




Laura Lazartigues

Maîtresse de conférences CNU : SECTION 16 - PSYCHOLOGIE ET ERGONOMIE Laboratoire / équipe


Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

Lazartigues, L., Lavigne, F., & Mathy, F. (2024). Transitional Probabilities, Prediction and Backward Associations in Language. L’Année psychologique, 124(3), 347-374.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., Aguilar, C., & Lavigne, F. (2024). The order of stimuli matters when learning second-order transitional probabilities. Learning & Behavior, 1-11.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., & Lavigne, F. (2023). Probability, Dependency, and Frequency Are Not All Equally Involved in Statistical Learning. Experimental Psychology.

Rey, A., Fagot, J., Mathy, F., Lazartigues, L., Tosatto, L., Bonafos, G., ... & Lavigne, F. (2022). Learning Higher‐Order Transitional Probabilities in Nonhuman Primates. Cognitive Science46(4), e13121.

Lazartigues, L., Lavigne, F., Aguilar, C., Cowan, N., & Mathy, F. (2021). Benefits and pitfalls of data compression in visual working memory. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics83(7), 2843-2864.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., & Lavigne, F. (2021). Statistical learning of unbalanced exclusive-or temporal sequences in humans. Plos one16(2), e0246826.

Communications à des conférences internationales

Lazartigues, L., Basirat, A., Ott, L. & Brunellière, A. (2024) Exploring backward and forward transitional probabilities: a multi-level approach across various linguistic information within one language. Poster presented at the 30th AMLaP (Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing), September 5-7, Edinburgh, Scotland

Lazartigues, L. & Lavigne, F. (2024) Transitional Probabilities are Updated in Real Time During Statistical Learning. Talk presented at the Interdisciplinary advances in statistical learning, June 5-7, San Sebastian, Spain.

Lazartigues, L. (2023) Introduction to Bayesian statistics – explanations and applications. Talk, workshop presented the 18th International Conference for Young Researchers in Psychology, December 8, Virtual.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., & Lavigne, L. (2022) Using Transitional Probabilities in Adjacent Pairs is the Most Efficient Way to Learn Associations. Poster presented the 63rd Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 1-20, Boston, USA.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., & Lavigne, L. (2022) Differential use of Transitional Probabilities and Frequency in Statistical Learning of Pseudowords. Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary advances in statistical learning, June 1-3, San Sebastian, Spain.

Lazartigues, L., Lavigne, F., Aguilar, C., Cowan, N., & Mathy, F. (2022) Benefits and pitfalls of data compression of visual working memory. Talk presented at the closing workshop of the ANR CHUNKED (ANR-17-CE28-0013-01), January 5-8, Villard de Lans, France.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., & Lavigne, L. (2021) Statistical Learning of Second-Order Transitional Probabilities in Humans. Poster presented at the 62nd Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 4-9 (virtual).

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., & Lavigne, L. (2021) Probabilities, Dependencies and Frequency Are Not All Equally Involved in Artificial Word Learning. Poster presented at the 2021 Association for Psychological Science (APS) Virtual Convention, May 26-27.

Lazartigues, L., Lavigne, F., Aguilar, C., & Mathy, F. (2019) Organization in working  memory is driven by the compressibility of information. Poster presented at the 60th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Nov 14-17. Montréal, Canada.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., Rey, A., Fagot, J., & Lavigne, F. (2019) Statistical learning of adjacent and non-adjacent pairs in non-linguistic short sequences. Poster presented at the 21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Escop), September 25-28, Tenerife, Spain.

Lazartigues, L., Mathy, F., Rey, A., Fagot, J., & Lavigne, F. (2019) Statistical learning of first and second order transitional probabilities. Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary advances in statistical learning, June 27-29, San Sebastian, Spain.