Stéphanie Caët
Maîtresse de conférences
Laboratoire / équipe
"citationRef_s":"<i>Acquisition, didactique et valorisation de variétés « non majoritaires »</i>, Oct 2024, Vérone / Verona, Italie",
"citationFull_s":"Laura Lapeyre, Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët, Claire Danet, Geoffrey Besnard. Grammatisation de la Langue des Signes Française. <i>Acquisition, didactique et valorisation de variétés « non majoritaires »</i>, Oct 2024, Vérone / Verona, Italie. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04857584v1\">⟨hal-04857584⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Grammatisation de la Langue des Signes Française"],
"authFullName_s":["Laura Lapeyre","Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët","Claire Danet","Geoffrey Besnard"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IASCL Intenational Congress for the Study of Child Language</i>, Jul 2024, Prague, Czech Republic",
"citationFull_s":"Sophie (de) Pontonx, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Stéphanie Caët, Diane Bedoin, Christophe Parisse, et al.. Building participation frameworks: the role of gaze in signing and speaking family dinners. <i>IASCL Intenational Congress for the Study of Child Language</i>, Jul 2024, Prague, Czech Republic. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04660223v1\">⟨halshs-04660223⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Building participation frameworks: the role of gaze in signing and speaking family dinners"],
"authFullName_s":["Sophie (de) Pontonx","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Stéphanie Caët","Diane Bedoin","Christophe Parisse","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IASCL 2024</i>, Charles University, Jul 2024, Prague (République Tchèque), Czech Republic",
"citationFull_s":"Christophe Parisse, Stéphanie Caët, Sophie (de) Pontonx, Aliyah Morgenstern. Interlanguaging and dining in signing and speaking family meals. <i>IASCL 2024</i>, Charles University, Jul 2024, Prague (République Tchèque), Czech Republic. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04709435v1\">⟨halshs-04709435⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Interlanguaging and dining in signing and speaking family meals"],
"authFullName_s":["Christophe Parisse","Stéphanie Caët","Sophie (de) Pontonx","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>La main de Thôt : théories, enjeux et pratiques de la traduction</i>, 2024, 11, http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/lamaindethot/1196",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Marion Blondel, Sarra El Ayari, Claire Danet, Christelle Pepin, et al.. CotaSigne, une expérience de recherche à plusieurs mains. <i>La main de Thôt : théories, enjeux et pratiques de la traduction</i>, 2024, 11, http://interfas.univ-tlse2.fr/lamaindethot/1196. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04448880v1\">⟨hal-04448880⟩</a>",
"title_s":["CotaSigne, une expérience de recherche à plusieurs mains"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Marion Blondel","Sarra El Ayari","Claire Danet","Christelle Pepin","Jeanne Butel Mouillard","Clémence Beirnaert"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Lexique</i>, 2023, 33, pp.90-105. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.54563/lexique.1214\">⟨10.54563/lexique.1214⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Caroline Masson, Loïc Liégeois, Lucie Macchi, Christine da Silva-Genest, et al.. Explorer des corpus oraux à l’aide de la base de données Démonette-2 : usage de mots construits dans des interactions adulte(s)-enfant(s). <i>Lexique</i>, 2023, 33, pp.90-105. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.54563/lexique.1214\">⟨10.54563/lexique.1214⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04474908v1\">⟨halshs-04474908⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Explorer des corpus oraux à l’aide de la base de données Démonette-2 : usage de mots construits dans des interactions adulte(s)-enfant(s)","Exploring oral corpora using the Démonette-2 database: use of constructed words in adult(s)-child(ren) interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Caroline Masson","Loïc Liégeois","Lucie Macchi","Christine da Silva-Genest","Nadejda Okinina"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journées d’études « Grammaire(s) et acquisition des L2 : approches, trajectoires, interfaces »</i>, Oct 2023, Saint Martin d'Hères, France",
"citationFull_s":"Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët, Claire Danet, Sarra El Ayari. « Je comprends ce que l’élève signe, mais je le signerais autrement » : Évaluer et enseigner la grammaire en LSF. <i>Journées d’études « Grammaire(s) et acquisition des L2 : approches, trajectoires, interfaces »</i>, Oct 2023, Saint Martin d'Hères, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04366693v1\">⟨hal-04366693⟩</a>",
"title_s":["« Je comprends ce que l’élève signe, mais je le signerais autrement » : Évaluer et enseigner la grammaire en LSF"],
"authFullName_s":["Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët","Claire Danet","Sarra El Ayari"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>GeSpIn 2023: 8th Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference</i>, 2023, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.17617/2.3527183\">⟨10.17617/2.3527183⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Léa Chevrefils, Aliyah Morgenstern, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Diane Bedoin, Stéphanie Caët, et al.. Coordinating eating and languaging: the choreography of speech, sign, gesture and action in family dinners. <i>GeSpIn 2023: 8th Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference</i>, 2023, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.17617/2.3527183\">⟨10.17617/2.3527183⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04281337v1\">⟨hal-04281337⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Coordinating eating and languaging: the choreography of speech, sign, gesture and action in family dinners"],
"authFullName_s":["Léa Chevrefils","Aliyah Morgenstern","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Diane Bedoin","Stéphanie Caët","Claire Danet","Charlotte Danino","Sophie (de) Pontonx","Christophe Parisse"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Glossa</i>, 2023, 136, https://www.glossa.fr/index.php/glossa/article/view/1404",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Marion Blondel, Claire Danet, Clémence Beirnaert, Aliyah Morgenstern. Comment évaluer le contenu d'une narration enfantine dans une langue peu décrite et peu dotée ? Méthodologie et premiers résultats pour la Langue des Signes Française. <i>Glossa</i>, 2023, 136, https://www.glossa.fr/index.php/glossa/article/view/1404. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04199710v1\">⟨halshs-04199710⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Comment évaluer le contenu d'une narration enfantine dans une langue peu décrite et peu dotée ? Méthodologie et premiers résultats pour la Langue des Signes Française","How to evaluate the content of a child's narrative in an under-described and under-resourced language? Methodology and first results for French Sign Language."],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Marion Blondel","Claire Danet","Clémence Beirnaert","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AILA 2023</i>, Jul 2023, Lyon, France",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Loulou Kosmala. Participation directe et indirecte d’enfants sourds et entendants aux interactions lors de dîners familiaux. <i>AILA 2023</i>, Jul 2023, Lyon, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04276240v1\">⟨halshs-04276240⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Participation directe et indirecte d’enfants sourds et entendants aux interactions lors de dîners familiaux"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Loulou Kosmala"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IPrA 2023, 18th International Pragmatics Conference</i>, Jul 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Sara Debulpaep. Building a child-centered participation framework as a stepping stone to build trust in a medical encounter. <i>IPrA 2023, 18th International Pragmatics Conference</i>, Jul 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04276253v1\">⟨halshs-04276253⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Building a child-centered participation framework as a stepping stone to build trust in a medical encounter"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Sara Debulpaep"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>18th International Pragmatics Conference</i>, Jul 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium",
