Christelle Dormoy-Rajramanan
I am involved in a number of interlinked research projects aimed at providing insights into the current context of primary education in France, which is affected by a decline in vocations, an increase in exits and widening social inequalities in school performance. They look at teacher training, the professional difficulties associated with inclusive education, and collaboration between professionals and with families.
For more details, see my research topics
Since my PhD, my research has focused on the study of teaching professions, their learners and the way in which their respective specificities influence the teaching practices implemented, in terms of both content and teaching methods. Afteran interest in higher education and the history of social sciences and humanities, my recent researches focus on primary education, and more specifically on the professional difficulties faced by schoolteachers and their links with social inequalities at school.
For further informations, see my publications
Here, links to videos of my communications
I taught first at Nanterre University, then at Paris 1 University and Paris 8 University. Then I taught again at the University of Nanterre. I then taught at the University of Cergy Pontoise, on the Antony site of the Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'éducation. Since 2019, I have been recruited to the University of Lille, at the Institut Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education. I teach mainly at the Gravelines site, with some teaching at the Outreau and Villeneuve d'Ascq sites.
More informations here teachings