Rebecca Deprez-Poulain
- pHmetry and physchem properties of drugs
- in Optional class "Bioinorganic chemistry" ;2nd Year (Resp.)
- Medicinal Chemistry (Coordinator)
- in Core curriculum ; 3rd & 4th Year
- in Cardiovascular diseases module; 3rd Year
- in Infectiology module; 4th Year
- in Oncology module; 4th Year (Resp.)
- Pharmaceutical Industry (co-Coordinator) www.pharmalilleindus.org
- in Optional class "Industry" ; 3rd Year(Resp.)
- in Optional class "Case studies - I & II" 4th & 5th Year (Resp)
- in Industry Program ; 4th & 5th Year
- Enzyme targets
- Protein templated synthesis/Kinetic target Guided Synthesis
- Case studies in medicinal chemistry
- Molecular drug properties
- Drug discovery
in Médicaments et Technologies de Santé - Drug design (M2) (Resp. module "case studies")
in Chimie/Sciences du vivant -Stratégies et Outils de découverte de principes actifs (M2) (Resp.)
in Biologie Santé - Méthodes Modernes de Découverte et Développement de Médicaments (M1) TSM1&TSM4 (Coordinator)
Health Entrepreneurship Degree
- Case studies
- Business models
Mobile and Web application
The idea behind MedChem Structures Genius is that the chemical structure can be used as a visual and semantical mark to gain information on drug molecules (mode of action, side effects, bioavailability,…). This app, aimed at both students and professionnals, allows learning to recognize chemical drug structures and link them to their INN and their pharmacological class. The quiz allows self evaluation. Only small molecules and peptides and biochemical molecules are listed (no biologics, vaccines, …). The drug classification has been adapted from the ATC WHO classification.