Yann Coello
I am Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology at the University of Lille-SHS. I obtained a PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Grenoble (Motor adaptation to gravito-inertial forces) and then joined the David Lee's Lab at the University of Edinburgh to work on the relation between perception and action during a 1.5 years post-doc. I was hired as Assistant-Professor at the University of Lille in 1994, where I became Full Professor in 2002 after having obtained the HDR (Space perception in the control of voluntary motor actions). I developed then a research group on the relation between Perception, Action and Cognition and became director of the Cognitive and Affective Sciences Lab in 2009, which is a CNRS research Lab (SCALab) since 2015. I am particularly interested in how motor representations shape objects and space perception as well as conceptual knowledge in individual and social contexts, using experimental and neuroimaging methods in both standard and pathological populations. I also coordinate the European Master on Neuro-cognitive processes and affective sciences in collaboration with the Universities of Minho (Portugal) and Naples (Italy). Both the research and training programs benefit from the innovative technological platform Equipex-IrDIVE that I coordinate on the Plaine Images site at Tourcoing.

Coello, Y., Fischer, M.H. (2016). Foundations of embodied cognition (Vol. 1-2). Hove: Psychology Press.
2008: Wertheimer Award of the Lille Scientific Society
2009-2013-2017: National award for scientific excellence
2018: Knight of the order of academic palms
2022: Dagnan -Bouveret award form the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
Recent invited conference
2015. The motor encoding of peripersonal space and its role in social interactions, 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy.
2016. Towards an embodied approach to social cognition. 15th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, Paris, France.
2016. Acting and perceiving in social contexts. 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japon.
2017. Object, action and space in social contexts. 4th Conference of the Indian Association for Cognitive Science, Hyderabad, India. (Keynote)
2017. The social dimension of peripersonal space. International Workshop on Motor Perspectives on Action and Interaction, Potsdam, Germany (Keynote)
2018. Object and space perception in social contexts. 16th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, Padua, Italy. (Keynote)
2022. The social dimension of the peripersonal space. 9th International Meeting of the Integrated Brain and Behavior Research Center, Haifa, Israel.
2022. The language of embodied spatial representations. Conference of Embodied & Situated Language Processing, Lille, France (Keynote)