Regis Bordet
R. Bordet est Docteur en Médecine, neurologue et pharmacologue clinicien. Il a obtenu une thèse d’Université de Pharmacologie expérimentale en 1999. Il est Professeur de Pharmacologie médicale à l’Université de Lille et praticien hospitalier au CHU de Lille. R. Bordet est impliqué à la fois dans des activités scientifiques et de management de la recherche, comme vice-président chargé de la recherche et maintenant comme directeur de l’I-Site lillois. Sa recherche est orientée vers la neuropsychopharmacologie expérimentale et clinique, tant dans le champ des maladies neurologiques que mentales, avec un accent mis sur le développement translationnel d’approches symptomatiques et curatives (disease-modifiers).
Régis Bordet is doctor of medicine, neurologist and clinical pharmacologist. He obtained a PhD in experimental pharmacology in 1999. He is Professor of medical pharmacology at the University of Lille and hospital practioner at the Lille University Hospital. R. Bordet is involved in both scientific and management activities. R Bordet is the head of a research unit dedicated to ‘Degenerative & vascular cognitive disorders’ in the Lille Neuroscience & Cognition (Lille University, INSERM, Lille University Hospital). As expert in the field of neuropsychopharmacology, he has an international visibility on studies of symptomatic and disease-modifying drugs in different brain diseases with cognitive consequences (stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease). He is recognized in the development of biomarkers to assess the effect of drug on cognition during their development. He is the principal investigator in several cohort studies (about 1500 patients, 35 000 blood samples, 1200 imaging) and of clinical trials (on going trials : pharmacog-study2 and study3 ; CEOPS study ; THN201 study). He developed an experimental and clinical facility (associating cognitive and behavior assessment, EEG, imaging, biobanking) to explore cognition in animal, healthy volunteers and patients. He was medical and scientific head of IMI Pharmacog project (2010-2016).