




Axes de recherche

Mes axes de recherche ont pour but (1) de démontrer l’existence d’un territoire linguistique adapté à une identité spécialisée, (2) de montrer comment cette identification offre aux utilisateurs, par son évolution structurelle constante, la possibilité de mettre en œuvre des stratégies qui ne déstabilisent pas l’acte et l’action juridique afin de calibrer les définitions sémantiques dont le droit conceptualise le sens dans ses énoncés ou usages, et (3) de mettre en exergue ces « passeurs de savoirs », ces jurilinguistes et traducteurs du droit qui relèvent sans cesse un défi pour que le langage du droit reste « à la fois savant (dans son origine) et populaire (par destination), technique de facture et civique de vocation » (Cornu 1990).

Depuis 2015, je suis porteur dans l'axe "Théorie du droit" du sous axe du CRDP, équipe René Demogue intitulé "Droit, sémiotique et linguistique"  (période 2020 - 2025):

Mes missions d’évaluation ont pour but de vérifier la pertinence de la recherche engagée, de contrôler la mise en place de leurs diffusions, d’analyser la levée de fonds et la faisabilité du projet, et de procéder à l’évaluation du rayonnement scientifique dans son ensemble: European Research Council (ERC) -- Prin – Progetti Di Ricerca Di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (Italie) --- Fullbright Study Research Grant (USA) --- Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) --- Estonian Research Council (ETAg) --- State Education Development Agency (Lettonie)

Je fais également partie de comités de sélection de thèses; je suis membre de comités d'évaluation des dossiers scientifiques d'Enseignants-Chercheurs en vue d'une promotion nommée par le Président de l'Université concernée sur proposition d'un Directeur de département: University of Melbourne (Australie) ---Griffith University (Australie) --- University of Tartu (Estonie) --- Durham University (UK) --- Keele University (UK) --- University of Georgia (USA) --- University of Hong Kong (Chine) --- Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chine) --- Xichang University (Chine) ---Zhejiang University (Chine) --- Zhejiang Police College (Chine) --- City University of Hong Kong (Chine) --- Jia Tong University, Shanghai (Chine) --- University of Sao Paulo (Brésil) --- University of Haifa (Israël) -- York University (Canada).  

J'encadre des thèses interdisciplinaires à l'international dans le domaine "Droit - Langue", "Droit - Traduction", "Droit et Sémiotique", "Droit et Études culturelles".

Visual Jurisprudence

In our everyday lives, we experience law as a system of signs. Representations of legality are visually manifested in the materiality of things we see and spatially experience.

Methodologically, aesthetic texts of legality semiotically emerge as examples of visual jurisprudence, and illustrate the constitutive waltz between social governance, formal law, and materiality. In the spirit of the rhizome from Deleuze and Guattari, the visual chaos of the Banyan tree reminds us of the variety of a root system revealing facets of (de)territorialization.

“We are only just beginning to disentangle a few of the threads, which are still so unknown to us that we immediately assume them to be either marvelously new or absolutely archaic, whereas for two hundred years (not less, yet not much more) they have constituted the dark, but firm web of our experience” (Foucault 1973)

With aerial roots that mature into multiple trunks of the tree, the Banyan has abundant root-trunks perpetually growing during its lifetime. It has keenly adapted to environmental conditions insofar as roots, sprouting without the cover of soil, are visibly tumultous and unruly. Tentacular in appearance, the Banyan is rich in complex materiality and function. Yet, in seeing the Banyan, we can see beyond the tree to metaphorically envision the evolving development of the relationship of law and visual jurisprudence as a relationship equally disorganized and spontaneous.

Semiotics and Law

Legal semiotics received the status it has today during the last decades of the 20th century at Penn State University Berk Campus, where Roberta Kevelson established the Penn State Center for Semiotic Research in Law, Government and Politics. She was deeply involved in the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and laid the foundations for legal semiotics in the US and abroad with many publications on the subject. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, meanings and other complexities. Emphasis is on the sign, which forms the nucleus of semiosis with the ancient Greek notion of seme (= sign) as the central component in its name. Names, concepts and other forms of expression are altogether a sign, and signs in signs form a core concept of each process of meaning formation. A sign is something that relates to something else for someone in some respect or capacity.