"citationFull_s":"Lucie Macchi, Stéphanie Caët, Cédric Patin, Laure Descamps, Christine da Silva-Genest, et al.. (Ex)changing perspectives on speech and language pathologists’ scaffolding practices: when getting the right meaning becomes more central than getting the right words. <i>18th International Pragmatics Conference</i>, Jul 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04276238v1\">⟨halshs-04276238⟩</a>",
"title_s":["(Ex)changing perspectives on speech and language pathologists’ scaffolding practices: when getting the right meaning becomes more central than getting the right words"],
"authFullName_s":["Lucie Macchi","Stéphanie Caët","Cédric Patin","Laure Descamps","Christine da Silva-Genest","Ingrid Gibaru","Klerwi Le Bris"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AILA</i>, Jul 2023, Lyon, France",
"citationFull_s":"Caroline Masson, Stéphanie Caët, Marine Le Mené. Multimodal co-construction of discursive spaces in childcare centers' interactions. <i>AILA</i>, Jul 2023, Lyon, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04172654v1\">⟨hal-04172654⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Multimodal co-construction of discursive spaces in childcare centers' interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Caroline Masson","Stéphanie Caët","Marine Le Mené"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>DGfS 2023: Creativity and routine in linguistic feedback</i>, Mar 2023, Koln, France",
"citationFull_s":"Claire Danet, Loulou Kosmala, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. Participants’ multimodal engagement and backchanneling in multiparty interaction during dinners in French speaking and signing families. <i>DGfS 2023: Creativity and routine in linguistic feedback</i>, Mar 2023, Koln, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04060763v1\">⟨halshs-04060763⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Participants’ multimodal engagement and backchanneling in multiparty interaction during dinners in French speaking and signing families"],
"authFullName_s":["Claire Danet","Loulou Kosmala","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Applied Linguistics</i>, 2023, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/applin/amad080\">⟨10.1093/applin/amad080⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Ilse Depraetere, Stéphanie Caët, Sara Debulpaep, Siham Ezzahid, Vikki Janke. Building a Child’s Trust before a Medical Procedure: A Linguistic Case Study. <i>Applied Linguistics</i>, 2023, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/applin/amad080\">⟨10.1093/applin/amad080⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04372593v1\">⟨hal-04372593⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Building a Child’s Trust before a Medical Procedure: A Linguistic Case Study"],
"authFullName_s":["Ilse Depraetere","Stéphanie Caët","Sara Debulpaep","Siham Ezzahid","Vikki Janke"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journée d'études : Les clitiques à l'épreuve de la variation panromane</i>, Laboratoire CLESTHIA, Dec 2022, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Naomi Yamaguchi, Stéphanie Caët, Marine Le Mené. Acquisition des clitiques chez l’enfant : Rapport entre indétermination formelle et indétermination référentielle. <i>Journée d'études : Les clitiques à l'épreuve de la variation panromane</i>, Laboratoire CLESTHIA, Dec 2022, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-04276236v1\">⟨halshs-04276236⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Acquisition des clitiques chez l’enfant : Rapport entre indétermination formelle et indétermination référentielle"],
"authFullName_s":["Naomi Yamaguchi","Stéphanie Caët","Marine Le Mené"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Colloque en Hommage à Maya Hickmann</i>, Sep 2022, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët, Sarra El Ayari, Claire Danet, Christelle Pepin. Narratives in LSF: how to analyse and evaluate in an atypical acquisition context?. <i>Colloque en Hommage à Maya Hickmann</i>, Sep 2022, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-03784179v1\">⟨hal-03784179⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Narratives in LSF: how to analyse and evaluate in an atypical acquisition context?"],
"authFullName_s":["Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët","Sarra El Ayari","Claire Danet","Christelle Pepin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Colloque DiapASO : Dialogisme, Pathologie et Acquisition du langage dans les approches socio-interactionnistes</i>, Jun 2022, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Marine Le Mené, Stéphanie Caët. Parler de ce qu’ON fait et co-construire ce que nous sommes : acquisitions en interactions. <i>Colloque DiapASO : Dialogisme, Pathologie et Acquisition du langage dans les approches socio-interactionnistes</i>, Jun 2022, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-04276263v1\">⟨hal-04276263⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Parler de ce qu’ON fait et co-construire ce que nous sommes : acquisitions en interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Marine Le Mené","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022)</i>, pp.2781-2787, 2022",
"citationFull_s":"Christophe Parisse, Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët, Claire Danet, Coralie Vincent, et al.. Multidimensional Coding of Multimodal Languaging in Multi-Party Settings. <i>13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022)</i>, pp.2781-2787, 2022. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03740058v1\">⟨halshs-03740058⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Multidimensional Coding of Multimodal Languaging in Multi-Party Settings"],
"authFullName_s":["Christophe Parisse","Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët","Claire Danet","Coralie Vincent","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Webinaire Enfants sourds et troubles des apprentissages</i>, Apr 2022, Lille, France",
"citationFull_s":"Marion Blondel, Caroline Bogliotti, Stéphanie Caët, Laetitia Puissant-Schontz. Enfants sourds signeurs et troubles du langage, point de vue fondamental et psycholinguistique. <i>Webinaire Enfants sourds et troubles des apprentissages</i>, Apr 2022, Lille, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-03681305v1\">⟨hal-03681305⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Enfants sourds signeurs et troubles du langage, point de vue fondamental et psycholinguistique"],
