Renaud Jardri
I am teaching in the various health sectors of the Lille University (Medical Doct., Pharma, Psychologists, Nurses, Speech therapists, etc.), from their initial training (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) to continuing education (DU, DPC).
I am coordinating the Perinatal Psychiatry training (specialization within the Psychiatry/Child-Adolescent Psychiatry residency program) at the Faculty of Medicine in Lille.
I'm coordinating the future "Brain, Society & Technology" graduate program at the University of Lille, which will integrate a new joint-degree (Msc level) built between partners from the European neurotechEU alliance.
Since September 2021, I benefit from a partial pedagogical discharge thanks to my delegation to the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF fundamental chair, 2021 - 2026 class).