Fabien Graveleau
PUBLICATIONS ACL (A comité de Lecture)
20- Delcaillau, B., Graveleau, F., Saint Carlier, D., Rao, G., Le Béon, M., Charreau, J., Nexer, M., 2022. Geomorphic analysis of active fold growth and landscape evolution in the central Qiulitage fold belt, southern Tian Shan, China. Geomorphology, 398 : 108063. doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108063
19- Ritz, J.-F., Baize, S., Audin L., Authemayou C., Graveleau F., Kaub C., Lacan P., Leclerc F., Larroque C., Manchuel K., Mugnier J.-L., Ortuño M., Rizza M., Vassallo R., Antoine P., Arroucau P., Billant J., Bollinger L., Ferry M., Fillon C., Geoffroy L., Jomard H., Le Roy P., Loch J.-L., Migeon S., Perrin C., Perrot J., Ratzov G., Reicherter K., Soubigou O., Vergniault C., Viaplana M., Van der Woerd J., 2021. New perspectives in studying active faults in metropolitan France: The “Active faults France” (FACT/ATS) research axis from the Resif-Epos consortium. Comptes Rendus Géosciences, 353( S1): 381-412. doi.org/10.5802/crgeos.98
18- Laurent, A., Beccaletto, L., Averbuch, O., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Caritg, S., Marc, S., Capar, L., 2021. – Modelling the 3-D geometry of the Dinantian carbonate geothermal reservoir in Northern France. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 172 (3) : 293-305. doi.org/10.1127/zdgg/2021/0284.
17- Rao.G., Le Béon, M., Lu, R., Graveleau, F., Wu, J., Delcaillau, B., 2021. Editorial: Active Fold-and-Thrust Belts: From Present-Day Deformation to Structural Architecture and Modelling. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 9:816157. doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.816157
16- Graveleau, F., Chanier, F., Meilliez, F., Reynaud, J.-Y., Musial, G., 2021. Observations de la surface de transgression du tuffeau thanétien sur la craie coniacienne au niveau du flanc nord de l’Anticlinal du Melantois (Nord). Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, T28 (2e série) : 99-110. ISBN : 978-2-9575216-1-6.
15- Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Capar, L., Marc, S., 2021. 3-D structure of the Variscan Thrust Front in northern France : new insights from seismic reflection profiles. Tectonics. doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006642.
14- Meilliez, F., Graveleau, F., 2020. Première observation, à distance, d’une fouille éphémère, aux confins de Lezennes et Villeneuve d’Ascq (Nord). Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, T27 (2e série) : 75-78. ISBN : 978-2-9575216-0-9.
13- Soto, R., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., 2020. Interaction between perpendicularly-trending thrust wedges and its impact on foreland deformation: Insights from analogue modelling. Tectonophysics, 786 : 228462. doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228462.
12- Borderie, S., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Dubois, P., Baby, P., Calderon, Y., 2019. Analogue modelling of large-transport thrust faults in salt-floored basins: Example of the Chazuta Thrust in the Huallaga Basin, Peru, Journal of Structural Geology, 123: 1-17.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2019.03.002.
11- Borderie, S., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Vendeville, B.C., 2018. Impact of an interbedded viscous décollement on the structural and kinematic coupling in fold-and-thrust belts: insights from analogue modeling, Tectonophysics, 722: 118-137. doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.019.
10- Vendeville, B.C., Tang, P., Graveleau, F., Huang, S., Wang, X., 2017. How the presence of a salt décollement in the sedimentary cover influences the behavior of subsalt thrusts ?, BSGF – Earth Sciences Bulletin, 188 (6) :37, 17007. doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2017202.
09- Ferrer, O., Dooley, T.P., Corti, G., Vidal-Royo, O., Hearon, T.E., Reber, J., Graveleau, F., 2017. Introduction to special section : Analog modeling as an aid to structural interpretation, Interpretation, 5 (1). doi.org/10.1190/INT-2016-1219-SPSEINTRO.1.
08- Graveleau, F., Averbuch, O., Crépin, B., Oudoire, T., 2017. Projet de modélisation en 4-D du bassin houiller du Nord – Pas-de-Calais: des tables de verre du Musée de Lille à une modélisation géométrique et tectonique par ordinateur, Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, T24 (2e série), 33-41.
