
ACFAS (Ottawa, May 15, 2024): How can digital tools support cancer patients and their relatives in oncology? The example of the ICEbreaker intervention.

CNO (Deauville, May 15-17, 2024): How do healthcare professionals perceive the implementation of a digital system to support cancer patients and their relatives? A qualitative study.

AFPSA (Toulouse, June 27-28, 2024): Healthcare professionals' perspectives on implementing a digital supportive care tool to support cancer patients and their relatives.

EHPS (Cascais, September 3-6, 2024): Healthcare professionals' perspectives on digital tools to support cancer patients and their relatives

IPOS (Maastricht, September 24-27, 2024): Healthcare professionals' perspectives on the implementation of a digital supportive care tool to support cancer patients and their relatives.

CHU (Lille, September 19, 2024): Development of digital supportive care tools in oncology: Stakeholders' perspectives. Digital health innovation. For whom? For what purpose?