Xavier Le Pallec
As a member of the Carbon team (CRIStAL laboratory), I am interested in the human aspects of Model Driven Engineering (and sometimes of Software Engineering in general). In other words, I first consider the human before the tooling and the technicality.
I teach at the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Lille. My teaching interests include advanced Javascript programming, Model Driven Engineering, Research, design in start-up mode (User First!) and object-oriented design.
In the past, I was in charge of some of the responsibilities of the Master in Computer Science: the e-Services speciality (in remote mode) [2003-2008], the alternance programme [2009-2011], the IAGL speciality [2009-2012] and the coordination of the 5 specialities [2015-2018].
Currently, I am fortunate to be able to contribute to the life of Section #27 of the CNU as an elected member.