Lucas De Zorzi
Article dans une revue scientifique
Di Lodovico, Laura
Hamelin, Héloise
De Zorzi, Lucas
Tezenas du Montcel, Chloe
Schéle, Erik
Stoltenborg, Iris
Adan, Roger
Dickson, Suzanne
Gorwood, Philip
Tolle, Virginie
Viltart, Odile
What influences food choices in anorexia nervosa? Disentangling cognitive and emotional components of decision-making by translational research
Neuroscience Applied, Elsevier BV, 2024 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nsa.2024.104080
Ranfaing, S.
De Zorzi, Lucas
Ruyffelaere, Rémi
Honore, Jacques
Critchley, H.
Sequeira, Henrique
The impact of attention bias modification training on behavioural and physiological responses
Biological Psychology, 2024 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2024.108753
Kluwe-Schiavon, Bruno
De Zorzi, Lucas
Meireles, Joana
Leite, Jorge
Sequeira, Henrique
Carvalho, Sandra
The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal: The role of personality traits and emotion regulation strategies.
PLoS ONE, 2022 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269496
De Zorzi, Lucas
Ranfaing, Stephane
Roux, Charlotte
Honore, Jacques
Sequeira, Henrique
Impact of visual eccentricity on emotional reactivity: implications for anxious and depressive symptomatology
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, Elsevier BV, 2022 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100304
Ranfaing, Stephane
De Zorzi, Lucas
Honore, Jacques
Critchley, Hugo
Sequeira, Henrique
Attention orientation to pleasantness and depressive symptomatology predict autonomic reactivity
Cognition and Emotion, Informa UK Limited, 2021 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2021.1929852
De Zorzi, Lucas
Ranfaing, Stephane
Honore, Jacques
Sequeira, Henrique
Autonomic reactivity to emotion: A marker of sub‐clinical anxiety and depression symptoms?
Psychophysiology, Wiley, 2021 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13774
De Zorzi, Lucas
Robin, Marie-Sophie
Honore, Jacques
Bubrovszky, Maxime
Vaiva, Guillaume
Sequeira, Henrique
Depression restricts visual capture and promotes the perception of negative information
Biological Psychology, Elsevier BV, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2020.107923
Kosonogov, Vladimir
De Zorzi, Lucas
Honore, Jacques
Martínez-Velázquez, Eduardo S.
Nandrino, Jean-Louis
Martinez-Selva, José M.
Sequeira, Henrique
Facial thermal variations: A new marker of emotional arousal
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0183592
Martínez-Velázquez, Eduardo S.
Honore, Jacques
De Zorzi, Lucas
Ramos-Loyo, Julieta
Sequeira, Henrique
Autonomic Reactivity to Arousing Stimuli with Social and Non-social Relevance in Alexithymia
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media SA, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00361
Martínez-Velázquez, Eduardo S.
Honore, Jacques
De Zorzi, Lucas
Ramos-Loyo, Julieta
Sequeira, Henrique
Autonomic Reactivity to Arousing Stimuli with Social and Non-social Relevance in Alexithymia
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media SA, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00361
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
Lagacy, Alice
De Zorzi, Lucas
Leroy, Mathilde
Ranfaing, Stephane
Sequeira, Henrique
Attentional bias modification training impacts autonomic activity: implications for emotional regulation ?
Emotional Brain and Pathology II, 2024, Lille,
Lagacy, Alice
De Zorzi, Lucas
Leroy, Mathilde
Ranfaing, Stephane
Sequeira, Henrique
Modification of attentional biases towards emotional information : effects on behavior and respiration
7th meeting of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2024, Ghent (BE),
Lagacy, Alice
De Zorzi, Lucas
Leroy, Mathilde
Ranfaing, Stephane
Sequeira, Henrique
Modification of attentional biases towards emotional information: behavioral and autonomic approaches
21st World Congress of Psychophysiology, 2023, Geneva, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.05.304
Sequeira, Henrique
Ranfaing, Stephane
Martinez-Velazquez, E.S.