07- Ferrière, J., Chanier, F., Baumgartner, P., Dumitrica, P., Caridroit, M., Bout-Roumazeilles, V., Graveleau, F., Danelian, T., Ventalon, S., 2015. The evolution of the Triassic-Jurassic Maliac oceanic lithosphere: insights from the supra-ophiolitic series of Othris (continental Greece), Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 186 (6): 399-411. doi.org/10.2113/gssgfbull.186.6.399.
06- Graveleau, F., Strak, V., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Chatton, M., Manighetti, I., Petit, C., 2015. Experimental modelling of tectonics-erosion-sedimentation interactions in compressional, extensional, and strike-slip settings, Geomorphology, 244: 146-168. doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.02.011.
05- Santolaria, P., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Casas-Sainz, A., Soto, R., 2015. Double evaporitic décollements: Influence of pinch-out overlapping in experimental thrust wedges. Journal of Structural Geology, 76: 35-51.doi.org/10.1016/j.JSG.2015.04.002.
04- Graveleau F., Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., 2012. Experimental modelling of orogenic wedges: A review, Tectonophysics, 538-540: 1-66. doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.01.027.
03- Graveleau F., Hurtrez, J.-E., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2011. A new experimental material for modelling relief dynamics and interactions between tectonics and surface processes, Tectonophysics, 513 (1-4): 68-87. doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.029.
02- Charreau, J., Chen, Y., Gilder, S., Barrier, L., Dominguez, S., Augier, R., Sen, S., Avouac, J.-P., Gallaud, A., Graveleau, F., Li, Y., 2009. Neogene uplift of the Tian Shan Mountains observed in the magnetic record of the Jingou River section (northwest China), Tectonics, 28, TC2008. doi.org/10.1029/2007TC002137.
01- Graveleau, F., Dominguez S., 2008. Analogue modeling of the interaction between tectonics, erosion and sedimentation in foreland thrust belts, C. R. Geosciences, 340(5): 324-333. doi.org/10.1016/j.crte.2008.01.005.
ACTES DE CONGRES Nationaux et Internationaux
94- Long, Y., Graveleau, F., Vendeville, B., Chen, H., Cheng, X., Lin, X., 2023. Influence of syntectonic sedimentation on kinematic evolution of fold‐and‐thrust belts with lateral changes in shallow décollement properties and basement inherited structures: insights from analogue modeling. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25, EGU2023-10608, (poster).
93- Sylvain, R., Gaullier, V., Watremez, L., Chanier, F., Caroir, F., Graveleau, F., Lofi, J., Maillard, A., Sage, F., Thinon, I., Travan, G., 2023. The Messinian Erosion Surface along the Eastern Sardinian Margin, Western Tyrrhenian: New Insights from Very High-Resolution Seismic Data (METYSS 4). EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25, EGU2023-13909, (poster).
92- Peng, Z., Wang, X., Vendeville, B., Graveleau, F., Nunns, A., 2023. Geometry and kinematics of Mesozoic and Cenozoic structures in northern Tianshan foreland basin: insights from quantitative structural analysis of 2-D and 3-D seismic reflections and balanced restoration. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25, EGU2023-5320, (poster).
91- Noda, A., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Vendeville, B., 2023. Analog modeling of accretionary wedges with various décollement settings: Quantitative analysis of deformation process and strength evolution. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25, EGU2023-3827, (poster).
90- Graveleau, F., Chanier, F., Deschodt, L., Jomard, H., Watremez, L., Dusautoy, P., Durin, C., 2023. 3- Investigating seismotectonic activity in northern France from LiDAR, palaeosismological trench and OSL/C-14 dating : new results along the Artois and Mélantois structures. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25, EGU2023-5039, (oral).
89- Averbuch, O., Laurent, A., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Caritg, S., Marc, S., Capar, L., 2023. 3-D geometrical modelling of the Dinantian carbonate reservoir in Northern France: new constraints for the regional development of deep geothermy. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 25, EGU2023-6370, (poster).
88- Beccaletto, L., Averbuch, O., Hemelsdael, R., Laurent, A., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Michels, R., Izart, A., Marc, S., Capar, L., 2022. Les bassins sédimentaires carbonifères-permiens : témoins de la transition syn- à post-orogénique varisque et usages du sous-sol - Apports de la sismique réflexion. Colloque SGF « Evolution de la chaîne varisque et ressources associées », 29 novembre 2022, Paris, France, (oral).
