Chaabane Djeraba
From 2015 : Professor (CL1), University of Lille
2011 - 2016 : Founder and full time CEO of the start-up anaxa-vida (delegation in the context of the section 25.1 of the law on innovation)
2003 - 2015 : Professor (CL2), University of Lille
1997 - 2003 : Associate professor (CL1), Polytechnic School of Nantes University
1994 - 1997 : Assistant professor (CL2), Polytechnic School of Nantes University
1993 – 1994 : Assistant at l’IUT de Belfort, University Franche-Comté
Habilitation to Supervise Research
April 30, 2002: Habilitation to Supervise Research in Computer Science, University of Nantes
Temporal synchronisation, indexing and mining of multimedia. Jury : Noureddine Mouaddib (Univ. Nantes), Henri Briand (Univ. Nantes), Michel Adiba (Univ. Grenoble), Patrick Bouthemy (INRIA), Bruno Bachimont (INA), Bruno Choquet (France Telecom), Claude Chrisment (Univ. Paul Sabatier), Jean-Marie Pinon (INSA, Lyon)
7 déc. 1993 : PhD in Computer Science, University Claude Bernard of Lyon
Semantic relationships in a knowledge based system. PhD prepared in the scientific group Shood of INRIA-IMAG of Grenoble, under the supervision of Gia Toan Nguyen (INRIA) and Dominique Rieu (University of Grenoble) and Denis Vandorpe (University Claude Bernard of Lyon). Jury: Denis Vandorpe (Univ. Claude Bernard de Lyon), Gia Toan Nguyen (INRIA), Claude Chrisment (Univ. Paul Sabatier de Toulouse), André Flory (INSA de Lyon)
Master and Engineer degrees
Sep. 1989 : Engineer degree in Computer Science, High National School in Computer Science (ESI, ex. INI, CERI)
Concurrent access in B-trees. Jury: Djamel Eddine Zegour
24 juin 1990 : Master degree in Computer Science applied to social sciences, University of Grenoble
Anolgy reasoning in a knowledge based system - application to water management. Jury: Jacques Rouault, René Arrus