





Current occupations

CNRS researcher

Since 2019, i'm exploring the use of porous materials for catalysis and adsorption applications at the Unit of Catalysis and Solid-State Chemistry (UCCS) within the MATCAT research team.

Board member of DivCat

The DivCat (division of catalysis) is a scientific division of the French Chemical Society (SCF). More information here.

Manager of UPCAT cluster

UPCAT is a cluster dedicated to the study of catalytic materials upscaling and shaping. More information here.

Educational background

2023 - HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches)

University of Lille

2012 - PhD in materials chemistry

University of Upper Alsace

Supervision: J. PATARIN & J. DAOU (IS2M), L. ROULEAU & N. BATS (IFPEN)

2009 - Master in chemistry and sustainable development

University of Savoie Mont-Blanc

Past research experiences

JSPS young researcher

Furukawa research group

iCeMS, Kyoto University - Japan

CNRS young researcher

UPCAT cluster / MATCAT research team

IMEC, University of Lille - France

CNRS young researcher

ING research team

IRCELYON, University of Lyon 1 - France

Huntsman R&D engineer

R&D laboratory

Huntsman Tioxide SAS, Calais - France

Saint-Gobain young researcher

LSFC research team

Saint-Gobain Research Provence, Cavaillon - France

IFPEN PhD student

Department of heterogeneous catalysis

IFP New Energies, Solaize - France

M2 intern

Wilson & Lee research group

Department of Chemistry, University of York - UK