87- Caroir, F., Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard-Lenoir, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferrière, J., Graveleau, F., Watremez, L., 2021. Evolution d’un rift actif en limite de plaques Eurasie-Egée diffuse et dans le prolongement de la Faille Nord-Anatolienne (projet WATER). 27ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 26-30 octobre, Lyon, France, (poster).
86- Graveleau, F., Antoine, P., Jomard, H., Camelbeeck, T., Lecocq, T., Manchuel, K., Averbuch, O., Laurent, A., Meilliez, F., Beccaletto, L., Chanier, F., Watremez, L., Gaullier, V., Laurencin, M., Duperret, A., Vandycke, S., Arroucau, P., Bergerat, F., Locht, J.-L., 2021. Activities of the RESIF-ATS-FACT group for Northern France region R7 to improve the knowledge on potential active faults. GHYMANCHE Congress, Wimereux, France, 11-13 octobre 2021, (poster).
85- Graveleau, F., 2021, Chanier, F., Watremez, L., Ouchaou, R., Averbuch, O, Reynaud, J ;-Y., 2021. Investigating recent seismotectonic activity of the Haubourdin fault in the Mélantois anticline area (Northern France) using LiDAR dataset and GPR survey. GHYMANCHE Congress, Wimereux, France, 11-13 octobre 2021, (oral).
84- Dominguez, S., Sylvain, R., Garcia-Estève C., Cattin, R. Graveleau, F., 2021. Searching for a suitable analogue material to investigate geomorphic processes in active tectonic settings: success, limitations, improvements, and hopes. GeoMod2021, Utrecht (Pays-Bas), 19-23 septembre, (poster).
83- Graveleau, F., Antoine, P., Jomard, H., Camelbeeck, T., Lecocq, T., Manchuel, K., Averbuch, O., Laurent, A., Meilliez, F., Beccaletto, L., Chanier, F., Watremez, L., Gaullier, V., Laurencin, M., Duperret, A., Vandycke, S., Arroucau, P., Bergerat, F., Locht, J.-L., 2021. Activities of the RESIF-ATS-FACT group for Northern France region R7 to improve the knowledge on potential active faults. SIGMA2-RESIF International workshop on “Active tectonics and dating”, 14-16 septembre, Praz-sur-Arly, France, (poster).
82- Graveleau, F., Chanier, F., Watremez, L., Ouchaou, R., Averbuch, O., Reynaud, J.-Y., Investigating recent seismotectonic activity of the Haubourdin fault in the Mélantois anticline area (Northern France) using LiDAR dataset and GPR survey. SIGMA2-RESIF International workshop on “Active tectonics and dating”, 14-16 septembre, Praz-sur-Arly, France, (oral).
81- Soto, R., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., 2021. Influencia de la convergencia perpendicular de dos cinturones orogénicos en la deformación de su antepaís. X Congreso Geologicao de España, 5-7 juillet 2021, (poster).
80- Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Caritg, S., Marc, S., Capar, L., 2021. 3D structural modelling of the Dinantian deep geothermal reservoir in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais coal district area (Northern France). MEET - Multi-sites EGS Demonstration – Geothermal Winter School, On-line conference, (oral).
79- Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Caritg, S., Marc, S., Capar, L., 2021. 3D structural modelling of the Dinantian carbonates reservoir in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais coal basin area : towards a better characterization of the deep geothermal resource in Northern France. European Geothermal Phd Days 2021, On-line conference, (poster).
78- Caroir, F., Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard-Lenoir, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferrière, J., Graveleau, F., Watremez, L., 2021. Recent and active deformation in the North Evia domain, a diffuse Plate Boundary between Eurasia and Aegean plates in the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 19-30 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 23, EGU2021-12153, (PICO).
77- Chanier, F., Caroir, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard-Lenoir, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferrière, J., Graveleau, F., Watremez L., 2021. The North Evia Gulf rift system in Central Greece: structural development and crustal inheritances from tectonic analysis and offshore seismic data (WATER project). EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 19-30 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 23, EGU2021-12256, (PICO).
76- Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Capar, L., Marc, S., 2021. 3D geometry and kinematics of the Northern Variscan Thrust Front in Northern France: new insights based on reprocessing and interpretation of seismic reflection profiles. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 19-30 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 23, EGU2021-8600, (PICO).
75- Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Capar, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Marc, S., 2019. Structuration et faciès sédimentaires des potentiels réservoirs géothermiques profonds du Dévonien et du Dinantien dans la région du bassin houiller du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. 17ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), Beauvais, France, 21-25 octobre, (oral).
74- Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Manighetti, I., Graveleau, F., 2019. Interaction between slip events, erosion and sedimentation along active strike-slip faults : insights from geomorphic experiments. International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-19 septembre, (poster).
73- Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Capar, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Marc, S., 2019. New insight on the 3D geometry of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais coal basin (N France) and its Devono-Carboniferous substratum by seismic imaging – contribution to a better definition of the low-energy geothermal resources. 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Cologne, Allemagne, 29 juillet-2 août, (oral).
72- Caroir F., Gaullier, V., Chanier, F., Averbuch, O., Bailleul, J., Bonnière A., Cayla, L., Ferrière, J., Graveleau, F., Jollivet-Castellot, M., Maillard, A., Paquet, F., Vendeville, B., Watremez, L., 2019. Rift basins and active tectonic control on sedimentary repartition on the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault, Aegean See (Greece) ; First results from WATER cruise (R/V Téthys II, July 2017), EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-13726, (poster).
71- Vendeville, B.C., Boussarsar, M., Graveleau, F., 2018. Analogue modeling of the spontaneous formation of a pull-apart basin above a thick viscous evaporitic layer: The case study of El Hamma pull-apart basin, Gabes, Tunisia, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
70- Vendeville, B.C., Dan, Q., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., 2018. Geometry and kinematics of viscous wedges or viscous-rich, in fold- and-thrust belts and accretionary prims in the presence of salt: an analogue experimental approach, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
69- Meilliez, F., Coulon H., Mavel, J., Graveleau, F., 2018. Richesses et insuffisances de la Banque du Sous-Sol, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (oral).
68- Schmitt, F., Gaullier, V., Graveleau, F., Watremez, L., Chanier, F., 2018. Comparaison des propriétés multi-échelles de la topographie et de la bathymétrie : exemple de la Marge Est-Sarde, Mer Tyrrhénienne, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (oral).
67- Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Graveleau, F., Manighetti, I., Ferdinand, A., Romano, C., 2018. Modeling the interaction between slip events, erosion and sedimentation along active strike-slip faults : insights from geomorphic experiments, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
66- Kazmierczak, E., Graveleau, F., Vandycke, S., Vendeville, B.C., 2018. Modélisation analogique d’une inversion tectonique positive : exemple de la marge continentale de l’Ardenne. 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (oral).
65- Graveleau, F., Delcaillau, B., Le Béon, M., Rao, G., Charreau, J., 2018. Croissance du pli de Qiulitagh au front sud de la chaîne plissée de Kuqa, Tian Shan, Chine. 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
64- Graveleau, F., Mavel, J., Meilliez, F., Averbuch, O., Amraoui, Y., Gherbi, A., Ouaichouche, S., 2018. Modélisation structurale 3-D de l’anticlinal-faillé du Mélantois, S-E de la métropole de Lille, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
63- Graveleau, F., Chanier, F., Boivin, C., Bonnière, A., Vendeville, B., Averbuch, O., Gaullier, V., Ferrière, J., 2018. Influence de l’héritage des structures compressives sur l’extension active en Grèce continentale : résultats de modélisation expérimentale, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
62- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Strak, V., Manighetti, I., Romano, C., 2018. Experimental tectonic geomorphology along an active thrust, normal fault and strike-slip fault, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (oral).
