Emmanuel Fricain
Research field
My field of research concerns the functional analysis and my works are mainly devoted on two themes: on one hand the complex function theory (of one variable) and on the other hand the operator theory. I am interested in the interaction between these two theories and my resarch concerns more precisely:
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces of analytic functions, and more particulary the model spaces and the de De Branges--Rovnyak spaces.
Blaschke products.
Operator theory: Sz.-Nagy--Foias functional models, strictly singular operators, composition operators, Toeplitz operators,...
Müntz spaces.
Dirichlet series and spaces of Dirichlet series.
You could find a details of my research in the frame "Research axes".
PhD Supervision
Romain Lebreton (2022–) : co-supervised with Isabelle Chalendar (Professor at Université Paris-Est).
Embedings of discret semi-groups of operators into continuous semi-groups of operators.
Rim Alhajj (2017–2021).
Toeplitz operators and composition operators on De Branges--Rovnyak spaces.
Defended at Lille on June 8, 2021.
Muath Karaki (2011–2015) : co-supervised with Javad Mashreghi (Professor at Université Laval, Québec).
Composition operators on model spaces.
Defended at Lille, January 2015. Current position: Muath Karaki is Assistant Professor at An-Najah, Nablus University (Palestine).
Alain Blandignères (2010–2013).
Carleson measures and embeddings for analytic functions spaces.
Defended at Lyon, November 2013. Current situation: Alain Blandignères is Professeur Agrégé in "classes préparatoires" (an intensive two-year post-baccalauréat course designed to prepare the best students for entry into the Grandes Ecoles).
Nicolas Chevrot (2003–2006) : co-supervised with Isabelle Chalendar.
Description of shift invariant subspaces and basis of reproducing kernels for some spaces of vector-valued analytic functions.
Defended at Lyon, December 2006. Current situation: Nicolas Chevrot is Professeur Agrégé in "classes préparatoires" at Lycée Juliette Récamier at Lyon (the "classes préparatoires" are an intensive two-year post-baccalauréat course designed to prepare the best students for entry into the Grandes Ecoles).