Peer reviewed journals
Hansmann-Roth, S., Þorsteinsdóttir, S., Geng, J.J. & Kristjánsson, Á. Temporal integration of feature probability distributions. Psychological Research (2022)
Tanrıkulu ÖD., Chetverikov, A., Hansmann-Roth, S., & Kristjánsson, Á.: Is there empirical support for probabilistic mental representations? A case within visual perception. Cognition (2021)
Rafiei, M., Chetverikov, A., Hansmann-Roth, S. & Kristjánsson, Á.: You see what you look for: Perceptual biases induced by targets and distractors in visual search. Journal of Vision (2021)
Hansmann-Roth, S., Kristjánsson, Á., Whitney, D., & Chetverikov, A. Dissociating implicit and explicit ensemble representations reveals the limits of perception and the richness of behavior. Scientific Reports (2021)
Rafiei, M., Hansmann-Roth, S., Whitney, D., Kristjánsson, Á. & Chetverikov, A. Optimizing perception: Attended and ignored stimuli create opposing perceptual biases. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics (2020)
Hansmann-Roth, S., Chetverikov, A. & Kristjánsson, Á.: Representing color and orientation ensembles: Perceptual learning of multiple feature distributions. Journal of Vision (2019)
Chetverikov A., Hansmann-Roth, S., Tanrıkulu, ÖD. & Kristjánsson, Á.: Feature Distribution Learning (FDL): A New Method for Studying Visual Ensemble Perception with Priming of Attention Shifts. In: Neuromethods. Humana Press (2019)
Hansmann-Roth, S., Pont SC. & Mamassian P.: Contextual effects in human gloss perception. Electronic Imaging: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (2018)
Witzel, C., O’Regan, JK. & Hansmann-Roth, S.: The dress and individual differences in the perception of surface properties. Vision Research (2017)
Hansmann-Roth, S., Pont, SC. & Mamassian, P.: Contextual effects on real bicolored glossy surfaces. Journal of Vision (2017)
Hansmann-Roth, S. & Mamassian, P.: Simultaneous gloss contrast: Conjoint measurements of gloss and lightness. i-perception (2017)
Hardiess, G., Hansmann-Roth, S. & Mallot, HA.: Gaze movements and spatial working memory in trajectory planning: a dynamic street crossing task. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience (2013)
Blumhofer, M., Böckmann, C., Eschbach, A. & Roth, S.: Perception of installation art and critical considerations of neuroaesthetics (In German). In: Kosmologie-Evolution-Geschichte 1. Ed. Weidtmann N. & Evers D. (2013)
under review; published on a preprint server
Hansmann-Roth, S., Þorsteinsdóttir S., Geng, J. & Kristjánsson, Á.: Temporal integration of feature probability distributions in working memory. PsyArXiv (2020)
Hansmann-Roth, S. & Mamassian, P.: Perceiving gloss behind transparent layers. In revision at i-perception