » d’Appels sur l'actualité d’Alexis Fricker, RFI (Radio France Internationale), le 3 mai 2018.
  • Communication « "Mai 68" : fenêtre d’opportunité pour un haut fonctionnaire au placard. Jacques de Chalendar et la politique universitaire », colloque international « Individuals in Political Events », 16 et 17 septembre 2016, université de Lausanne.
    Youtube Video: Christelle Dormoy-Rajramanan - Mai 68: fenêtre d’opportunité pour un haut fonctionnaire au placard.