"authFullName_s":["Marion Blondel","Caroline Bogliotti","Stéphanie Caët","Laetitia Puissant-Schontz"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>VocUM</i>, Nov 2021, Montréal, Canada",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Nassim El Kabli. L’espace dans le développement du langage de l’enfant : dialogue entre un philosophe et une linguiste autour de l’Émile de Rousseau (livres I et II). <i>VocUM</i>, Nov 2021, Montréal, Canada. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-03626707v1\">⟨hal-03626707⟩</a>",
"title_s":["L’espace dans le développement du langage de l’enfant : dialogue entre un philosophe et une linguiste autour de l’Émile de Rousseau (livres I et II)"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Nassim El Kabli"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Language and Social Interaction at Home and School</i>, 32, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.45-86, 2021, Dialogue Studies, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ds.32.01mor\">⟨10.1075/ds.32.01mor⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Stéphanie Caët, Camille Debras, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Marine Le Mené. Children’s socialization to multi-party interactive practices. <i>Language and Social Interaction at Home and School</i>, 32, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.45-86, 2021, Dialogue Studies, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ds.32.01mor\">⟨10.1075/ds.32.01mor⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03563718v1\">⟨halshs-03563718⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Children’s socialization to multi-party interactive practices"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Stéphanie Caët","Camille Debras","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Marine Le Mené"],
"citationRef_s":"Anne Salazar Orvig; Geneviève de Weck; Rouba Hassan; Annie Rialland. <i>The Acquisition of Referring Expressions : a dialogical approach</i>, 28, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.42-80, 2021, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/tilar.28.02yam\">⟨10.1075/tilar.28.02yam⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Naomi Yamaguchi, Anne Salazar Orvig, Marine Le Mené, Stéphanie Caët, Annie Rialland. Chapter 2. Filler syllables as precursors of referring expressions. Anne Salazar Orvig; Geneviève de Weck; Rouba Hassan; Annie Rialland. <i>The Acquisition of Referring Expressions : a dialogical approach</i>, 28, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.42-80, 2021, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/tilar.28.02yam\">⟨10.1075/tilar.28.02yam⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-03562320v2\">⟨hal-03562320v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Chapter 2. Filler syllables as precursors of referring expressions"],
"authFullName_s":["Naomi Yamaguchi","Anne Salazar Orvig","Marine Le Mené","Stéphanie Caët","Annie Rialland"],
"citationRef_s":"Anne Salazar Orvig; Geneviève de Weck; Rouba Hassan; Annie Rialland. <i>The Acquisition of Referring Expressions</i>, 28, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.82-113, 2021, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 9789027208354. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/tilar.28.03das\">⟨10.1075/tilar.28.03das⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Christine da Silva-Genest, Anne Salazar Orvig, Haydée Marcos, Stéphanie Caët, Julien Heurdier. Chapter 3. Young children’s uses of referring expressions. Anne Salazar Orvig; Geneviève de Weck; Rouba Hassan; Annie Rialland. <i>The Acquisition of Referring Expressions</i>, 28, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.82-113, 2021, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 9789027208354. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/tilar.28.03das\">⟨10.1075/tilar.28.03das⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-03374815v1\">⟨hal-03374815⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Chapter 3. Young children’s uses of referring expressions"],
"authFullName_s":["Christine da Silva-Genest","Anne Salazar Orvig","Haydée Marcos","Stéphanie Caët","Julien Heurdier"],
"citationRef_s":"Christophe Benzitoun; Manuel Rebuschi. <i>Les corpus en sciences humaines et sociales</i>, Presses Universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, pp.15-48, 2021, 978-2-8143-0565-6",
"citationFull_s":"Caroline Masson, Christine da Silva, Emmanuelle Canut, Stéphanie Caët. Usages des corpus oraux pour l’étude de l’acquisition du français langue maternelle. Christophe Benzitoun; Manuel Rebuschi. <i>Les corpus en sciences humaines et sociales</i>, Presses Universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, pp.15-48, 2021, 978-2-8143-0565-6. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-03374845v1\">⟨hal-03374845⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Usages des corpus oraux pour l’étude de l’acquisition du français langue maternelle"],
"authFullName_s":["Caroline Masson","Christine da Silva","Emmanuelle Canut","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2021, 74, pp.47-65. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2021.2912\">⟨10.26034/tranel.2021.2912⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Christine Da silva-Genest, Lucie Macchi, Cédric Patin, Ingrid Gibaru, et al.. Co-analyse des modes d'intervention orthophoniques: mise en place d'une collaboration orthophonistes-linguistes. <i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2021, 74, pp.47-65. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2021.2912\">⟨10.26034/tranel.2021.2912⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-03440772v1\">⟨hal-03440772⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Co-analyse des modes d'intervention orthophoniques: mise en place d'une collaboration orthophonistes-linguistes"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Christine Da silva-Genest","Lucie Macchi","Cédric Patin","Ingrid Gibaru","Isabelle Dumoulin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Colloque PRELA</i>, Jun 2019, Lyon, France",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Christine Da silva-Genest, Ingrid Gibaru, Lucie Macchi, Cédric Patin. Analyse des modes d’interventions orthophoniques et de leurs effets : apports d’une collaboration orthophonistes-linguistes. <i>Colloque PRELA</i>, Jun 2019, Lyon, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035490v1\">⟨halshs-03035490⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Analyse des modes d’interventions orthophoniques et de leurs effets : apports d’une collaboration orthophonistes-linguistes"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Christine Da silva-Genest","Ingrid Gibaru","Lucie Macchi","Cédric Patin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journée d’étude du groupe de travail APPEL</i>, May 2019, Lille, France",
"citationFull_s":"Ingrid Gibaru, Isabelle Dumoulin, Stéphanie Caët, Lucie Macchi, Christine Da silva-Genest, et al.. Analyse linguistique de ses propres pratiques professionnelles : retour d'expérience dans le cadre de prises en charge orthophoniques d’enfants. <i>Journée d’étude du groupe de travail APPEL</i>, May 2019, Lille, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035507v1\">⟨halshs-03035507⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Analyse linguistique de ses propres pratiques professionnelles : retour d'expérience dans le cadre de prises en charge orthophoniques d’enfants"],
"authFullName_s":["Ingrid Gibaru","Isabelle Dumoulin","Stéphanie Caët","Lucie Macchi","Christine Da silva-Genest","Cédric Patin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Congrès inter-universitaire CCFUO</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France",