61- Graveleau, F., Averbuch, O., Crépin, B., Oudoire, T., 2018. Modélisation 3-D de la structure du bassin minier du Nord-Pas-de-Calais : analyse critique des anciennes interprétations de 1905 et 1963, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
60- Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Jollivet-Castelot, M., Maillard, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Bonnière, A., Cayla, L., Watremez, L., Graveleau, F., Averbuch, O., Vendeville, B., Ferrière, J., 2018. Rift basins and structural inheritance on the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault, Aegean Sea (Greece) ; First results from WATER cruise (R/V Tethys II, July 2017), 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
59- Borderie, S., Graveleau, F., Vendeville, B.C., Witt, C., 2018. Analogue modelling of structural and kinematic couplings in fold-and-thrust belts controlled by lateral changes in interbedded décollement rheology, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
58- Borderie, S., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Dubois, P., Baby, P., Calderon, Y., 2018. Analogue modelling of large-transport thrust faults in salt-bearing basins : the example of the Chazuta Thrust (Huallaga Basin, Peru), 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (oral).
57- Borderie, S., Graveleau, F., Vendeville, B.C., Witt, C., Skrubej, A., 2018. Analogue modelling of the mechanical and kinematic coupling in fold-and-thrust belts controlled by lateral changes in basal décollement strength, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (poster).
56- Averbuch, O., Lacquement, F., Meilliez, F., Graveleau, F., Beccaletto, L., Vendeville, B., 2018. La chaîne varisque vue depuis son front nord : dynamique du front de chaîne, sous-charriage crustal de la marge avalonienne et délamination associée de la lithosphère supra-subduction, 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre, Lille, France, (oral).
55- Boussarsar, M., Vendeville, B.C., Hassine, M., Abbes, C., Graveleau, F., 2018. Salty or not salty?: an analogue modeling response to the deep structure of the El Hamma pull-apart basin, Gabes, Central Tunisia, GeoMod2018, Barcelone (Espagne), 1-4 octobre, (poster).
54- Dan, Q., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., 2018 Geometry and kinematics of viscous wedges or viscous-rich, in fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary prims in the presence of salt: an analogue approach, GeoMod2018, Barcelone (Espagne), 1-4 octobre, (poster).
53- Kazmierczak, E., Graveleau ,F., Vandycke, S., Vendeville, B.C., 2018. Analogue modeling of passive-margin tectonic inversion: example from the Ardennes Variscan fold-and-thrust belt, GeoMod2018, Barcelone (Espagne), 1-4 octobre, (poster).
52- Graveleau ,F., Chanier, F., Boivin, C., Bonnière, A., Vendeville, B.C., Averbuch, O., Gaullier, V., Ferrière, J., 2018. Influence of compressional structure inheritance on active extension in continental Greece: insights from experimental modeling, GeoMod2018, Barcelone (Espagne), 1-4 octobre, (poster).
51- Vendeville, B.C., Qiu, D., and Graveleau ,F., 2018. Geometry and kinematics of viscous wedges or viscous-rich, in fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary prims in the presence of salt: an analogue experimental approach. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-3082, (poster).
50- Schmitt, F., Gaullier, V., Graveleau, F., 2018. Comparison of scaling properties of topography and bathymetry: the case of the Sardinia versus the Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-10844, (oral).
49- Boussarsar, M., Vendeville, B.C., Abbes, C., Graveleau, F., 2018. Analogue modeling of the spontaneous formation of a pull-apart basin above a thick viscous evaporitic layer: The case study of El Hamma pull-apart basin, Gabes, Tunisia, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-10524, (poster).
48- Kazmierczak, E., Graveleau, F., Vandycke, S., Vendeville, B.C., 2017. Analogue modelling of passive margin tectonic inversion: example from the Ardennes Variscan fold-and-thrust belt, Journée des Jeunes, Geological Belgica, Leuven, Belgium, 20 October, (poster).
47- Chanier, F., Ferrière, J., Averbuch, O., Gaullier, V., Graveleau, F., 2017. Role of the Tectonic inheritance on multi-phased rifting of the Sperchios Basin (Greece), north-western boundary of the Aegean Plate, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-13734, (poster).
46- Jollivet-Castelot, M., Gaullier, V., Paquet, F., Chanier, F., Graveleau, F., Thinon, I., Lasseur, E. and Averbuch, O., 2016. Structuration du Bassin de Dieppe-Hampshire (Manche orientale): Apport de nouvelles données sismiques, 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 24-28 octobre, Caen, France, (oral).
45- Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Graveleau, F., Manighetti, I, Ferdinand, A., Romano, C., 2016. Modeling the interaction between slip events, erosion and sedimentation along an active strike-slip fault in New Zealand: insights from morphotectonic experiments, GeoMod2016, Montpellier (France), 17-20 octobre, (poster).
