Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture

Lenglart, L., Coello, Y., & Sampaio, A. (In prep). An fMRI Investigation of Ownership and Space in Object Processing.

Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (In Revision). Object ownership processing in periper sonal space: An EEG study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, C. (2024). The role of object ownership on online inhibition in peripersonal space. Psychophysiology, 61(11), e14659.

Lenglart, L., Cartaud, A., Quesque, F., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2022). Objects coding in peripersonal space depends on object ownership. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(8), 1925-1939.




Lenglart, L., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2024, November). How Object Ownership Influences Neural Pro cessing Across (Virtual) Spaces. Information and Knowledge Society (IKS) Days, Lille, France.


Coello, Y., Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A. (2024, Juillet). Ownership shapes objects processing in peripersonal space: behavioral and neuroimaging evidences. 33rd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Pragues, Czech Republic. 


Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2024, Juin). Self-advantage in the processing of objects in peripersonal space. 18th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC), Naples, Italy. 


Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A. & Coello, Y. (2023, Septembre). Perspectives on the Priority of Self-Relevant Cues in Object Processing for Goal-Directed Action. Lab Meeting, Braga, Portugal. 


Lenglart, L., F., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2022, Décembre). Peripersonal space and ownership : the bidirectional influence between the social properties of objects and space representation. Journée Scientifique des Jeunes Chercheurs en psychologie (JSJC), Lille, France. 



Lenglart, L., Coello, Y., Sampaio, A. (2025, January). BOLD imaging reflects ownership-dependent process ing of objects in space. GDR Vision Forum 2025, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.


Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2024, Septembre). Motivationnal relevance in Object Processing: The Impact of Space and Ownership on ERPs. Annual Meeting of the Société de Psychologie et de Neurosciences cognitives (SPNC), Lille, France. 


Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2024, Mai). Object ownership processing in peripersonal space. 7th bi-annual meeting of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), Ghent, Belgium. 


Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2023, Septembre). The interaction of object ownership and peripersonal space in inhibition control. 1rst Seing and Acting Workshop (SAW), Coimbra, Portugal. 


Lenglart, L., Roger, C., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2023, Juin). Object ownership interacts with peripersonal space in executive inhibition. 17th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC), Cambridge, Royaume-Uni. 


Lenglart, L., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2022, Octobre). How do space representation and object ownership interacts in object processing? IKS days, Lille, France. 


Lenglart, L., Cartaud, A., Quesque, F., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2022, Septembre). Objects coding in peripersonal space depends on object ownership. 22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Lille, France. 


Lenglart, L., Cartaud, A., Quesque, F., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2022, Juin). Peripersonal space representation and object’s coding are influenced by objects ownership. International meeting of the Integrated Brain and Behavior Research Center (IBBRC), Haïfa, Israël.