





Pedagogy activities

Presentation of the teaching activity

Coordinator of several teaching units and options with multiple contributors (e.g. 150 hours for the UV Management of Information Systems)

About 400 hours - student / year, the last 5 years.


Presentation of the training courses 

2015 - 2021 : I participated in 2 pedagogical workshops within the University of Lille and IMT Lille-Douai

Scientific Activities

Synthetic presentation of research fields 

Computer vision and multimedia indexing:

  • facial expression recognition,
  • bio-inspired pattern recognition,
  • human action recognition


Research impacts

  • Citations in international patents, including 15 patents the last 5 years (from 2016). Below the list of patents (non exhaustive):

Patent 10,929,984, U.S. Patent 10,896,202, US Patent 10,909,845, U.S. Patent 10,664,512, U.S. Patent 10,289,810, EP Patent 2665017B1, U.S. Patent 10,445,367, U.S. Patent 10026009B2, CN Patent 105023019B, U.S. Patent No. 9,635,237, U.S. Patent 9,846,696, U.S. Patent 9,292,552, US Patent # 10,419,655, WO Patent 2016155047A1, US Patent 9330722B2, U.S. Patent 9,042,659, U.S. Patent 9,129,157, U.S. Patent 8953039B2, U.S. Patent 8,391,618, U.S. Patent Application 13/902,886, US Patent 8466932B2,  U. S. Patent 8457466B1, US Patent 8364673B2, U.S. Patent 8,171,043,  US7746356B2, CN Patent 100485574C, US Patent # 7630989,  WO Patent  2008/109707 Al, CN Patent 100385942C, US Patent 20080270373A1, US Patent # 7,065,521, U.S. Patent US20060206495A1, US Patent #20060036783, EP Patent 1074953A3, U.S. Patent # 6,751,613

  • Citations in doctoral thesis (PhD), including 32 PhD the last 5 years (from 2016). Below non-exhaustive list: 

Lundy 2021, Sudan 2020, Delft 2020Auvergne 2020Carnegie Mellon 2020Barcelona 2020Johns Hopkins 2020, Agricultural and Mechanical College 2020, Brunel London 2019Sydney 2019Swansea 2019Autinoma de Barelona 2020, Santa Cruz 2018Centrale Supélec 2019PSL 2018Lyon 2018Berlin 2018Carnegie Mellon 2018Karlsruher 2018Franche-Comté 2018, Science 2017Manchester 2017Dublin 2017Nanyang 2017Washington 2017Radboud 2017Sheffield 2017Purdue 2017, Navarra 2016, Biskra 2016Lorraine 2015aLorraine 2015bQueen Mary 2013Deakin 2012Aix-Marseille 2012Jean Monnet 2011Western Australia 2011Montpellier 2009Louis Pasteur 2008Tours 2002

  • Citations in scientific papers published in international conferences and journals in the field of computer vision, multimedia, databases, affective computing, IHM, sensors, transport, medico-legal and forensic, sciences of education, physic, natural science, sport, mathematics and remote sensing. Below a sample of citations:

PAMI 2019, CVPR 2020, CVPR 2018a, CVPR 2018b, CVPR 2017, PAMI 2017, PAMI 2017, PAMI 2015, PAMI 2013, PAMI 2012, PAMI 2011, PAMI 2009, PAMI 2008, PAMI 2008, PAMI 2008, PAMI 2007, Alzheimer-Neuroscience 2021, Acoustic 2020, Mathematics 2018, Physica 2021, Forensic 2019, Natural Science 2018, Multimodal User Interfaces 2018, Sport 2018, HumanFactor 2020, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems 2019, Education 2020, Medical Informatics 2021, ACM sensor Network 2020, Physics 2021, Mathematics 2018, Medico Legal 2020, Radiological Physics 2021, Medical System 2012, IEEE Multimedia 2007, Forensics and Security 2014, IEEE Image Processing 2010, ACM Image Retrieval 2010, ACM MM 2008, ICCV 2011, ICCV 2007, CVPR 2013, Remote sensing 2013, VLDB 2015 


Significative Publications

  • Dan Simovici, Chaabane Djeraba, « Mathematical Tools for Data Mining - Set Theory, Partial Orders, Combinatorics, Series: Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 616 pages, ISBN: 978-1-84800-200-5, Springer. First edition 2008, second edition 2014 ».

Professor Dan Simovici was a visiting professor in our laboratory (ex. LIFL - UMR CNRS from 2006 to 2008). The book is part of the series Knowledge Processing and Advanced Information of the publisher Springer. The book is composed of 616 pages, with a first edition in 2008 and a second edition in 2014 - ISBN: 978-1-84800-200-5 - Since its release on the SpringerLink electronic site on March 27, 2014, 52,000 chapters of the e-book have been downloaded. The book is in the top 50% of e-books downloaded on SpringerLink.

