Rebecca Deprez-Poulain
Professeure des universités
Laboratoire / équipe
Axes de recherche
My current scientific activity focuses on the modulation of metalloproteases using small chemical compounds.
- Since 2007, my team developed a targeted library of zinc-binding compounds that allowed exploring the several metalloprotease families. Therapeutic applications of inhibitors of such enzymes include infectious, immune and metabolic diseases. In the M1 family, we discovered the first drug-like inhibitors of the plasmodial aminopeptidase PfAM1 a malarial protease (J. Med. Chem 2007 & 2012) and original neutral aminopeptidase APN inhibitors (Bioorg. Med Chem 2007). In the M12 family, we focussed on aggrecanases inhibitors (Fut. Med. Chem. 2014, Eur J Med Chem 2013, Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2010). For neprilysin (M13 family) we designed new inhibitors (MedChemComm 2012) using solid phase synthesis on lanterns.
- In the past years, we have been studying Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE, M16 family) to decipher its complex role in Type-2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease thanks to pharmacological chemical probes. We disclosed the first exosite binders (Eur JMedChem 2014 & 2015), the first cell-penetrant, in vivo active IDE inhibitor using an original KTGS based on hydroxamic acids, and demonstrated that acute IDE inhibition induced a paradoxical glucose intolerance, in line with the phenotype of the IDE-KO animals (Nature Comm 2015, Elife 2018). We also showed that Ebselen is the most potent inhibitor of IDE (Eur JMedChem 2019). We are also interested in the Aminopeptidases of the ER (ERAP, M1 family) inhibitors (ACS Med Chem Lett 2017).
- For our projects targeting metalloproteases we developed an expertise in hydroxamic acids (and other zing binding groups), in Kinetic Target guided synthesis (Nature Comm 2015, Fut. Med. Chem. 2016, J Med Chem 2020) and in tools to measure biological stability of chemical compounds (JMedChem 2017, Lancet 2018) and target engagement using CETSA (SLASDiscov 2020). In particular for hydroxamic acids, we designed the first medchem toolbox to optimize their plasma stability (JMedChem 2009 & 2017)
- Also we developed several chemical methodologies to access bioactive compounds, heterocycles and original nature-inspired compounds. We disclosed the original synthesis of oxadiazoles (Tet lett 2001, Nature Med 2009), solvent-free microwave irradiation to access bicyclic lactams (Green Chem 2010,2012), polymer-supported chemistries (BMCL 2009, Eur J Med Chem 2011, MedChemComm 2012), use of T3P (Tet Lett 2012), or water-based synthesis (TetLett 2013).
National & International collaborations
since 2012
- Dr. Stratikos (Demokritos Center, Athens, GR) ERAP modulators 2013 – now
- Pr. W-J. Tang (Ben-May Institute, Chicago, USA) IDE modulators. 2007-now
- Pr. P. Van Endert (Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, FR) IDE & ERAP 2013-now
- Pr. B. Staels ERC (INSERM U1011 ; Institut Pasteur de Lille, FR) IDE 2008-now
- Pr M. Solimena (Paul Langerhans Institute, Dresden, DE) IDE 2018-now
- Dr E. de Bruyne (VUB, BE) multiple myeloma 2018-now
- Pr A. Hirsch ERC (HIPS, Saarbrucken, DE) Protein Templated reactions 2018-now
- Dr D. Fruci (OPBG, Roma, IT) ERAP 2019-now
- Dr J. Kuiper (Univ. Utrecht, NL) ERAP 2019-now
since 2012
- ANR Young Researcher Grant 2012-2014 « IDE modulators» PI.
- FRM Grant, 2012- 2015. « IDE modulators » PI.
- French Ministry of Foreign Affairs PHC Hubert Curien Grant - PLATON 2013-2014. « Screening of hydroxamates on ERAPs » Co-PI.
- Institut Universitaire de France Grant 2015-2020 PI.
- CPER-CTRL-Region Hauts de France – Institut Pasteur de Lille 2017-2021 « IDE in metabolism» PI.
- ANR Montage de Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou internationaux 2017-2019 « ERAP modulators» PI.
- PhD & PostDoc grants ULille and Regional Fund 2015-2021 PI.
- French ANR & DFG project « BETASTRESS » 2019-2022 Co-PI.
- FRM Grant, 2019-2021. « ERAP inhibitors» PI.
- Maturation Fund Tech Transfert Office (SATTNord) 2017-2020 PI.
- ANR ERAPIMM 2020-2023 ERAP Modulators for Autoimmune diseases PI
- Horizon 2020 MSCA -ETN CAPSTONE 2021-2024 Coordinator