I am a vision scientist and my research focusses on human visual perception using behavioural methods and computational modelling. In particular, I am interested in the mechanisms used to represent information in visual memory. For that, I investigate probabilistic representations of visual ensembles, visual priming and perceptual biases such as serial dependence.
I am currently a Postdoc at the SCALab working with Bilge Sayim on spatial perception using appearance-based methods (in collaboration with Wolf Harmening at the University of Bonn, Germany) and some projects on the role of perceptual grouping in ensemble perception.
You find more information on my projects and work on my personal website:
Dernières actualités
Tanrıkulu ÖD., Chetverikov, A., Hansmann-Roth, S., & Kristjánsson, Á.: Is there empirical support for probabilistic mental representations? A case within visual perception. Cognition (2021)
Hansmann-Roth, S., Kristjánsson, Á., Whitney, D., & Chetverikov, A. Dissociating implicit and explicit ensemble representations reveals the limits of perception and the richness of behavior. Scientific Reports (2021)