Christine Aubry
In collaboration with the respective commissioners, organiser or carrier
Participation, organisation of exhibitions
- 24 September-18 December 2022 -> Member of the scientific council of the exhibition MémoireS-How the First World War changed our relationship to memory, Historial de la Grande Guerre Péronne; teaser on ICI AVANT. Voyage dans le temps; article in the exhibition booklet on ICI AVANT. Time travel; Organiser of the two cycles of conferences around the exhibition MémoireS at the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Péronne (https://irhis.univ-lille.fr/detail-event/cycle-de-conferences-autour-de-lexposition-memoires-une-visite-de-lexposition/)
- 18 September-12 December 2019 -> Exhibitor at the 80th anniversary of the CNRS in the Hauts-de-France region for the theme Heritage, memory, museums - discovering the city through time, understanding what attracts us to the Museum with the projects ICI AVANT. Time travel (Ch. Aubry), IKONIKAT 3D (M. Blanc), e-thesaurus (M. Gil), Camp du Drap d'Or digital (I. Paresys), Seeing the City in the 18th century (C. Denys, N. Dereymaker)
- 10-13 October 2019 -> "Fête de la Science Hauts-de-France Telling science, imagining the future with the project Entre les murs. Immersion in the heart of the castle of Selles led by L. Louvrier, L. Perrault, N. Mélard (partner: ULille, ISite, CNRS..., Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille)
- 2018 -> Member of the steering and scientific committee for the setting up of an exhibition Sous les pavés... Histoire et archéologie de Lille du Moyen Âge à la Révolution (partners: Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille-Mairie de Lile, DRAC Hauts-de-France, Inrap) [March 2020 at the Hospice Comtesse, Lille -> unfortunately project abandoned with COVID 19]
- 2015-2016 -> Greek Terracotta. From production to function (partners: Halma's "Coroplathy" team, Learning Center Archaeology-Egyptology-SHS Lille 3)
- June 2013 -> National Archaeology Days (workshops for children, exhibition, conferences, etc.) (partner: Learning Center-L3; venue: Bâtiment E-Lille 3)
- May 2013 -> From the excavation to the laboratory. Archaeology: a science that meets the past (partner: Learning Center-L3; venue: hall of the Conseil Régional du Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
- 2012-2015 -> The Early Middle Ages in the North of France. From the Franks to the Counts of Flanders from the end of the 4th to the end of the 9th century (partners: Service Régional Archéologique du Nord-Pas de Calais, Inrap, Université Lille 3); preparation of the catalogue (Le Haut Moyen Âge dans le Nord de la France. Des Francs aux premiers comtes de Flandre, de la fin du vie au xe siècle, exhibition catalogue, Musée-Parc archéologique Arkéos (January-April 2015), Douai, 2014, 256 p.).
- 2012-2013 -> Le Vase qui Parle, Dossier " Appel à projets 2012-Services numériques culturels innovants " in the framework of the national digitisation programme launched by the Mcc (partners: SCD-Lille, Bibliothèque des Sciences de l'Antiquité, Association Dev-o-Cité); book published by Presses du Septentrion de Lille (2014).
- 3 December 2011 -> 30 years of Lille's excavations in Thasos as part of the exhibition 100 years of the excavations of the French School of Athens in Thasos - partner: Learning Center-L3; venue: hall of the SCD-Lille
- Oct-Nov 2005 -> "Fête de la Science" Photography in the service of SHS: from the glass plate to the CD-Rom (partners: CRHEN-O (now IRHiS); venue: Hall of the SCD-Lille 3)
Member of various bodies of the ULille, CNRS and others
- Member of the Health and Safety Commission
- Member of the Lille 3 Catering, Transport and other market commissions
- Member of the steering groups set up by the University (Finance and HRD, Careers and Employment, IT, Administrative Tools, Web Missions tool)
- Member of the International Relations Commission (2016, 2017)
- Member of the HCERES Research ULille WG led by L. Montagne (2018)
- Elected to the Scientific Council of Lille 3 (2008-2010)
- Member of the scientific and strategic committees of the Archaeology/Egyptology/Human and Social Sciences Learning Center
- Referent for the Lille 3 HRD for the implementation of selection committees
- Member of the Unit Council (Halma-appointed 2002-2014 then elected; IRHiS-elected 2016 then ex officio in 2020)
- Correspondent for the CNRS: ACMO (2002-2006); Training (Halma 2002-2010; IRHiS 2016-...); Human Resources (Halma 2002-2015; IRHiS 2016-...); Communication-IST (Halma 2002-2015; IRHiS 2016-...)
- Member of the Hauts-de-France RA Network (Universities and CNRS) [2000-...].
- Member of the Com'On Communication Officers Network (CNRS) [2000-...]
- Member of the CoPIL Mission PATSTEC Hauts-de-France
- Member of the organising committee of the Bondues Days (Museum of the Resistance, City of Bondues) [2016-...]
- Member of the Network of Museums and Memorials of Contemporary Conflicts (MMCC) of the Directorate of Heritage, Memory and Archives of the Ministry of the Armed Forces (DPMA) [2019-...]
- Member of the SFR Numérique & Patrimoine (UAmiens, ULille) [2016-...]
- Member of the GIS INRENT Tourism and Heritage (ULille, Artois, Littoral, Amiens) [2019-...]
- Member of the scientific council of the Colloquium La cour se met au vert. Mises en valeur et usages politiques des campagnes entre Moyen Âge et pré-modernité (IRHiS & Abbaye de Vaucelles, 15-17 September 2022