Julie Bastianutti
Since 2019, director of the International Bachelor of Management (Licence MGI)
Since 2018, deputy director of the International Relations of the IAE Lille University School of Management
Since september 2013 : Maîtresse de conférences (Assistant then Associate professor) in Strategic Management, Université of Lille
2013 : post-doctoral research at CSO Sciences Po (Paris) and ESCP-Europe (Paris)
2012 : PhD, i3-CNRS, CRG (UMR 9217), Paris, France. PhD Supervisor : Pr Hervé Dumez (CNRS & Ecole polytechnique)
- Three-year fellowship, Ecole polytechnique (CRG)
- Teaching assistant at the IAE Sorbonne Business School, Paris.
- Visiting fellow at Merton College and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University (2009-2010).
- Visiting fellow at the SCORE, Stockholm University (2012)
2009 : Master (Research) at Ecole des Mines Paristech & Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre
2007 : Maîtrise (M.A.) in Philosophy, Université Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne University ; Maîtrise (M.A.) in Politial Science, Université Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne
2005-2009 : Fellow of the Ecole Normale Supérieure rue d'Ulm, Paris. "concours A/L" : Humanities & Social Sciences