"citationFull_s":"Christine Da silva-Genest, Stéphanie Caët, Caroline Masson. Intérêt orthophonique d’une base de données morphologiques : présentation du projet DEMONEXT. <i>Congrès inter-universitaire CCFUO</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-03051758v1\">⟨hal-03051758⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Intérêt orthophonique d’une base de données morphologiques : présentation du projet DEMONEXT"],
"authFullName_s":["Christine Da silva-Genest","Stéphanie Caët","Caroline Masson"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>1er congrès du Collèges des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France",
"citationFull_s":"Christine Da silva-Genest, Stéphanie Caët, Ingrid Gibaru, Lucie Macchi, Cédric Patin. Analyse des interactions orthophoniste-enfant : fondements théoriques, enjeux cliniques et applications pédagogiques. <i>1er congrès du Collèges des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035542v1\">⟨halshs-03035542⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Analyse des interactions orthophoniste-enfant : fondements théoriques, enjeux cliniques et applications pédagogiques"],
"authFullName_s":["Christine Da silva-Genest","Stéphanie Caët","Ingrid Gibaru","Lucie Macchi","Cédric Patin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>1er congrès Collège des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France",
"citationFull_s":"Christine Da silva-Genest, Stéphanie Caët, Lucie Macchi, Thi Mai Tran, Caroline Masson. Intérêt orthophonique d’une base de données morphologiques : présentation du projet DEMONETTE (Dérivation- Morphologie – Network). <i>1er congrès Collège des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035529v1\">⟨halshs-03035529⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Intérêt orthophonique d’une base de données morphologiques : présentation du projet DEMONETTE (Dérivation- Morphologie – Network)"],
"authFullName_s":["Christine Da silva-Genest","Stéphanie Caët","Lucie Macchi","Thi Mai Tran","Caroline Masson"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>1er congrès des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Sophie Fragnon, Sophie Ravez. Un corpus de comptes rendus de bilans orthophoniques pour analyser les pratiques professionnelles. <i>1er congrès des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie</i>, Apr 2019, Nice, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035552v1\">⟨halshs-03035552⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Un corpus de comptes rendus de bilans orthophoniques pour analyser les pratiques professionnelles"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Sophie Fragnon","Sophie Ravez"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Corpus</i>, 2018, 19, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.4000/corpus.4258\">⟨10.4000/corpus.4258⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët. Former les étudiants en orthophonie à la constitution de corpus : pourquoi ? Comment ?. <i>Corpus</i>, 2018, 19, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.4000/corpus.4258\">⟨10.4000/corpus.4258⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035376v1\">⟨halshs-03035376⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Former les étudiants en orthophonie à la constitution de corpus : pourquoi ? Comment ?","Training speech and language therapy students to corpus building: why? How?"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Sign Language Acquisition and Assessment Conference</i>, Nov 2018, Haïfa, Israel",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Axelle Carré, Lucile Imbert, Cécile Thery, Marion Blondel. A corpus-based approach to the creation of a narrative structure assessment tool. <i>Sign Language Acquisition and Assessment Conference</i>, Nov 2018, Haïfa, Israel. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01964239v1\">⟨halshs-01964239⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A corpus-based approach to the creation of a narrative structure assessment tool"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Axelle Carré","Lucile Imbert","Cécile Thery","Marion Blondel"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Sign Language Acquisition and Assessment Conference</i>, Nov 2018, Haifa, Israel",
"citationFull_s":"Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët. How to assess the content and grammaticality of narratives? Methodological issues and first results on French Sign Language. <i>Sign Language Acquisition and Assessment Conference</i>, Nov 2018, Haifa, Israel. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01964225v1\">⟨halshs-01964225⟩</a>",
"title_s":["How to assess the content and grammaticality of narratives? Methodological issues and first results on French Sign Language"],
"authFullName_s":["Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IIIè Rencontres Interdisciplinaires franco-brésiliennes intitulées Surdité, Singularité et Universalité : Langue, Culture, Education et Accessibilité</i>, Oct 2018, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Marion Blondel. Comment évaluer la structure des récits d'enfants signeurs ? Questions de méthode et premiers résultats pour la langue des signes française. <i>IIIè Rencontres Interdisciplinaires franco-brésiliennes intitulées Surdité, Singularité et Universalité : Langue, Culture, Education et Accessibilité</i>, Oct 2018, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01964243v1\">⟨halshs-01964243⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Comment évaluer la structure des récits d'enfants signeurs ? Questions de méthode et premiers résultats pour la langue des signes française"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Marion Blondel"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2017, 66, pp.107-124",
"citationFull_s":"Audrey Prévost, Stéphanie Caët. Interactions familiales d'un enfant jumeau avec retard de langage oral: identification de situations facilitatrices pour l'enfant. <i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2017, 66, pp.107-124. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035422v1\">⟨halshs-03035422⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Interactions familiales d'un enfant jumeau avec retard de langage oral: identification de situations facilitatrices pour l'enfant"],
"authFullName_s":["Audrey Prévost","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2017, De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?, 66, pp.125-141",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Bérangère Marie, Laure Parmentier, Valérie Lehembre. Entrer en interaction : modalité des ressources mobilisées par des mères entendantes pour attirer l'attention de leur enfant sourd. <i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2017, De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?, 66, pp.125-141. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035358v1\">⟨halshs-03035358⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Entrer en interaction : modalité des ressources mobilisées par des mères entendantes pour attirer l'attention de leur enfant sourd"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Bérangère Marie","Laure Parmentier","Valérie Lehembre"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Langage, Interaction et Acquisition / Language, Interaction and Acquisition </i>, 2017, 8 (1), pp.117-140",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Fanny Limousin, Aliyah Morgenstern. A functional approach to self-points\r\nand self-reference in a deaf signing child\r\nand the (dis)continuity issue in child language. <i>Langage, Interaction et Acquisition / Language, Interaction and Acquisition </i>, 2017, 8 (1), pp.117-140. