
Shahid Rahman
Family name: RAHMAN First name: Shahid,
Date of birth: 20/10/1956. Nationality: German & Argentinian.
Researcher identifier: orcid.org/0000-0003-3988-1039.
URL for web site: https://pro.univ-lille.fr/shahid-rahman/, https://univ-lille.academia.edu/ShahidRahman/CurriculumVitae
- Education and key qualifications
21/01/1998 (defended dec. 1997) Habilitation-Venia Legendi, Philosophy (Post-Phd German (and French) academic grade that gives access to full Professorship); Title of Habilitation text: H. McColl and Connexive Logic (in German) Institut für Philosophie Univ. Saarland, Germany. Tutor; Prof. Dr. Kuno Lorenz.
15/10/1993 PhD, Philosophy, Philology, Psychology. Title of PhD dissertation: On Dialogues and Category Theory (in German). Institut für Philosophie. Univ. Saarland, Germany. Supervisor: Prof Dr. Kuno Lorenz.
05/09/1989 Master Philosophy, Mathematics, Philology. Institut für Philosophie, Erlangen-Nürnberg Univ. Germany -obtained by equivalence to my studies in Argentina. Supervisor: Prof Dr. Christian Thiel.
- Position(s)
Current position(s)
2001-: Full Professor for Logic and Epistemology, classe exceptionelle (the highest grade of full professor in France), Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. Lille, and Laboratory “Knowledge, Texts, Language” (CNRS / Univ. Lille UMR 8163 STL Savoirs, textes, langage). 2022-: Head of the, Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. Lille, France.
2025-2031 Researcher for the l’ERC Synergy 2024 « RevLog «
Previous position(s)
2000-2001: Visiting Professor at the Univ. UNICAMP, CLE, Campinas, and at the Univ. Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1999-2000: Lehrstuhlvertreter (acting full-professor), also acting Director of the. Institut für Philosophie Univ. Saarland, Germany.
1997-1998: Privat-Dozent (Temporary Prof at the home university) Institut für Philosophie Univ. Saarland, Germany.
1996-1998: Part-time Researcher at the Max-Planck Institut für Informatik and at the Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Saarbrücken, Germany.
1982–1985: Researcher at the CONICET, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina.
1982– 1984: Part-time Professor at Univ. Nacional del Salvador, and at the Universidad de la Plata and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Invited presentations and short Visiting Professorships. More than 50 presentations as Key speaker during the period 2011-2023 – some of them during short Visiting Professorships, among other at the U. Berkeley, U. Hamburg, U. München, U. Technical U. Vienna, U. Sorbonne (C. L. Robin) and (IHPST), Lille, Nancy, Max-Planck-Tübingen, Konstanz, Amsterdam, Sevilla, Ias (Romania), Skopje (Macedonia), Kolkata Institute for Advanced Studies, Sharif-University (Teheran), S.Beheshti Univ. (Teheran), Alger, Kerouan (Tunisia), Dakar, Brazaville (Congo), Libreville (Gabon), Lomé (Togo), UNAM-México, Monterrey (México), Puebla (México) Panamericana-Mexico, Mendoza (Argentina), Valparaíso (Chile), Santiago (Chile).
2025-2031: Lauréat avec Leone Gazziero (CNRS), Tony Street (Cambridge) et Roberta Padlina ( Genève) de l’ERC Synergy 2024 « RevLog «
2011-2015: PI for the French-side of the Franco German DFG-ANR project JURILOG (Univ. Konstanz-Univ. Lille) – PI for the German side Prof. M. Armgardt), more than € 750000.
2011-2015: Co-coordinator of the project ADA (Argumenter, Décider Agir), involving 18 research laboratories of the region (2011-2015).
2012-2015: Co-coordinator of the project LACTO (Langage, Argumentation, Cognition dans les Traditions Orales) involving 8 African Universities (2012-2015).