44- Borderie, S., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Dubois, P., 2016. How to localize deformation in a salt detached foreland basin: results from analogue models and study of the Chazuta Thrust in the Huallaga Basin (Peru), GeoMod2016, Montpellier (France), 17-20 octobre, (poster).
43- Borderie, S., Graveleau, F., Vendeville, B.C., Witt, C., Skrubej, A., 2016. Along-strike structural coupling in fold-and-thrust belts controlled by lateral changes in basal décollement strength: results from analogue modeling, GeoMod2016, Montpellier (France), 17-20 octobre, (poster).
42- Borderie, S., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Vendeville, B.C., 2016. Impact of an interbedded viscous décollement on the along-strike segmentation of fold-and-thrust belts: insights from analogue modeling. GeoMod2016, Montpellier (France), 17-20 octobre, (oral).
41- Borderie, S., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., 2016. Late extension in compressional wedges above an interbedded weak, viscous décollement: results from analogue modeling. GeoMod2016, Montpellier (France), 17-20 octobre, (poster).
40- Borderie, S., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Witt, 2016. C., Late extension in compressional wedges above a weak, viscous décollement: results from analogue modeling. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, EGU2016-13166, (poster).
39- Borderie, S., Graveleau, F., Witt, C., Vendeville, B.C., 2016. Analogue modeling of 3-D structural segmentation in fold-and-thrust belts: interactions between frictional and viscous provinces in foreland basins. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, EGU2016-13027, (oral).
38- Gaullier, V., Chanier, F., Vendeville, B., Maillard, A., Thinon, I., Graveleau, F., Lofi, J., Sage, F., 2016. The Eastern Sardinian Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean): a key area to study the rifting and post-breakup evolution of a back-arc passive continental margin, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, EGU2016-7626, (poster).
37- Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Vendeville, B., Maillard, A., Lofi, J., Thinon, I., Sage, F., Lymer, G., Graveleau, F., Bassetti, M.-A., Giresse, P., 2015. Rifting et réactivation post-rift sur la marge est-sarde (Mer Tyrrhénienne) à partir des marqueurs sédimentaires et de la tectonique salifère. 15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), Chambéry, France, 13-15 octobre, (oral).
36- Gaullier V., Chanier F., Duperret A., Averbuch O., Graveleau F., Le Roy P., Paquet F., Vendeville B., Diop L., Dofal, A., Petit, A., 2015. Analyse du remplissage sédimentaire et de la deformation récente en Manche Orientale (Bassin de Dieppe-Hampshire): Résultats préliminaires de la campagne « TREMOR ». 15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), Chambéry, France, 13-15 octobre, (poster).
35- Gaullier, V., Chanier, F., Graveleau, F., Vendeville, B., 2015. Evidence of Mass Transport Deposits Along the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Basin) and potential links with salt and/or crustal tectonics, 15ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), Chambéry, France, 13-15 octobre, (poster).
34- Graveleau, F., Strak, V., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Chatton, M., Manighetti, I, Petit C., 2015. Tectonic Geomorphology in the Laboratory: Evolution of landscape along an active thrust, normal and strike-slip fault, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Autria, 12-17 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-14825, (poster).
33- Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Graveleau, F., 2015. Analogue modelling of orogenic wedge dynamics : state of the art, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Autria, 12-17 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-10417, (poster).
32- Gaullier, V., Duperret, A., Averbuch, O., Chanier, F., Frère, A., Graveleau, F., Jomard, H., Le Roy, P., Paquet, F., Prunier, C., Vendeville, B., 2014. Analyse de la Déformation Récente en Manche Orientale: Résultats préliminaires de la campagne « TREMOR ». 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre, Pau, France, Volume des résumés : p. 213, (poster).
31- Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Maillard, A., Thinon, I., Lofi, J., Sage, F., Giresse, P., Bassetti, M.-A., Lymer, G., Graveleau, F., 2014. Enregistrement de l’activité post-rift pliocène sur la marge occidentale de la Mer Tyrrhénienne, 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre, Pau, France, Volume des résumés : p. 149, (oral).
