




Yannick Wamain

Maîtresse de conférences CNU : SECTION 16 - PSYCHOLOGIE ET ERGONOMIE Laboratoire / équipe


Publication dans Journaux à Comité de Lecture


  • Villatte J., Taconnat L., Kalénine S., Wamain Y., Toussaint L. (accepted). Do motor representations influence declarative memory for graspable objects? A test with acction priming and short-term hand nonuse. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
  • Haddad L., Wamain Y., Kalénine S. (2024). Interference from multiple affordances when selecting everyday graspable objects: thematic relations solve it. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(8), 875-891.
  • Haddad L., Wamain Y., Kalénine S. (2024). Stimulus-response compatibility effects during object semantic categorisation: evocation of grasp affordances or abstract coding of object size? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(1), 29-41.
  • Garric C., Wamain Y., Rouland J.F., Lenoble Q. (2023). Glaucoma-associated abnormalities in cortical activity during a visuocognitive task. Clinical Neurophysiology, 156: 47-56.
  • Haddad L., Wamain Y., Kalénine S. (2023). Too much to handle? Interference from distractors with similar affordances on target selection for handled objects. PLoS ONE, 18(8):e0290226.
  • Wamain Y., Godard M., Puffet, A-S., Delepoulle S. & Kalénine S. (2023). Congruent action context releases Mu rhythm desynchronization when visual objects activate competing action representations. Cortex, 161, 65-76.
  • Wamain Y., Garric C., Lenoble Q. (2023). Dynamics of low-pass-filtered object categories: a decoding approach to ERPs recording. Vision Research, 24, 108165
  • Godard M., Wamain Y., Ott L., Delepoulle S. & Kalénine S. (2022). How competition between action representations affects object perception during development. Journal of Cognition and Development. 1-25.
  • Bouquet C., Lafleur M., Quintard V., Jouffre S. Wamain Y., Coello Y., Toussaint L. (2021). Self-partner inclusion predicts performance of romantically involved individuals in a bordy-scaled action-anticipation task. PLoS ONE, 16. e0251425.
  • Toussaint L., Wamain Y, Bidet-Ildei C. & Coello Y. (2020). Short-term upper-limb immobilization alters peripersonal space representation. Psychological research, online:1-8.
  • Godard M., Wamain Y., & Kalénine S. (2019). Do manufactured ans natural objects evoked similar motor information? The case of action priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(12):2801-2806.
  • Wamain Y., Corveleyn X., Ott L. & Coello Y. (2019). Does the motor system contribute to the perception of changes in objects visual attributes? The neural dynamics of sensory binding by action. Neuropsychologia, 132:107-121.
  • Wamain Y., Sahaï A., Décroix J. Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2018). Conflict between gesture representations reduces µ rhythm desynchronization during manipulable object perception: an EEG study. Biological Psychology, 132, 202-211.
  • Wamain Y., Gabrielli F. & Coello Y. (2016). EEG μ rhythm in virtual reality reveals that motor coding of visual objects in peripersonal space is task dependent. Cortex, 74: 20-30.
  • Kalénine S., Wamain Y., Decroix J., Coello Y. (2016) Conflict between object structural and functional affordances in peripersonal space. Cognition, 2016, 155, pp.1-7
  • Pluciennicka, E., Wamain, Y., Coello, Y., & Kalénine, S. (2016). Impact of action primes on implicit processing of thematic and functional similarity relations: Evidence from eye-tracking. Psychological Research,80(4), 566-80.
  • Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E. & Kalénine S. (2015). A saw is first identified as an object used on wood: ERP Evidence for temporal differences between Thematic and Functional similarity relations. Neuropsychologia, 71: 28-37.
  • Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E. & Kalénine S. (2014). Temporal Dynamics of action perception recorded by EEG : Difference between object-related and non-object related action? Neuropsychologia, 63: 249-258.
  • Wamain Y., Tallet J., Zanone P.G., Longcamp M. (2012). How moving impacts the visual processing of handwritten letters: an EEG investigation of the temporal dynamics of motor-perceptual interactions. Neuroimage, 63(3): 1766-73.
  • Wamain Y., Tallet J., Zanone P.G., Longcamp M. (2011). ‘‘Biological Geometry Perception’’: Visual Discrimination of Eccentricity Is Related to Individual Motor Preferences. PLoS ONE, 6(1): e15995
  • Danna J., Wamain Y., Kostrubiec V., Tallet J., & Zanone P.G. (2010). Vers une prise en compte de la contrainte liée à l’effecteur dans la dynamique de coordination graphomotrice. Psychologie Française, 55(2): 171-180.
  • Roux F. E., Dufor O., Giussani C., Wamain Y., Draper L., Longcamp M., Démonet J. F. (2009). The graphemic/motor frontal area (GMFA): Exner's area revisited. Annals of Neurology, 66(4): 537-545.