Where and what is the 'something' and the 'else'? Lawyers, jurilinguists and legal semioticians are challenged to answer the question in all sorts of cases, so they could use some assistance to fulfill their task of clarification in social life.

"...the greatest thing about semiotics is the recognition that we communicate not in a hierarchical fashion where an authority speaks downward but in a dialogic fashion among people who create a universe hat is not finished, but open. What we take as law or a fixed judgment is always provisional. We are open to the world; the self is a dynamic sign in play that continually creates something genuinely new. Semiotics can keep freedom alive—it is experimental and anti-authoritarian; it is never under anyone's control; there are no masters or slaves, only equals in relationships". (R. Kevelson 1996).

Culture-Mediation Techniques in Law

[…] we should remember that it is the ‘inter’ – the cutting edge of translation and negotiation, the in-between, the space of the entre that Derrida has opened up in writing itself – that carries the burden of the meaning of culture. […] It is in this space that we will find those words with which we can speak of Ourselves and Others. And by exploring this hybridity, this ‘Third Space’, we may elude the politics of polarity and merge as the others of our selves. (Bhabha 1995)

Communication means transferring information from one culture to another. This transfer of information leads to the conceptualization of a common and significant framework in legal discourse, especially in the translation, interpretation, and communication fields. Likewise, there is an increasing development and diversification of domain-specific knowledge across nations and cultures. As a consequence, legal specialists in different subfields act as language and culture mediators to convey the correct contents of utterances and/or speech acts among their communities or for their clients. Active and collaborative work is then necessary to mediate, decide, and analyze under real constraints with cultural challenges.

Decision-making needs to elaborate multiple and viable solutions to problems that emerge naturally from ordinary language, and so to have “culture mediation” in the legal field. This combination of function-, process-, and solution- approaches to language and culture mediation is proven complex in both the process and the outcome.

Montage de projets de portée européenne et internationale

- Projets en cours

* 2025 - 2030:  Anne Wagner, Porteur officiel du projet - Launch of a trailblazing worldwide collaboration: The International Handbook of Legal Language and Communication. - Springer

This comprehensive 10-volume handbook will feature up to 900 entries from leading experts worldwide, making it the most extensive resource in the field of legal language, semiotics, and communication. The international handbook is designed to integrate perspectives from a wide range of jurisdictions globally, ensuring its relevance across diverse legal systems and contexts.

- Projets finalisés

* 2022-2025 -  Anne Wagner - Porteur officiel du projet - with 4 other researchers from Italy (Angela Condello), Canada (Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati), France/Brazil (Alyane Almeida de Araujo), and USA (Sarah Marusek) with 4 international publications.

- Publication 1. Vol. 37/6, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law.

- Publication 2. (In)Visible Signs of Gender-Based Violence, Law Book Series "Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism" - Springer.

- Publication 3. Gender Stereotypes: Case Studies, Policies and Theoretical Approaches, Law Book Series "Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism" - Springer. 

- Publication 4. Under preparation, Law Book Series "Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism" - Springer.

* 2021-2023 Anne Wagner - Porteur officiel du projet - "Cyber Hate, the Modern Cyber Evil" (2 research partners: CRDP équipe René Demogue, Hawai'i Hilo University), 2 research seminars, 2 international conferences.

- An edited volume: Handbook on Cyber Hate: The Modern Cyber Evil - Law Book Series "Law and Visual Jurisprudence" - Springer.

* 2021 - 2023. Anne Wagner - Porteur officiel du projet - General Editor: “Legal Semiotics and Visual Law” (2 research partners: CRDP équipe René Demogue, Hawai'i Hilo University, research seminars, 2 international conferences:  

A reference book - Research Handbook on Legal Semiotics - Edward Elgar Publishing.