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02073464v1\">⟨halshs-02073464⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A functional approach to self-points and self-reference in a deaf signing child and the (dis)continuity issue in child language"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Fanny Limousin","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern; Christophe Parisse. <i>Le langage de l’enfant. De l’éclosion à l’explosion</i>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle\">Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle</a>, pp.118-133, 2017",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. Parler de soi. Aliyah Morgenstern; Christophe Parisse. <i>Le langage de l’enfant. De l’éclosion à l’explosion</i>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle\">Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle</a>, pp.118-133, 2017. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035573v1\">⟨halshs-03035573⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Parler de soi"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Langue française</i>, 2017, 193 (1), pp.109-126. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.3917/lf.193.0109\">⟨10.3917/lf.193.0109⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Stéphanie Caët, Fanny Limousin. Pointage et auto-désignation chez l’enfant en français et en langue des signes française. <i>Langue française</i>, 2017, 193 (1), pp.109-126. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.3917/lf.193.0109\">⟨10.3917/lf.193.0109⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035411v1\">⟨halshs-03035411⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Pointage et auto-désignation chez l’enfant en français et en langue des signes française"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Stéphanie Caët","Fanny Limousin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>13ème colloque de logopédie, \"De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?\"</i>, Nov 2016, Neuchâtel, Suisse",
"citationFull_s":"Laure Parmentier, Marie Bérangère, Stéphanie Caët. Attirer, maintenir et orienter l'attention : analyse de stratégies verbales et non-verbales déployées par des mères d'enfants sourds et d'enfants entendants de moins de trois ans. <i>13ème colloque de logopédie, \"De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?\"</i>, Nov 2016, Neuchâtel, Suisse. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01420738v1\">⟨halshs-01420738⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Attirer, maintenir et orienter l'attention : analyse de stratégies verbales et non-verbales déployées par des mères d'enfants sourds et d'enfants entendants de moins de trois ans"],
"authFullName_s":["Laure Parmentier","Marie Bérangère","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>13ème colloque de logopédie, \"De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?\"</i>, Nov 2016, Neuchâtel, Suisse",
"citationFull_s":"Audrey Prevost, Stéphanie Caët. Analyse d'interactions auxquelles prend part un enfant jumeau avec retard de parole et/ou de langage : Identification de situations facilitatrices pour l'enfant. <i>13ème colloque de logopédie, \"De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?\"</i>, Nov 2016, Neuchâtel, Suisse. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01420740v1\">⟨halshs-01420740⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Analyse d'interactions auxquelles prend part un enfant jumeau avec retard de parole et/ou de langage : Identification de situations facilitatrices pour l'enfant"],
"authFullName_s":["Audrey Prevost","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>13ème colloque de logopédie, \"De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?\"</i>, Nov 2016, Neuchâtel, Suisse. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.unine.ch/colloquelogo2016\"></a>",
"citationFull_s":"Solène Bessaguet, Marie Gorry, Stéphanie Caët. L'enfant sourd en situation d'interactions polyadiques : accès au langage adressé et non adressé au cours de repas familiaux. <i>13ème colloque de logopédie, \"De l'interagir à l'intervenir : quelles clés ?\"</i>, Nov 2016, Neuchâtel, Suisse. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.unine.ch/colloquelogo2016\"></a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01420739v1\">⟨halshs-01420739⟩</a>",
"title_s":["L'enfant sourd en situation d'interactions polyadiques : accès au langage adressé et non adressé au cours de repas familiaux"],
"authFullName_s":["Solène Bessaguet","Marie Gorry","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Society for Gesture Studies</i>, Jul 2016, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Jacqueline Fagard. Pointing and grasping in deaf and hearing infants: insights into the relationship between hand-preference and language lateralisation. <i>International Society for Gesture Studies</i>, Jul 2016, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03035597v1\">⟨halshs-03035597⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Pointing and grasping in deaf and hearing infants: insights into the relationship between hand-preference and language lateralisation"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Jacqueline Fagard"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Open Linguistics</i>, 2016, 2 (1), pp.47-66. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/opli-2016-0003\">⟨10.1515/opli-2016-0003⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Stéphanie Caët, Fanny Limousin. Pointing and self-reference in French and French Sign Language. <i>Open Linguistics</i>, 2016, 2 (1), pp.47-66. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/opli-2016-0003\">⟨10.1515/opli-2016-0003⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01350586v1\">⟨halshs-01350586⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Pointing and self-reference in French and French Sign Language"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Stéphanie Caët","Fanny Limousin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Anthropology of Food</i>, 2015, Patrimoines alimentaires enfantins, 9",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Camille Debras, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Marine Le Mené, Stéphanie Caët, et al.. L’art de l’artichaut et autres rituels: transmission de pratiques sociales et alimentaires dans les diners familiaux parisiens. <i>Anthropology of Food</i>, 2015, Patrimoines alimentaires enfantins, 9. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-01221931v1\">⟨hal-01221931⟩</a>",
"title_s":["L’art de l’artichaut et autres rituels: transmission de pratiques sociales et alimentaires dans les diners familiaux parisiens"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Camille Debras","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Marine Le Mené","Stéphanie Caët","Tamar Kremer-Sadlik"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Appetite</i>, 2015, 89, pp.84-92. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2015.01.012\">⟨10.1016/j.appet.2015.01.012⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Tamar Kremer-Sadlik, Aliyah Morgenstern, Chloe Peters, Pauline Beaupoil, Stéphanie Caët, et al.. Eating fruits and vegetables. An Ethnographic Study of American and French Family Dinners. <i>Appetite</i>, 2015, 89, pp.84-92. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2015.01.012\">⟨10.1016/j.appet.2015.01.012⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01287565v1\">⟨halshs-01287565⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Eating fruits and vegetables. An Ethnographic Study of American and French Family Dinners"],