30- Saint-Carlier, D., Graveleau, F., Delcaillau, B., Hurtrez, J.-E., Vendeville, B., 2014. Analyse géomorphologique de l'activité tectonique de la ceinture de plis de Qiulitagh, piémont sud du Tian Shan, Chine, 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre, Pau, France, Volume des résumés : p. 10, (poster).
29- Borderie, S., Witt, C., Graveleau, F., Vendeville B., 2014. Etude structurale du bassin de Huallaga (avant-pays péruvien): apport de la modélisation analogique, 24ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre, Pau, France, Volume des résumés : p. 204, (poster).
28- Graveleau, F., Strak, V., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., Chatton, M., Manighetti, I, Petit C., 2014. Experimental modelling of deformation-erosion-sedimentation interactions in compressional, extensional and strike-slip settings. In Elger, K; Haug, Ø. T.; Ritter, M. C. (Eds) : Proceedings of GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences: Programme and Extended Abstracts 31 August–5 September 2014, GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences (Potsdam 2014), Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, p 114-115. DOI: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.geomod.2014.001, (poster).
27- Cook, K., Graveleau, F., Turowski, J., Hovius. N., Suppe, J., 2014. The balance between uplift and fluvial erosion over a single seismic cycle – an example from Taiwan. In Elger, K; Haug, Ø. T.; Ritter, M. C. (Eds) : Proceedings of GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences: Programme and Extended Abstracts 31 August–5 September 2014, GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences (Potsdam 2014), Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, p 84. DOI: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.geomod.2014.001, (poster).
26- Graveleau, F., Averbuch, O., Vendeville, B., Quinion, A., Ouzgaït, M., 2014. The negative inversion of thrust faults and related basin geometries: insight from analogue modelling experiments. In Elger, K; Haug, Ø. T.; Ritter, M. C. (Eds) : Proceedings of GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences: Programme and Extended Abstracts 31 August–5 September 2014, GeoMod2014 – Modelling in Geosciences (Potsdam 2014), Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, p. 112-113. DOI: http://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.geomod.2014.001, (poster).
25- Saint-Carlier, D., Graveleau, F., Delcaillau, B., Hurtez, J.-E., Vendeville, B., 2014. Geomorphic assessment of the tectonic activity of Qiulitagh fold-belt, Kuqa foreland basin, Xinjiang, China, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Autria, 27 April – 02 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-6779, (poster).
24- Graveleau, F., Suppe, J., Chang, K.-J., Dominguez, S., Ustaszewski, M., Huang, M.-H., 2014. Incremental vs. geological growth of folds: Examples of Tungshih anticline and Neiwan syncline during Taiwan Mw7.6 1999 ChiChi earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Autria, 27 April – 02 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-6910, (poster).
23- Cook, K.L., Graveleau, F., Turowski, J.M., Hovius, N., Suppe, J., 2014. The balance between uplift and fluvial erosion over a single seismic cycle – an example from Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Autria, 27 April – 02 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-2612, (oral).
22- Cook, K.L., Graveleau, F., Suppe, J., Turowski, J.M., Hovius, N., 2013. The creation and rapid destruction of coseismic topography – an example from Taiwan, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), (oral).
21- Santolaria, P., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Casas, A., Soto, R., 2013. Double salt décollements: Effect of pinch-out overlapping in experimental thrust wedges, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 9-13 December, (poster).
20- Averbuch, O., Vendeville, B.C., Graveleau, F., Quinion, A., Ouzgait, M., 2013. The negative inversion of thrust faults and related basin geometries: insight from analogue modeling experiments, ILP Marseille (France), (oral).
19- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2010. Modélisation expérimentale de l’évolution morphotectonique d’un piémont, Symposium “Quoi de neuf en Tectonique”, hommage à Maurice Mattauer, Montpellier (France), (poster).
18- Graveleau, F., Suppe, J., K.J. Chang, Dominguez, S., 2010. Croissance incrémentale de plis: Exemple de l’anticlinal de Tungshih et synclinal de Neiwan lors du tremblement de terre de ChiChi, Taiwan, Symposium “Quoi de neuf en Tectonique”, hommage à Maurice Mattauer, Montpellier (France), (poster).
17- Suppe, J., Graveleau, F., Marc, O., Huang, S.-T., Le Béon, M., 2010. Advances in data-rich balancing for deep insight, with examples of rapidly growing structures in Western Taiwan, GSA Annual Meeting, Denver (USA), (oral).