The article was cited by 2071 scientific articles and was downloaded 12,491 times, according to ACM. The paper is among the TOP cited papers of the journal. I co-authored the paper with Prof. Michael Lew of Leiden University, Prof. Nicolai Sebe of Trento University, and Prof. Ramesh Jain of the University of California at Berkeley. This paper was written as a result of two international workshops in the field of multimedia information retrieval, which we organized together. The first international workshop was organized in Berkeley - California - USA in 2003 as part of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2003. And the second international workshop was organized in New York - USA, in 2004, in the framework of ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2004. The article was published in 2006, and despite the years, the article remains at the top of the most cited articles in the field of indexing and multimedia information retrieval. Also, the paper is among the TOP most cited papers in the ACM Transactions on Multimedia.


PhD supervision 

PhD supervisor or co-supervisor of 22 PhD (doctoral thesis), including 6 PhD the last 5 years (since 2016): Catherine Huygues, Delphine Poux, Sami Barchid, [PhD – R. Belmonte], [PhD – B. Allaert], [PhD – R. Auguste], [PhD – Y. Benabbas], [PhD – M. H. Sharif], [PhD – A. Dahmane], [PhD – A. Lablack], [PhD - A. Aissaoui], [PhD – I. Elsayad], [PhD – T. Urruty], [PhD – M. Bouet], [PhD – S. Mongy], [PhD - Samir Amir], [PhD - Mehdi Adda], [PhD – K. Hadouda], [PhD - A. Ghomari], [PhD – N. Ihaddadene], [PhD – Y. Hafri].


Scientific diffusion, communication and coordination

  • Member of the program committees of conferences. Below a representative sample : IEEE International conference on Advanced video surveillance system – AVSS-2013; IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo - ICME-2010; International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery - DaWak- 2006 ; ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - ACM CIVR – 2008; ACM International Conference on MultiMedia - ACM MM-2008; ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - ACM SIGKDD 2009; International World Wide Web Conference – WWW 2015; Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances - EGC-2008. Certain conferences are A ranking (IEEE AVSS, ICPR, ACM CIVR, PKDD, PAKDD) and others ranking A+ (ACM MM, ACM SIGKDD, WWW).
    • Member of program committees (non exhaustive list) during the last 5 years : International Conference on Image Processing and vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2021), ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR-2021ICMR-2020ICMR-2019), également proceedings chair d'ICMR-2019, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2020), ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020, CIKM 2018, CIKM 2016), Journées nationales INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision (INFORSID 2018), International Symposium on Programming and Systems - ISPS-2018
    • Reviewer of scientific papers proposals for international journals : Journal of Object-Oriented Programming (JOOP), the Computer, ISI, TSI, Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE), IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Pattern recognition Journal (Elsevier), Expert Systems With Applications Journal (Elsevier), Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal (Elsevier), Mechatronics - The Science of Intelligent Machines Journal (Elsevier), - Information retrieval Journal (Springer), Neuroscience Journal (AIMS Press), Healthcare Journal (AIMS Press), Sensors Journal (MDPI), Energies (Journal MDPI), Electronics  Journal (MDPI), Symmetry Journal (MDPI), Applied Sciences Journal (MDPI)
    • Certificate of appreciation awareded for serving as a reviewer (20192020) - Journal of Electronic Imaging.
    • General Chair of the 2021 edition (18th edition) of the international conference Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI2021) which is organized in Lille 28-30 June 2021.
    • 2003 - 2016: Chair or co-chair of the program or organization committees of about 20 international and national conferences and workshops.


    Dissemination of knowledge

    • Computers to read your body language ? (article)
    • How computers can read body language (article)
    • Computer processing of body language - wikipedia (article)
    • Le langage du corps lu par des ordinateurs dans le cadre de nouvelles solutions innovantes (article)
    • Communications of ACM - Computers to Read Your Body Language ? (article)
    • Body Language (article)

    Scientific Responsabilities 

    • 2003 - 2011 : Set up, coordination and participation in several European (5), ANR (2), regional (1) projects in the field of multimedia indexing and computer vision.
    • 2010 : set up with IEMN, in the framework of the IRCICA institute, of an interdisciplinary project in the field of bio-inspired vision. Project renewed every year until 2021.
    • 2004 - 2013 : Foundation and animation of the FOX research team (Fouille de Données Complexes et Multimédia) of the LIFL laboratory (UMR CNRS), and later CRIStAL (UMR CNRS) of the University of Lille. 

    Valorization of Research

    I founded in 2011 the start-up ANAXA-VIDA to valorize and transfer scientific know-how in the field of computer vision to the domain of behavioural understanding. Being a CEO for 5 years (2011-2016) was a job in its own right, which required very diverse skills acquired through experience. My first role as a business leader was to create value. To do this, I coordinated the production of software and quality services, I coordinated sales, and finally organized, controlled and steered the structure and resources on a daily basis. Furthermore, as the legal representative, I was responsible for my company from a moral, financial and legal point of view. The small size of the company multiplied the daily tasks. On a daily basis, I had very different responsibilities, ranging from management, marketing, logistics, organization, research and development and finance. 