"authFullName_s":["Tamar Kremer-Sadlik","Aliyah Morgenstern","Chloe Peters","Pauline Beaupoil","Stéphanie Caët","Camille Debras","Marine Le Mené"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Colloque international de l’AFLiCO 6</i>, May 2015, Grenoble, France",
"citationFull_s":"Camille Debras, Stéphanie Caët, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Marine Le Mené, Aliyah Morgenstern. Developing multimodal conversation competence in multiparty interaction: a study of French family dinners. <i>Colloque international de l’AFLiCO 6</i>, May 2015, Grenoble, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01162298v1\">⟨halshs-01162298⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Developing multimodal conversation competence in multiparty interaction: a study of French family dinners"],
"authFullName_s":["Camille Debras","Stéphanie Caët","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Marine Le Mené","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AFLICO 2015</i>, Jean-Pierre Chevrot, May 2015, Grenoble, France",
"citationFull_s":"Camille Debras, Stéphanie Caët, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Marine Le Mené, Aliyah Morgenstern. Degrees of participation in multi-party interactions. A study of French family dinners. <i>AFLICO 2015</i>, Jean-Pierre Chevrot, May 2015, Grenoble, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01424052v1\">⟨halshs-01424052⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Degrees of participation in multi-party interactions. A study of French family dinners"],
"authFullName_s":["Camille Debras","Stéphanie Caët","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Marine Le Mené","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>14th International Pragmatics Conference</i>, 2015, Antwerp, Belgium",
"citationFull_s":"Christine da Silva-Genest, Stéphane Jullien, Anne Salazar Orvig, Stéphanie Caët, Julien Heurdier, et al.. Referential forms, prosody and discourse in young French-speaking children interactions. <i>14th International Pragmatics Conference</i>, 2015, Antwerp, Belgium. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-03442283v1\">⟨hal-03442283⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Referential forms, prosody and discourse in young French-speaking children interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Christine da Silva-Genest","Stéphane Jullien","Anne Salazar Orvig","Stéphanie Caët","Julien Heurdier","Haydée Marcos"],
"citationRef_s":"Laure Gardelle et Sandrine Sorlin. <i>The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns</i>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http:// www.benjamins.com\">Benjamins</a>, pp.173-193, 2015",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. First and second person pronouns in two mother-child dyads. Laure Gardelle et Sandrine Sorlin. <i>The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns</i>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http:// www.benjamins.com\">Benjamins</a>, pp.173-193, 2015. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01288353v1\">⟨halshs-01288353⟩</a>",
"title_s":["First and second person pronouns in two mother-child dyads"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2014, 60, pp.47-56",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët. Quand un père emprunte les gestes de sa fille : fonctions discursive et sociale de la reprise gestuelle.. <i>TRANEL. Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique</i>, 2014, 60, pp.47-56. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01186983v1\">⟨halshs-01186983⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Quand un père emprunte les gestes de sa fille : fonctions discursive et sociale de la reprise gestuelle."],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IASCL 2014</i>, Jul 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. The self under construction: a functional approach to children’s subject self-reference\r\n. <i>IASCL 2014</i>, Jul 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01424055v1\">⟨halshs-01424055⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The self under construction: a functional approach to children’s subject self-reference"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>L’Acquisition des Expressions Référentielles: perspectives croisées, International Conference</i>, Oct 2013, Paris, France. 2013",
"citationFull_s":"Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Camille Debras, Stéphanie Caët, Marine Le Mené, Aliyah Morgenstern. Who talks to whom about whom? Personal reference in polyadic family dinner interactions. <i>L’Acquisition des Expressions Référentielles: perspectives croisées, International Conference</i>, Oct 2013, Paris, France. 2013. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-01221958v1\">⟨hal-01221958⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Who talks to whom about whom? Personal reference in polyadic family dinner interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Camille Debras","Stéphanie Caët","Marine Le Mené","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AEREF</i>, Oct 2013, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. Self-reference and pronominal reversals: becoming a speaker through the other’s voice. <i>AEREF</i>, Oct 2013, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01424059v1\">⟨halshs-01424059⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Self-reference and pronominal reversals: becoming a speaker through the other’s voice"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Pragmatics</i>, 2013, The Pragmatic-Discursive Dimension of Grammar Acquisition, 56, pp.151-167. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2012.06.017\">⟨10.1016/j.pragma.2012.06.017⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Marie Leroy, Stéphanie Caët. Self- and other-repairs in child–adult interaction at the intersection of pragmatic abilities and language acquisition. <i>Journal of Pragmatics</i>, 2013, The Pragmatic-Discursive Dimension of Grammar Acquisition, 56, pp.151-167. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2012.06.017\">⟨10.1016/j.pragma.2012.06.017⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01186977v1\">⟨halshs-01186977⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Self- and other-repairs in child–adult interaction at the intersection of pragmatic abilities and language acquisition"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Marie Leroy","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>workshop on Negation and polarity: Interfaces and cognition - 19th International Congress of Linguists</i>, Pierre Larrivée & Chungmin Lee, Jul 2013, Genève, Switzerland",
"citationFull_s":"Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Dominique Boutet, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. A multimodal approach to children's first negative constructions. <i>workshop on Negation and polarity: Interfaces and cognition - 19th International Congress of Linguists</i>, Pierre Larrivée & Chungmin Lee, Jul 2013, Genève, Switzerland. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://inria.hal.science/hal-00847751v1\">⟨hal-00847751⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A multimodal approach to children's first negative constructions"],
"authFullName_s":["Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Dominique Boutet","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>19th International Congress of Linguists - Session 6-B</i>, Jul 2013, Genève, Switzerland",
