Sébastien Anthérieu
- 2024
Lenski, M.; Zarcone, G.; Maallem, S.; Garçon, G.; Lo-Guidice, J.-M.; Allorge, D.; Anthérieu, S. Metabolomics Provides Novel Insights into the Potential Toxicity Associated with Heated Tobacco Products, Electronic Cigarettes, and Tobacco Cigarettes on Human Bronchial Epithelial BEAS-2B Cells. Toxics 2024, 12, 128.
Lucas A, Noyce AJ, Gernez E, El Khoury JM, Garcon G, Cavalier E, Antherieu S, Grzych G. Nitrous oxide abuse direct measurement for diagnosis and follow-up: update on kinetics and impact on metabolic pathways. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2024 Feb 21.
Djouina M, Ollivier A, Waxin C, Kervoaze G, Pichavant M, Caboche S, Achour D, Grare C, Beury D, Hot D, Anthérieu S, Lo-Guidice JM, Dubuquoy L, Launay D, Vignal C, Gosset P, Body-Malapel M. Chronic Exposure to Both Electronic and Conventional Cigarettes Alters Ileum and Colon Turnover, Immune Function, and Barrier Integrity in Mice. J Xenobiot. 2024 Jul 22;14(3):950-969.
Potier N, Touzé B, Lo-Guidice JM, Anthérieu S, Grzych G. L’intoxication au protoxyde d’azote : un nouveau défi pour la biologie médicale. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires n° 566, Novembre 2024.
- 2023
Zarcone, G.; Lenski, M.; Martinez, T.; Talahari, S.; Simonin, O.; Garçon, G.; Allorge, D.; Nesslany, F.; Lo-Guidice, J.-M.; Platel, A.; Anthérieu S. Impact of Electronic Cigarettes, Heated Tobacco Products and Conventional Cigarettes on the Generation of Oxidative Stress and Genetic and Epigenetic Lesions in Human Bronchial Epithelial BEAS-2B Cells. Toxics 2023, 11, 847.
Barbier E, Carpentier J, Simonin O, Gosset P, Platel A, Happillon M, Alleman LY, Perdrix E, Riffault V, Chassat T, Lo Guidice JM, Anthérieu S, Garçon G. Oxidative stress and inflammation induced by air pollution-derived PM2.5 persist in the lungs of mice after cessation of their sub-chronic exposure. Environ Int. 2023 Oct 12;181:108248.
Lenski M, Maallem S, Zarcone G, Garçon G, Lo-Guidice JM, Anthérieu S, Allorge D. Prediction of a Large-Scale Database of Collision Cross-Section and Retention Time Using Machine Learning to Reduce False Positive Annotations in Untargeted Metabolomics. Metabolites. 2023. 13(2):282.
- 2022
Quenon C, Hennebelle T, Butaud JF, Ho R, Samaillie J, Neut C, Lehartel T, Rivière C, Siah A, Bonneau N, Sahpaz S, Anthérieu S, Lebegue N, Raharivelomanana P, Roumy V. Antimicrobial Properties of Compounds Isolated from Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. and L.M. Perry and Medicinal Plants Used in French Polynesia. Life, 2022 14;12(5):733.
Platel, A., Dusautoir, R., Kervoaze, G., Dourdin, G., Gateau, E., Talahari, S., Huot, L., Simar, S., Ollivier, A., Laine, W., Kluza, J., Gosset, P., Garçon, G., Anthérieu, S., Guidice, J.-M., Nesslany, F. Comparison of the in vivo genotoxicity of electronic and conventional cigarettes aerosols after subacute, subchronic and chronic exposures. J Hazard Mater, 2022. 423, 127246.
- 2021
Boudjema J., Lima B., Grare C., Alleman L.Y., Rousset D., Perdrix E., Achour D., Anthérieu S., Platel A., Nesslnay F., Leroyer A., Nisse C., Lo-Guidice J.-M., Garçon G. Metal enriched quasi-ultrafine particles from stainless steel gas metal arc welding induced genetic and epigenetic alterations in BEAS-2B cells. NanoImpact, 2021. 23, 100346.
Dusautoir R, Zarcone G, Verriele M, Garçon G, Fronval I, Beauval N, Allorge D, Riffault V, Locoge N, Lo-Guidice JM, Anthérieu S. Comparison of the chemical composition of aerosols from heated tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes and their toxic impacts on the human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells. J Hazard Mater. 2021. 401:123417.
