Olivier Lafon
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
Bayzou, Racha
Trebosc, Julien
Hung, Ivan
Gan, Zhehong
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Indirect detection of nuclei subject to large anisotropic interactions via protons using T-HMQC sequences
GERM 2021, 2021, Online,
Venel, Florian
Coffinier, Yannick
Lafon, Olivier
Volkringer, Christophe
Laurencin, Danielle
Pourpoint, Frederique
Stability of metal-organic frameworks in presence of water: new insights from 17O solid-state NMR
GERM 2021, 2021, Online,
Venel, Florian
Coffinier, Yannick
Lafon, Olivier
Volkringer, Christophe
Laurencin, Danielle
Pourpoint, Frederique
Stability of metal-organic frameworks in presence of water: new insights from 17O solid-state NMR
GERM 2021, 2021, Online,
Raval, Parth
Akhavan Kazemi, Mohammad Ali
Trebosc, Julien
Lafon, Olivier
Delevoye, Laurent
Sauvage, Frederic
Reddy, Manjunatha
Understanding long-term stability of hybrid Perovskites
6èmes journées perovskites halogénées, 2021, Online,
Rankin, Andrew G. M.
Gómez, Jennifer S.
Trebosc, Julien
Lafon, Olivier
Boron Nitride and Oxide Coated Dendritic Fibrous Nanosilica for Oxidative Dehydrogenation: Insights into the Catalytic Sites from Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference 2021, 2021, Online,
Gómez, Jennifer S.
Rankin, Andrew G. M.
Trebosc, Julien
Pourpoint, Frederique
Nagashima, Hiroki
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Comparison of Different Methods to Transfer 1H Magnetization to Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid-State NMR
Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference 2021, 2021, Online,
Duong, Nghia T.
Lee, Daniel
Mentink-Vigier, Frédéric
Lafon, Olivier
De Paëpe, Gaël
On The Use of Radio-Frequency Offsets for Improving Double Quantum Homonuclear Dipolar Recoupling of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei
Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference 2021, 2021, Online,
Nagashima, Hiroki
Trebosc, Julien
Kon, Yoshihiro
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Efficient Transfer of DNP-enhanced 1H Magnetization to Half-integer Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids at Moderate Spinning Rate
Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference 2021, 2021, Online,
Trebosc, Julien
Lafon, Olivier
Hung, Ivan
Gan, Zhehong
Gómez, Jennifer S.
Bayzou, Racha
Nagashima, Hiroki
Rankin, Andrew G. M.
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
New developments on quadrupolar nuclei
Bruker China solid-state NMR workshop, 2021, Online,
Raval, Parth
Akhavan Kazemi, Mohammad Ali
Trebosc, Julien
Lafon, Olivier
Delevoye, Laurent
Sauvage, Frédéric
Reddy, Manjunatha
Understanding Moisture Stability of Crystalline and Defect Passivated Methylammonium Lead Iode Perovskites
Atomic-level characterization of hybrid perovskites conference (HPATOM), 2021, Online,
Lafon, Olivier
An atomic description of nanomaterial surfaces using NMR
Nano-Bio Workshop, 2020, en ligne,
Gómez, Jennifer S.
Trebosc, Julien
Pourpoint, Frederique
Nagashima, Hiroki
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Probing surface of colloidal particles by transferring magnetization from protons to half-integer quadrupolar nuclei
EUSMI Annual User Meeting, 2020, Online,
Lafon, Olivier
Fast acquisition of multi-dimensional NMR spectra of solids and liquid-crystals using covariance and other methods
Current Perspectives in Covariance NMR, 2020, en ligne,
Lafon, Olivier
Dynamic nuclear polarization
VI International School for Young Scientists, 2020, Online,
Lafon, Olivier
NMR observation of quadrupolar nuclei and their neighbor in solids
Global NMR discussion meetings (8th session), 2020, en ligne,
Nagashima, Hiroki
Trebosc, Julien
Kon, Yoshihiro
Sato, Kazuhiko
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Observation of low-γ quadrupolar nuclei by surface-enhanced NMR spectroscopy
ssNMR/DNP Zoominar, 2020, En ligne,
Nagashima, Hiroki
Trebosc, Julien
Kon, Yoshihiro
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
DNP surface- and subsurface-enhanced NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei
61st Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC), 2020, Baltimore, MD,
Nagashima, Hiroki
Trebosc, Julien
Kon, Yoshihiro
Sato, Kazuhiko
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
DNP surface- and subsurface-enhanced NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei
Bruker-Riken solid-state NMR workshop 2020, 2020, Yokohama,
Lafon, Olivier
Rankin, Andrew G. M.
Gomez, Jennifer S.
Nagashima, Hiroki
Trebosc, Julien
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Characterization of surfaces and interfaces of colloidal particles using NMR
EUSMI user meeting, 2019, En ligne,
Nagashima, Hiroki
Trebosc, Julien
Kon, Yoshihiro
Sato, Kazuhiko
Lafon, Olivier
Amoureux, Jean-Paul
Speeding up DNP acquisition of half integer quadrupolar nuclei
58th Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan, 2019, Kanagawa,