"citationFull_s":"Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Dominique Boutet, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. The development of multimodal negation from 1 to 4 : a case-study. <i>19th International Congress of Linguists - Session 6-B</i>, Jul 2013, Genève, Switzerland. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://inria.hal.science/hal-00848789v1\">⟨hal-00848789⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The development of multimodal negation from 1 to 4 : a case-study"],
"authFullName_s":["Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Dominique Boutet","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Child Language Seminar</i>, Jun 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom",
"citationFull_s":"Marine Le Mené, Camille Debras, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. Tansmission of multiparty conversation practices in multimodal French family dinners. <i>Child Language Seminar</i>, Jun 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://inria.hal.science/hal-00838719v1\">⟨hal-00838719⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Tansmission of multiparty conversation practices in multimodal French family dinners"],
"authFullName_s":["Marine Le Mené","Camille Debras","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AFLICO 2013</i>, Maarten Lemmens, 2013, Lille, France",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Stéphanie Caët. Variation in Self-Reference in Mother-Child Interactions. <i>AFLICO 2013</i>, Maarten Lemmens, 2013, Lille, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01424061v1\">⟨halshs-01424061⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Variation in Self-Reference in Mother-Child Interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Cercles : Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone</i>, 2013, 29, pp.265-285",
"citationFull_s":"Caroline Rossi, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. LE FUTUR EN CONSTRUCTION PREMIERS USAGES DE WILL ET BE GOING TO CHEZ L'ENFANT ANGLOPHONE. <i>Cercles : Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone</i>, 2013, 29, pp.265-285. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01131427v1\">⟨halshs-01131427⟩</a>",
"authFullName_s":["Caroline Rossi","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Pragmatics</i>, 2013, The Pragmatic-Discursive Dimension of Grammar Acquisition, 56, pp.88-112. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2013.03.015\">⟨10.1016/j.pragma.2013.03.015⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Anne Salazar Orvig, Haydée Marcos, Stéphanie Caët, Cristina Corlateanu, Christine da Silva, et al.. Definite and Indefinite Determiners in French-Speaking Toddlers: Distributional Features and Pragmatic-Discursive Factors. <i>Journal of Pragmatics</i>, 2013, The Pragmatic-Discursive Dimension of Grammar Acquisition, 56, pp.88-112. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2013.03.015\">⟨10.1016/j.pragma.2013.03.015⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01467858v1\">⟨halshs-01467858⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Definite and Indefinite Determiners in French-Speaking Toddlers: Distributional Features and Pragmatic-Discursive Factors"],
"authFullName_s":["Anne Salazar Orvig","Haydée Marcos","Stéphanie Caët","Cristina Corlateanu","Christine da Silva","Rouba Hassan","Julien Heurdier","Marine Le Mené","Jocelyne Leber-Marin","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>12ème colloque de logopédie \"La parole reprise\"</i>, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines de l'Université de Neuchâtel, Nov 2012, Neuchâtel, Suisse",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Christelle Maillart, Christophe Parisse, Stéphanie Caët, Marie Leroy-Collombel, et al.. Atelier de deux heures sur « Rectifications et co-construction du langage : Richesse du stimulus dans l’interaction. » . <i>12ème colloque de logopédie \"La parole reprise\"</i>, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines de l'Université de Neuchâtel, Nov 2012, Neuchâtel, Suisse. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01743896v1\">⟨halshs-01743896⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Atelier de deux heures sur « Rectifications et co-construction du langage : Richesse du stimulus dans l’interaction. »"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Christelle Maillart","Christophe Parisse","Stéphanie Caët","Marie Leroy-Collombel","Sophie (de) Pontonx"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>L'enfant dans la langue: dialogues et variations - Résultats et ouvertures du projet ANR CoLaJE</i>, Projet ANR CoLaJE, Oct 2012, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Sandra Benazzo, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern. The Blossoming of Multimodal Negation : The Speaking Children.. <i>L'enfant dans la langue: dialogues et variations - Résultats et ouvertures du projet ANR CoLaJE</i>, Projet ANR CoLaJE, Oct 2012, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://inria.hal.science/hal-00752138v1\">⟨hal-00752138⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The Blossoming of Multimodal Negation : The Speaking Children."],
"authFullName_s":["Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Sandra Benazzo","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ISGS 5 The International Society for Gesture Studies, The Communicative Body in Development.</i>, Jul 2012, Lund, Sweden",
"citationFull_s":"Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Stéphanie Caët, Sandra Benazzo, Aliyah Morgenstern. Multimodal negation in speaking children. <i>ISGS 5 The International Society for Gesture Studies, The Communicative Body in Development.</i>, Jul 2012, Lund, Sweden. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://inria.hal.science/hal-00724189v1\">⟨hal-00724189⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Multimodal negation in speaking children"],
"authFullName_s":["Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Stéphanie Caët","Sandra Benazzo","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Language Culture and Mind</i>, Jun 2012, Lisbonne, Portugal",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern, Marion Blondel, Fanny Limousin. Referring to You and Me in French, English and French Sign language. <i>Language Culture and Mind</i>, Jun 2012, Lisbonne, Portugal. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01424067v1\">⟨halshs-01424067⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Referring to You and Me in French, English and French Sign language"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern","Marion Blondel","Fanny Limousin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AFLiCo Jet 2012 MULTIMODALITE et CORPUS</i>, Mar 2012, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Dominique Boutet, Marion Blondel, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Sandra Benazzo, Stéphanie Caët, et al.. Eclosion de la négation pour une méthodologie pluri-échelle et multi-modale. <i>AFLiCo Jet 2012 MULTIMODALITE et CORPUS</i>, Mar 2012, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00687108v1\">⟨halshs-00687108⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Eclosion de la négation pour une méthodologie pluri-échelle et multi-modale"],
