Christine Aubry
- Databases
* FileMaker© software for about 40 people, helps them build their databases. In January 2011, within the framework of a convention of provision of the French School of Athens, FileMaker Pro training for the personnel and scientific members of the EFA.
- Software
* InDesign software within the framework of the training plan for IRHiS doctoral students.
- Thesis workshop (resp. R. Sanchez)
* How to organise a scientific event" for IRHiS PhD students.
within the framework of the L3 of the department of Art History and Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities, Practising digital technology in art history and archaeology. Digital applied in art history (resp. B. Cosnet) by presenting the New Technologies pole of the IRHiS and the application "ICI AVANT. Journey back in time".
Participation in selection boards for recruitment competitions
- 2001: AI external competition (BAP 09) and IGE internal and external competition (BAP 09)
- 2013: AI external competition "image and sound professions" (BAP F)
- since 2011: mock orals for various A, B or C category competitions.
Organisation and supervision of removals
- Participation in various reorganisations of the Pont-de-Bois campus under the chairmanship of B. Alluin, G. Losfeld.
- Follow-up of the successive moves of Halma (2004, 2006, 2008 and 2009), of the scientific laboratories "Métallographie" and "Céramologie de la vallée du Nil" (2011) [elaboration of the relocation plans; participation in the construction site meetings; follow-up of the operations.
- Follow-up of the "Research Premises" file: in the framework of the Learning Center project of the Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council. 2010.