Christine Aubry
- Participation in research
*AAP [Carrier].
+Digital application Ici-Avant. Voyage dans le temps (Lille, Roubaix, Tourcoing) and its fullweb presented and obtained from MESHS "Médiation scientifique", MCC-DRAC Hauts-de-France "Applications et dispositifs numériques culturels innovants" and CVT Athena/SATT NPdC "Tremplin SHS", ISite-SATT (2017-2021]
+CPVP-Numérisation de la collection de plaques de verre et de gravures du fonds d'histoire de l'art de l'IRHiS présenté et obtenu auprès du MCC-DRAC Hauts-de-France " Programme national de Numérisation et de valorisation des contenus culturels avec valorisation via un site web (2018-2019)
+AMI ULille MemTEXT-Mémoire du textile (partner: PROSCITEC)
+History site of the University of Lille
(in 2008 the History site of the University of Arts was created => irhis-recherche.univ-lille3.fr//IRHiS_New/00-SiteUniversite/htdocs/index.html (faulty links, not updated since new site). In 2018, the cabinet director of the President of the University of Lille (merger of the 3 universities) asked us to update it and make it the History of the University of Lille website. With the appropriate services of the ULille, the new site exists but is hidden, awaiting the approval of the three archivists of the ULille and then the validation of the President and his team.
Research Valorisation- Communication
- New Technologies Pole (Image and Text Databases, Electronic and/or Paper Editions, Website, Blogs, Social Networks...)
collaborates on the transverse axis of the laboratory Critical Uses of Digital Technology in the Historical, Artistic and Archaeological Sciences
- Collaborates on the excavations of the Northern Approach of Artemisia-ThANAr (Thasos, Greece)
- Participates in the working group on terracotta figurines (A. Muller)