"authFullName_s":["Dominique Boutet","Marion Blondel","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Sandra Benazzo","Stéphanie Caët","Fanny Limousin","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of French Language Studies</i>, 2012, pp.77-93. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0959269511000597\">⟨10.1017/S0959269511000597⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët. Développement de la référence à soi chez une enfant de 1;05 à 3;00 : de l'influence de l'input à la reconstruction du système. <i>Journal of French Language Studies</i>, 2012, pp.77-93. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0959269511000597\">⟨10.1017/S0959269511000597⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-00657834v1\">⟨hal-00657834⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Développement de la référence à soi chez une enfant de 1;05 à 3;00 : de l'influence de l'input à la reconstruction du système"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IASCL</i>, Jul 2011, Montréal, Canada",
"citationFull_s":"Marie Leroy, Stéphanie Caët, Naomi Yamaguchi, Aliyah Morgenstern. Other-repairs in adult-child interactions: insights about adult's representations of children's linguistic development. <i>IASCL</i>, Jul 2011, Montréal, Canada. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00642955v1\">⟨halshs-00642955⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Other-repairs in adult-child interactions: insights about adult's representations of children's linguistic development"],
"authFullName_s":["Marie Leroy","Stéphanie Caët","Naomi Yamaguchi","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>DEGELS</i>, Jul 2011, Montpellier, France. pp.1-18",
"citationFull_s":"Dominique Boutet, Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Aliyah Morgenstern. Tu pointes ou tu tires ?! Annotation sous ELAN des pointages d'un 'entendant vocalo-gestualisant'. <i>DEGELS</i>, Jul 2011, Montpellier, France. pp.1-18. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-00611248v1\">⟨hal-00611248⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Tu pointes ou tu tires ?! Annotation sous ELAN des pointages d'un 'entendant vocalo-gestualisant"],
"authFullName_s":["Dominique Boutet","Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>SALC 2011</i>, Jun 2011, Copenhague, Denmark",
"citationFull_s":"Marie Leroy, Stéphanie Caët, Aliyah Morgenstern, Naomi Yamaguchi, Sophie (de) Pontonx. The accidental linguists? How mothers adjust their repairs in mother-child interactions. <i>SALC 2011</i>, Jun 2011, Copenhague, Denmark. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00642954v1\">⟨halshs-00642954⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The accidental linguists? How mothers adjust their repairs in mother-child interactions"],
"authFullName_s":["Marie Leroy","Stéphanie Caët","Aliyah Morgenstern","Naomi Yamaguchi","Sophie (de) Pontonx"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Child Phonology Conference</i>, Jun 2011, York, United Kingdom",
"citationFull_s":"Naomi Yamaguchi, Aliyah Morgenstern, Marie Leroy-Collombel, Stéphanie Caët. The accidental phonologist ? How a mother adjusts her other-repairs to the child's phonological development. <i>International Child Phonology Conference</i>, Jun 2011, York, United Kingdom. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00676258v1\">⟨halshs-00676258⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The accidental phonologist ? How a mother adjusts her other-repairs to the child's phonological development"],
"authFullName_s":["Naomi Yamaguchi","Aliyah Morgenstern","Marie Leroy-Collombel","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>SALC III</i>, Jun 2011, Copenhague, Denmark",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Marion Blondel, Stéphanie Caët, Dominique Boutet. Hearing children's use of pointing gestures: from pre-linguistic buds to the blossoming of communication skills. <i>SALC III</i>, Jun 2011, Copenhague, Denmark. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-00612553v1\">⟨hal-00612553⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Hearing children's use of pointing gestures: from pre-linguistic buds to the blossoming of communication skills"],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Marion Blondel","Stéphanie Caët","Dominique Boutet"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ADYLOC</i>, Jun 2011, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Marion Blondel, Aliyah Morgenstern, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Sandra Benazzo, Dominique Boutet, et al.. The blossoming of negation in gesture, sign and vocal productions. <i>ADYLOC</i>, Jun 2011, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-00612577v1\">⟨hal-00612577⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The blossoming of negation in gesture, sign and vocal productions"],
"authFullName_s":["Marion Blondel","Aliyah Morgenstern","Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel","Sandra Benazzo","Dominique Boutet","Stéphanie Caët","Fanny Limousin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Gesture</i>, 2010, 10:2, pp.172-201. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/gest.10.2-3.04mor\">⟨10.1075/gest.10.2-3.04mor⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Aliyah Morgenstern, Stéphanie Caët, Marie Leroy-Collombel, Fanny Limousin, Marion Blondel. From gesture to sign and from gesture to word. Pointing in deaf and hearing children.. <i>Gesture</i>, 2010, 10:2, pp.172-201. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://dx.doi.org/10.1075/gest.10.2-3.04mor\">⟨10.1075/gest.10.2-3.04mor⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00637782v1\">⟨halshs-00637782⟩</a>",
"title_s":["From gesture to sign and from gesture to word. Pointing in deaf and hearing children."],
"authFullName_s":["Aliyah Morgenstern","Stéphanie Caët","Marie Leroy-Collombel","Fanny Limousin","Marion Blondel"],
"citationRef_s":"Candea M., Mir-Samii R. <i>La rectification à l'oral et à l'écrit</i>, Ophrys, pp.221-234, 2010",
"citationFull_s":"Marie Leroy, Aliyah Morgenstern, Stéphanie Caët. L'auto-rectification chez l'enfant : internalisation et appropriation du langage. Candea M., Mir-Samii R. <i>La rectification à l'oral et à l'écrit</i>, Ophrys, pp.221-234, 2010. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00628335v1\">⟨halshs-00628335⟩</a>",
"title_s":["L'auto-rectification chez l'enfant : internalisation et appropriation du langage"],
"authFullName_s":["Marie Leroy","Aliyah Morgenstern","Stéphanie Caët"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>The Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC) 2009 Conference</i>, Jun 2009, Stockholm, Sweden",
"citationFull_s":"Stéphanie Caët, Marie Leroy, Aliyah Morgenstern. Children's internalization of social and grammatical rules : self-repairs and reformulations. <i>The Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC) 2009 Conference</i>, Jun 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-00394977v1\">⟨hal-00394977⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Children's internalization of social and grammatical rules : self-repairs and reformulations"],
"authFullName_s":["Stéphanie Caët","Marie Leroy","Aliyah Morgenstern"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Grammars in construction(s), 3rd International AFLICO Conference</i>, May 2009, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, France",
"citationFull_s":"Marie Leroy, Stéphanie Caët. Children's appropriation of grammar and constructions through self-repairs and reformulations. <i>Grammars in construction(s), 3rd International AFLICO Conference</i>, May 2009, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://hal.science/hal-00392249v1\">⟨hal-00392249⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Children's appropriation of grammar and constructions through self-repairs and reformulations"],
"authFullName_s":["Marie Leroy","Stéphanie Caët"],
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