2011-2021 Several short-period international projects financed by the MESHS-CNRS, involving Amsterdam, Gronningen, London, all together around € 40000.
2006-2022 Prime d’excellence scientifique-encadrement doctoral (4 years awards for research and PhD-supervisions), granted by the French National Council of Universities (CNU).
2008: Entry in the International Directory of Logicians. Elsevier-C. Publications., pp. 293-294.
2004-2007 Langue, textes, contextes (MSH-Nord Pas de Calais) €140000. Grant attached to the research project.
1997-1998: Fritz-Thyssen Post-doc Research Project Grant at the Inst. für Philosophie Univ. Saarland, Germany.
- Career breaks, unconventional career paths and major life events
Born in New Delhi to a German mother and Indian father, educated in Argentina (where my father became President of the University of B. Blanca), Mexico and Germany and having experienced not only the atrocities of the Dictatorships in Argentina (we fled to Mexico) , but also having grown up with the sad memories of on one hand the imprisonment by the Nazis of my grandfather during WWII and on the other of a series of tragic events involving my family, sufi poets, specialists in Islamic jurisprudence and scientists during the separation of India and Pakistan, I dedicated my life to the study of rationality across cultures and traditions exploring diverse disciplines: I started studying Chemistry and hence went into Mathematics, Philology and Philosophy, the latter mainly in Germany, where I added Psychology as a minor. In Germany, by the 1980s I had discovered the dialogical framework that has shaped my academic and personal life since then.
Memberships of scientific societies (Elected member): 1.(2017-) The Abductive Logic Group. British Col. 2. (2016-) International Association for the study of Controversies, Lecce. 3.(2013-) Centre of Jain Studies at the University of London. 4-(2012-°) E. doctorale Philosophie, University Skopje, Macedonia. 5. (2011-..) Comité national français d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences belonging to Académie des Sciences. 6.(2011-..) gdR-CNRS Philosophie des mathématiques. 7.(2010-) Centre of History and Philosophy of Sciences at the Univ. of Lisboa. 8. (2010-) Deutsche-Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 9. (2004-) Academia Argentina de Ciencias: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos E. Pucciarelli.
Reviewing Activities.
(A) Editorial Board (if without dates: member since the beginnings of the journal: 1) Synthese. (2001-2007); 2) Phil. Scientiae; 3) Energeia; 4) Methodos; (2012-2017), 5) J. of Philosophy of Science, 6) Characteristica Universalis, 7) Rev. del Instituto de Filosofía. Universidad de Valparaiso, 8) Al-Mukhatabat : Rev. philosophique de logique et épistémologie, 9) Nunya, 10) C. Epistémologiques. L’Harmattan, 11) Transversal. International Journal for the Historiography of Science; 12) Revista Mexicana de Lógica.
(B) External Reviewer for the Journals: Among others: J. of Philosophical Logic, Synthese, History and Phlilosophy and logic, Logic Language and Computation, IGPL, Logica Universalis, Logique et Analyse.
(C) Scientific Evaluator: Among others, 2014: Mairie de Paris, Programme d’accueil des chercheurs étrangers à Paris; 2013 : COFECUB, (French Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific and University Cooperation with Brazil ) ; 2011-2013: Swiss National Science Foundation (FNRS); 2012 : National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Chile (CONYCYT) ; 2010-2011 Scientific Reserch Funds Estonia (Tallinn, Tartu), 2009 : French National Research Agency (ANR) for the Franco-German programme ; 2009: Hum. Research Council of Canada, 2009 : Austrian Center of Research: 2009: C. of Phil. of Science (Univ. of Lisbon-Portugal); 2009 : French Research and Higher Education Evaluation Agency (AERES) Chair of the evaluation expertise of IPHST-Paris 1; 2009: French National Research Agency (ANR) for the Franco-British programme; 2009 : French National Research Agengy (ANR) for the Postdoc return programme.
