Articles publiés

Mahé, G., Grisetto, F., Macchi, L., Javourey-Drevet, L., & Roger, C. (2024). Error-monitoring: A predictor of future reading skills? A 3 year longitudinal study in children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 66, 101350.

Guo, T., Vazeux, M., Doignon-Camus, N., Bosse, M.-L. Mahé, G., & Zagar, Z. (2022) Before Learning the Code: A Commentary on Sargiani, Ehri & Maluf. Reading Research Quarterly, 58 (1).

Cornut, C, Mahé, G, & Casalis, C (2021). L2 word recognition in French-English late bilinguals: Does modality matter? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(1), 121-136.

Cohen, M., Mahé, G., Zesiger, P., & Laganaro, M. (2021) Does learning to read affect naming skills? Insights from ERPs during letter and picture naming tasks. Neuropsychologia, 157: 107861.

Boddaert, G, Casalis, S, & Mahé, G. (2021). Photograph method fosters direct access to second-language word meaning : Direct evidence from a word-picture matching task. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(3), 407-423.

Vazeux M, Doignon-Camus N, Bosse ML, Mahé G, Guo T, & Zagar D (2020). Syllable-first rather thatn letter-first to improve phonemic awareness. Scientific Reports, 10:22130.

Mahé G, Pont C, Zesiger P, & Laganaro M (2018). The time course of print processing in developmental dyslexia: Distinct patterns of impairments in lexical decision and reading aloud. Neuropsychologia, 121, 19-27.

Cohen M, Mahé G, Laganaro M, & Zesiger P (2018) Does the relationship between rapid automatized naming and reading depend on age or on reading level? A behavioural and ERP study. Frontiers in Human Neurosciences, 12:73.

Mahé G, Zesiger P, & Laganaro, M (2015) Beyond the initial 140 ms, lexical decision and reading aloud are different tasks: An ERP study with topographic analysis. Neuroimage, 15(122), 65-72.

Mahé G, Doignon-Camus N, Dufour A, & Bonnefond A (2014) Conflict control processing in adults with developmental dyslexia: an event related potentials study. Clinical Neurophysiology 125(1), 69-76.

Mahé G, Bonnefond A, & Doignon-Camus N (2014) The time course of the syllable frequency effect in visual word recognition: evidence for both facilitatory and inhibitory effects in French. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 27(1), 171-187.

Mahé G, Bonnefond A, & Doignon-Camus N (2013) Is the impaired N170 print tuning specific to developmental dyslexia? A matched reading level study with poor readers and dyslexics. Brain & Language 127, 539-544.

Mahé G, Bonnefond A, Gavens N, Dufour A, & Doignon-Camus N (2012) Impaired visual expertise for print in french adults with dyslexia as shown by N170 tuning. Neuropsychologia 50(14): 3200-3206.