- 2020
Sotty J, Kluza J, De Sousa C, Tardivel M, Anthérieu S, Alleman LY, Canivet L, Perdrix E, Loyens A, Marchetti P, Lo Guidice JM, Garçon G. Mitochondrial alterations triggered by repeated exposure to fine (PM2.5-0.18) and quasi-ultrafine (PM0.18) fractions of ambient particulate matter. Environ Int. 2020. 142:105830.
Platel A, Privat K, Talahari S, Delobel A, Dourdin G, Gateau E, Simar S, Saleh Y, Sotty J, Antherieu S, Canivet L, Alleman LY, Perdrix E, Garçon G, Denayer FO, Lo Guidice JM, Nesslany F. Study of in vitro and in vivo genotoxic effects of air pollution fine (PM2.5-0.18) and quasi-ultrafine (PM0.18) particles on lung models. Sci Total Environ, 2020. 711:134666.
Roumy V, Ruiz L, Ruiz Macedo JC, Gutierrez-Choquevilca AL, Samaillie J, Encinas LA, Mesia WR, Ricopa Cotrina HE, Rivière C, Sahpaz S, Bordage S, Garçon G, Dubuisson J, Anthérieu S, Seron K, Hennebelle T. J Ethnopharmacol. Viral hepatitis in the Peruvian Amazon: Ethnomedical context and phytomedical resource. J Ethnopharmacol, 2020. 255:112735.
Roumy V, Ruiz Macedo JC, Bonneau N, Samaillie J, Azaroual N, Encinas LA, Rivière C, Hennebelle T, Sahpaz S, Antherieu S, Pinçon C, Neut C, Siah A, Gutierrez-Choquevilca AL, Ruiz L. Plant therapy in the Peruvian Amazon (Loreto) in case of infectious diseases and its antimicrobial evaluation. J Ethnopharmacol, 2020. 249:112411.
- 2019
Saleh Y, Antherieu S, Dusautoir R, Y Alleman L, Sotty J, De Sousa C, Platel A, Perdrix E, Riffault V, Fronval I, Nesslany F, Canivet L, Garçon G, Lo-Guidice JM. Exposure to Atmospheric Ultrafine Particles Induces Severe Lung Inflammatory Response and Tissue Remodeling in Mice. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019. 4;16(7).
- 2018
Beauval N, Verrièle M, Garat A, Fronval I, Dusautoir R, Anthérieu S, Garçon G, Lo-Guidice JM, Allorge D, Locoge N. Influence of puffing conditions on the carbonyl composition of e-cigarette aerosols. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2018. 222(1):136-146.
Leclercq B, Kluza J, Anthérieu S, Sotty J, Alleman LY, Loyens A, Coddeville P, Lo-Guidice JM, Marchetti P, Garçon G. Air pollution-derived PM2.5 impairs mitochondrial function in healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased human bronchial epithelial cells. Environ Pollut, 2018. 243(Pt B):1434-1449.
- 2017
Leclercq B, Platel A, Anthérieu S, Alleman LY, Hardy EM, Perdrix E, Grova N, Riffault V, Appenzeller BM, Happillon M, Nesslany F, Coddeville P, Lo-Guidice JM, Garçon G. Genetic and epigenetic alterations in normal and sensitive COPD-diseased human bronchial epithelial cells repeatedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM2.5. Environ Pollut, 2017. 230:163-177.
Beauval N, Anthérieu S, Soyez M, Gengler N, Grova N, Howsam M, Hardy E, Fischer M, Appenzeller B, Goossens JF, Allorge D, Garçon G, Lo-Guidice JM, Garat A. Chemical Evaluation of Electronic Cigarettes: Multicomponent Analysis of Liquid Refills and their Corresponding Aerosols. J Anal Toxicol, 2017. 41(8):670-678.
Anthérieu S, Garat A, Beauval N, Soyez M, Allorge D, Garçon G, Lo-Guidice JM. Comparison of cellular and transcriptomic effects between electronic cigarette vapor and cigarette smoke in human bronchial epithelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro, 2017. 45:417-425.
Sison-Young RL, Lauschke VM, Johann E, Alexandre E, Anthérieu S, Aerts H, Gerets HH, Labbe G, Hoët D, Dorau M, Schofield CA, Lovatt CA, Holder JC, Stahl SH, Richert L, Kitteringham NR, Jones RP, Elmasry M, Weaver RJ, Hewitt PG, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Goldring CE, Park BK. A multicenter assessment of single-cell models aligned to standard measures of cell health for prediction of acute hepatotoxicity. Arch Toxicol, 2017. 91(3):1385-1400.