Major international collaborations: 1) G. Sundholm. Philosophy, Leiden, Netherlands: CTT and Dialogical Logic, 2) M. Armgardt, Department of Law, Konstanz until 2021, Hamburg 2021- Legal Reasoning3) J. Woods, Philosophy, British Columbia. Canada: Argumentation, Logic and Law. Co-edition of collections on these topics, 4) M. Crubellier, Lille, France: Aristotle, 5) W. E. Young, McGill: Islamicate Dialectics, 6) F. Zidani, Alger II, Philosophy: Islamicate logic, 7) M. Ardeshir, Mathematics, Sharif-University, Iran: Constructive Mathematics and Logic, Islamic Logic, 8) H. Rückert, Philosophy, Mainz, Germany, 9) A. Klev, Prague-Acad. Scs Dialogues and the Constructive Foundations of Logic and Mathematics.
Institutional Responsibilities. Among others:
2022-: Head of the Department of Philosophy. Univ. Lille, France.
Since 2001 member of the Council of the Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. Lille.
Since 2004 ... member of the Council of the Laboratory CNRS / Univ. Lille UMR 8163 STL.
2016 Member of the Lille-Team for the delegation Campus-France presenting research at five Mexican Universities.
2010-2012 Member of the Scientific Council MESHS-Nord-pas-de-Calais – European House of Social Sciences and Humanities.
2012-2016: Member of the Scientific Council of Univ. Lille.
2006-2022 member of the National Council of Universities for the section Epistemology and History of Sciences (CNU-72).
Major contribution to the career of young researchers. Most of the 24 PhD students and two Habilitations I supervised have gathered, after their vivas, either Assistant Professorships or Full Professorships in France, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Serbia, Gabon, Ivory Coast. Remarkable is the work of Zoe McConaughey, who will defend her PhD in December 2021 and is already internationally known for her work on the dialogical studies on Aristotle’s logic -she has been awarded with the price of the German Mathematical Society for Mathematical Society for the best these in Europe in 2021, she is co-author t of the newly updated entry on dialogical logic published in the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. Salient too, is the international work of Mathieu Fontaine, Assistant Prof at the Univ. Sevilla, Juan Redmond and Nicolas Clerbout professors at the University of Valparaiso (Chile), M. H. Gorisse, Assistant Prof at the University of Birmingham. I should also mention Zaynab Salloum, the first woman full-professor for applied mathematics at the university of Beirut, as I was advisor for her Master in Philosophy of Mathematics on Avicenna. I am currently supervising 6 more.
- Some recent PEER REVIEWED PAPERS AND TALKS. Preprints can be found in my Academia-homepage and/or HAL.
- 2024 “Dialogical Logic and Constructive Type Theory. New Explorations”. Rahman, S. & Gallois, L. In A. Klev (ed.), The Architecture and Archeology of Modern Logic. Cham: Springer
- 2024 “Vindicating the Future. A Dialogical Stance on Belnap’s Tomorrow’s Sea Battle”. Z. McConaughey & S. Rahman. In A. Klev (ed.), The Architecture and Archeology of Modern Logic. Cham: Springer
- 2023 (talk, paper forthcoming). “Dialectic and Temporality in Suhrawardī’s uses of Plenitude” S.Rahman, R. Boussad. Talk presented at the 11th Colloquium of the S. H. S. P. A. I Reason and Nature. Science, Philosophy and Theology in Classical and Post-Classical Islam. , Société Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques, Sep 2023, Munich, Germany. Forthcoming
- 2023 (talk, paper forthcoming). “Suhrawardī’s Stance on Modalities and his Logic of Presence”. In A. Ahmed, R. Strobino & M. S. Zarepour (eds.), Logic, Soul, and World: Essays in Arabic Philosophy in Honor of Tony Street. Leiden : Brill, in print. Based on the talk under the same title at the Conference on Arabic Logic in honour of Tony Street (U. Cambridge), University of Berkeley, 23-24 April 2022.