* 2021-2023: Anne Wagner, Porteur officiel du project - General Editor "Jurilinguistics" (2 research partners - CRDP, Équipe René Demogue, Lille University, France and Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) 35 Chapters, 2 international conferences.

A reference book: Research Handbook on Jurilinguistics - Edward Elgar Publishing.

* 2020 - 2023: Anne Wagner, Porteur officiel du projet "COVID-19 INFODEMIC – BETWEEN LAW, ETHICS AND FAKE NEWS". - CRDP, équipe René Demogue: 3 partenaires officiels - CRDP équipe René Demogue, Lille University - France, Hawai'i Hilo University - USA, and Adam Mickiewicz University - Poland: participants: 45.

- Special Issue: (In)Visible Mutations of the (Mis)Information Imaginary: Knowledge, Movement, and Cultural Discourse in the Age of Covid-19,  International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, vol. 35/3.

- A common paper from the official 3 partners: Matulewska, Aleksandra, Wagner, Anne and Marusek, Sarah. Masked Covid life: a socio-semiotic investigationSemiotica, vol. 2022, no. 247, 2022, pp. 55-85. 

* 2020 - 2022: Anne Wagner, Porteur officiel du projet "Legal Translation as a 'Third Space', and Instrumentalization of Law as a Socially Constituted Sign-System". - CRDP, équipe René Demogue: 3 partenaires officiels - CRDP équipe René Demogue, Lille University - France, Hawai'i Hilo University - USA, and Adam Mickiewicz University - Poland: participants: 45, 2 scheduled zoom- conferences, 3 Special Issues:

- Special Issue, Third Space in Law, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 34/5.

- Special Issue, The Evil Twins and Their Silent Otherness in Law and Legal Translation, Comparative Legilinguistics, Vol. 45 (2021), and

- Special Issue, When Law and Legal Linguistics Intersect, Comparative Legilinguistics, Vol. 47 (2021).

* 2018 - 2021. Anne Wagner Porteur officiel du Projet « Flag, Identity, Memory : Critiquing the Public Narrative through Color » - CRDP, équipe René Demogue (4 official partners : Hawai'i Hilo University - China University of Political Science and Law - CRDP – équipe René Demogue : Lille University - Jia Tong University, Shanghai - 75 participating countries: 2 international conferences, 4 research webinars,

A reference volume: Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative: Public Memory, Identity, and Critique. Law Book Series "Law and Visual Jurisprudence" - Springer. Winner of the 2021 Gherardi Davis Prize of the Flag Research Center.

* 2018 - 2024: Anne Wagner, Porteur officiel du projet « Emojis, Visual Jurisprudence, and Law » - CRDP, équipe René Demogue (2 official partners - Hawai'i Hilo University and CRDP équipe René Demogue, Lille University: 15 participants: 4 research seminars.

- Special Issue: Cyberbullying, Language and Law, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 34/4.

- Special Issue: Getting Far Too Emotional with Emojis: The Digital Influencers in E-Discourse Aggressiveness, Social Semiotics: Vol. 30/3.

* 2017 - 2021. Anne Wagner – Porteur officiel du Projet «Comparative Legal Semiotics » (4 partenaires : Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland - China University of Political Science and Law - CRDP – équipe René Demogue : Lille University - Jia Tong University, Shanghai - 35 pays participants)

* 2017-2019: The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education – STINT – Initiation Grant: IB 2018-7596 (26 649 SEK) – Research: “E-Discourse and the Dynamics of Violence, Gender Discrimination and Abuse as a Dominant Discourse: Communicating through Rumours and Visual Images” (3 research members: Örebro University, Sweden - CRDP équipe René Demogue - Hawai'i Hilo University: 3 research seminars, Visiting Research Fellow at Örebro University, Sweden).

- Marusek, Sarah and Wagner, Anne. "#MeToo: A tentacular movement of positionality and legal powersInternational Journal of Legal Discourse, vol. 4, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-14. 