Chapitre d'Ouvrage

  • Longcamp M., & Wamain Y. (2013). Corrélats cérébraux de l'écriture. In J.-M. Albaret, M.-L. Kaiser & R. Soppelsa (Eds.), Troubles de l'écriture chez l'enfant : des modèles à l'intervention. Marseille: Solal.
  • Wamain, Y. (2019). " The Role of Handwriting in Reading: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Evidence of Motor Involvement in Letter Recognition". In Spelling and Writing Words. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi:

Communications Scientifiques

  • Wamain Y., Haddad L., Kalénine S. (2023). Evocation of multiple affordance during object selection in a scene: Bahavioral and neurophysiological evidence. Seeing and Acting Workshop (SAW), 22-23 Septembre 2023, Coimbra, Communication affichée
  • Wamain Y., Longcamp M., Ott L., Danna J. (2023). Does typing-related motor experience influence the retrieval of orthographic information? Effect of letter configuration in an anagram solution task. ESCoP, 6-9 Septembre 2023, Porto, Communication affichée.
  • Haddad L., Kalénine S. & Wamain Y. (2023). Impact of affordance similarity and thematic relations on Mu rhythm desynchronization during perception of 3D object pairs. ESCoP, 6-9 Septembre 2023, Porto, Communication affichée.
  • Haddad L., Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2022). The impact of object category and manipulability on compatibility effect. HECo, 27-28 Octobre, Montpellier. Communication orale.
  • Haddad L., Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2022). The impact of object category and manipulability on compatibility effect. ESCOP, 29 Août-1er Septembre, Lille. Communication orale.
  • Godard M., Delepoulle S. & Kalénine S. Wamain Y. (2021). Does verbal context modulate electrophysiological correlates of affordance competition during object perception? ESCAN, 24-26 Juin, Budapest. Communication affichée.
  • Godard M., Wamain Y., Delepoulle S. & Kalénine S. (2019). Predicting object visual processing from motor affordance sensitivity and conflict monitoring abilities: a developmental study. ICPS, 7-9 Mars, Paris. Communication affichée.
  • Lenoble Q., Szaffarczyk S., Wamain Y. (2018). Categorization task with blurred pictures: an ERP study. ECVP, 26-30 Août, Trieste. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Sahaï A., Décroix J. Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2017). When visual objects evoke multipke gestures: Impact of conflict between affordances on µ rhythm desynchronization. ESCOP, 3-7 Septembre, Postdam. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Sahaï A., Décroix J. Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2017). Neurophysiological correlates of conflict between gesture representations during object perception. ECVP, 27-31 Août, Berlin. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y. & Delevoye-Turrell Y. (2015). Bouge ton corps et je te dirai comment tu te sens: Lecture de l'état émotionnel à travers la cinématique du corps. 16ème ACAPS, October 26-28, Nantes, France. Communication affichée.
  • Sahai A., Decroix J., Wamain Y., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2015). Space influences evocation of structural and functional object-related gesture. ICSC 2015, September 7-11, Rome, Italy. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2015). The power of handwriting: Eye-tracking evidence that letter identification is sensitive to our own motor experience. Writing Word(s) Workshop, July 2-3, Poitiers, France. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Bruno-Gallo K., Delevoye-Turrell Y. (2015). Move your body and I will tell you how you feel: Reading emotional state through body kinematics. FEPSAC 2015, July 14-19, Bern, Switzerland. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2015). Temporal Dynamics of action perception recorded by EEG: Difference between object-related and non-object related action? Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, May 28, Brussels, Belgium. Communication orale.
  • Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2015). My “a” is better than yours: Eye-tracking evidence that our own motor experience impacts letter identification. Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 7-10, Rovereto, Italy. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E. & Kalénine S. (2014). Neurophysiological Correlates of Thematic and Functional Knowledge Activation during Object Conceptual Processing. 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, July 23-26, Québec City. Communication orale.
  • Pluciennicka E., Wamain, Y., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2014). Impact of action context on processing of thematic, specific function, and general function relations between objects: a combined priming and eye-tracking study. Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 8-11, Rovereto, Italy. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E., Coello Y. & Kalénine S. (2013). Perception d’Actions Dirigées vers les Objets vs. Actions non-Dirigées vers les Objets: Etude en EEG. 55ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie. September 11-13, Lyon. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E., Coello Y. & Kalénine S. (2013). Temporal Dynamics of Object- and Non-Object-Directed Actions Processing : an EEG study. Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 23-26, Rovereto, Italy. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Tallet J., Zanone P.G. & Longcamp M. (2011). Dynamics of the interaction between the motor cortex activation and visual processing of handwritten letters : An ERP study in a dual-task condition. 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, 28 Août-1er Septembre, Toulouse. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Tallet J., Zanone P.G. & Longcamp M. (2011). The level of activity over the motor cortex impacts visual processing of handwritten letters. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization on Human Brain Mapping, June 26-30, Quebec City. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Tallet J., Zanone P.G. & Longcamp M. (2010). Le niveau d’activation du cortex moteur a-t-il une influence sur la perception visuelle de lettres manuscrites ? Journée Jeunes IFR96, 29 Novembre, Toulouse. Communication orale.
  • Wamain Y., Longcamp M., Tallet J., Zanone P. G. (2010). Visual discrimination of static ellipses depends on the state of the motor neural networks : Evidence for motor-perceptual interactions. International Summer School on Multimodal Approaches in Neuroscience, July 19-21, Leipzig, Germany. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Longcamp M., Tallet J., Zanone P. G., Kostrubiec V. (2009). Lateralized motor interference on graphic shapes discrimination. 13ème Congrès International de l’ACAPS, 28-30 Octobre, Lyon. Communication affichée.
  • Wamain Y., Kostrubiec V., Longcamp M., Tallet J., Zanone P. G. (2009). Does graphic shapes perception mirror handwriting patterns production ? 14th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (14th IGS), September 13-16, Dijon. Communication orale.
  • Danna J., Wamain Y., Kostrubiec V., Tallet J., & Zanone P.G. (2009). Ce qui est mal perçu peut être bien écrit. Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie 2009, Toulouse, France, 17-19 Juin. Communication orale.
  • Wamain Y., Kostrubiec V., Longcamp M., Tallet J., Zanone P. G. (2008). Matching dynamic landscapes between handwriting patterns production and graphic shapes perception. 2nd International Congress of Complex Systems in Sport (2nd ICCSS) and 10th European Workshop of Ecological Psychology (10th EWEP), Madeira, France, November. Communication orale.