- 2023 (in print). “Outside the Logic of Necessity”. Deontic Puzzles and “Breaking” Compound Causal Properties in Islamic Legal Theory and Dialectic. S. Rahman & W. Young. Ad Argumenta-Brepols, Forthcoming.
- 2022. "Ibn Ḥazm on Heteronomous Imperatives. A Landmark in the History of the Logical Analysis of Legal Norms ". S. Rahman, W. Young & F. Zidani. In P. McNamara, A. Jones, M. Brown (eds.) Agency, Norms, Inquiry and Artifacts: Essays in Honour of Risto Hilpinen : Dordrecht : Synthese Library-Springer, pp. 139-171.
- 2021. Arsyad al-Banjari’s Dialectical Model for Integrating Indonesian Traditional Uses into Islamic Law. Arguments.. M. Iqbal & S. Rahman. Argumentation, vol. 35, pp. 73-99.
- 2021. "On Descriptional Propositions in Ibn Sīnā: Elements for a Logical Analysis". S. Rahman & S. Zarepour. In. M. Mojtahedi (ed.), "Mathematics, Logic and their Philosophies", Cham: Springer, pp. 411-432.
- 2019. "Dialectic, The Dictum de Omni and Ecthesis". M. Crubellier, Z. McConaughey, M. Marion & S. Rahman. History and Philosophy of Logic., vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 207-233.
- 2018. "Unfolding parallel reasoning in islamic jurisprudence. Epistemic and Dialectical Meaning within Abū Isḥāq al-Shīrāzī’s System of Co-Relational Inferences of the Occasioning Factor". S. Rahman. M. Iqbal. Cambridge Journal of Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 28, pp. 67-132.
- 2018. "Aristote et la question de la completude. Le modèle formel de Kurt Ebbinghaus". Philosophie Antique. Cl. Lion & S. Rahman, vol. 18, Philosophie Antique 18, 2018, p. 219-243.
- 2020. “Introducing Consistency in a Dialogical Framework for Paraconsistent Logic”. E. Barrio, N. Clerbout and S. Rahman. IGPL-OUP, volume 28, Issue 5, October 2020, pp. 953–97.
- 2014: “Ibn Sina’s Approach to equality and unity”. S. Rahman/ J. Granström / Z. Salloum. Cambridge Journal for Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 4(02), pp. 297-307.
- Some Recent Volumes
- 2023. Fallacies in the Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Latin Traditions. L. Cesalli, L. Gazziero, C. Manekin, S. Rahman, T.Street and M. Trizio (eds.) Turnhout : Brepols.
- 2022: Argumentation and Arabic Philosophy of Language. S. Rahman & W. E. Young. Special Number of Methodos. Lille : STL-UMR8163-Spe, vol. 22. : Argumentation and Arabic Philosophy of Language. S. Rahman & W. E. Young. Special Number of Methodos. Lille : STL-UMR8163-Spe, vol. 22. https://journals.openedition.org/methodos/8833
- 2021: New Developments in Legal Reasoning and Logic. From Ancient Law to Modern Legal Systems. S. Rahman, M. Armgardt, H. C. N. Kvernenes (Eds), Cham : Springer.
- 2021: Logic, Mathematics and their Philosophies. M. Mojtahedi./ S. Rahman/ M. S. Zarepour. Cham: Springer.
- 2019: Inferences by Parallel Reasoning in Islamic Jurisprudence. Al-Shīrāzī’s Insights into the Dialectical Constitution of Meaning and Knowledge. With Muhammad Iqbal and Youcef Soufi.
- Cham: Springer ( a version in Arabic has been published by al-Mukhatabat, Kerwan-Tunisia, Vol. 25 and 2018)
- 2018: Immanent Reasoning and the Dialogical Approach to Constructive Type Theory. A Plaidoyer for the Play level . S. Rahman, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & and N. Clerbout, Cham : Springer.