Yvonne Delevoye
Curriculum Vitae
Professor in cognitive psychology since 2012, I have participation in 3 ANR programs in the fields of motor control. I led the collaborative project Sport-Plaisir with Decathlon from 2013 to 2016. I was the main investigator of the Living Lab project POC Playful City, funded by the University of Lille and the MEL from 2018 to 2020. I am now at the head of the SENSE-FIT consoritum that uses fNIRS and markerless 3D cameras to describe the effects of odors on movement kinematics and brain activity with the possible consequence to make people discover the pleasure of effort.
Present and past Positions
2021-today Elected President
of the French Federation of the Research Ethical Committees (co-founder in Sept. 2018) - www.federation-cer.fr
2021-today Member of the Scientific Board of the CNRS laboratory SCALAB
2018-today Member of the Educational Board of the Psychology department
2016-today Founder of the Master program in Cognitive Sciences of the Univ Lille
2016-2020 Head of the "Action Vision et Apprentissages" (AVA) team of the SCALab UMR 9193
2010-2012 Member of the Directory Board of Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme
Education and career
2012-today Professor in Cognitive Neuro-Psychology of Action – University of Lille
2004-2012 Assistant Professor at University Lille3 at the Psychology department
2000-2004 Post-Doctorat INSERM Position in the Psychiatry depart. Strasbourg (Prof. JM. Danion)
1997-2000 PhD in Behavioural Neurosciences (UK) – “Timing in Collisions”, Birmingham (Prof. A. Wing)
Teaching and Awards
Motor control (undergraduate and post-graduate levels); Human movement factors (STAPS master program); Research Methods in Behavioral Neurosciences (Masters in Psychology and Cognitive sciences); Psychology of movement (undergrad. 2nd and 3rd year); Motor attention for interactions (Health and Cognitive Psychology programs)
Awards for the work Motor deficits in Mental Illnesses (2013); Innovations in Human Sciences (2017; 2020); PEDR 2021-2024 ; nominated as Senior member 2023 of the Institut Universitaire de France
Software « Audio-Interact » co-propriety Decathlon (july 2015) – adapting music speed to movement
Algorithm « Deereckt » co-propriety V. Brossard (oct. 2022) – classifying emotional movements
2009-2013 : ANR Contint. Vers la robotique interactive; in collaboration with P. Gaussier (PI) – 885 k€
2013-2017: PI of Sport Plaisir collaborative ARCIR project with Decathlon S.A. – 232 k€
2016-2019: Pi of contract with ANVEOL – ECCA-conduite – 180 k€
2018-2021: PI of the Playful*City*Lille project in collaboration with SATT-Nord and MEL – 130 k€
2018-2021: PI of the I-site Sustain program Triggering Emotional Movements (TEM) – 150 k€
2020-2023: PI CNRS 80 Prime Mining Big Data to predict emotional behaviors (KinAImotion) – 118 k€
2024-2027: Head of the private-public SENSE-FIT consortium – 980k€, with Trinoma, Simaptic, Seenel-Imaging, Ensweet, Filboost.