





Administrative responsibilities

- since June 2022: member of the Departemental Council Angellier

- since June 2021: member of the Faculty Council Langues, Cultures, Sociétés (LCS)

- since 2018: member of the board of directors of the Centre de Langues CLIL, Université de Lille

- January 2018-January 2022: member of the Commission Recherche and the Conseil Académique, Université de Lille

- January 2018-February 2020: deputy director of STL

- September 2017-December 2020: member of organinsation office of HUB3, I-SITE-ULNE.

- 2018- Dec 2022: member of the Comité de Réflexion Interne, I-SITE ULNE 

- June 2016-January 2018: Vice-Chancellor for research, Université de Lille SHS

- January 2015-June 2016: coordinator of the research pole Forme et Sens at STL

- 2013-June 2016: member of the comité SHS3 of the Fund for Scientific Research FNRS (Wallonia-Brussels Federation)

- December 2012-December 2014:  coordinator of the research pole Syntaxe, Interprétation, Lexique, Acquisition at STL

- 2012-2019: member of the Faculty Council of the UFR Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères (LLCE)

- 2013-January 2018: member of the Conseil Académique, Université de Lille SHS

- December 2012-June 2016: member of the Conseil Formation et Vie Universitaire (CFVU)

- 2009-June 2016, Jan 2018-Feb 2020: member of the Conseil d’UMR 8163 Savoirs, Textes, Langages (STL)

- 2015: member of the Comité de Rédaction IDEX, Université de Lille

- 2014: member of the Conseil Recherche IDEX, Université de Lille

- 2009-12: member of the Faculty Council of the UFR Angellier

- 2006-2009: member of the Faculty Council of the UFR Langues Etrangères Appliquées

- 2009-2013: programme director, with Maarten Lemmens, of the linguistics option of the Master Etudes Anglophones

- 2006-2009, 2011-2013: coordinator, with Fabrice Antoine, of the Masters in Translation (Mention Traduction)

- 2009-2014: member of the Conseil scientifique of the CADIST d’anglais

- 2004–2009: Programme director of the Master TSM, a Masters in computer-aided translation and project management (Master Domaine: Arts, Lettres, Langues et Communication, Mention: Langues, Cultures, Interculturalité, Spécialité: Etudes des langues étrangères appliquées, Option: Traduction Spécialisée Multilingue), which I set up in September 2004 (UFR des LEA).

- 1997-1999: president of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (BKL, Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek/CBL, Cercle Belge de Linguistique)

- 1995-1997: secretary of the Linguistic Society of Belgium

Research assessment and appointment committees

From 2013 till 2016, I was a member of the Scientific Commission SHS 3 of the Fund for Scientific Research FNRS (Wallonia-Brussels Federation). I have evaluated research projects, as an external assessor, for the Research Fund Flanders (FWO) and for the Fund for Scientific Research FNRS (Wallonia Brussels Federation) and I have been a member of AERES/HCERES research assessment committees. I have been a member of appointment committees in France and abroad and I regularly review manuscripts for a variety of journals.

Editorial boards

-          since December 2013: member of the editorial board of Méthodos

-          since November 2011: member of the Comité Acquisition et Transmissions de Savoirs des Presses Universitaires du Septentrion

-          since 2005: member of the editorial board of ESP - Across Boundaries