De Zorzi, Lucas
Autonomic reactivity to emotion: implications for affective disorders
12th Congress of the International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience, 2022, Cairns,
Ranfaing, Stephane
De Zorzi, Lucas
Honore, Jacques
Ruyffelaere, R.
Critchley, H.
Sequeira, Henrique
Autonomic repercussions of an attentional modification procedure: implications for anxiety and depression.
22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), 2022, Lille,
Martinez-Velazquez, E.S.
De Zorzi, Lucas
Honore, Jacques
Sequeira, Henrique
Cognitive vs. Affective Alexithymia: An Autonomic based differentiation.
22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), 2022, Lille,
De Zorzi, Lucas
Guntekin, Bahar
Yener, G.
Sequeira, Henrique
Impaired recognition of emotional facial expressions in dementia: Evidence from temporo-spatial PCA applied to ERPs
In “Linear and Non-Linear Analysis of EEG in Dementia. Implications for Emotion and Cognition Studies”, Virtual Meeting, 2021, Virtual Conference,
De Zorzi, Lucas
Robin, M-S
Honore, Jacques
Sequeira, Henrique
Emotional coding in Major Depresive Disorder: An EEG-ERP approach.
21th Annual Meeting of the SPNC (Société de Psychophysiologie et de Neurosciences Cognitives), 2018, France,
De Zorzi, Lucas
Honore, Jacques
Robin, M.S
Sequeira, Henrique
Favored unpleasantness perception in depressed patients: A multilevel study
4th international conference of the European Society of Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), 2018, Leiden,
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Oral communications
De Zorzi, L. & Sequeira, H. (2021). Visual Position Impacts the Emotional Responses in Depression. 20th World Congress of Psychophysiology, online, September 7-11, 2021.
De Zorzi, L., Güntekin, B., Yener, G. & Sequeira, H. (2021). Impaired recognition of emotional facial expressions in dementia. 20th World Congress of Psychophysiology, online, September 7-11, 2021.
Sequeira, H., De Zorzi, L., Ranfaing, S. (2020). Emotional Capture differs in Anxiety and Depression: Implications for neuro-affective regulation. International Society for Neuroregulation and Research, 28th Annual Conference (Virtual Meeting), July 31-August 2, 2020.
Sequeira, H., De Zorzi, L., D’Hondt, F., Lepore, F., Honoré, J. (2018). Emotional vision and anxiety: Behavioural and MEG Data. 19 th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Lucca (Italie), September 4-8, 2018. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Vol. 131S, p. S30. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.07.008.
De Zorzi, L. & Sequeira, H. (2016). Facial Imaging measuring emotions. Parallel thematic Workshop sessions, 18th EURON research & student days, Université de Lille (France), October 13-14.
De Zorzi, L., Robin, M-S., Honoré, J. & Sequeira H. (2018). Emotional coding in Major Depressive Disorder: An EEG-ERP approach. 21st Annual Meeting of the SPNC (Société de Psychophysiologie et de Neurosciences Cognitives), Paris (France), November 15-16, 2018.
De Zorzi, L. & Sequeira, H. (2017). Analyse faciale des émotions en imagerie thermique à infrarouge. 3ème rencontre chercheurs-praticiens en neuropsychologie, Université de Lille (France), February 10.
Honoré, J., De Zorzi, L. & Sequeira, H. (2016). Facial thermal responses to emotional stimulation in healthy and alexithymic subjects. The New technologies at the service of neuroscience, Dementia in Neurological and Mental Diseases (DN2M), Faculté de Médecine de Lille (France), November 9.
Poster Presentations
De Zorzi, L., Ranfaing, S., Honoré, J., Sequeira, H. (2018). Reduced sympathetic activation to pleasant pictures in depression and anxiety. 19 th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Lucca (Italie), September 4-8, 2018. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Vol. 131S, p. S99. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.07.274.
