




Renaud Jardri

Secrétariat : +33 (0)320 446 747
Pour toute demande de participation à un jury, merci de contacter mon assistante au n° indiqué ci-dessus | For any request to participate in a jury, please contact my assistant using the Phone number indicated above. J26H+67 Lille
Schools and divisions Research topics Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Keywords Hallucinations, Consciousness, Beliefs, Delusion, Development, Bayesian Inference, Modeling, MRI, connectivity, Brain-Computer Interface, Deep Learning


Professor of child-adolescent psychiatry | Lille university school of medicine

At the clinical level, I am head of the perinatal psychiatry department (Lille University Hospital), and assistant to the head of the Psychiatry department for research issues. We recently opened a clinic within the CHU Lille dedicated to children, adolescents and young adults suffering from distressing sensory experiences, including voice-hearing, etc., called CHESS (i.e., Consultation Hallucinations & Expériences Supra-Sensorielles), part of the Lille Reference Centre for Rare Diseases in Psychiatry (PsyRARE, CHU Lille) that I am leading.

At the pedagogical level, I coordinate the perinatal psychiatry option of the Psychiatry & Child-Adolescent Psychiatry residency program at the Lille Medical School (UFR3S) and I am involved in research training within several Lille and Paris Msc tracks. I am coordinating the future "Brain, Society & Technology" graduate program at University of Lille.

At the institutional level, I am in charge of a research platform (CURE, clinical Investigation Centre in Psychiatry) and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF, fundamental chair 2021-2026). I am coordinator for the University of Lille of the neurotechEU university alliance WP2.

On the research side, I co-lead the Belief & Perception team within the Lille Neuroscience & Cognition Center (BEƎꟼ team, INSERM U-1172, Univ Lille, CHU Lille). My work focuses on the understanding, assessment and management of hallucinatory experiences and delusional beliefs.