    Collective / community responsibilities

    Local and regional mandates

    • 2016-2020: scientific expert (evaluation) of regional scientific projects for thesis funding applications (Bretagne) in the field of indexing.
    • 2018-2020: scientific expert (evaluation) of 2 Higher Education and Research projects, Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition.   
    • Participation in the University of Lille's boards and rapporteur of grade advancement requests of research professors (prof.) and participation in the CRIStAL-FIL joint committees.
    • Since 2017: Steering of the ITM-Lille-Douai strategic project. "Placing students at the center of their training". The project coordinates the reflections of a group of 10 ITM Lille-Douai teacher-researchers.
    • November 12, 2019, February 18, 2020 and March 3, 4, 5, 2021: Participation in the organization of the immersion days for the computer science department of the University of Lille. Realization of the program of visit of the university at the request of the high school Colbert and the college Albert Roussel of Tourcoing, in coordination with the high school, the college, the CROUS, the department of computer science, the IMT Lille-Douai, Lilliad Learning Center Innovation, Xperium and the SUAIO of the university.
    • Participation in the Open House or Student Fair, for the Computer Science Department, of the University of Lille: January 30, 2021, January 14-16, 2021, January 9, 10 and 11, 2019 and January 2020.
    • Between 2015 and 2021, occasional participation in the scientific council of the CRIStAL laboratory to represent the Image thematic group.
    • 2003-2011: Regular participation in the councils of the LIFL laboratory (UMR CNRS 8022) of the University of Lille, as an appointed or elected member or as a research team leader (2004 - 2013).
    • 2003 - 2011 : Participation to the COS of recruitment of professors.
    • 2010 : Participation, for Telecom Lille1, in the national consultation on the place and role of Humanities and Social Sciences in engineering education
    • 2010 : Participation in the study of the interest of ITIL training (project management certification) for Telecom Lille1 (2010) ....
    • 2003 - 2011 and 2016 - 2019 : Annual participation in recruitment committees of engineering students, juries of final year projects ...

    National and international mandates 

    • 2021 : scientific expert - evaluation of a project proposal, for the ANR - generic call for projects 2021 - for the evaluation committee CE33 - Interaction, robotics (ANR 2021 - CE33)
    • 2020 : scientific expert (evaluation) / External Independent Assessor of the application for promotion of a teacher-researcher in Data Science, to the rank of Associate Professor (Academic Level D) at the University of Western Australia, School of Computing, Data and Mathematics.
    • 2018 : scientific expert - evaluation of a project proposal, for the ANR - generic call for projects - 2018, for the evaluation committee CE23 - Data, Knowledge, Big data, Multimedia Contents, Artificial Intelligence (ANR 2018 - CE23)
    • 2017 : scientific expert - evaluation of a project proposal, for the ANR - generic call for projects - 2017, for the evaluation committee CE38 - The Digital Revolution: relationships to knowledge and culture (ANR 2017 - CE 38)
    • 2015 : scientific expert - evaluation of a project proposal, for ANR - generic call for projects - 2015, for evaluation committee CES23 HCI, Contents, Knowledge, Big Data, simulation, HPC (ANR 2015 - CES23)
    • 2014 : : Scientific expert - evaluation of a proposal for the ANR - generic call for projects - 2014, for the evaluation committee CES24 Contents, knowledge, interactions (ANR 2014 - CES24)
    • 2020 : Scientific expert of 1 CIFRE file for the ANRT.
    • 2003-2011: Expertise of European projects for Europe (FP7 e-inclusive society, ICT), 2007.
    • 2005-2006 : Active contribution to the elaboration of the call " Cognitive systems and robotics " of the 7th European framework program.
    • 2003-2016 : Expertise for the BPI, in the field of multimedia and audiovisual information management, since 2008.
    • 1998-1999 : Active participation in the international standardization group (ex. MPEG7).
    • 1998-1999 : Proposal of audio descriptors (MPEG7 meeting in Dublin August 1998, MPEG7 meeting in Lancaster February 1999). - Member of the evaluation committee for MPEG7 proposals for non-normative audio feature extraction tools. Active contributions in the working groups for the development of the MPEG7 Description Definition Language (DDL).
    • 2003-2011: Participation in meetings of research groups (GDR I3 and ISIS) in the field of multimedia indexing.
    • January 30, 2003: Co-organization at ENST (Telecom, Paris) of a working day entitled "Applications of multimedia indexing: myths or realities" in the framework of the PRC-GDR ISIS.
    • Member of professional associations: IEEE, ACM, ACM SIGMM, SPECIF, INFORSID, EGC.