De Zorzi, L., Ranfaing, S., Honoré, J., Sequeira, H. (2018). Hemispheric dominance for non-emotional information? An autonomic approach. 19 th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Lucca (Italie), September 4-8, 2018. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Vol. 131S, p. S127. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.07.343.
De Zorzi, L., Robin, M.S., Honoré, J., Sequeira, H. (2018). Depressed patients are more aroused by left presented stimuli: A multilevel study. 19 th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Lucca (Italie), September 4-8, 2018. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Vol. 131S, p. S155-156. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.07.413.
De Zorzi, L., Honoré, J., Robin, M.-S., Sequeira, H. (2018). Favoured unpleasantness perception in depressed patients: A multilevel study. 4th International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), Leiden (Netherlands), July 19-22. Book of abstracts p. 73.
Ranfaing, S., Martinez-Velazquez, E.S., Denorme, C., De Zorzi, L., Honoré, J., Sequeira, H. (2017). Autonomic reactivity in alexithymia: Respiratory responses to emotional stimuli. International Society for Autonomic Nervous System (ISAN) September 26-29, Nagoya, Japan.
Martínez-Velázquez, E. S., De Zorzi, L., Antoine, P., Nandrino, J.-L, Honoré, J. & Sequeira, H. (2016). Differential responses to emotional stimulation in alexithymic and non-alexithymic participants: An exploration study with facial thermal responses. Proceedings of the 20 th Annual Meeting of the SPNC (Société de Psychophysiologie et Neurosciences Cognitives) "Emotional Brain and Pathology", Lille (France), September 29-30, p. 44.
Martínez-Velázquez, E. S., De Zorzi, L., Denorme, C., Dolon-Vera, L., Ramos-Loyo, J., Sequeira, H. & Honoré, J. (2016). Low electrodermal reactivity to social stimuli in alexithymia. Proceedings of the 20 th Annual Meeting of the SPNC (société de Psychophysiologie et Neurosciences Cognitives) "Emotional Brain and Pathology", Lille (France), September 29-30, p. 43.
De Zorzi, L., D'Hondt, F., Leporé, F., Honoré, J. & Sequeira, H. (2016). The impact of emotional information appearing in the visual field is modulated by Generalised Anxiety Disorder: A behavioural-MEG Study. Proceedings of the 20 th Annual Meeting of the SPNC (Société de Psychophysiologie et Neurosciences Cognitives) "Emotional Brain and Pathology", Lille (France), September 29-30, p. 33.
De Zorzi, L., D'Hondt, F., Leporé, F., Honoré, J. & Sequeira, H. (2016). Generalised Anxiety Disorder modulates emotional processing in central and peripheral vision. 18 th Word Congress of Psychophysiology, Havana (Cuba), August 31 – September 4, 2016. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Vol. 108, p. 138-139. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2016.07.405.
Kosonogov, V., De Zorzi, L., Honoré, J., Martínez-Velázquez, E. S., Delbarre, L., Nandrino, J.-L., Martinez-Selva, J. M. & Sequeira, H. (2015). Facial thermal variations: a new marker of emotional arousal? First International Congress of Psychobiology;15-17 July, Oviedo, Spain. Book of abstracts p. 14.
Kosonogov, V., De Zorzi, L., Honoré, J., Martínez-Velázquez, E. S., Delbarre, L., Nandrino, J.-L., Martinez-Selva, J. M. & Sequeira, H. (2015). Facial temperature depends on the arousing content of emotional pictures. International Society for Autonomic Nervous System (ISAN), September 26-29, Stresa, Italy Published in: Autonomic Neuroscience. Vol. 192, p. 36. doi:10.1016/j.autneu.2015.07.366.
De Zorzi, L., Honoré, J., Robin, M.-S., Sequeira H. (2018). Unpleasantness of neutral information in depressed patients: Brain, autonomic and behavioural correlates. 18ème Journée André Verbert, Lille (France), September 13. Book of abstracts p. 38.