Philippe Devienne
Areas of interest
I am interested in several areas of IT, mainly around artificial intelligence, bioinspired computer architectures
In research, I started by taking an interest in logical programming, computer algebra, programming methods, specification by refinement (method B), artificial intelligence, neural networks and finally currently neuromorphic architectures and analog computation.
In teaching, as part of masters or summer schools, I teach or have taught courses ranging from theoretical computer science (formal logic, language theory), programming (functional languages, synchronous languages), l on-board artificial intelligence, including popular scientific communication and ethics.
APROVIS3D - Analog PROcessing of bioinspired Vision Sensors for 3D reconstruction
European project CHIST-ERA Analog computing for AI domain (From April 2020 , 36 months)
The ambitious long-term vision of the project is to develop the next generation AI paradigm that will eventually compete with deep learning. We believe that neuromorphic computing, mainly studied in EU countries, will be a key technology in the next decade. It is therefore both a scientific and strategic challenge for the EU to foster this technological breakthrough