Olivier Petit
Olivier Petit is Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Artois (Faculty of Economics, Management, Administration and Social Sciences) and researcher at Clersé (CNRS-University of Lille). After studying environment and development economics (B.A. University of Maine, Le Mans; and University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; M.A. and PhD University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines) he was appointed as Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Artois in September 2003. Furthermore, he is a permanent member of Clersé, since September 2007. In 2012, he was appointed Project Manager for Ecological and Social Action, and has been leading the working group of the same name within the university of Artois since that date. Since September 2015, he co-directs with Bernard Reitel the Master's Degree in Territorial Development, Planning and Environment (DTAE) jointly carried by the Faculty of History-Geography-Heritage and the the Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences. His research is dedicated to the institutional dimensions of water management and sustainable development policies, with a focus on groundwater governance. He holds various scientific responsibilities, including editorial: he chaired the conference and meetings committee of the European Society for Ecological Economics between 2013 and 2017; between 2010 and 2020, he was co-editor-in-chief (with Bruno Villalba, then with Hélène Melin) of the journal Développement durable et territoires. More recently, he became Editor of the journal Ecological Economics and co-editor (with Xavier Arnauld de Sartre) of the book series "Ecopolis", published by Peter Lang.
April 2020 - New Special section published in Ecological Economics on the topic "Ecological Economics of Water: Social and Political Perspectives"