Christine Aubry
Research topics
Participation in research
- Field activities (collaborator) under the responsibility of the researchers concerned and holders of the excavation permits [Data management, excavations, databases, documentary surveys, financial follow-up, production of communication materials...].
- Excavation and post-excavation campaigns Thasos (Greece)
*North-eastern approaches to the agora programme (2000-2015)
*Franco-Greek programme Northern approaches to Artemisia: 5 to 6 weeks per year (2000-...) - Study campaigns of terracotta figurines from the sanctuaries of Thasos at the Archaeological Museum of Limenas (Thasos-Greece) [2000-...].
- Artemis at Epidamne-Dyrrhachion (Durrës, Albania) Greece, Italy: PICS 5285 [2010-...]
- Study of the archaeological material of the sanctuary of Artemis at Epidamne-Dyrrhachion (Durrës, Albania) [***]
- Museohub (promoter) Events bringing together companies, archaeologists, students and the public to present new technologies applied to the following themes
- 8th Edition: ANMT, Roubaix, 13 October 2020 postponed to 12 October 2021 -> Industrial and digital heritage. Between science and technology
- 7th Edition: Chapelle des Jésuites, Saint-Omer, 23 April 2019 -> 3D & Heritage. What impact on research? Which modalities for mediation?
- 6th Edition: DRAC, Amiens, 23 October 2018 -> Memory of the Great War (14-18). Innovating to transmit
- 5th Edition: Plaine Images, Tourcoing, 13 June 2017 -> A museological and digital approach. Wars from Antiquity to the present day, from here and elsewhere
- 4th Edition: Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, 20 April 2016 -> Models and reconstructions
- 3rd Edition: Musée Arkéos, Douai, 11 June 2015 -> From the field to the cloud... from the cloud to the public
- 2nd Edition: Musée départemental, Bavay, 18 June 2014 -> Digitizing, restoring, studying, transmitting heritage
- Research projects (collaborator)
- PCR Les places fortes des Hauts-de-France (2019-...) led by Th. Byhet, SRA-DRAC HdF (
- PCR Atlas topographique de la ville antique de Boulogne sur Mer (2014-2017) led by A. Demon, Service Archéologique de Boulogne-sur-Mer and Olivier Blamangin, Inrap
- ArchGeo workshop (2016-2021) led by M. Meurisse-Fort, CCE Département du Pas-de-Calais
- SFR-Structure Fédérative de Recherche Numérique & Patrimoine led by El. M. Mouabidd (MIS, UPJV, Amiens) and É. Hamon (IRHiS, ULille) [2016-...]
- IRHiS transverse axis Critical Uses of Digital Technology in Historical, Artistic and Archaeological Sciences led by M. Gil, É. Bailllieul (IRHiS,ULille) []
- E-Thesaurus (
- The Monuments aux Morts database (
- Franco-Belgian seminar Contemporary wars and war memories
- Within the walls. Immersion in the heart of the castle of Selles-Cambrai (
- The spaces of digital cultural heritage: topology and topography of cultural routes. The Via Francigena
- Terracotta figurines
Valorisation of Research
Communications, Interviews, Day/workshop facilitation
- Innovative SHS-CNRS fairs
*The Monuments aux morts database with Martine Aubry (Paris 2015) =>
*The Talking Vase
with Isabelle Westeel (2015) =>
*The graffiti of the castle of Selles-Cambrai (Marseille 2017) =>
*Ikonikat-VISUAL (Paris 2015, Marseille 2017, Lille 2019, Campus Condorcet 2022) =>
*ICI AVANT. Time travel (Lille 2019) => <link christine-aubry projets-numeriques descr>
#descr- Application HERE BEFORE. Time travel =>
- Other
*Intervention at the round table Meeting women archaeologists, ANMT 26 March 2022 in the context of the photographic exhibition Du cœur à l'ouvrage: dans l'intimité du travail des archéologues
*Organiser of the two cycles of conferences around the exhibition MémoireS at the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Péronne (
Design, creation of databases, image databases, websites, blogs
- Databases (
*International corpus of ceramic production moulds (COPCor), master's thesis and DEA
*Bibliographic Database on Ancient Coroplasty (BBCA)
*Chronique gallo-romaine database of the Revue des Études Anciennes
*Database of the EfA Library
*HeMEN-Habitat and Metallurgy in the Northern Aegean Database
*VAM-Victims of the Abolitio Memoriæ (Lille, Dijon, Paris, Cyprus Universities)
*ThANAr-Thasos North Artemisia database (Greece)
*Databases of art history students
- Websites (php/html)
*Halma's institutional sites (2000-2010)
*Dictynna (electronic journal (2006-2010)
*GReCA, Groupe de Recherche sur la Coroplathie Antique (2010-2019)
, Association for Coroplastic Studies
*VAM, Victims of the Abolitio Memoriae
*IRHiS institutional website (2016-2017 under Dreamweaver; 2018-... under Typo3).
- Image databases (Phrasea platform)
*Glass plates and paper documents of the photographer of the University of Letters (1900)
*Collection of photos of the History of the University of Lille
Graphic design, computer graphics
- Communication of the University of Lille 3 (design and production of an internal newspaper, a student welcome booklet, prestigious guides, the first CPU newspaper, etc.).
- Communication of Halma and IRHiS (electronic newsletters in Html language; IRHiS letter in Typo3).
- Creation of posters/kakemonos: for three exhibitions for the general public in collaboration with their respective curators, for scientific presentations at conferences at the request of the communicators, for the presentation of laboratory activities.
- Programmes and posters: announcements of the laboratory's activities (monthly seminars, conference cycles, round tables, workshops, study days, international symposia).
- Vectorisation of drawings for posters or scientific publications.
- Blogs (on Hypothè Carnets de MA-ArcHist (Mondes Anciens-Archéologie, Histoire), IRHiS, Fraudes, Museohub, Nape. - Tweet: IRHiS, MuseoHub.
Supervision of internships
- in the framework of projects such as ICI AVANT, History of the University of Lille, Glass plates, Databases, etc. Participation in some of the interns' dissertations.