16- Graveleau, F., Hutrez, J.-E., Dominguez, S., 2010. Morphometric record of piedmont deformation : field study from Tian Shan Mountain and experimental modeling, GeoMod2010, Lisbonne (Portugal), 27-29 September (poster).
15- Graveleau, F., Suppe, J., Ustaszewski, M., Chang, K.-J., Dominguez, S., Huang, M.-H., 2010. Incremental growth of the Tungshih anticline and Neiwan syncline during the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 6th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Aix-en-Provence (France), (oral).
14- Dominguez, S., Graveleau, F., Strak, V., 2010. Modelling experimentally the interactions between crustal deformation, erosion and sedimentation in active tectonic settings, Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 6th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Aix-en-Provence (France), (oral).
13- Graveleau, F., Suppe, J., Ustaszewski, M., Chang, K.-J., Dominguez, S., Huang, M.-H., 2010. Incremental fold growth during Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake : examples from the Tungshih anticline and Neiwan syncline, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei (Taiwan), (poster).
12- Dominguez, S., Graveleau, F., Strak, V., 2010. Modelling experimentally the interactions between crustal deformation, erosion and sedimentation in active tectonic contexts, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei (Taiwan), (poster).
11- Strayer, L., Suppe, J. and Graveleau, F., 2010. Numerical Modeling of Detachment Folding: a 2D Approach with Application to Incremental Coseismic Fold Growth in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Autria, 02-07 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-7303, (poster).
10- Graveleau, F., Suppe, J., Ustaszewski, M., Chang, K.-J., Dominguez, S., Huang, M.-H., 2009. Coseismic growth of the Tungshih anticline during the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), (oral).
9- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2009. A new analogue modelling approach for studying interactions between Tectonics, Erosion and Sedimentation in mountain belt piedmont, Annual Congress of Chinese Geophysical Society and Geological Society of Taiwan, Chia-Yi (Taiwan), (oral).
8- Malavieille, J., Lu, C.-Y., Chang, K.-J., Konstantinovskaya, E., Bonnet, C., Mosar, J., Dominguez, S., Graveleau, F., 2008. Impact of surface processes on the dynamics of orogenic wedges : Analogue models and case studies, GeoMod2008, Florence (Italie), 22-24 September, (poster).
7- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2008. A new analogue modelling approach for studying interactions between surface processes and deformation in active mountain belt piedmonts, GeoMod2008, Florence (Italie), 22-24 September, (poster).
6- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Hurtrez, J.-E., Malavieille, J., 2008. Interactions between mountain piedmont deformation, fluvial terraces formation and alluvial fans evolution : Analogue modeling and comparison with north-east Tian-Shan (Xinjiang, China), EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Autria, 13-18 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-12387, (poster).
5- Graveleau, F., Hurtrez, J.-E, Dominguez, S., 2007. Erosion and strain scaling tests for the characterization of water-saturated granular materials used in analogue mountain building experiments, EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Autria, 15-20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, EGU2007-A-10838, (poster).
4- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Hurtrez, J.-E., Malavieille, J., 2007. Tectonics – Erosion - Sedimentation interactions in active mountain belt forelands : comparisons between experimental modeling and north-east Tian-Shan piedmont (Xinjiang, China), EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Autria, 15-20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, EGU2007-A-00971, (oral).
3- Raynal, O., Graveleau, F., Séranne, M., Dominguez, S., Bouchette, F. Hurtrez, J.-E., 2007. Analogue modelling of erosion-transport-deposition processes (coastal catchments to shoreface) in response to high-frequency sea-level and precipitation changes, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Autria, 15-20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, EGU2007-A-09191, (poster).
2- Graveleau, F., Raynal, O., Séranne, M., Dominguez, S., Bouchette, F. Hurtrez, J.-E., 2006. Analogue modelling of erosion-transport-deposition processes (coastal catchments to shoreface) in response to high-frequency sea-level changes, SEALAIX Symposium, Giens (France), (poster).
1- Graveleau, F., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., 2005. A new approach for quantitative analogue modeling of Tectonics/erosion/sedimentation interactions in mountain belts, EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Autria, 24-29 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, (poster).