- 2016
Leclercq B, Happillon M, Anthérieu S, Hardy EM, Alleman LY, Grova N, Perdrix E, Appenzeller BM, Lo Guidice JM, Coddeville P, Garçon G. Differential responses of healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased human bronchial epithelial cells repeatedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM4. Environ Pollut, 2016. 218:1074-1088.
Beauval N, Howsam M, Anthérieu S, Allorge D, Soyez M, Garçon G, Goossens JF, Lo-Guidice JM, Garat A. Trace elements in e-liquids - Development and validation of an ICP-MS method for the analysis of electronic cigarette refills. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2016. 79:144-8.
- 2014
Bachour-El Azzi P, Sharanek A, Abdel-Razzak Z, Anthérieu S, Al-Attrache H, Savary CC, Lepage S, Morel I, Labbe G, Guguen-Guillouzo C, Guillouzo A. Impact of inflammation on chlorpromazine-induced cytotoxicity and cholestatic features in HepaRG cells. Drug Metab Dispos, 2014. 42(9):1556-66.
Rogue A*, Anthérieu S*, Vluggens A, Umbdenstock T, Claude N, de la Moureyre-Spire C, Weaver RJ, Guillouzo A. PPAR agonists reduce steatosis in oleic acid-overloaded HepaRG cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2014. 276(1):73-81. *co-premiers auteurs
Anthérieu S, Le Guillou D, Coulouarn C, Begriche K, Trak-Smayra V, Martinais S, Porceddu M, Robin MA, Fromenty B. Chronic exposure to low doses of pharmaceuticals disturbs the hepatic expression of circadian genes in lean and obese mice. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2014. 276(1):63-72.
- 2013
Anthérieu S, Bachour-El Azzi P, Dumont J, Abdel-Razzak Z, Guguen-Guillouzo C, Fromenty B, Robin MA, Guillouzo A. Oxidative stress plays a major role in chlorpromazine-induced cholestasis in human HepaRG cells. Hepatology, 2013. 57(4):1518-29.
- 2012
Anthérieu S, Chesné C, Li R, Guguen-Guillouzo C, Guillouzo A. Optimization of the HepaRG cell model for drug metabolism and toxicity studies. Toxicol In Vitro, 2012. 26(8):1278-85. Review.
- 2011
Rogue A, Lambert C, Jossé R, Anthérieu S, Spire C, Claude N, Guillouzo A. Comparative gene expression profiles induced by PPARγ and PPARα/γ agonists in human hepatocytes. PLoS One, 2011. 6(4):e18816.
Anthérieu S, Rogue A, Fromenty B, Guillouzo A, Robin MA. Induction of vesicular steatosis by amiodarone and tetracycline is associated with up-regulation of lipogenic genes in HepaRG cells. Hepatology, 2011. 53(6):1895-905.
- 2010
Dumont J, Jossé R, Lambert C, Anthérieu S, Laurent V, Loyer P, Robin MA, Guillouzo A. Preferential induction of the AhR gene battery in HepaRG cells after a single or repeated exposure to heterocyclic aromatic amines. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2010. 249(1):91-100. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2010. 245(2):256-63.
Dumont J, Jossé R, Lambert C, Anthérieu S, Le Hegarat L, Aninat C, Robin MA, Guguen-Guillouzo C, Guillouzo A. Differential toxicity of heterocyclic aromatic amines and their mixture in metabolically competent HepaRG cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2010. 245(2):256-63.
Anthérieu S, Chesné C, Li R, Camus S, Lahoz A, Picazo L, Turpeinen M, Tolonen A, Uusitalo J, Guguen-Guillouzo C, Guillouzo A. Stable expression, activity, and inducibility of cytochromes P450 in differentiated HepaRG cells. Drug Metab Dispos, 2010. 38(3):516-25.
- 2007
Anthérieu S, Ledirac N, Luzy AP, Lenormand P, Caron JC, Rahmani R. Endosulfan decreases cell growth and apoptosis in human HaCaT keratinocytes: partial ROS-dependent ERK1/2 mechanism. J Cell Physiol, 2007. 213(1):177-86.
- 2005
Ledirac N*, Anthérieu S*, d'Uby AD, Caron JC, Rahmani R. Effects of organochlorine insecticides on MAP kinase pathways in human HaCaT keratinocytes: key role of reactive oxygen species. Toxicol Sci, 2005. 86(2):444-52. *co-premiers auteurs