




Axes de recherche

Drinking water treatment

  • Disinfection by-product formation

  • Characterization of natural organic matter

  • Degradation of organic micropollutants (oxidation or photolysis) 


PEARL DIP project (drinking water treatment)

Karlien Dejaeger PhD project (co-tutelle UGent, Be) - i-Site ULNE - European Union's Horizon 2020


Projet NOMIC ANR JC-JC 2022-2025

NOMIC proposes new methodologies to characterize dissolved organic matter  and its behavior during treatment processes. NOM is ubiquitous in aquatic environment. While nontoxic, the organic matter largely outweighs the reactivity of micropollutants and consumes the majority of the oxidants used during drinking water treatment. These reactions produce potentially harmfull compounds in drinking waters.

Mohamad Shalak PhD project on organic matter characterization and disinfection by-product formation

Jérémy Mougin worked on the analysis of electron donating capacity of organic matter


PESTO : Réponse des filières de potabilisation à la présence de métabolites de pesticides dans les eaux des Hauts-de-France

Partenariat Public/Privé sur le devenir de la chloridazone et de ses métabolites dans l'eau de distribution - financé par le Contrat Plan Etat Région ECRIN (Environnement Climat – Recherche et Innovation)

Post-doc : Mahdi Bourassi


Collaboration ULille - KNUST (Kumasi - Ghana)

A collaborative project started in 2022 with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) from Kumasi in Ghana. The goal is a capacity bulding for water quality monitoring in Ghana especially on disinfection by-products and research on the traitability of surface water in Ghana. The project is supported by the French Embassy in Ghana and the Hauts-de-France Council. 

Isaac Osei Safo PhD project started in oct 2023 (co-supervisors Junias Adusei Gyamfi and David Azanu)


Sources, behavior and distribution of organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment

  • Passive sampling for pesticides and pharmaceuticals (POCIS)
  • Passive sampling for chlorinated solvents (PDB)
  • Application to surface- and ground- waters

Main former projects and PhD students


o   Junias Adusei Gyamfi PhD project “Characterization of natural organic matter (NOM) and its complexes formed with trace metals in drinking water treatment processes. May 28th 2020

o   Henry MacKeown PhD project “Assesment of trihalomethane andhaloacetic acid formation potential reduction by drinking water treatment processes: application on iodide and bromide impacted waters” November 21st 2019

o   Financed by: Interreg 2 seas contract No 2S01-013

o   Partnership: De Watergroep (Be), PWNT (NL), South West Waters (UK) and TUDelft (NL)


o   Lille metropolis groundwater characterization by passive samplers (chlorinated solvents, trace metals, organic micropollutants and major elements)

o   Financed by: Hauts-de-France Council

o   Partnership: MEL, BRGM, Sourceo


o   Anastasia Ivanovsky PhD project “Ouvrages d’assainissement des eaux et qualité du milieu récepteur en zone urbaine. Cas de rejets dans La Marque à Villeneuve d’Ascq

o   Financed by: Hauts-de-France Council

o   Partnership : IMT Douai, MEL, AEAP