- Wagner Anne & Marusek Sarah. December 2019. “A Cacophony of Speech, Law, and Persona: Battling Against the Vortex of #MeToo in France and the U.S.”. In Journal of Civil Law Studies: Volume 19/2: 253-281.

* 2015 - 2019. Anne Wagner – Porteur officiel du projet de recherche « Cities as ill bodies in Films and Series » (2 official partners : CRDP, équipe René Demogue et Zhejiang University - 2 international conferences, 2 international publications, 1 research exchange):

- Special Issue: Bodies of Power and/or their Evil Twins in Reality and/or Fiction, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 32/3.

- Edited Volume: Law, Cinema, and the Ill City Imagining Justice and Order in Real and Fictional Cities, Law Book Series "Law, Language and Communication"  - Routledge.

* 2013 - 2017. Anne Wagner - Porteur officiel du Projet « Signs, Symbols and Meanings in Law » - Zhejiang Police College – Jia Tong University - Shanghai – Lille CRDP, équipe René Demogue (3 official partners, 15 participation countries,  3 conferences, 5 research seminars)

- Special Issue: Signs, symbols, and meanings in law, Semiotica, Volume 2017, Issue 216.

- Special Issue: Decision-making in translation, interpretation, and speech act: Legal semiotic culture-mediation techniques, Semiotica, Volume 2014, Issue 201.

- Special Issue: Legal Translation and Jurilinguistics: Globalizing Disciplines. Retrospects and Prospects, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 28/1.

The Ashgate Handbook of Legal Translation, Ashgate. 

- Special Issue: The Process of Translabiliting: Translating and Transferring Law, its Concepts, Notions and Language, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol. 26/4.

* 2007 - 2015. Anne Wagner - Collaborateur principal pour la France, International Research Grant Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) funded research project on "International Commercial Arbitration Practices: A Discourse Analytical Study" (15 research partners, 1 Research Exchange, 1 international conference)

- Vijay K. Bhatia, Christopher N. Candlin & Maurizio Gotti (eds) The Discourses of Dispute Resolution. Bern: Peter Lang. 

* 1 - 4 avril 2011: Exploratory workshop "Visual Communication in Contemporary European Societies. Shaping Identities, Citizenship, Communities, Inclusion Strategies" in Bologna (Italy), and funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF): Porteur du projet Dr. Ira Torresi, 25 participants.

Encadrement recherche


Direction de thèse

Direction de thèse - CRDP, Équipe René Demogue. Rafif ZAREA "La Langue du Droit, une discipline en perpétuelle évolution: entre traditions, modernisme et cultures", débutée en 2021. 

Soutenance de thèse

Under revision

Membre du jury de la thèse doctorale de Jeffrey Ellsworth soutenue et obtenue avec les félicitations du jury et l’autorisation de publication le 22 mai 2016 avec le sujet "Peirce and Semiotics of Law" au sein de l’Université de Luxembourg. 

Rapporteur et Président de Jury - Vadim Verenich, thèse soutenue et obtenue avec les félicitations du jury le 23 avril 2014 avec le sujet "Semiotics Models of Legal Argumentation", Tartu University (Estonie)

Président et rapporteur pour la thèse de Han Zhengrui "An Applied Genre Analysis of Civil Judgment: the Case of Mainland China", City University of Hong Kong, soutenue avec félicitations du jury le 21 août 2010.

Masters, Doctorants & Post Doc.


Depuis 2017: Encadrement régulier de M.phil Law, M.phil Linguistics, Center for Legal Discourse and Translation – Zhejiang University.

2009 - 2019: Encadrement régulier de M.phil Law, M.phil Linguistics, Research Centre for Legal Translation – CUPL.

2000 - 2004: Encadrement régulier de mémoires de Master 2 professionnel “Langues et Technologies”, responsable du module d'anglais en traductologie scientifique, juridique et technique.