Severine Casalis
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
Bignon, Matthieu
Casalis, Severine
Mejias, Sandrine
Examination of visual-verbal paired associate learning contribution in reading development in grade 1 French learners
16e Journée Scientifique des Jeunes Chercheurs (JSJC), 2021, Virtual Conference,
Cornut, Camille
Casalis, Severine
Mahe, Gwendoline
L2 word learning among dyslexic and expert reader late bilinguals: Impact of word presentation modality.
Scientific Studies of Reading Conference, 2021, Virtual Conference,
Bignon, Matthieu
Casalis, Severine
Morphological awareness and vocabulary in bilingual and monolingual children
Scientific Studies of Reading Conference, 2021, Virtual Conference,
Cornut, Camille
Casalis, Severine
Mahe, Gwendoline
L2 word recognition among dyslexic and expert reader late bilinguals: impact of word presentation modality?
27th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 2021, Online Conference,
Lecerf, Marie-Ange
Commissaire, E.
Demont, E.
Casalis, Severine
Is HEAR easier to recognize than HOUR for a French-speaker who learned English at school?
XV international symposium of psycholinguistics, 2021, Madrid,
Bignon, Matthieu
Casalis, Severine
Morphological awareness isn’t more developed in bilingual than in monolingual children attending primary school but contributes more on vocabulary development in bilingual children
XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics 2021, 2021, Virtual Conference,
Salomé, Florian
Commissaire, E.
Casalis, Severine
Orthographic information facilitates semantic and phonological L2 learning among third and fifth graders: evidence of an early advantage independent of growing reading automatization?
XVth International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, 2021, Virtual Conference,
Bedard, M.
Laplante, L.
Casalis, Severine
L’évaluation du lecteur compensateur : illustration de l’importance des processus spécifiques en lecture jusqu’à la fin du primaire in Colloque État de l’avancement des connaissances et des pratiques innovantes issues de la recherche en orthopédagogie
88e Congrès de l’ACFAS, 2021, Virtual Conference,
Casalis, Severine
Comment évaluer les processus spécifiques d’identification des mots écrits : principes directeurs, et présentation critique d’outils ou d’épreuves
Conférence de l’ADOQ (Association des Orthopédagogues du Québec), 2020, Virtual Conference,
Bedard, M.
Laplante, L.
Casalis, Severine
Enjeux et défis de l’évaluation en lecture en l’absence de difficultés apparentes : le cas des lecteurs compensateurs
Conférence de l’ADOQ (Association des Orthopédagogues du Québec), 2020, Virtual Conference,
Casalis, Severine
Perspectives psycholinguistiques sur l’acquisition lexicale en classe de langue en France.
Journée d’Etude Real2 Lexique : mémoire, acquisition, communication., 2019, Lyon,
Salomé, F.
Commissaire, E.
Casalis, Severine
Impact of the L2 Linguistic immersion program on L3 vocabulary learning : specific or general effects ?
21st European Society of Cognitive Psychology Conference (ESCoP), 2019, Tenerife,
Cornut, Camille
Duncan, Lynne G.
Mahe, Gwendoline
Casalis, Severine
Word recognition among French late learners of English: impact of language, modality and L1 reading efficiency.
Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2019, 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Salomé, F.
Commissaire, E.
Casalis, Severine
Orthographic Information facilitates L2 vocabulary memorization : evidence of early accurate L2 orthographic representation among third grade monolingual children
26th Annual Meeating Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), 2019, Toronto,
Cornut, Camille
Mahe, Gwendoline
Casalis, Severine
Modality effect in L1 and L2 word recognition among French late learners of English.
26th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 2019, Toronto, Canada,
Casalis, Severine
Modéliser l’apprentissage de la lecture
Les controverses de Descartes, 2019, Lille,
Salomé, F.
Casalis, Severine
Commissaire, Eva
The linguistic Immersion to foreign language (L2) facilitates vocabulary ìearning in a third language (L3).
Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PIF), 2019, Antwerpen,
Cornut, Camille
Mahe, Gwendoline
Casalis, Severine
Word recognition among French late learers of English: impact of language, modality and cognateness
Conférence bilinguisme et allophonie, 2019, Lille,
Lecerf, Marie-Ange
Commissaire, E.
Comesana, M.
Casalis, Severine
Does orthographic cue help children to learn vocabulary in L2? A spoken word recognition on French fifth graders
XIV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, 2019, Tarragona,
Macchi, Lucie
Casalis, Severine
Schelstraete, Marie-Anne
Les capacités de lecture des enfants présentant un trouble développemental du langage
1er congrès interuniversitaire du CCFUO, 2019, Nice,